Anyone else not getting Riddick because Vin Diesel is in it?

[quote name='guyver2077']i think the game is awesome...just waiting for a good deal..[/quote]

Likewise. The fact that Vin Diesel is in it is just something I'll have to (somehow) ignore.
Having briefly met Vin Diesel I think he's an OK guy. He's a big video game fan and doing fans a good service by really getting involved in the franchise. His game ties in well with the movie, has great voice acting, and actually pushes the limits of the system it is on. Even EA doesn't do that.

And if you hated Fast and the FUrious, try watching 2 Fast 2 Furious and see if you can spot the common thread of why that movie was bad (hint- It's Paul Walker- he has the personality of wall paper glue).
I also hate Vin Diesal, but on a brighter note, I did see a video of him online in some breakdancing video he did as a kid. Very funny.

Anyway, I'll get this game when it's cheap, regardless of Vin's staring role in it.
vin diesel is cool as shit...i dont know what all of the hate and jealousy is about....hes never done anything to make "hate" appropriate....i can think of many other movie stars who have actually done something or have been assholes or blah blah blah to entitle them being hated...but not vin diesel
I dont hate him.....i think ppl hate him is because he is so adored by the ladies.....alot of girls like him and were in awwwww over him after Fast and Furious .......It justy could be jealousy....Im speaking the truth too....if not jealosu post y u hate him so much.
[quote name='karmapolice620']I heard great things about this game and will def. buy it at $20...I made a vow to never pay 50 again...execpt halo 2[/quote]

Same here Well, $55 for the special edition one.
I don't hate Vin Disel, I just think he's a bad actor. And for the game, I tend to avoid games based on a movie license for the most part. I might get it if it reaches clearance price, though.
The game got like a 9 out of 10 as one of the best FPS compared to halo yes it looks real good might have to pick it up also when it hits a sale price..
for real guys

no need for all the vinnie hate

hate someone who's actually done something bad.

Bad acting doesn't count.

I worked at a video store when The Fast and The Furious came out. Did I mention I live in the armpit of the universe? The unwashed, uneducated inbred morons in this area ate that movie up. As such, I was tired of hearing about it three months before it was released. No one whose opinions I'd value in other areas thought it was a good movie, or that Vin Diesel is a good actor. See XXX if you need proof.

Maybe if I was a 16 year old sheeple...
I didn't like Vin because of the stupid, stupid, STUPID movies he has a tendency to star in, but he seems like a pretty good guy in real life:

"Vin Diesel has been hailed a real-life hero by a lucky dad after the XXX star stopped to save a family from a car inferno. The action man pulled his motorcycle to the side of Hollywood's 101 freeway after a vehicle in front of him toppled over and burst into flames. Quick-thinking Diesel yanked the kids out of the backseat and then urged their dad to crawl out of the passenger door, while trying to keep the panicking driver calm. The whole family managed to escape the flaming vehicle before it was engulfed by flames."


"The Fast And The Furious muscleman Vin Diesel came to the rescue of a disabled lady who was insulted by an irate shopper in an Los Angeles supermarket. While waiting patiently at the busy checkout line of Trader Joe's market, an aggressive man started complaining about the service. A lady in line in a wheelchair asked the guy to please calm down, to which the angry man replied, "Oh, it's fine for you--you've got a place to sit. Why don't I just cut in front of you?!" Outraged, Vin went up to the man and told him if he didn't shut up, he'd need a wheelchair himself. The angry man took one look at the actor's biceps and quickly exited the store."
Sure he has done some crappy films but there is no reason to hate the guy. Anyway I don't plan on picking up riddick but only because I don't buy movie licensed games.
I'll agree that he seems like an ok guy in real life. I heard he has started a game company. But I avoid his movies like the plague.
If the game is good, I don't really think it matters that the main character is Vin Deisel. Ignoring a game you could have a lot of fun with just because the character model is a bad actor is ridiculous.
It's not about's about things like this:

"Also drawing a large crowd--but not signing autographs--was Vin Diesel, who was on hand to promote The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay at the VU Games booth. Given the darkness of the booth and the fact Diesel was wearing mirrored sunglasses, many thought he was making his appearance in character as Riddick, the light-sensitive, tough-as-nails killer first seen in Pitch Black. But it's unlikely Riddick would need the four bulky men in suits on the booth's perimeter, keeping the throng at bay. Though Diesel did not mingle with the hoi polloi at first, preferring to talk only to select press, VU Games reps insist he signed autographs later on. "From everyone's feedback, he was considered to be very friendly," said the VUG rep. "

They insisted he signed, yet no one saw him?!?!?
[quote name='6669']Did anybody even see the first Pitch Black movie?[/quote]
I saw it and thought it was completely kickass. Rented on my mom's rewards coupon from blockbuster.
[quote name='GameDude']I can't stand that guy, and I refuse to let him have my money.[/quote]

uh he doesnt get your money. they have already paid the studio off for the license of riddick, and vin might just get a small cut. they dont receive royalities dude. this concept is so lame, would you not buy FFXII if vin is doing a voice over of a character?
xxx was atrocious. he did a good job in pitch black tho. i like him just cause hes a gamer and has his own game company (or so i read somewhere). i'll def pick up riddick when it's $20.
[quote name='trustcompany1013']vin diesel is cool as shit...i dont know what all of the hate and jealousy is about....[/quote]

That's the easy, mindless fallback that everyone has whenever they are trying to defend a celebrity. "You're just jealous." Yeah, right. If I'm going to be jealous of a celebrity, there are about, oh, 100 other actors that would be in line ahead of VIN FREAKIN' DIESEL.

Terrible actor. I may pick up this game down the line since it gets strong reviews, but I'm in no hurry. I've got about 6 other FPS games I play all the time, I'm in no hurry to add another.
This game is Vin Diesel at his Vin Dieselest, which makes me not really want it. It looks awesome, though, which outweighs the Diesel factor by a factor of 10. When it gets cheap, this baby's gonna be mine.
bread's done