anyone else on the east coast being slammed by the blizzard?


I live in New York and this is the most snow I have seen in like 10 years. There's like 2 feet of snow right now and I don't think the heavy snow even hit yet :cold: I kind of like having a big blizzard in December though, right before Christmas. Had it been a bit sooner I could have missed my finals :p
Just started snowing in Boston. They've dropped the snow totals a bit because of the late start but still going to be a pain in the ass. I have to work tomorrow and if I don't show up because of the blizzard I have to use a vacation day + the gym is closed. One more reason for me to go to grad school far away where it is warm.
Got hit hard by it last night - it hasn't been snowing hard since then, but there's still an ungodly amount of snow outside. Thank God we stocked up on food and stuff beforehand.
I got hit hard by the snow late Friday night and mostly Saturday. There's around 18 to 20+ inches where I live. I wasn't under a Blizzard warning until late yesterday morning. It sucks because my car is buried under snow and I don't have a shovel to get it out. (I didn't expect snow so soon). :whistle2:(

I gotta find a way to get my car out since I'll have to go to work on Monday.

I have been inside all day, just playing games and watching movies.
Yeah this sucks, but hooray! Snow! Right now snow is being shoveled as we speak at my complex.
I just hope it doesn't snow tomorrow, cause I gotta hand something in.
Yeah, here in Va, we have about 2 feet of snow on the ground with a nice thin layer of ice on top of that thanks to the sleet that came in at about 2 a.m. this morning. My SUV is completely buried and I can barely see my rear taillight poking out. The worst part is that I live on a mile and a half drive way that is supposed to be plowed by a company (which the homeowners association financial dues cover), yet no one has even began to touch our road. Looks like I'll be snowed in till spring at this rate. Good thing I have tons of new games from the ridiculous number of sales that have occurred this year.
Yes, I'm buried.

I've lived in DC for 7 years after moving from Boston, and this is far and away the most snowfall I've seen since I've been here. It's quite lovely today now that it's stopped, so I'm going to enjoy it before it all turns to gray mush.
[quote name='Acidbath42024']Yeah, here in Va, we have about 2 feet of snow on the ground with a nice thin layer of ice on top of that thanks to the sleet that came in at about 2 a.m. this morning. My SUV is completely buried and I can barely see my rear taillight poking out. The worst part is that I live on a mile and a half drive way that is supposed to be plowed by a company (which the homeowners association financial dues cover), yet no one has even began to touch our road. Looks like I'll be snowed in till spring at this rate. Good thing I have tons of new games from the ridiculous number of sales that have occurred this year.[/QUOTE]
Same with me buddy, right their with you in VA covered in all this snow. mIssed 3 days of work, gotta get new tires in case this crap starts to happen again and again. When I was younger I loved snow, then I grew up and had to support myself lol :drool:
I'm in PA and was planning on driving back home to VA on Saturday, but that got messed up. Here we got maybe 4 or 5 inches, and in VA where my parents live they got around 6-8 or so, but I gotta drive through DC's foot or two to get there...
I'm shocked, looks like we only got a dusting here in Cleveland. We usually hit hard several times a winter so I'm sure it's a matter of time until we're buried as well.
Oh yeah. Almost 2ft here. I'm stuck, since the driveway is covered. Plus though, is this snow sticks perfectly, so snowballs are easy to make, and theres more than enough to go around :)
I just got finished shoveling, I'm surprised by how much it snowed. The news said we got 22 inches, but I only measured 14 inches. Good thing its not 22!
No, but I live in South Florida. ;)

Really, I hate it here, but snow is one of the many things I don't miss about living in New England.
I'm just surprised that we got 3 feet out of non stop powder snow. It sucks for those of you that have to go to work just to find out that everyone else will probably call in sick =/ I cant get out of m house at the moment, I think dynamite at the door might clear a path lol
Yep, flew to the DC area on Friday to go to my Ph D graduations on Saturday and Sunday. Got 23 inches of snow, and both days were canceled. At least the airports are running so I'll have no problems flying out tomorrow.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yep, flew to the DC area on Friday to go to my Ph D graduations on Saturday and Sunday. Got 23 inches of snow, and both days were canceled. At least the airports are running so I'll have no problems flying out tomorrow.[/QUOTE]Thankfully you aren't living in the area anymore, since having a lot of snow sucks. It took me a while to get all the snow off and around my car. I did finally drive around looking for a shovel, but every store was sold out of snow related stuff (like shovels, snow brushes, etc.).
yah, got around a foot here over the night, and the damn plows have it to my knees at the end of the driveway. f-the snow. i so hate the east coast-moving someplace warmer soon.....
I woke up to upwards of 20 inches of snow. It was rediculous. But the best part was letting the dogs go out to drop a deuce before we shovelled... LAWL!
[quote name='DougCL']im getting assaulted by snow. its the worst. im moving to san diego or something. fuck this.[/QUOTE]

So you'd rather be assaulted by an earthquake? :lol:
I'm in Albany, and I didn't see a damn snow flake all weekend. I am mighty disappointed, especially after hearing about the huge amounts of snow my friends in VA got.
I was (keyword right here) in Washington, DC for huge the snow storm. I believe we got about 18 or 20 inches. It completely shut down the city for about a day and a half. My flight out of the city was canceled twice, but I was finally able to get on a plane today. I'm currently back in Florida, where there isn't a snow flake to be seen.
bread's done