Anyone Feel like selling thier Used Wii Recently?


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My Wii's been sitting around collecting dust since I beat Rabbids back in December, and interesting games for the future seems bleak. I tried out Zelda, but it was predictably boring just like all the 3D Zeldas (Ironic since 2D Zeldas are some of my Fav games of all time). So I check Ebay and bam used wiis are still selling for 300+!

probably because of the shortage. So are there really any games coming up that might make it worth keeping the Wii or sell now and just buy the Wii when smash bros finally comes out?
Super Paper Mario
Blazing Angels
Medal of Honor
Prince of Persia
Marble Mania

All by Mid April (except maybe Heatseeker, which is end of april?)

Also, if you haven't tried Tiger Woods yet, I strongly recommend it. It is excellent.
So... you bought a Wii in November of 2006 when the only game you're interested in (on a Nintendo system, no less) is the one fighting franchise that is a Nintendo-exclusive? Yeah, you might as well sell and rebuy. If you aren't at least interested in Mario, Zelda, and/or Metroid, I don't know why you would jump in so early, if at all.

That said, Cooking Mama (though not worth $50) should be enjoyable, Super Paper Mario, who knows what else will actually be out. I'm expecting big things out of Q3 of this year... at least announcements if not releases.
Super Paper Mario is a 3d platformer? If it was like the previous RPGs I might have been a bit more interested =(.

As for the rest of the list, aren't they already on other consoles. I really don't have much faith in these game ports to the Wii, because as they've proven in SSX blur and call of Duty 3, it just seems icky =/

either way, the wii shortage should end in the coming few months? And I can buy back a brand new spanking one for less than I sold my new one?
[quote name='Zoglog']Super Paper Mario is a 3d platformer? If it was like the previous RPGs I might have been a bit more interested =(.

As for the rest of the list, aren't they already on other consoles. I really don't have much faith in these game ports to the Wii, because as they've proven in SSX blur and call of Duty 3, it just seems icky =/

either way, the wii shortage should end in the coming few months? And I can buy back a brand new spanking one for less than I sold my new one?[/quote]

Godfather was rated higher on the Wii than on other consoles or maybe that was just compared to the PS3 version.
[quote name='Zoglog']Super Paper Mario is a 3d platformer? If it was like the previous RPGs I might have been a bit more interested =(.

As for the rest of the list, aren't they already on other consoles. I really don't have much faith in these game ports to the Wii, because as they've proven in SSX blur and call of Duty 3, it just seems icky =/

either way, the wii shortage should end in the coming few months? And I can buy back a brand new spanking one for less than I sold my new one?[/quote]

SSX Blur is really good if you let yourself get the hang of it.

Im telling you, pick up Tiger Woods (unless you really hate sports games). Get yourself used to it and you will be hooked. That is all I have been playing. It is so addictive actually doing the motion instead of just pressing buttons.

As for the others being on other consoles, do you have other consoles? If not, then does it really matter? Godfather is supposed to be really good on the Wii.

Have you played Wario Ware? If you liked Rayman you will probably like that one.

I will say though, if you have no interest in anything for awhile, you might as well ditch it while you can still get your full amount back. Pick it up later when it is more readily available.
I thought about it....briefly.

But I'm dying to play Super Paper Mario, Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3 and Super Smash Bros so I decided against it.

I'll wait those out and see how the games coming after them look. If it looks to be slim pickins for me like with the Gamecube after the first couple of years I'll probably get rid of it, or at least pick up a 360 or PS3 to complement it. I'd like to stay one console (well one and the DS anyway) as I just don't game enough anymore to really justify owning multiple consoles like I have in the past.
[quote name='schuerm26']SSX Blur is really good if you let yourself get the hang of it.

Im telling you, pick up Tiger Woods (unless you really hate sports games). Get yourself used to it and you will be hooked. That is all I have been playing. It is so addictive actually doing the motion instead of just pressing buttons.

As for the others being on other consoles, do you have other consoles? If not, then does it really matter? Godfather is supposed to be really good on the Wii.

Have you played Wario Ware? If you liked Rayman you will probably like that one.

I will say though, if you have no interest in anything for awhile, you might as well ditch it while you can still get your full amount back. Pick it up later when it is more readily available.[/quote]
i haven't seen a good review on ssx anywhere after 3 weeks with my wii i want to sell it beat zelda, rayman, wario, sonic, and just don't see anything else coming up beside ssb and the only game i truly liked was zelda
I've seen a few reviews on blur, it seems IGN is the only good one. Pretty much everyone complained about how the controls made things more fustrating than anything else. Godfather looks interesting, and I haven't touched those on the other consoles, but I never bought it for the other consoles so i'm not sure if the wii controls will entice me to buy it this time around (Btw yeah the ps3 version looks like crap heh).

Another reason why it might be a good idea to get sell off my Wii is because I do have the other 2 consoles at the moment. I know i'll eventually want the Wii for Smash bros though. Anyone know if Wii sports will always be packaged with the console or will I have to buy it seperately later on like the japanese ppl do?
I don't know if it's rumors or what Zog, but I have heard the whole Wii Sports being separate at one point. Then most likely we probably will begin seeing some bundles out there to replace the Wii Sports.

I'm enjoying my Wii immensely still, whether as a replacement for my Gamecube (my wife is currently in Texas for a few months and she has the GCN), playing old favorites on the VC, and yes I actually do use the News Channel and Everybody Votes. I'm still enjoying DBZ as well, yeah yeah, you can make fun of that.

Still, I think in your case you'd be ok with selling it, and rebuying it later if the games you are more interested aren't hitting till the Fall. I'm sure Wii Sports will eventually be sold individually as it has been done in Japan.
I got bored of mine really quick and sold my used one right before christmas for around $400. Then I picked up another one right after at Kmart. It seem like no one thinks of kmart when purchasing consoles. I was thinking about selling my second one, but I just got addicted to tiger woods 07.
Ugh....that patio furniture set I bought last fall has just been sitting around collecting dust. But, I know spring is coming, then Summer, and with a quick wipedown, I'll be using it on a daily basis.

Call me stupid, but maybe I shouldn't have jumped the gun and bought outdoor furniture right before winter. But at least I can complain about it and solicit misery with all you other early patio furniture adopters. Hopefully someone will bring up this same topic tomorrow so that it never dies...
Still loving my Wii. Finally got some time to play Zelda, and Trauma Center too. I want to get SPM in april, if I've finished Zelda by then.

People who complain about droughts either didn't actually play the games they claim to have played, or have WAYY too much time on their hands..
I haven't been playing mine too much, but thats only because it's going through the dry spell that all new system go through.
has anyone successfully traded one for something good? i mean other than loads of cash?

i've been working on getting a PS3 for mine, no luck yet.
Nope. I don't play mine everyday, but that's because I have a lot of other crap going on. I have a pretty good backlog if you count the VC games in there (I haven't even touched Zelda: TP and I had it before I bought a Wii!). I'm going to give Tiger Woods a rental because of the praise in this thread. And Super Paper Mario :drool: It's going to be a fun summer.
You could sell it now and just buy it again when something that interests you comes along..and make $50.00 in the process.........
[quote name='jer7583']
People who complain about droughts either didn't actually play the games they claim to have played, or have WAYY too much time on their hands..[/QUOTE]

Or have tried games like SSX and Sonic and hated them, and have no interest in golf games, etc.

Just nothing I've wanted to play since Zelda. Can't wait for Paper Mario though!
[quote name='jer7583']

People who complain about droughts either didn't actually play the games they claim to have played, or have WAYY too much time on their hands..[/QUOTE]

Or not enough patience for crappy games...

I bought Zelda, Monkey Ball, and Super Swing Golf.

I am ever-so slightly enjoying Zelda (at the final temple).

Monkey Ball can go to hell (it does no justice to the first two classics...)

Super Swing Golf has NOTHING on Wii Sport Golf (There is no excuse for it either, it was the most disappointing game I have ever played).

So aside from Zelda, many people might not enjoy any of the games out. I for one don't enjoy games like Trauma Center or WarioWare. Sure, Paper Mario will be fun and Mario Party 8 will rock, BUT those are the first two games since launch that I would be willing to buy.

I would sell my Wii in the name of capitalism, but I would be losing a Hell of a lot of money. I have spent $100 on Virtual Console games and nintendo is cool and won't let me transfer them on to my SD card.
[quote name='tayaf69']Or not enough patience for crappy games...

I bought Zelda, Monkey Ball, and Super Swing Golf.

I am ever-so slightly enjoying Zelda (at the final temple).

Monkey Ball can go to hell (it does no justice to the first two classics...)

Super Swing Golf has NOTHING on Wii Sport Golf (There is no excuse for it either, it was the most disappointing game I have ever played).

So aside from Zelda, many people might not enjoy any of the games out. I for one don't enjoy games like Trauma Center or WarioWare. Sure, Paper Mario will be fun and Mario Party 8 will rock, BUT those are the first two games since launch that I would be willing to buy.

I would sell my Wii in the name of capitalism, but I would be losing a Hell of a lot of money. I have spent $100 on Virtual Console games and nintendo is cool and won't let me transfer them on to my SD card.[/quote]

I think it is fairly obvious why they can't be transfered on to the card. You don't want to lose a hell of a lot of money, and neither does Nintendo.
Don't forget Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles. I am dying to get my hands on that game.

Learn some patience, I know we're video gamers and we're supposed to all have A.D.D. but geez.
[quote name='tayaf69']Or not enough patience for crappy games...

I bought Zelda, Monkey Ball, and Super Swing Golf.

I am ever-so slightly enjoying Zelda (at the final temple).

Monkey Ball can go to hell (it does no justice to the first two classics...)

Super Swing Golf has NOTHING on Wii Sport Golf (There is no excuse for it either, it was the most disappointing game I have ever played).

So aside from Zelda, many people might not enjoy any of the games out. I for one don't enjoy games like Trauma Center or WarioWare. Sure, Paper Mario will be fun and Mario Party 8 will rock, BUT those are the first two games since launch that I would be willing to buy.

I would sell my Wii in the name of capitalism, but I would be losing a Hell of a lot of money. I have spent $100 on Virtual Console games and nintendo is cool and won't let me transfer them on to my SD card.[/QUOTE]

You might get more money if you mention its loaded with VC stuff. Not your full amount, but some.
[quote name='Zoglog']I've seen a few reviews on blur, it seems IGN is the only good one. Pretty much everyone complained about how the controls made things more fustrating than anything else. Godfather looks interesting, and I haven't touched those on the other consoles, but I never bought it for the other consoles so i'm not sure if the wii controls will entice me to buy it this time around (Btw yeah the ps3 version looks like crap heh).

Another reason why it might be a good idea to get sell off my Wii is because I do have the other 2 consoles at the moment. I know i'll eventually want the Wii for Smash bros though. Anyone know if Wii sports will always be packaged with the console or will I have to buy it seperately later on like the japanese ppl do?[/QUOTE]

Might as well sell it, not everyone "gets" Nintendo games, you seem to be one of those people. Besides, I'm sure by the time Smash Bros. Brawl sees release, the Wii will super easy to find, maybe even on the cheap.
[quote name='schuerm26']I think it is fairly obvious why they can't be transfered on to the card. You don't want to lose a hell of a lot of money, and neither does Nintendo.[/QUOTE]
I know the reasons, but the big gripe for me is that I want more space since I have almost run out. I don't have Wireless access from my college (ethernet cords only) and I can't connect the Wii to the internet. The only way I can download games is to take the Wii to my parent's home and I'm barely there. Nintendo could surely create a way to put a Wii specific rom onto your sd card so that more memory could be used. I shouldn't be punished for downloading too many games that I have no space left. The sd card would help me get more games.

What's the point of having PAGES and PAGES of blank channel spaces when you will never be able to use them?
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Might as well sell it, not everyone "gets" Nintendo games, you seem to be one of those people. Besides, I'm sure by the time Smash Bros. Brawl sees release, the Wii will super easy to find, maybe even on the cheap.[/QUOTE]

I don't think that's fair as the Wii's main problem right now is a lack of "big" Nintendo games.

All we've got is Zelda, the other stuff is kind of new/side series for them like Wiisports, Wario Ware etc. Just because someone doesn't like them doesn't mean they don't "get" Nintendo games. It means they don't like their side projects.

Your latter point is valid though, as it may be worthwhile for many to sell and rebuy down the road win the big Nintendo releases are out.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Might as well sell it, not everyone "gets" Nintendo games, you seem to be one of those people. Besides, I'm sure by the time Smash Bros. Brawl sees release, the Wii will super easy to find, maybe even on the cheap.[/QUOTE]

no, actually I liked Nintendo games very much on the SNES. and enjoy the DS immensely. I just find the Wii quite a bit overrated and collecting dust. I just felt that this might be a good chance to profit off that situation, unless something was coming.
Hell yeah, reasons?

1. Lack of games on the horizon, maybe 2-3 looking good 3rd parties with maybe 3 more Nintendo titles

2. Online

I like the idea, horrible execution by Nintendo. We are in a "Oh that games pretty nice" drought. Sonic is pretty much the only game i'd buy since the Wii's launch.

It's really sad, I was so hyped for this system and thought it really could be the greatest system ever, but Nintendo's online system is such a big dagger to me I don't want to look at the console anymore.

If I knew that the online system would be this horrible, I wouldn't have bought the system.

The only thing holding me back is knowing i'm going to lose $150 when re-selling it.
[quote name='tayaf69']Or not enough patience for crappy games...

I bought Zelda, Monkey Ball, and Super Swing Golf.

I am ever-so slightly enjoying Zelda (at the final temple).

Monkey Ball can go to hell (it does no justice to the first two classics...)

Super Swing Golf has NOTHING on Wii Sport Golf (There is no excuse for it either, it was the most disappointing game I have ever played).

So aside from Zelda, many people might not enjoy any of the games out. I for one don't enjoy games like Trauma Center or WarioWare. Sure, Paper Mario will be fun and Mario Party 8 will rock, BUT those are the first two games since launch that I would be willing to buy.

I would sell my Wii in the name of capitalism, but I would be losing a Hell of a lot of money. I have spent $100 on Virtual Console games and nintendo is cool and won't let me transfer them on to my SD card.[/QUOTE]

I went through the exact same thing a couple months ago. I decided to get rid of it before I accumulated VC games.

The call to Nintendo was great:
"So, I have about $50 worth of VC games on my console. It's registered, and I can prove my identity and that I'm the one who bought them. Is there any way I can transfer them or redownload them when I get a new Wii?"


"But is th--"



yet, I can redownload Tekken, a current gen $20 Network game which hasn't had the same time to accumulate profit and enjoy re-releases like the VC games, up to 5 times (which came in handy when I upgraded from the 20gb to the 60gb model.)
Nope.. I haven't thought about selling my Wii.

I don't play it every day, but I don't play my PS2 or my 360 every day either. Actually, my 360 gets less playtime than everything else I own. I still spend the most time on my computer out of anything.

I recently picked up The Godfather and I'm having a blast playing through the game, especially since I didn't buy it on the other platforms last year.

I've got a lot of Wii games that I enjoy for various reasons,

CoD 3 - Best FPS currently out on Wii, maybe I'll get rid of it for MoH Vanguard if that turns out to be impressive

Trauma Center - Love it, but it is in my backlog

Sonic - Like the game, but the menu system and music in the menus pisses me off.

Dbz - Tenkaichi 2 - Still a lot of fun, but difficult in story mode (for me, at least)

Zelda - Not sure why, but I haven't been blown away.. I love the game, but I still haven't beaten it.

Super Swing Golf - Multiplayer with friends is good fun

Wii Sports - Still play this almost every time I boot up the Wii

Red Steel - I'll get to it eventually

SSX Blur - Love it

Imho, this system is off to a better start than the PS2 or the Gamecube when those were released. I'm probably one of the few that isn't anticipating super paper mario, but I've got enough to do on the Wii and my other platforms to keep me occupied gaming wise.

I don't need the Wii to carry all of my gaming burden, so I don't have an issue with the fact that I don't play it every day. I don't even really care about SSB, to be honest.. I mainly want Mario and Metroid Prime 3, so I know I'll be waiting a while for those games :lol:
[quote name='Thomas96']When does duck hunt and the gun shell come out?[/QUOTE]

Gun shell was just a rumor, and what was shown as "duck hunt" was just the shooting mini-game in Wiiplay.
bread's done