Anyone find Darksiders boring?


I'm maybe 4 hours in, and so far it's yawn inducing. It's not broken, but I'm just having no real fun playing it...I'd rather go watch TV.

Does it get better? Was this overhyped? I like that it's this new small developer doing something new (although so far it really doesn't feel much like Zelda, except maybe in bad ways), but fighting millions of generic demons, navigating dull environments just isn't too exciting...
I played the demo for about 10 minutes and felt I knew everything the game had to offer.

Very bland IMO. It was well received probably because it didn't do anything particularly wrong. Just very routine game design with a fun setting and the hype of it being a new IP -- mainstream reviews really aren't that hard to see through. You should base your purchases strictly off of footage instead.
Glad you didn't think much of it either. I kind of wanted a sanity check before I quit playing, you know? The amount of hype and fawning over this, you'd think it was just this incredible game. far not one moment has really clicked for me and seemed fun. I want to like it, coming from this new dev and everything, but....

Think I'm just going to quit, move on to the next game...
Yeah the mainstream hype train is hard to avoid sometimes. Same thing happened with Infamous IMO. I researched that game for a while and it looked pretty meh, and then AA-AAA scores started to roll in and PS3 gamers were spewing all this praise everywhere.

I was incredibly confused.
That's still in my backlog, so I'm hoping I enjoy it. At least the demo seemed more fun that Darksiders does, and I loved Crackdown, so I'm hoping for the best.

Well thanks for the comments! Makes me feel better about quitting (I really expected to like this!) *Deletes of hard drive*!
Darksiders was hyped? I thought people knew from the start it was a lite version of God of War, which is already Devil May Cry lite...
Nope. The game was great. The only bad stuff I ever heard about it is that it copies other games. And how bad can a game be if the games it copies is Zelda and Portal? I would say God of War but it really is nothing like that game other than the fact that you are a guy who kills stuff.
I liked it too. I thought the gameplay was fun and the story kept me going. Then again I really like action adventure games.
This was a great gaming experience for me, one of the few games I got 100% on.

I was actually contemplating replaying it during the holidays.
I loved Darksiders, the only bit I didn't like was having to boost the horse riding achievement to 100% the game. I really enjoyed playing through it.
I have to agree on the boredom sentiment on this one. I didn't mind the little bits where it felt like Zelda, but the combat with the same monster types over and over bored me to death.
[quote name='dragonjud']I have to agree on the boredom sentiment on this one. I didn't mind the little bits where it felt like Zelda, but the combat with the same monster types over and over bored me to death.[/QUOTE]

You know regarding the monsters, I was in this room where you have to fight a bunch of demons to proceed (through a different area where you fight a bunch of monsters, to another room where you fight a bunch of monsters...) and I was kind of...amazed that it turned out a bunch of the enemies are so generic and same-y looking that I didn't realize that there were actually a few different monsters that I was mistaking for the same ones.

I'm curious if the gameplay changes dramatically after the opening hours, because the early stuff is....

I don't even think the map works.

For those that like it, what part do you like? Just curious (honestly, I'm in no way trying to bash your liking of the game :) )
I had a lot of people offering this to me for 3D Dot Heroes when I didn't realize they were both on my respective trade lists in the marketplace. I ended up getting a copy anyway and it's on my list, but I'm betting they realized that it would be received indifferently and that's why it came out in 1Q like it did.

My recent "meh" game was finally popping in Brutal Legend. I thought the reviews were pretty high and wanted to get around to it. A few hours in and the novelty of the soundtrack and art direction wore off and I stopped playing to watch Pulp Fiction (probably for the 12th time). Surprisingly the only game I've finished in months was Wolfenstein (PS3) which wasn't really groundbreaking on any level but well paced and generally fun despite a complete lack of buzz (too many people think COD and Halo are the only FPS games worth playing...)
Wolfenstein is awesome from the demo-bought it at launch (and Singularity!)

I wanted to like Brutal Legend so much too. The atmosphere, writing, etc. are all so good, but I hate how it plays, at least as an RTS. I can't remember if I got stuck on the first or second stage battle? Maybe third, I don't know but it was fairly early.

I mean I hate heavy metal (or did...I don't dislike it as much anymore), and I STILL found it charming as hell...but couldn't enjoy it. I posted something similar about that at the time, and the consensus seemed to be that we'd all love to see that as a movie instead of a game. It's so strong in some ways!

I get in trouble though with Call of Duty. I've only played 2 and 4, and while I thought 4 played fine and looked great, I was totally unimpressed by the story, and there have been countless FPS that rate much lower (or the same) that I enjoy more...most recently Legendary, but stuff like Turning Point, Haze, Dark Void etc.-all stuff that gets trashed that I like fine. Though bear in mind I'm not playing the multiplayer at ALL, so I'm going going by the single player, and a coherent story with werewolves and ancient waring factions and what not? Way cooler than "hey, run over there! Shoot those guys over there!"

Of the ultra popular games like that, Gears is my favorite, though for me I only like it roughly on par with some of those other games I mentioned (which is to say, quite a lot actually).
[quote name='panzerfaust']I played the demo for about 10 minutes and felt I knew everything the game had to offer.Very bland IMO. .[/QUOTE]

what he said.
I've played both God Of War III and Darksiders(though I kept buying newer games and never got around to finishing Darksiders:cry: but I intend to) and while some spots seemed repetitive I feel that that is a problem that MANY games suffer from nowadays.

There are far too many games that get lazy and spawn the same enemies over and over as well.

From what I played of Darksiders though, I enjoyed it A LOT more than God Of War III, but that's namely since I'm sick of Kratos and his warped 'family' and the drama of that game already.
Whenever I criticize a system exclusive game I always worry I sound like a fanboy, but I just didn't like God of War 1 much. Haven't tried the others yet (although I just bought the first PSP one, and I'm assuming the third one on PS3 is a crazy spectacle).

To me Kratos is a bad character...I mean he's just this super white angry guy...IMO Dante from the first Devil May Cry at least is better (that was bad ass when he pulled that sword from him and throws the motorcycle or whatever :D)

I got stuck towards the end of the first GoW, and I actually had more fun watching that guy who made it play it than I did playing it.

I'm probably alone, but I LOVE The Force Unleashed and Raven's Wolverine-both are kind of the same genre I guess technically, but they're both far more visceral, I care about the story and character far more, and they're both just way more bad ass to me.

But then I've only played the first one, so...

I do plan on playing the PSP and PS3 ones though at some point.
[quote name='Wolfpup']Whenever I criticize a system exclusive game I always worry I sound like a fanboy, but I just didn't like God of War 1 much. Haven't tried the others yet (although I just bought the first PSP one, and I'm assuming the third one on PS3 is a crazy spectacle).

To me Kratos is a bad character...I mean he's just this super white angry guy...IMO Dante from the first Devil May Cry at least is better (that was bad ass when he pulled that sword from him and throws the motorcycle or whatever :D)

I got stuck towards the end of the first GoW, and I actually had more fun watching that guy who made it play it than I did playing it.

I'm probably alone, but I LOVE The Force Unleashed and Raven's Wolverine-both are kind of the same genre I guess technically, but they're both far more visceral, I care about the story and character far more, and they're both just way more bad ass to me.

But then I've only played the first one, so...

I do plan on playing the PSP and PS3 ones though at some point.[/QUOTE]
Super white angry guy? :lol: Did you even pay attention to the story in the first GOW cuz they explain how he got his pasty white skin.

Either way I enjoyed them, but by the end of the trilogy on the PS3 I was a bit bored with the series and wanting something new. Yet so many games borrow ideas or gameplay mechanics or a number of other things from them this gen that it's kind of sickening since so many games seem so similar to each other.

Whatever you do though, NEVER play Dante's Inferno as it's literally God Of War with a character skin swap, so much so that some of the attack animations even look the same.:whistle2:#
Isn't Dante's Inferno by the team that did Dead Space? I liked Dead Space but have zero interest in Dante's Inferno-was really disappointed they did that :whistle2:/

Hmm...I never reached the end of God of War, so maybe that's why I don't know what happened? I know something like he killed his family and his weird red makeup is supposed to be their ashes, which for me is even worse than if they'd just not given an explanation for that. It's really sad when a Jedi/Sith and Logan both seem "real" to me and Kratos seems like this angry poser to me :lol: Sorry, I'm probably pissing people off, and again, I've only even played the first game.
I don't know if it was the same team that did Dead Space that created Dante's Inferno, but the similarities between it and GOW are insane.

As for pissing people off cuz you don't like a game they like, it's ok. I still don't understand the whole love affair people have with Beyond Good & Evil, KOTOR, Jade Empire and about another half dozen games people rave about. But it's ok cuz we're allowed to like different games and have different tastes in games.

Just don't tell that to any of the huge PS3 fanboys, who are always like 'zomg PSTREE EXCLUSIVES ONLY 4EVA'.:razz:
It's true for any exclusives it seems like...I didn't used to care about Halo at all (except I liked Reach okay and now I'm going back to try everything else :lol:)

I did like Beyond Good and Evil :D Have yet to play KOTOR and Jade Empire...they're in the ol' backlog :lol:
Zelda + GOW = Darksiders. That's all I kept hearing and reading. Finally one day while over a buddy's house party during the first round of the playoffs, this geek was there and everyone avoided him because he kept talking about video games instead of the actual football game, I was stuck with him while everyone went to get more booze, he told me about darksiders. I tried it a few days after that and olayed through the first chapter/level and could not figure out the Zelda GOW comparisons. I mean, I found this game boring and could not get into it at all. I quickly returned it to BB even though I still had four days to play it.
I think I usually like people in real life who play games. If nothing else there's something cool to talk about :D

Mike.M, how far was it that you started liking it? I wondered if that would happen. I probably wasn't very far-past that Panzer Dragoon segment someone mentioned...sort of in an underground area with a revolving platform and bomb plants. Couldn't figure out what to do and hadn't really enjoyed it up til then.
[quote name='panzerfaust']That's quite the story.

But for real I hate 99% of gamers I meet in real life.[/QUOTE]
I tend to hate 99% of the armchair athletes who talk about 'their team' incessantly, but that's just cause I can't stand any sports.:puke:
I played it for about an hour or so and couldn't keep going. Way too boring, way too childish seeming..just wasn't my cup of tea.
I got this from the GameFly november sale recently. I'm probably about 5 hrs in and it has got to be one of the funnest games I've played this gen (just cannot put it down..

I've picked up Mass Effect 2, CoD: BO, and Bayonetta this month and Darksiders is the one that keeps calling me.

I love the look, style, and gameplay very much.

I REALLY wish I could map block to right trigger though...
Looks like Vigil's doing a Warhammer MMO next. (Why would someone think funding a Warhammer MMO was a good idea? Why does anyone think Warhammer is a license even worth getting?)
Yeah, I thought I remembered that too. Yeah, it's by Mythic. Well, don't know if it's accurate or not, but that Vigil's listed as developing ANOTHER one for 2012 :lol:

I do not get it!
I thought it started a bit slow but was well done once you got over the fact that it was a patchwork quilt of stolen ideas. The the people that were bored, i'd be interested in knowing their opinions of the games that it borrowed from (Zelda, GoW, & DMC).
[quote name='nbballard']I thought it started a bit slow but was well done once you got over the fact that it was a patchwork quilt of stolen ideas. The the people that were bored, i'd be interested in knowing their opinions of the games that it borrowed from (Zelda, GoW, & DMC).[/QUOTE]

Zelda - atmospheric adventure
GoW -- balls out violence
DMC -- style

Darksiders took those aspects and wasn't remotely impressive in any one category. It felt so safely constructed that it lacked any real personality.

It looked clean, it played clean, but that's pretty much all you can say about it.
I was refering strictly to the gameplay mechanics. Dungeons, Z-Targetting, Weapon (with upgrades) that are required to access certain areas, etc.

The overall style/feel of the game is more what you seem to be touching on- the
'Joe Mad!' art direction was about all it had going for it- and it was alright, but the total package didn't make it feel totally unique.
I was actually totally unimpressed by the graphics/art direction. What's weird is a comic book artist started the company, I guess.
Don't forget the ape from Portal, aka The Voidwalker. I loved the game but I hated that entire mirror-turning-portal-hopping level, except for the boss fight. I thought that was a pretty clever use of the weapon, and the cut-scene at the end of that level was a pretty good payoff.

The Panzer Dragoon level was pretty fun too, as well as Ulthane's challenge. Don't know why, but that part reminded me a little bit of Bayonetta.
I gave the game a go.. it seemed 'alright' but coming off of playing Arkham Asylum, I have too many other games to play that will hold my attention far better. It reminded me of playing Viking because the character was too big for the camera IMO.
bread's done