Anyone have experience with the DMV and license suspensions?


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Well I just got my license suspended for 90 days which really complicates my plans of commuting to the technical school 25 mins away this fall. I start school on the 2nd and I thought I was all good until I got a message in the mail a week ago telling me I had to come in for a suspension hearing. The part that pisses me off is that this is for something that happened last December, 9 months ago and I just got it last week :roll:

So I went to the hearing dressed in a button up shirt, dress pants, and a tie (trying to be professional) and the guy who looked exactly like Farva asked me why he shouldn't take my license, I told him Id be commuting and wouldn't be able to go to school or get a job if I lost my license, well Farva didn't give two shits and said thats not a valid excuse to make him not take my license (Then what the fuck is?).

So here I am, with no license, cant commute to school or a job, so I need some advice. Farva said I could appeal his decision, Im not sure how to do it or if it will even matter (I start school in 2 days), anyone have any experience with stuff like this? Any input would be appreciated.
Speeding, 42 in a 35 :roll:

And whats involved in an appeal? Im guessing its another hearing. Wont they just say the same thing that its not a valid excuse?
[quote name='j1mb07']Speeding, 42 in a 35 :roll:[/quote]


Dude that's fucked up. I could understand 60 in a 35 mile zone, but 42 in a 35? Cops trying to meet their quotas this month huh?
What did you get busted for?

You are mostly likely fucked. I know for longer suspensions you can usually apply for a work permit which allows you to drive back and forth to work.

Looks like it's bicycle time for you!

- edit [quote name='j1mb07']Speeding, 42 in a 35 :roll:[/QUOTE]

There has to be more to the story.

No state would ever suspend somebody's license for 90 days for something this minor. Is this your 5+ ticket in a year or did you never pay the fine?
[quote name='ITDEFX']WTF?

Dude that's fucked up. I could understand 60 in a 35 mile zone, but 42 in a 35? Cops trying to meet their quotas this month huh?[/quote]

Ya cops in my town have nothing better to do, douche-bags.

[quote name='keithp']And they suspended your license? Did you not go to court or something?[/quote]

I did, this is my 3rd offense (One speeding 48 in a 35 and one running a stop light) which might be why the court didnt care, I became a much more cautious driver after the last 2 because I really didnt want to lose it again, but I didnt think Id get pulled over for dumb shit like this.
[quote name='j1mb07']Ya cops in my town have nothing better to do, douche-bags.[/QUOTE]

What type of car do you have? I can't shake the feeling that you brought this upon yourself by being a jackass somehow and that we are hearing an extremely partial/one-sided story.
[quote name='Sporadic']What type of car do you have? I can't shake the feeling that you brought this upon yourself by being a jackass somehow and that we are hearing an extremely partial/one-sided story.[/quote]

Lol thats whats fucked up, thats the story. I drive a 98 Subaru Impreza, its blue and pretty easy to spot, but still Idk if that justifies getting a ticket for 7 over the limit. I live in a very small town, theres rarely any crime or shit for the cops to do, so this must give them the thrill of pissing some random kid off.
[quote name='j1mb07']Ya cops in my town have nothing better to do, douche-bags.

I did, this is my 3rd offense (One speeding 48 in a 35 and one running a stop light) which might be why the court didnt care, I became a much more cautious driver after the last 2 because I really didnt want to lose it again, but I didnt think Id get pulled over for dumb shit like this.[/quote]

3 strikes, your out. nuff said.
[quote name='j1mb07']Lol thats whats fucked up, thats the story. I drive a 98 Subaru Impreza, its blue and pretty easy to spot, but still Idk if that justifies getting a ticket for 7 over the limit. I live in a very small town, theres rarely any crime or shit for the cops to do, so this must give them the thrill of pissing some random kid off.[/QUOTE]

How did I know? Cops love to fuck with ricer cars.

I imagine that you said something that rubbed a cop the wrong way the first time they pulled you over and now they are focusing on you. I know alot of small town cops will go out of their way to fuck you over if they feel you deserve it and it's even worse when you have a car that stands out.

I suggest when you get your license back, to not fuck around with any of the laws while you are in town. Don't give them any reason to ticket you.
Lawyer up. I'm 18 now but when I was 17 I had my license suspended for getting 2 tickets (intermediate license restriction for those under 18). My license was suspended until the court date, but the suspension was then lifted because of technicalities (lawyers are good at finding them). Definitely lawyer up and appeal (IMO of course).
However having said that, the court system is SLOW. So while they are required by law to give you your appeal, they can delay it for however long they please. (BS)
[quote name='Sporadic']There has to be more to the story.

No state would ever suspend somebody's license for 90 days for something this minor. Is this your 5+ ticket in a year or did you never pay the fine?[/quote]

Yeah, something isn't adding up.
You broke the law. The speed limit, is just that, the limit you're supposed to drive at. That, or below. You knew it was illegal when you chose to drive over it, and I don't see why everyone is so sympathetic. Deal with it, and don't fark it up next time.
Like I said to the OP when he said this is his third offense, 3 strikes and your out. That's what the judge looked at, the prior offenses before throwing the book at him. Most judges do that any ways. He could *try* to get a lawyer but in the end it might be best to take the punishment and learn from it.
Does seem like we have to be missing something.

It's doesn't seem like two minor speeding tickets (7 over and 13 over) and running a stop light would be enough points off a license for a suspension.

I just looked up MD's laws and here those infractions would get:

1 point for 7 mph over limit
2 points for 13 mph over
2 points for failure to stop at red light (and none if it was a camera rather than from a cop)

So 5 points max. And you have to get 12 points to get the license revoked. 5 points is enough to have to take a class though if they were gained within 2 years.

In any case, laws could be different in his state but that does seem like awful minor offense for a suspension. Just seems like there has to be something more. A DUI he doesn't want to mention, or that the speeding was in a school zone etc.

Or it could just be a small town judge being a prick since they have no crime to deal with. Small towns are odd about that. Where I live you wouldn't even get pulled over for 7 MPH over the limit, 13 you may on a local road but still not on the interstates. Lots of crime around here so the cops have better things to do and there aren't a lot assigned to traffic enforcement.

But the post referred to the DMV, so is there even a judge involved here?
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