Anyone think there's a market for something like this? (NES Controller Mod)


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Here's a little something I whipped up: a joystick NES controller. Not a huge modification, but it works pretty well. It basically just involved sanding and cutting. Would anyone here buy such a controller for their NES? I was thinking of sellng them for a low price, but I'd like some feedback first.
I don't know, it would seem to be very uncomfortable to use to me. The NES controller is too small to hold like a proper joystick, so I can't imagine it being too comfortable, but maybe I'm wrong. I'd think it would make more sense to use a joystick nub like on modern controllers.
[quote name='elwood731']I don't know, it would seem to be very uncomfortable to use to me. The NES controller is too small to hold like a proper joystick, so I can't imagine it being too comfortable, but maybe I'm wrong. I'd think it would make more sense to use a joystick nub like on modern controllers.[/quote]
It actually fits in your hand pretty well, surprisingly enough. I have a busted N64 controller and I was actually thinking of trying that for the stick, because I can tell people aren't going to like the 2600 stick on it.
[quote name='Slim Gatsby']You're kind of 20 years too late.[/quote]
It's not the same thing. And yes, I know about the Advantage. I knew about the advantage well before I started this. This is suppose to be more of a hand-held controller, whereas the Avdantage was meant to sit on your lap.
From the Wiki entry that you linked to:
"The device was meant to rest on a flat surface at a comfortable level, such as a tabletop or the floor, with the player seated behind it"

Take your smart ass comments and leave.
[quote name='facemeat']:roll:
It's not the same thing. And yes, I know about the Advantage. I knew about the advantage well before I started this. This is suppose to be more of a hand-held controller, whereas the Avdantage was meant to sit on your lap.
From the Wiki entry that you linked to:
"The device was meant to rest on a flat surface at a comfortable level, such as a tabletop or the floor, with the player seated behind it"

Take your smart ass comments and leave.[/QUOTE]

If you can't take criticism, then don't post.

Honestly, it looks absolutely retarded. If you needed an arcade stick, you'd get the Advantage. That controller is way too small to have something that ridiculously large on it.

Nice effort, poor design.
Seriously... bad attitude towards criticism, and it is a shitty design anyway. Do you not think this would have been more adequate on something like the SNES? The stick is way too big for the rest of the controller, and there really is no purpose to it at all.

Good luck pal, hope you are this nice to potential customers all the time.
I would have to imagine that you actually control the stick with the Y between your thumb and fingers? Thats how I picture it to work, it could work well that way.
[quote name='Dunvane']Seriously... bad attitude towards criticism, and it is a shitty design anyway. Do you not think this would have been more adequate on something like the SNES? The stick is way too big for the rest of the controller, and there really is no purpose to it at all.

Good luck pal, hope you are this nice to potential customers all the time.[/quote]
Being a smart ass does not equal criticism. I can take your type of criticism, because it's just that: criticism. When someone tries to be "funny" with it, I just hate that. And I can bet that you would not have called it a "shitty design" had I not responded the way I did to Gatsby's supposed "criticism". But yes, I hear your citicism and I have to agree: the joysick does need to be smaller, but I don't agree that there's absolutely no need for this, especially considering Advantages aren't all that common anymore. I'm not quite sure what you're talking about with this being more adequate for the SNES, considering that platform had many more joysticks than the NES did.
Thanks for the comment and your critique.
[quote name='Snake2715']I would have to imagine that you actually control the stick with the Y between your thumb and fingers? Thats how I picture it to work, it could work well that way.[/quote]
I actually hadn't thought of that, but that works much better that way! :)
Thanks for the comment, and sorry for the double post.
Did you have a type of game in mind when you designed this? I can't think of too many that would benefit from this controller besides classic stuff, possibly Pac-Man. But I have to be honest, it does look a bit awkward to hold.

Nice job regardless. At least you're being creative & productive, and that counts for something.
[quote name='Rodimus']Did you have a type of game in mind when you designed this? I can't think of too many that would benefit from this controller besides classic stuff, possibly Pac-Man. But I have to be honest, it does look a bit awkward to hold.

Nice job regardless. At least you're being creative & productive, and that counts for something.[/quote]
I was actually planning on making 2 of these and then a casing for them so it would be easier and more fun to play Smash TV. I really wasn't even planning on selling them, just seeing if anyone had any interest in them. Clearly, they don't. :lol:
Back in the NES days, there used to be a third party controller addon that you could just snap on and it would do basically the same thing, only it was removable, so you could always just go back to the good ol' d-pad.

I couldn't find a pic of the addon, but while I was searching, I remembered my old Konix Speedking NES controller. Similar idea, thought you might be interested. They are pretty cheap if you look for one.
[quote name='SeanNOLA']Back in the NES days, there used to be a third party controller addon that you could just snap on and it would do basically the same thing, only it was removable, so you could always just go back to the good ol' d-pad.

I couldn't find a pic of the addon, but while I was searching, I remembered my old Konix Speedking NES controller. Similar idea, thought you might be interested. They are pretty cheap if you look for one.
Thanks for the info. The joystick to mine is acually removable as well. You can swap it out and put a D-pad in it. Didn't realise the NES had so many joysticks though.
Its just not proportional and thats the problem. As far as the market, there really isn't one to sell to. I'd wager that most people playing NES games aren't actually playing it on an NES.
be as creative as you want and keep your mouth shut and the boob jobs will fly in threw the window like you never seen boob jobs before.
^ I had one of those clip-on joysticks for my NES years ago. Actually, I think they came in a set of two. Anyway, they worked decently, but really most games were easier to play with the D-pad at that point. There were a few games where it helped, though it was still before the days of the modern fighting game.
bread's done