Anyone up for some Mario Kart?

Ultimate Matt X

4 (100%)
Would anyone be interested in getting some Mario Kart games going? I figure tonight might be a little late to get things together, but maybe sometime in the next few days we could play. I'll be around watching this thread tonight though if someone is interested.
Nah, no snaking. My friend code is in the thread about that, but I'll post it here a little later so we can get some games going starting tomorrow.
getting a DS lite when it comes out..i have a copy of MK in my hand right now ready to be played :(

i'll post my "friend code" or whatever it is when i get my DS and can play MK on it
Can't play tonight. My dog has been having some pretty serious issues. Not that any of it is related to this thread, but I thought I'd give an excuse for my absence.

I also won't be available until next week since I'll be on vacation starting Tuesday.
Quick questions....

I just started playing MK online last night. Actually, it's my first online game I've ever played on the DS.

What is snaking? Is it a form of cheating on this game?

Also, how do I obtain my own "friends" code?

I assume I add others to my friends list by clicking on "friends"?

Thanks guys.
[quote name='sportdan30']What is snaking?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='sportdan30']Is it a form of cheating on this game?[/QUOTE]

It's not cheating at all but alot of people that can't do it (or can't do it very well) don't like to race against others who are fluent at it (snakers)

[quote name='sportdan30']Also, how do I obtain my own "friends" code?[/QUOTE]

To find out your friend code,

From the title screen ---> Nintendo WFC ---> Friend Code ---> Confirm Friend Code

[quote name='sportdan30']I assume I add others to my friends list by clicking on "friends"?[/QUOTE]

From the title screen ---> Nintendo WFC ---> Friend Code ---> Register Friend Code, and enter in any 12 digit friend codes you have for people that you want to add to your friend list.
so does snaking mean no boosts at all? or just none on blatant straightaways?
It seems like it would be all right to boost on corners.
Wow, being able to snake the entire course really sounds like it ruins the entire game.

I'm much less enthusiastic about getting this game now, it sounds like you could win just based on your snaking skill. This is disappointing.
[quote name='Chrissi']Wow, being able to snake the entire course really sounds like it ruins the entire game.

I'm much less enthusiastic about getting this game now, it sounds like you could win just based on your snaking skill. This is disappointing.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't worry about it. There's plenty to the game even without the online. Although, personally, I played online for a few hours the other day and didn't encounter any snakers so I don't think there's too many snakers out there.
Still, it feels really cheap even you dont' use it - just knowing that there is a certain technique you could be using, for the entire course, to go faster...
I actually just got Mariok Kart DS today and i'll be playing it on my DS Lite when i get it this coming sunday. I was wondering if you use the touch screen for anything other than a map because i don't wanna use my touch screen yet until i get my screen protector from lik-sang.
[quote name='xmrblondex']so does snaking mean no boosts at all? or just none on blatant straightaways?
It seems like it would be all right to boost on corners.[/QUOTE]

Blatant Straightaways

[quote name='Chrissi']Wow, being able to snake the entire course really sounds like it ruins the entire game.

I'm much less enthusiastic about getting this game now, it sounds like you could win just based on your snaking skill. This is disappointing.[/QUOTE]

It depends Figure-8 you can snake the whole way fairly easily but for some other coaurses it's alot tougher to keep your motor at top turbo speed continuously (sp) though out the entire track and only a true Mario Kart master might be able to on certain tracks.

I don't think you should decide you don't want MKDS because of snaking if you don't like the sound of it and besides like RedvsBlue said while you will run into snakers if you play online I honestly think that only about 15% of the people that play online can snake. I've seen afew people that try and snake and are really sloppy and it ends up not helping them at all.
[quote name='daewezzy']I actually just got Mariok Kart DS today and i'll be playing it on my DS Lite when i get it this coming sunday. I was wondering if you use the touch screen for anything other than a map because i don't wanna use my touch screen yet until i get my screen protector from lik-sang.[/quote]Yeah, it can be used to switch between maps (small and large); it can also used for the main menus (as can the buttons and d-pad), but that's about it.

I'd be down for some MK... and no, I don't snake.

Code: 103146-272781
Nick: Reeve
hmm...for some reason, all my info got deleted from my i'll have a new friend code...i'll let you guys know what it is
ok cool i added everyone in here who gave their friend code... we should get some kind of tournament or something that wood b great..... well feel free to add me if u didnt alrdy do so:
friend code: 098856-591194
Nickname: Rich8t8
[quote name='swetooth9']hmm...for some reason, all my info got deleted from my i'll have a new friend code...i'll let you guys know what it is[/quote]
Maybe it's because you switched to a DS Lite? I think, in order to have your old info, you would need the original handheld you started with.

My friend code is:

Nickname: Ma12kez

I will be adding everyone that posted here. Please add me as well. Thanks!
yea i heard there's a way to copy your data from ur fat ds to ur lite ds & it sux cuz sum ppl sold their old one so they can buy a new one so theyre SOL... good thing my lite is my first ds so i dont have to deal w/ that kinda problem
[quote name='Ma12kez']Maybe it's because you switched to a DS Lite? I think, in order to have your old info, you would need the original handheld you started with.
this is my first DS system

anyway, my Friend code is:


nickname: ChrisPy
everyone, post your AIM, so this might get a little more organized. That ay, we don't have to be on here to contact each other. Here's mine:

[quote name='SMMM']everyone, post your AIM, so this might get a little more organized. That ay, we don't have to be on here to contact each other.[/quote]

sweeeeet thats a good way to organize it all i never wood have thought of it... good work
SN: anarchyburger8t8
AIM name's same as my CAG handle: BlueShinra

As for a specific time to play, best time for me would typically be a Saturday or Sunday evening (too tired during the week).
Yay! I think I finally got my router to work with WiFi! I would have thought Netgear would be easy, since it had worked so well with my Tivo and the now-gone XBox. Not the case...

Anyway, here's my code...


I'm getting my butt stomped pretty regularly, but it's still fun. :)
bread's done