Anyone want to trade their Pokemon X or Y for my Pokemon Alpha Sapphire?

should have your stuff this week and can ship then
will send u an invoice when it gets here

do u have any ohter psp/ds games to trade?
You know me
i love the r-p-g

Maybe we can work out a trade for god eater burst if you wanted to
Also if your looking for legend of heroes ( the 1st 3) check your local cause you can find them there for less than $8 a pop.

if you mean the new one, its on sale on Amazon right now and its a blast in a half.
If you can check for a complete copy of
Legend of Heroes 2 as i have 1 and 3 but need 2 and none of the GS around me have it. They have the artwork but lost the games.

Also Ys: Ark of Napitism for my Ys collection.
I have Ys chronicles for the Ds but im not worried for the PSP as i heard its hard and ill just keep it sealed for my collection.

Complete Only unless noted:
Super Robot Taisen Endless Frontier- with OST
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey w/ OST
Tao's Adventure: Curse of the Demon Seal- can be cart only
Summon Night: Twin Age
Izuna 1
Blue Dragon Plus Slipcover only
Suikoden Tiekeris

Ill look for more that i want.
Sure it is :lol:

After the group lowball fiasco of not being able to let anyone else sell in the lowball even though so many people wanted to, this was the solution. No need for invites, just come and post.
bread's done