Anything similar to ME3 Multiplayer?


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Now that it seems like the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer weekend challenges are done I've kinda lost my interest in playing. So I'm wondering if there are any PS3 games out there with similar style multiplayer? I do not play PvP multi, and I hate Halo/COD style multi. Anything out there or am I doomed to going back to single player only?
Uncharted 3 had a couple cool co-op modes. One had the surviving against waves thing like ME3, the other was a series of mini-levels you played with a few other players.

Resistance 2 had some kind of weird co-op class based co-op multiplayer, but I never got into it. Not sure about the third one.
Socom 4 has a multiplayer vs mode using campaign maps vs bots but that's the only one off the top of my head. You're limited to 4 players on that.
OK, was thinking Borderlands 2, but I really wasn't a fan of the first one. I did own it for the PS3 but traded it in after a while, the co-op wasn't for me as no one I know in RL games. That's why the ME3 multi was so good, it wasn't pvp, it wasn't a Halo clone, generally more mature lobbies, and it was more laid back.

Will take a look at Syndicate, have heard nothing about it but now will take a look...
Theres also the Red Faction games but the online is dead now otherwise it would have been more or less perfect, wave based coop with 1-4 players on various maps. No vs mode, would suit you down to the ground if there was anyone else out there to jam with.
Defiance is a good option for multiplayer. Yes it'll be a new MMO but even playing the Beta I had a good time. If you have a buddy or two, you can take down the Arkfall crystals, I did it with one other person and we both were kiting the entire time with some great tactics.

The Beta just finished as of like 10 minutes ago. Awesome game, it has a nice feel to it. Arkfall are meant to be hunted by groups of 2 to around 6. When you get a bunch of guys nuke spamming the crystal it takes forever since no weak spots open up but it is doable, it maintained decent framerate while the audio dropped out, which is much more preferable to choppy framerate and crystal clear audio.
bread's done