Arafat Dead: Welcome to Hell You Murderous Bastard (Finally fucking true!)


French Newspaper Headline

I'll find something English or an AP story soon.

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Palestinian President Yasser Arafat (news - web sites) was declared clinically dead on Thursday in a French hospital, Israeli television said citing French sources.

But Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurie denied the report, saying: "I have just spoken to the officials in Paris and they say the situation is still as it was. He is still in the intensive care unit."

Israel's Channel Two television cited unnamed sources in Paris saying that Arafat underwent a brain scan and was found to be "no longer alive."

Palestinian sources earlier told Reuters that the Palestinian president, who was admitted to hospital last week with a mysterious stomach illness, had slipped into a coma.

Reuters Link

This guy was like Jason, he just wouldn't die!
Final, TRUE, Death Notice.
That's funny, I saw a live feed of him getting off a helecopter 2 hours ago on the BBC.

You call me an anti-semite just because I don't support Israel, but your hatred of Arab Muslims is immeasureable.
I heard he's in a coma. I predicted he'd be dead a couple days ago. Looks like I might not be too far off.
Let's all have a moment of silence. Not for Arafat who can rot in Hell, but for all the innocent civilians he approved the slaughtering of for no reason but hate.
If he dies what little peace and restraint that exists between Israel and Palestine will be broken and all hell will break loose.
Quack, you have it ALL WRONG, as usual.

If he dies all hell breaks lose in Palestine as factions murder, bomb and shoot their way into power.,
And you wouldn't care if every Arab in the world was killed because you are a racist, I understand very well what your saying.

It's too bad you didn't get decapitated when you "claimed" to be in Iraq.
PAD, isn't it soon your turn to go back to Iraq? I applaud you for fighting George Bush's war.
[quote name='E-Z-B']PAD, isn't it soon your turn to go back to Iraq? I applaud you for fighting George Bush's war.[/quote]

No, he retired because he is a coward, right PAD?
I don't think this is true, but if it is this is horrible for everyone. I don't think the palestinian factions will be violent with each other (at least not anytime soon), but their is now no unifying person, no one that they are forced to listen to. Arafat was a symbol of the palestinian cause, he couldn't control most of their actions (Hamas was set up as opposition to arafat's plo), but he was the only one that they had any shot at ever listening to. It is also bad for Sharon, the violence will increase against Israel with no arafat, something that will make his disengagement plan even harder to carry out. I do find it odd though that people have no problem with sharons past, though he has had his hand in massacres where, at the bare minimum, he allowed other people to carry them through. Or David Gurion (the first prime minister of Israel) who was a terrorist himelf (his triumph being the bombing of the king david hotel).
According to the guy on FNC
"Arafat is still alive, but is in very serious condition, and may well be on his deathbed."
Of course, if he did die, they might not announce it to the public/press immediately.

12:16 Palestinian PM says 'he's not dead.' He is on life support, in isolation ICU, and in 'dangerous condition'.
If he does die, they will wait 72 hours before announcing it to the public to inform the high ranking and prepare the country.

Here's an English translation of the alleged death;

"Palestinian President Yasser Arafat was declared clinically dead on Thursday in a French hospital, Israeli television said citing French sources.

But Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurie denied the report, saying: "I have just spoken to the officials in Paris and they say the situation is still as it was. He is still in the intensive care unit."

Israel's Channel Two television cited unnamed sources in Paris saying that Arafat underwent a brain scan and was found to be "no longer alive."

Palestinian sources earlier told Reuters that the Palestinian president, who was admitted to hospital last week with a mysterious stomach illness, had slipped into a coma.

I guess he could be technically dead, but on life support, so both stories could be right.
Why does USA pick a side in the Israel-Palestine war (where both sides are equally at fault) and yet does nothing about Darfur?

*Looks at election map of USA*

Oh, right...
[quote name='Quackzilla'][quote name='E-Z-B']PAD, isn't it soon your turn to go back to Iraq? I applaud you for fighting George Bush's war.[/quote]

No, he retired because he is a coward, right PAD?[/quote]

Sorry, but is truly classless to insult those who have the guts and honor to defend our country and fight for our freedoms. Grow a pair before you try to insult someone.

and before you spout off some junk about John Kerry, he nullified the honor of his service in vietnam by his disgraceful actions after vietnam.
[quote name='Ruined'][quote name='Quackzilla'][quote name='E-Z-B']PAD, isn't it soon your turn to go back to Iraq? I applaud you for fighting George Bush's war.[/quote]

No, he retired because he is a coward, right PAD?[/quote]

Sorry, but is truly classless to insult those who have the guts and honor to defend our country and fight for our freedoms. Grow a pair before you try to insult someone.[/quote]

That's funny that you say that. Where were you when they dishonored Kerry's service in Vietnam?

Edit: Didn't see your second line. You must've gone back and edited yours.
[quote name='camoor']Why does USA pick a side in the Israel-Palestine war (where both sides are equally at fault) and yet does nothing about Darfur?

*Looks at election map of USA*

Oh, right...[/quote]

We took a side way before you or anyone else even knew what Darfur was, besides I think the big question is why doesn't anyone do something about Darfur. People like yourself love to sit back and accuse the US of dragging it's feet. The UN took forever to do anything, and to this point they've done very little. They even refused to call it genocide whereas the US had clearly already declared it so. The problem isn't the US doing nothing, it's everyone doing nothing. Plenty of countries should have done something significant by now, countries that don't have wars to fight and the other internal concerns we face now, countries that could easily afford to put forth more support and effort. Apathy is the enemy and not just in the US, open your eyes a little more and you'd easily see that.
And fucck you Ruined for saying that Kerry disgraced America for his efforts to end the Vietnam war.
[quote name='Quackzilla'][quote name='E-Z-B']PAD, isn't it soon your turn to go back to Iraq? I applaud you for fighting George Bush's war.[/quote]

No, he retired because he is a coward, right PAD?[/quote]

You have to at least give him props that he served. I would question the honorable thing but I need to be fair and give both sides the benefit of the doubt.
At least you went out and served PAD unlike all those Neocon talk shows hosts so FOR Iraq that won't go.
With Arafat dead regardless of which side some chaos and death will result.
Now as to calling PAD a racist that depends. Do you consider him biased just against primarily Middle Easterners in general that are Muslim or just against Muslims in general. If it's the 2nd you can't technically call him a racist since Islam has all colors of the rainbows and I'm sure there are White, Black and especially Asian Islamic radicals though if PAD is biased in general against Islam that's wrong. Now on the Middle Easterner question I don't know WHAT race you could even classify that into. I mean we have White, Asian and Black as races then we have the Hispanic or SOME Hispanic people as a mixture of Indian and Spanish. I don't know where they fit in racewise by features but I suppose you might be able to call PAD racist there.
I was being ironic/sarcastic. It was such a big deal according to Kerry that we didn't have UN approval [even though we did have tens of nations with us] in Iraq, maybe GWB is waiting for the official proclamation from UN. Of course, it would have to be more than a 'resolution,' because Saddam was violating those all over the place, but *we're* the bad guysfor punishing the guy breaking them.
After we get out of Iraq, I'm tempted to say we should just say "F-it", pull troops from EVERYWHERE, tighten our borders, and say We'll deal with you on an economic basis if we both benefit, if you attack us or Americans overseas we'll wipe you out, other than that, do what you want.
[quote name='Quackzilla']And you wouldn't care if every Arab in the world was killed because you are a racist, I understand very well what your saying.

Weren't you the one bashing Jews on the other thread?
[quote name='gamefreak'][quote name='Quackzilla']And you wouldn't care if every Arab in the world was killed because you are a racist, I understand very well what your saying.

Weren't you the one bashing Jews on the other thread?[/quote]

No one whose intelligence rivaled even that of a chimp would think he was being anti-semitic in that other thread. It's coming to the point where anyone who dares saying anything even remotely negative about israel is denounced as an anti-semite. Throwing that term around so much will only backfire, when any legitimate criticism is deemed as anti-semitic the term begins to lose meaning, which only benefits real anti-semites.
[quote name='PittsburghAfterDark']I signed up for 8 years split duty and did them.

I spent a 1/4 of my life in uniform, how about you?[/quote]

If spending 8 years in a uniform turns you into a prick then I think I'll pass.
[quote name='ZForce915'][quote name='PittsburghAfterDark']I signed up for 8 years split duty and did them.

I spent a 1/4 of my life in uniform, how about you?[/quote]

If spending 8 years in a uniform turns you into a prick then I think I'll pass.[/quote]

[quote name='Quackzilla']And you wouldn't care if every Arab in the world was killed because you are a racist, I understand very well what your saying.

It's too bad you didn't get decapitated when you "claimed" to be in Iraq.[/quote]

That is a horrible thing to say to anyone no matter how much you disagree with his views.
[quote name='Quackzilla']If he dies what little peace and restraint that exists between Israel and Palestine will be broken and all hell will break loose.[/quote]

Quack, No offense or anything but Arafat had the deal of a lifetime with I want to say Prime Minister Barak but decided no. he has been stalling the road to peace for quite some time. This IMO could actually help the road to peace and someone fresh would be good.
[quote name='jlarlee'][quote name='Quackzilla']And you wouldn't care if every Arab in the world was killed because you are a racist, I understand very well what your saying.

It's too bad you didn't get decapitated when you "claimed" to be in Iraq.[/quote]

That is a horrible thing to say to anyone no matter how much you disagree with his views.[/quote]

Consider the source and you'll find that this is not out of line.
Finally the fucker is dead.

Him receiving the Nobel Prize for Peace was like Time giving Hitler MOTY honors twice and Stalin it once, a disgrace that history can never erase.
Quack are you fucking stupid?!

Oh yes, he died, it will be chaos now! Oh wait it already was!

What do Arafat, President Charter, and President Clinton have in common?

They all won Peace Prizes, what a sad fucked up world we live in.
He shouldn't have won peace prize.

And I must say the factions are cooperating nicely to preserve peace and make life in Palestine a living hell for civilians.
[quote name='gamefreak'][quote name='Quackzilla']And you wouldn't care if every Arab in the world was killed because you are a racist, I understand very well what your saying.

Weren't you the one bashing Jews on the other thread?[/quote]

:imwithst: I hope you're not serious.
[quote name='David85']Quack are you shaq-fuing stupid?!

Oh yes, he died, it will be chaos now! Oh wait it already was!

What do Arafat, President Charter, and President Clinton have in common?

They all won Peace Prizes, what a sad shaq-fued up world we live in.[/quote]

Well I think Carter actually deserved it considering the peace talks he helped negotiate between Jordan and Egypt.

Now as to PAD's comment. To my knowledge Time doesn't just give MOTY for Hero's dude. Get over it. They named him MOTY for a purpose, same with Stalin.
[quote name='PittsburghAfterDark']Finally the shaq-fuer is dead.

Him receiving the Nobel Prize for Peace was like Time giving Hitler MOTY honors twice and Stalin it once, a disgrace that history can never erase.[/quote]
Or Bush winning a second term...a disgrace we can never erase...
[quote name='pfunkpearl'][quote name='PittsburghAfterDark']Finally the shaq-fuer is dead.

Him receiving the Nobel Prize for Peace was like Time giving Hitler MOTY honors twice and Stalin it once, a disgrace that history can never erase.[/quote]
Or Bush winning a second term...a disgrace we can never erase...[/quote]

Liberals getting PWNED after years of Bush bashing, fake documentaries and anti-Bush press... a disgrace that liberals can never erase...

And it's about time that piece of shit terrorist died - I hope it was slow and painful.
To the victor, the spoils.

Do you think Nixon should have demanded a recount in 1960? Kennedy's margin of popular vote victory was 0.2% or less than 120,000 votes.
I guess Kennedy didn't really deserve to be president becuase the country was SO divided.
Or Carter? Was he illegitimate too? His margin of pop vote was only 2.1% If it weren't for those godamned christian democrats, we'd have won some gold in Moscow !!

The point is this is not the only time in history the country has been 'divided'. We have been divided since the begining. It's the nature of the political process.
[quote name='bmulligan']Or Carter? Was he illegitimate too? His margin of pop vote was only 2.1% If it weren't for those godamned christian democrats, we'd have won some gold in Moscow !!

The point is this is not the only time in history the country has been 'divided'. We have been divided since the begining. It's the nature of the political process.[/quote]

Many people have said that they have never seen a Presidential election get this vicious. A true leader will appeal to the majority of people, whether they voted for him or not. Someone like Bush focuses on pleasing only on a subset of the American public, and if you fall out of his core base (because you are non-Christian, gay, or just not impressed with the neo-con agenda) it's going to be another bumpy 4 years.
[quote name='bmulligan']Or Carter? Was he illegitimate too? His margin of pop vote was only 2.1% If it weren't for those godamned christian democrats, we'd have won some gold in Moscow !!

The point is this is not the only time in history the country has been 'divided'. We have been divided since the begining. It's the nature of the political process.[/quote]

Simply prefering one candidate over another is different than having a hatred for the other candidate.
[quote name='alonzomourning23'][quote name='bmulligan']Or Carter? Was he illegitimate too? His margin of pop vote was only 2.1% If it weren't for those godamned christian democrats, we'd have won some gold in Moscow !!

The point is this is not the only time in history the country has been 'divided'. We have been divided since the begining. It's the nature of the political process.[/quote]

Simply prefering one candidate over another is different than having a hatred for the other candidate.[/quote]

Sadly, many of the people on this forum do have a rather vicious hatred for one of the two major-party candidates. But I do think you're correct; most Americans don't hate either Bush or Kerry.
The following is a excerpt from an AIM conversation between myself and an evangelical friend of mine that I have nicknamed Mr. Bible (these are not our AIM IDs):

Mr. Bible: I heard today that Arafats death means that the rapture is soon at hand
Plumberboy: hahahahaha.
Plumberboy: He was 75 years old.
Mr. Bible: yep
Plumberboy: He had to die sometime.
Mr. Bible: and now hes dead
Plumberboy: You believe that?
Mr. Bible: well let me tell you what I heard first before you take what I'm trying to say out of context
Plumberboy: The anti-christ is our president. You could be right.
Mr. Bible: the bible says that when many leaders are pushing for peace in the middle east then our redemption is soon at hand
Mr. Bible: since arafat has died, many leaders are pushing for peace because they see an opportunity for peace
Mr. Bible: some well known prophetic scholars believe that the redemption is soon at hand ( the rapture)
Mr. Bible: because of arafats death
Mr. Bible: remember, if some day alot of people are all of a sudden missing from the earth, that was the rapture.
Mr. Bible: don't believe the lie that people will tell to explain people missing
Plumberboy: It's not going to happen.
Mr. Bible: well lets put it this way
Mr. Bible: if it does happen, you know the explanation
Plumberboy: Quit your wishful thinking, you're stuck here with the rest of us.

Why is it that Christians are so eager to bring about the end of the world?
bread's done