Are all women this mean? or am i just a failure at life?

First, Go Pens! Keep on rockin'! Second, yes, the word Woman is derived from the Greek word meaning Evil. ;) Third, this is the internet dude, go outside and meet women... How old are you?
No. His are Dr P1zza. Much more creepy and skin-crawley. Be warned you will want to take a shower afterwards with a brillo pad.
Whatever you do, don't don't provide a link to this thread to girls that you've an interest in.

(Y'know, the rules of double-negatives...'don't use no double negatives' because they cancel each other out.)

Shit dude, stop feeling sorry for yourself. Oh and don't post your mental breakdowns on the internet; it makes you seem a wee bit unstable. If you need to talk to someone talk to talk to a friend, a shrink, or even your dog, just not youtube. In your case I would go with shrink.

Try to convince anyone who has your videos up to take them down. (good luck) If any girl you ever date sees that shit, it's over.

edit: and since you are 24, get a job that pays more than $600/month. That should be any job that pays minimum wage.

more of the op


Actually I do like movies about Gladiators. I have one of them on DVD. By the way, Gladiator is Latin for "Erect Penis" you didn't know.

Anyway, I told the girls in class today that you people put my picture up on the Hot or Not website and gave me a 4 out of a 10. They thought that was pretty mean of you. They seemed to be interested in that a bit for some reason because a number of them chimed in for one reason or another. I told them that I might have to get some new Internet friends.
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dude are these videos serious? wow i guess that explains why those chicks ended things. drp1zza in the future make sure those chicks dont see your videos then you will up your chances at getting with them. man the youtube generation is very ........interesting.
[quote name='homeland']They are probably all just jealous red wings fans. Have you tried talking to chicks from the Pitt?[/QUOTE]

I also second this, michigan chicks are stupid bitches! Can't wait till I get the fruck outta here.

That said, it is you and you don't need a relationship even though you tell yourself you do. you know 70% of ALL relationships fail and 50% of the retards that get married are divorced in the first year. I mean seriously, if that isn't a testament to just fuck, I really don't know what else to say.

Past that the shit that happens to you in this world, is your fault, deal. You didn't say the right thing are you just didn't say it to the right girl. Try again. Don't be depressed, just roll on through mang, good luck. remember alpha male, don't let people tell you how shit is gonna go down, you tell them how it is gonna go with no regrets.
[quote name='mastagoalie']

That said, it is you and you don't need a relationship even though you tell yourself you do. you know 70% of ALL relationships fail and 50% of the retards that get married are divorced in the first year. I mean seriously, if that isn't a testament to just fuck, I really don't know what else to say.


The only problem is that the majority of the women who think that way just aren't going to have sex with the OP ( besides prostitution), so he might as well throw that thought out of the window.
I am both ashamed and afraid that Dr. Pizza lives in Michigan.
yeah dude just start making relationships in real life, start by earning a girls trust and becoming there friend, then pretty much the whole should i say "bf and gf" thing will soon come. but if you dont know many women in real life, join some sort of club that relates to you hobbies. like you seem to enjoy hockey, so maybe see if theres some sort of local hockey fan club in your area. just find a place to meet girls, other than bars because that doesnt usually turn out in the long run.
[quote name='Magehart']Here's how I roll if it's ever an online girl. You start chatting with them and by the next weekend if you haven't plowed them then move on because you're moving too damn slow and it's over.

There's two types of relationships: Online relationships and real relationships.

An online relationship is a pseudo relationship that will be dropped at any moment when a real life prospect either from that person or most likely a different one presents itself.

A real relationship is one that has substance to it and the other party will think before ending it. This is why if you want anything meaningful meet them as fast as possible otherwise you'll build up what equates to this thread; a whole lot of shit that means absolutely nothing to anybody but you.[/QUOTE]

I beg to differ. My ex-wife was having an online affair with some guy she met on a Star Wars site. Six months after she abandoned me and our daughter, she's already 5 months pregnant with this guy's kid.

My point? Online relationships can become real, as long as both parties are absolute fucking morons. So there is hope for the good Doctor.
[quote name='dmlopr']drp1zza, it may be a long time but please don't have sex until you get your life together.[/QUOTE]

After seeing those videos, I'd feel much safer if he didn't *ever* have sex. If he reproduces, we're doomed.
[quote name='sp00ge']I beg to differ. My ex-wife was having an online affair with some guy she met on a Star Wars site. Six months after she abandoned me and our daughter, she's already 5 months pregnant with this guy's kid.

My point? Online relationships can become real, as long as both parties are absolute fucking morons. So there is hope for the good Doctor.[/QUOTE]
Oh my god, the update on your ex-wife is horrible. Stay strong dude.
[quote name='sp00ge']I beg to differ. My ex-wife was having an online affair with some guy she met on a Star Wars site. Six months after she abandoned me and our daughter, she's already 5 months pregnant with this guy's kid.

My point? Online relationships can become real, as long as both parties are absolute fucking morons. So there is hope for the good Doctor.[/QUOTE]

I know it sucks, but the strange must be awesome.
I don't know how old you are, but you come off as angsty and immature. I don't know any women that are attracted to either.
Yeah, these were online friends, but i had the potential to meet them....
[quote name='Brak']I am both ashamed and afraid that Dr. Pizza lives in Michigan.[/QUOTE]

After watching these videos, my feelings are "horrified" and "Terrified that he might live near me."
[quote name='rabbitt']"...bounce on me like a fucking cantaloupe."

I will be saying this from now on.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. I dont know wth he was crying about... that was the only line that stood out...

This is ridiculous. This cant be real. If it is, I think he answered his own question.
[quote name='Chairman_LMAO']After watching these videos, my feelings are "horrified" and "Terrified that he might live near me."[/QUOTE]

He's from Saginaw. That's part of his problem. He should move to Bay City and pick up a random hockey wench at any of the 5,000 bars in the town.
[quote name='chakan']Online "friends" aren't working for you. Get off your PC and go outside, meet real people, not ones living out fantasies that don't mean anything to them online.[/QUOTE]

I had an online relationship with a woman I was going to meet(A few states down), Bad news:

She went batshit crazy (going emo and suicidal) and then got pregnant by an another dude. After that, I just called off the online relationship and deleted my yahoo account.

At least if you meet with real people, you can confront them when they do crazy shit AND NOT HIDE behind a computer so they can't get hurt.
[quote name='The Dord']I had an online relationship with a woman I was going to meet(A few states down), Bad news:

She went batshit crazy (going emo and suicidal) and then got pregnant by an another dude. After that, I just called off the online relationship and deleted my yahoo account.[/QUOTE]

Wow, that's almost exactly what happened to me when I was 15 and thought I know about the world. Only mine didn't go batshit crazy and get preggers until AFTER we broke up. No, she broke up with me because she made out with a dude who actually lived near her. And I was actually SAD about it.

I want to go back in time and slap myself in the face. I really needed it.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']He's from Saginaw. That's part of his problem. He should move to Bay City and pick up a random hockey wench at any of the 5,000 bars in the town.[/QUOTE]

I've dated a girl from Michigan, and I wouldn't recommend it. fucking rich bitches from Sterling Heights and their attitude of "I can do whatever I want and be a total whore and it's okay because Daddy says I'm his little princess."
[quote name='Matt Young']I've dated a girl from Michigan, and I wouldn't recommend it. fucking rich bitches from Sterling Heights and their attitude of "I can do whatever I want and be a total whore and it's okay because Daddy says I'm his little princess."[/QUOTE]

Oh man, don't get me started on the girls around here. fucking hoodrat chicks, whiter than white, but still acting all ghetto in the suburbs. I think I've dated all the girls worth dating here.
bread's done