Are you going to see Resident Evil: Apocalypse?

I think the movies misrepresent the games.

Because the game didn't have whores doing acrobatics while mindlessly shooting at things.
[quote name='Quackzilla']I think the movies misrepresent the games.

Because the game didn't have whores doing acrobatics while mindlessly shooting at things.[/quote]

Thats because they cant actually move in the games...i think controlling characters in RE should be more like Monkey Ball.
i think it will be good........i sorta liked the first one........i saw it about 45 min. ago on the sci-fi channel......that channel freaks me out!
"My next logistical puzzlement involves killing the zombies. They die when you shoot them. Fine, except Umbrella Corp. has developed some mutants who wear bulletproof armor. Zillions of rounds of ammo bounce off this armor, but here's a funny thing: The mutants do not wear helmets, so we can see their ugly faces. So why not just shoot them in the head? Am I missing something here? "

Well can't fight that logic
Ebert's last sentence in the review...

Parents: If you encounter teenagers who say they liked this movie, do not let them date your children.

I like listening to ebert for reviews of movies he didn't like but it rarely effects my desire to see a movie, it's just for comedic effect. Critics are paid to critique movies, tear them arpart to their most elemental levels and tell you what they think is wrong with it. This isnt usually the way the average joe sees a movie. We go in wanting to be entertained and if the movie succeeds in this you go back and tell your friends it kicks ass or if it didn't you say it sucked.

This is the only kind of review that acctually effects my decision.
Some spoilers, nothing that big though.

It's a miracle! I saw this movie at 2:45 P.M., and it is MUCH, MUCH better than the first one, which was horseshit. I came in expecting a movie of House of the Dead caliber (which I also saw in the first day for the same reason: to laugh at it), but I came out with a smile on my face. It doesn't really follow the storyline of the game, but a couple of key parts are intact. There is NO SEX OR NUDITY AT ALL except for topless hooker zombies and a boobie shot of a naked Milla in a tank. The fistfight between Milla and Nemesis isn't as nearly lame as it sounds. The only main problem I had with it was that while Nicholai was in it, he was a whiny redhead fuck that got killed by freakin dogs!

Oh, and for those who read the article in which the person who plays Jill said she tried to move like Jill did in the games... she succeeded, and it doesn't look stupid at all. One more thing.... is it possible that this movie is much better than the first simply thanks to Paul WS Anderson not being the director? Possibly....
[quote name='DenisDFat']Looks even worse than the games and the games are really bad[/quote]

You sir, are a fucking moron. The games are great. If you're judging them on the control scheme alone, you're truly missing out on some great gaming.

As for me, I will be seeing the sequel b/c I enjoyed the first one and I got a free ticket with my copy of the DVD.
[quote name='Gameboy415'][quote name='DenisDFat']Looks even worse than the games and the games are really bad[/quote]

You sir, are a shaq-fuing moron. The games are great. If you're judging them on the control scheme alone, you're truly missing out on some great gaming.

As for me, I will be seeing the sequel b/c I enjoyed the first one and I got a free ticket with my copy of the DVD.[/quote]

Please don't feed the trolls.
[quote name='Alpha2']He still wrote it but the director this time around, Alexander Witt, is probably looking to make a name for himself... his resume:[/quote]

He Worked on Under Siege 2 which increases my desire to see it. Probably gonna go to the late late show tonight
i'm going to watch the movie and not take it so seriously. it'll probably be so-so. the first one was fun b/c there were a lot of girls in the crowd and everytime something jumped out, everyone would go wild, lol! :p
I still haven't seen Shrek 2...or Spider-Man 2...or ESB...or ROTJ...or Ferris Bueller's Day Off...or Back to the Future...or...hell, I'll stop there.

I've got so much catching up to do that I can't afford to see any current movies. :)
I came into the movie with no expectations except for it to be amusingly bad. I think that helped with my acceptance of the movie. Go see it unless you're thinking Jesus will pop out of the screen. If you have low expectations, you will be pleasantly surprised.
Eh, just got back from watching it. I'd say it wasn't the best movie in the world but still, pretty good. Id say people who liked the first one will definitely like RE:A. They just had to put comedic relief in the form of Omar Epps though...pretty funny dude.
Ya, I'm going to see it. I was one of the 2 people who liked the first one. Wasn't the best, but I thought it was a good popcorn flick.
Far superior to the first film.

It was a pretty good movie, though it could have been better

everything dead of knight said is correct about the film
It seems pretty interesting and I might go see it. I heard Capcom is making a movie for Onimusha video game, anyone know when will it be out?
problably only optioned for a movie, dosent mean one will actually get made though if this works out well for them again it might...
Ok, I just got back from it, so I'll give my point of view:

First, the bad. The acting and dialogue seemed really bad, it almost felt like a dubbed foreign film. At times the film sounded like an old Argento film, which isn't a good thing. Second, the ending sapped some of the energy of the film. Finally, some of the fighting scenes were shot too close.

Now, the good. I really liked this fim! I though it was so much better than the first. There is no shoratge of action, or tension. The director knows his why around suspense/action film cliches. He sets you up thinking it's going to be one way, and goes another. I really enjoyed that. The film moves at a good pace, and has an interesting and , not overcomplicated (finally!) story. All the effects look good. Lots of guns are the icing on the cake for me. AvP didn't have enough weaponry for me; this film satisfies my cravings.

Bottom line; get out of the computer chair, grab some popcorn and red vines, and go see it.
Yeah the accents on some people were freakin horrible, but it didn't bother me too much considering there is the same exact problem in the game.

People really need to see this movie. There were only 7 people in the theater, which was the same as when I saw The House of the Dead the day it came out. And until the previews started, my boyfriend and I were the only ones there.

And checking on imdb, the black guy wasn't Omar Epps, it was Mike Epps. Probably his brother or something. Sure he was a stereotype in the movie, but he did not go overboard in the least, unlike most movies with stereotypical characters, and pretty much all of his jokes were amusing.

EDIT: Apparently Omar and Mike aren't related. Oh well.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Yeah the accents on some people were freakin horrible, but it didn't bother me too much considering there is the same exact problem in the game.

People really need to see this movie. There were only 7 people in the theater, which was the same as when I saw The House of the Dead the day it came out. And until the previews started, my boyfriend and I were the only ones there.

And checking on imdb, the black guy wasn't Omar Epps, it was Mike Epps. Probably his brother or something. Sure he was a stereotype in the movie, but he did not go overboard in the least, unlike most movies with stereotypical characters, and pretty much all of his jokes were amusing.

EDIT: Apparently Omar and Mike aren't related. Oh well.[/quote]

I went at 9:30 and the theater was pretty full. Not as full as it was for AvP but full none the less.

I personally am hoping they do make a third one as this one was an amazing improvement
[quote name='Dead of Knight']
And checking on imdb, the black guy wasn't Omar Epps, it was Mike Epps. Probably his brother or something. Sure he was a stereotype in the movie, but he did not go overboard in the least, unlike most movies with stereotypical characters, and pretty much all of his jokes were amusing.

EDIT: Apparently Omar and Mike aren't related. Oh well.[/quote]
My bad that shows I dont know my black actors... Its just the last name...why do they have the same last name? He was still funny though.
Me being a HUGE re fan and lovign the first one...saw this and thought it could of been soo much better. semmed a lil lame to me but i still enjoyed it.
[quote name='Alpha2']I like listening to ebert for reviews of movies he didn't like but it rarely effects my desire to see a movie, it's just for comedic effect. Critics are paid to critique movies, tear them arpart to their most elemental levels and tell you what they think is wrong with it. This isnt usually the way the average joe sees a movie. We go in wanting to be entertained and if the movie succeeds in this you go back and tell your friends it kicks ass or if it didn't you say it sucked.

This is the only kind of review that acctually effects my decision.[/quote]

How does "It is a dead zone, a film without interest, wit, imagination or even entertaining violence and special effects" not meet that criteria? You say you want to be entertained, but he flat out says he doesn't think the movie is entertaining on any level, logic problems and hammy acting aside. Not that the review would or should preclude you from eventually liking the movie anyway, but that would seem to give you the kind of opinion you are looking for.
I thought the movie was great. I liked the little nod to Code Veronica and Re:3 cuz some of the camera angles and were exactly like they were in the games. I wonder what they're gonna do with Alice tho cuz that ending was kinda weird.
They need Claire and Chris in the next one. Now. Apparently Claire was gonna be in this one but they cut her out.

Barry and Wesker must also make at least cameo appearances.
Here's a useless fact but did you know Claires orignal was supposed to be Alice Walker. She was gonna be a biker chick who just happend to go to Raccoon City. I thought that they'd make one of the STARS guys in the flick Barry and I think the guy from on the roof look kinda familiar.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']They need Claire and Chris in the next one. [/quote]

I was thinking the same thing, maybe Rebecca too.
Saw the movie last night. I liked it, better than the first, except I HATED the camera. I wish I could grab the cameraman and tell him "stop moving so much!". Other than that, it was pretty good. Nemesis was incredible!
I enjoyed the first one and thought it was fairly decent so I think I'll check this one out. I really like the trailers for the movie, especially the first one with the regenerative age cream. After seeing Aliens versus Predator and The Village back to back, I feel that this can't be as bad. Heck it actually looks like a great action flick. Better than its B movie original. The previews seem to show that it takes more out of the Resident Evil universe, and seems to sort of go through the first three game (1-3nemisis) so it should be better. You can not tell me that the first Resident Evil isn't the best Video Game movie. Sure it was sort of a B type of a movie but it definently had the best story and action of them all. I hope they do in this movie like what they did with the Bourne Supremacy and make it more of a continuity than a straight sequel that you don't need to know any prior info. I'll probably see it later tonight.

P.S. the Punisher didn't suck. It was actually quite enjoyable and surprised me by how much I liked it.
[quote name='goukill1120']I thought the movie was great. I liked the little nod to Code Veronica and Re:3 cuz some of the camera angles and were exactly like they were in the games. I wonder what they're gonna do with Alice tho cuz that ending was kinda weird.[/quote]

Not to mention how they had Jill walk when she was in the basement of the school. Sideways creeping with two hands on the gun next to her hip. Cool stuff.

Nemesis was spot-on visually, though they didn't use him like the horror version of the Kool Aid man that he was in the game..

Overall, a dumb, but very fun movie.
Just got back from seeing it, and just as I thought, shit. Better than the first one, but just so scattershot. Basically it was dumb, dumb, dumb popcorn flick entertaining in some parts, cringe worthy a majority of the time (such as everytime Captain "bling-bling" black stereotype spoke).

Wrap your brain around this one: thunder and lightning in the the scene in the church on-going for several minutes, but when you see outside, there is no storm or rain. :roll:
RE: Apocalpyse was a horrible movie. I may be the minority on this one, but I felt the first movie was much better. Like NFG said, the camera kept moving around too much, especially during action/fight scenes. I also thought the the Jill Valentine character was poorly acted and seemed a bit tacked on. These are just some of the problems with the movie. Unfortunately there will most likely be a sequel.
[quote name='NintendoFanGirl'][quote name='Dead of Knight']They need Claire and Chris in the next one. [/quote]

I was thinking the same thing, maybe Rebecca too.
Saw the movie last night. I liked it, better than the first, except I HATED the camera. I wish I could grab the cameraman and tell him "stop moving so much!". Other than that, it was pretty good. Nemesis was incredible![/quote]

fuck, they need the WHOLE cast of the games in there, but you know it isn't going to happen.

Guardian_owl: Ever live in New England? If so, that would be the norm. I forget where Racoon City is supposed to be but...

And WildWop's Kool-Aid man comparison makes me :lol:
[quote name='Dead of Knight'][quote name='NintendoFanGirl'][quote name='Dead of Knight']They need Claire and Chris in the next one. [/quote]

I was thinking the same thing, maybe Rebecca too.
Saw the movie last night. I liked it, better than the first, except I HATED the camera. I wish I could grab the cameraman and tell him "stop moving so much!". Other than that, it was pretty good. Nemesis was incredible![/quote]

shaq-fu, they need the WHOLE cast of the games in there, but you know it isn't going to happen.

Guardian_owl: Ever live in New England? If so, that would be the norm. I forget where Racoon City is supposed to be but...

And WildWop's Kool-Aid man comparison makes me :lol:[/quote]

In the games, Racoon City is in the midwest, and we don't have freak thunder and lightning without a storm out here in Kansas :wink:
I thought the movie was not bad, dialogue could've used some work but the action made up for it. The only thing I didn't like was Nemesis at the end. Don't want to spoil it for others so won't go any further into it.
bread's done