Asian movie thread

[quote name='darkcrawlspace']Has anyone ever seen the movie Vistor Q? My friends wouldn't stop telling me how great it was, so I eventually ended up watching it. And to this day I'm still not sure if they were serious about what they thought of the movie, or if they were just saying that stuff just to get me to watch it. It's directed by none other than Takashi Miike, and from beginning to end it's the most disturbing movie I've ever seen. I don't really want to go into detail about everything that was disturbing about it, because it's the kind of stuff that will be etched into your memory whether you like it or not. After I watched it, I read some reviews about it, and surprisingly they were all positive. The movie supposedly depicted some of the issues present in the Japanese society. But I'll always remember it as one extremely screwed up movie.[/QUOTE]

Yea I heard about that movie. My friend said something about somebody having sex with a corpse and incest themes in there.
Don't forget the guy pulling the feces out of his dead daughters asshole and then smearing it on her corpse...

The whole movie is deranged
[quote name='doraemonkerpal']chingu - a story about 4 childhood friends growing up in korea (2 of which are gangsters)

iron monkey - donnie yen has a lot of fantastic kung fu scenes in this movie

god of gamblers or any old movie with chow yun fat or stephen chow![/QUOTE]

Is chingu the one where there's that has the neutral friend and the two other guys in rival gangs? One of them has the other one stabbed like 50 times? If it's the same movie I definitely recommend this movie.

My wife is gangster.
creepy asian films...i keep on forgetting tetsuo (the ironman) very bizarre...i can't seem to make it through the whole thing in one sitting.
[quote name='2poor']
Is chingu the one where there's that has the neutral friend and the two other guys in rival gangs? One of them has the other one stabbed like 50 times? If it's the same movie I definitely recommend this movie.
...Over the next decade, the once boyhood friends drift even further apart. As Jeong-ho and Sang-taek go to college and become career professionals, Jeong-suk and Dong-su split off into different gangs, eventually finding themselves on opposite ends of a gangland conflict, which leads to the ultimate test of their friendship.

yup :)

taken from this review of chingu (friend):
If you like feudal Japan, Zatoichi is a must see! The original is better in my opinion, but the new blonde Zato is good as well.
[quote name='shieryda']In the Line of Duty 4 is a good one, too.

Has anyone ever seen Naked Weapon?[/quote]

Its along the same lines of the movie Shiri, if you liked shiri you will like naked weapon..
[quote name='assassinX']Hmm my friend has told me god of gamblers is good, maybe I should check that out.[/quote]

If you like Chow Yun Fat movies then you will like god of gamblers, if you dont like his movies you are wasting your time..
[quote name='shieryda']In the Line of Duty 4 is a good one, too.

Has anyone ever seen Naked Weapon?[/QUOTE]

In the Line of Duty 4 rocked! I'm a big fan of Donnie Yen though so I'm probably biased, hehe.
[quote name='vietgurl']In the Line of Duty 4 rocked! I'm a big fan of Donnie Yen though so I'm probably biased, hehe.[/quote]

if you like donnie yen then you should watch once upon a time in china 2. the fight between donnie yen and jet li at the end, to me, is the best fight scene in a movie
[quote name='dude2003']if you like donnie yen then you should watch once upon a time in china 2. the fight between donnie yen and jet li at the end, to me, is the best fight scene in a movie[/quote]

I've got that one in my Netflix queue. I might have to bump up some of the Asian titles. I haven't seen one in a while...
Suprised no one has mentioned Lone Wolf and Cub and Lady Snowblood. I love serious Chambara films but these are great time killers. The first Lone Wolf and Cub still has some of my favorite imagery in a film. And Snowbood has a kick ass story.
[quote name='FoeHammer']If you like feudal Japan, Zatoichi is a must see! The original is better in my opinion, but the new blonde Zato is good as well.[/quote]

Kitanos zatoichi pales in comparison, it is a Kitano movie through and through, it was entertaining for me though since I like kitanos style of directing.

I know they are starting to release the Zatoichi TV series, I am looking forward to watching those.
[quote name='Metal Boss']Kitanos zatoichi pales in comparison, it is a Kitano movie through and through, it was entertaining for me though since I like kitanos style of directing.[/QUOTE]

Have you seen Takeshis' yet? The movie is trippy as hell, and although I probably didn't understand everything about it on my first viewing, it was still very entertaining to say the least.
[quote name='fart_bubble']Suprised no one has mentioned Lone Wolf and Cub and Lady Snowblood. I love serious Chambara films but these are great time killers. The first Lone Wolf and Cub still has some of my favorite imagery in a film. And Snowbood has a kick ass story.[/QUOTE]
i just got my hands on the lone wolf and cub series but haven't had a chance to view it yet. i'm hoping it's as good as the trailers i've seen for it look.
I like to see all of the support for Donnie Yen; also check out Tiger Cage (directed by Yuen Wo Ping) and Ballistic Kiss (with both gunplay and martial arts).

For another movie with an Infernal Affairs feel to it, Colour of the Truth (starring Anthony Wong).

Lastly, just about anything directed by and/or starring Takeshi "Beat" Kitano.
[quote name='assassinX']Hmm my friend has told me god of gamblers is good, maybe I should check that out.[/QUOTE]

Watch it you will love it...andy lau is awesome is ther first two and stephen chow is really funny in in the last two.classics in my book...
I'm surprised no one here mentioned "Dark Water". "Bangkok Haunted" is interesting though certainly not the best scary movie I've seen.
For any Anime fan I definitely suggest "Cutey Honey" though you don't get to see any nudity of Eriko Sato. :whistle2:(
[quote name='Sarang01']I'm surprised no one here mentioned "Dark Water".[/QUOTE]

IMO i thought it was ok...the asian ver is def better than the american clone though...
[quote name='integralsmatic']IMO i thought it was ok...the asian ver is def better than the american clone though...[/QUOTE]

Hadn't seen the American one yet, was curious about that. Even though it was straightforward I didn't think it was that bad.
Oh that reminds me: Has anyone seen "Infection" or "Pyrokinesis"?
hey integralsmatic, did u ever watch "Wait Til You're Older"? Andy Lau is in it. its sad movie. my tears was like coming out. i talked to many ppl who saw it. they all said they were pretty much tearing. great movie BTW.
[quote name='trunks982']hey integralsmatic, did u ever watch "Wait Til You're Older"? Andy Lau is in it. its sad movie. my tears was like coming out. i talked to many ppl who saw it. they all said they were pretty much tearing. great movie BTW.[/QUOTE]

i havent seen that one yet but i just talked to my cousin about it after seeing your post and it had the same effect on her as like you...i guess i will have to check it out..after hearing its like BIG but in total drama form..i guess this will be my next purchase..thanks for the heads up..
[quote name='bobo2k4']How anyone seen Shinobi? I thought it was alright but I liked the anime a lot better.

Also the trailer to another anime movie, Death Note[/QUOTE]

I actually just watched Shinobi the other was decent, but the story was a bit jumbled. Also I was hoping some of the fight scenes would last longer.

I love the Death Note manga, not sure how I feel about the movie. is your friend.

Look for:

Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
Tale of Two Sisters
Dead Friend
Sil Mi Do (Silmido)
Princess Aurora
Attack the Gas Station
A Bittersweet Life
Public Enemy
The Quiet Family
Save the Green Planet

That's a good start on South Korean Cinema

You can also check out my MY DVD's link below. I'm pretty into the cinema of the world plus I have rankings and snippets on most of the titles i own (around 600).

JSA Is a movie about the Joint Security Area (duh). It's the place where North Korea and South Korea meet. It is monitored on each side by 2 guys. So you have 2 Southern Koreans on the South side and 2 Northerns up north. The basic premise it that these 4 guys happen to meet and become friends (which is a huge no-no being enemys and all). They slowly get more and more lax with thier actual duties and start hanging out and such. Things Go wrong and there's an investigation as to what actually was going on and happening.

i'm trying not to give too much away, because i think if you go in with no pre-concieved notions it's best.

I'll just say this: WOW... fantastic movie! My wife hates movies like this. Ones where you actually have to watch and pay attention to notice everything and even she loved this movie.

Buy/see this movie. You will not be dissapointed.

(combined from a couple other posts of mine)
I haven't seen an asian movie for so long. Probably because of my lack of free time. (work and school) Then on the certain occasions going out on a work day since i work on the weekends. But yeah I saw Fearless which was pretty good. I liked Shinobi for the action but the story wasn't all that great. My favorite asian movies are Infernal Affairs and House of Flying Daggers.
[quote name='Deadpool'] is your friend.

Look for:

Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
Tale of Two Sisters
Dead Friend
Sil Mi Do (Silmido)
Princess Aurora
Attack the Gas Station
A Bittersweet Life
Public Enemy
The Quiet Family
Save the Green Planet

That's a good start on South Korean Cinema

You can also check out my MY DVD's link below. I'm pretty into the cinema of the world plus I have rankings and snippets on most of the titles i own (around 600).

JSA Is a movie about the Joint Security Area (duh). It's the place where North Korea and South Korea meet. It is monitored on each side by 2 guys. So you have 2 Southern Koreans on the South side and 2 Northerns up north. The basic premise it that these 4 guys happen to meet and become friends (which is a huge no-no being enemys and all). They slowly get more and more lax with thier actual duties and start hanging out and such. Things Go wrong and there's an investigation as to what actually was going on and happening.

i'm trying not to give too much away, because i think if you go in with no pre-concieved notions it's best.

I'll just say this: WOW... fantastic movie! My wife hates movies like this. Ones where you actually have to watch and pay attention to notice everything and even she loved this movie.

Buy/see this movie. You will not be dissapointed.

(combined from a couple other posts of mine)[/QUOTE]

i saw attack the gas was pretty funny...
Public Enemy is a good korean movie, I'd also recommend the Korean movie Sorum for suspense.

As for japanese chambara/ judei-geki, Harakiri is my favorite of all time.
[quote name='Sarang01']Has anyone seen this Avalon movie yet? I was curious if it's any good.[/QUOTE]

I own it and think it's shit. It's absolutely beautiful, but the story and acting are dreadful.
A new movie coming soon from South Korea called City of violence looks really awsome (the trailer on youtube of violence )

Can't wait for Dragon dragon tiger gate either ( tiger gate )

And for really good revenge flicks watch A bittersweet life along with Oldboy .Each have there own approach and are from S. Korea, and each are really good movies everyone should see once. ( the music alone is worth seeing these movies for)

And I don't know if battle royale has been mentioned in the thread yet(it is a classic)

The Killer, and Hard Boiled by John Woo, along with Fulltime Killer, and Breaking News are good gunplay movies from HK (and Born to Fight (trailer to fight trailer is a insane movie with crazy stunts( including a homage to police story), and some good fights, I watched it with no subs and enjoyed it more than most movies)

And if you just want old school kung fu with no wires or cgi , Ong bak, Tom yum goong and SPL are the best things to come out in years. And check out Dragons Forever for a classic Chan,Hung, and Biao collaberation that Hasn't reached the US for some reason yet.
The only ones I've seen and can recommend are Oldboy, Ong-Bak, Infernal Affairs, and Battle Royale.

All of those were really excellent, despite the fact that Ong-Bak had a horrible plot (it was worth it for the stunts)
[quote name='Deadpool']
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
A Bittersweet Life
Save the Green Planet
I can definitely vouch for those movies being good.

And yeah, JSA is a really great movie. I love the photograph at the end.

On the other hand, I wouldn't really agree as much with Silmido. While not a bad movie, it's seriously overly dramatic at times to the point where it pretty much ruined the movie, for me anyway.

Save the Green Planet is a fucking fantastic movie. It was so weird and yet because of the acting it was totally believable (well, the ending was a little fantastic, but still very cool).

A couple other movies I would recommend are Fighter in the Wind, which is another South Korean movie. Pretty good story of a Korean fighter in Japan during WW2 that founded a new type of Karate known as Kyokushin Karate. Good fighting although does dip into the cheese at points. Next would be Memories of Murder which is a fantastic murder mystery about a serial killer in a small village in South Korea. It's a VERY well done movie and the story is fanastic IMO. Lastly is Musa the Warrior. It's basically like a House of Flying Daggers/Hero type movie but not quite as fantastical and IMO a little better done. Also good Asian movies to check out are Survive Style 5+ (although it's pretty weird), Electric Dragon 80,000 Volts (see last), both Japanese movies although I'm not as much a fan of Japanese cinema as I am Korean. Next on my list of movies from Korea to check out are Arahan, Crying Fist, The King & the Clown, and Typhoon.
[quote name='Stuka']I can definitely vouch for those movies being good.

And yeah, JSA is a really great movie. I love the photograph at the end.

On the other hand, I wouldn't really agree as much with Silmido. While not a bad movie, it's seriously overly dramatic at times to the point where it pretty much ruined the movie, for me anyway.

Save the Green Planet is a fucking fantastic movie. It was so weird and yet because of the acting it was totally believable (well, the ending was a little fantastic, but still very cool).

A couple other movies I would recommend are Fighter in the Wind, which is another South Korean movie. Pretty good story of a Korean fighter in Japan during WW2 that founded a new type of Karate known as Kyokushin Karate. Good fighting although does dip into the cheese at points. Next would be Memories of Murder which is a fantastic murder mystery about a serial killer in a small village in South Korea. It's a VERY well done movie and the story is fanastic IMO. Lastly is Musa the Warrior. It's basically like a House of Flying Daggers/Hero type movie but not quite as fantastical and IMO a little better done. Also good Asian movies to check out are Survive Style 5+ (although it's pretty weird), Electric Dragon 80,000 Volts (see last), both Japanese movies although I'm not as much a fan of Japanese cinema as I am Korean. Next on my list of movies from Korea to check out are Arahan, Crying Fist, The King & the Clown, and Typhoon.[/QUOTE]

How is "The King and the Clown"? A lot more untoned than Brokeback and underappreciated for creating dialogue or what?
[quote name='Stuka']I can definitely vouch for those movies being good.

And yeah, JSA is a really great movie. I love the photograph at the end.

On the other hand, I wouldn't really agree as much with Silmido. While not a bad movie, it's seriously overly dramatic at times to the point where it pretty much ruined the movie, for me anyway.

Save the Green Planet is a fucking fantastic movie. It was so weird and yet because of the acting it was totally believable (well, the ending was a little fantastic, but still very cool).

A couple other movies I would recommend are Fighter in the Wind, which is another South Korean movie. Pretty good story of a Korean fighter in Japan during WW2 that founded a new type of Karate known as Kyokushin Karate. Good fighting although does dip into the cheese at points. Next would be Memories of Murder which is a fantastic murder mystery about a serial killer in a small village in South Korea. It's a VERY well done movie and the story is fanastic IMO. Lastly is Musa the Warrior. It's basically like a House of Flying Daggers/Hero type movie but not quite as fantastical and IMO a little better done. Also good Asian movies to check out are Survive Style 5+ (although it's pretty weird), Electric Dragon 80,000 Volts (see last), both Japanese movies although I'm not as much a fan of Japanese cinema as I am Korean. Next on my list of movies from Korea to check out are Arahan, Crying Fist, The King & the Clown, and Typhoon.[/QUOTE]

I really enjoyed Arahan. To me it was pretty funny and the fight scenes were really well done without being too over the top. The last fight scene was disappointing though. There was way too much "roaring" at the end
[quote name='assassinX']I want to see the protector.[/QUOTE]

i saw it. ill tell you Tony Jaa is now with jackie chan as the best stunt martial artis actor...i havent seen bone crunching fighting since the days of bruce lee and sonny chiba. no action movie ever made me cringe in my seat until i saw that one.
Ok, so on my IMDB movies to see list I have:

Battle Royale
Visitor Q
Sympathy for mr. Vengence
Sympathy for Lady Vengence
3 Extremes

I 'have' Ichi the Killer, and I saw Oldboy which is one of the most fucking amazing movies ever. How's my list look?
[quote name='RiCeBo1']SPL was badass

Fearless was badass

That new Donnie Yen movie was also badass[/QUOTE]

u mean dragon tiger gate? its based on HK comics
[quote name='jPoD']Ok, so on my IMDB movies to see list I have:

Battle Royale
Visitor Q
Sympathy for mr. Vengence
Sympathy for Lady Vengence
3 Extremes

I 'have' Ichi the Killer, and I saw Oldboy which is one of the most fucking amazing movies ever. How's my list look?[/QUOTE]

looks more for the old school god of gamblers and young and dangerous. i just picked up 3 iron and attack the gas station from my local EZ video for 6 bucks. not bad at all. i just finished waiting till your another past cag in this thread gave me the reccomendation..i picked it up in Chinatown..and it made me and my gf cry. its the sob story of all sob stories.
All you art-house types should check out a film by the name of Last Life in the Universe. It's a slow, winding, dreamy, ethreal drama that follows a timid Japanese man who's obsessed with suicide. He meets a off-the-wall Thai girl and.... well, you'll see. It's one of my favorite movies of all time. If you appreciate Japanese-style film (which is isn't, but it's fashioned as such), you'll most likely enjoy it immensely.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']All you art-house types should check out a film by the name of Last Life in the Universe. It's a slow, winding, dreamy, ethreal drama that follows a timid Japanese man who's obsessed with suicide. He meets a off-the-wall Thai girl and.... well, you'll see. It's one of my favorite movies of all time. If you appreciate Japanese-style film (which is isn't, but it's fashioned as such), you'll most likely enjoy it immensely.[/QUOTE] Yeah, I saw that one a year and a half ago or so. I'd recommend it.

I'd also recommend both The Bow and 3-Iron, both of which I watched this weekend, and both of which were directed by Ki-duk Kim.
[quote name='fart_bubble']I can't wait for yesasia to ship my copy of Dod Bite Dog.[/QUOTE]

Please update us on how that is. I've been thinking of picking it up but have heard little to nothing on it.
bread's done