Asshole soldier David Motari throws puppy off cliff

To all you that say it just a dog. Ya its just a dog and people do worse things but when people do worse things it's unusually because of bad judgment or inability to control there emotions not for entertainment. I wouldn't want someone that enjoys killing and records it living in my neighborhood or to have the duty of protecting me, and I certainly wouldn't count on them to use discretion when dealing with civilians.

On a side note anyone think Jack Thompson will blame this on video games?
[quote name='itachiitachi']To all you that say it just a dog. Ya its just a dog and people do worse things but when people do worse things it's unusually because of bad judgment or inability to control there emotions not for entertainment. I wouldn't want someone that enjoys killing and records it living in my neighborhood or to have the duty of protecting me, and I certainly wouldn't count on them to use discretion when dealing with civilians.

On a side note anyone think Jack Thompson will blame this on video games?[/quote]

I'd like to know which video game Mr. Thompson is going to pin this on? You can't do this on GTA, Halo or any other game because no game right now has the opinion to throw a tied up, helpless puppy in the air like that.
By the way: To Anyone who doesn't know. This story is mostly fake. Just covered for News Sake.
[quote name='mykevermin']I don't care about those things? I'm only allowed to be outraged by one thing at a time?

Perhaps in your plebian world, hombre. But a look at public opinion polls, topics created in the vs forum, and pretty much damn near every public discussion I have shows that people are concerned about those things far more than this.

This is the sort of thing that channels a very emotional, gut-level reaction - which isn't something that happens when you realize that we're looking at an economic outlook right now worse than Carter - and that this is the tip of the economic iceberg (we're goin' nowhere but down, folks).

I'm sorry you aren't bothered by this - but I'm more sorry that you're such a simpleton that you can't fathom that someone can be bothered by multiple things at the same time.

OMG! I hate PSN and find the 360 an unreliable piece of junk! Why am I not concerned with the real problems in this world!?!?!?!?!?[/QUOTE]

you can be all defensive.....for some reason you feel the need........but I am refering to the hate mongers that make this the Main reason that our troops are Satan to the foreign world.

People in our own country are taking this story and labeling our military as a whole because of these two jackasses. That is who I am refering too.

Go look at som emainstream news forums and especially the European news message boards. Any excuse for foreigners to label Americans as puppy killing mercenaries and they will do it and our own citizens worry more about animal stories than other atrocities that happen.
[quote name='lowgear26']you can be all defensive.....for some reason you feel the need........but I am refering to the hate mongers that make this the Main reason that our troops are Satan to the foreign world.

People in our own country are taking this story and labeling our military as a whole because of these two jackasses. That is who I am refering too.

Go look at som emainstream news forums and especially the European news message boards. Any excuse for foreigners to label Americans as puppy killing mercenaries and they will do it and our own citizens worry more about animal stories than other atrocities that happen.[/QUOTE]

...and? I'm not doing that. I think *this guy* is a prick who needs to be thrown off a cliff. Anyone who would do that to a vulerable animal deserves the same fate, whether they're in a military uniform or a UPS uniform.

Don't put words in my mouth; I'm not chastising anything about the military as a whole or anyone in general. This guy is a prick and deserves some justice as a result.

In the process of labeling someone else as "defensive," do be sure not to be the guy who is trying to deny this story's reality, k? That's like an evolution denier calling a scientist "defensive."
[quote name='whoknows']And somehow I think that's worse than tossing a dog.

But that's just me[/quote]

I think everybody does.

But somehow I don't think that means that a guy chucking a puppy off a cliff isn't an asshole....
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Sure that puppy isn't fake? I have a small dog, and if I held it like that for even a second it would start squirming.[/quote]

Yeah - one theory is that the puppy was already dead and the yelps were added in after the fact.
[quote name='lowgear26']you can be all defensive.....for some reason you feel the need........but I am refering to the hate mongers that make this the Main reason that our troops are Satan to the foreign world.

People in our own country are taking this story and labeling our military as a whole because of these two jackasses. That is who I am refering too.

Go look at som emainstream news forums and especially the European news message boards. Any excuse for foreigners to label Americans as puppy killing mercenaries and they will do it and our own citizens worry more about animal stories than other atrocities that happen.[/quote]

Interesting you mention this...

"Eres lo que lees". You are what you read. The sentence, written with dog food, was displayed on the white wall of an art gallery. Close to that wall, an abandoned and diseased street dog was left tied to a rope and a wire string. An incense burner was placed nearby where, allegedly, crack and cannabis was burnt during the inauguration. Without food and water, the animal died in the gallery during the next day.
It happened in Nicaragua. It was an "installation" by artist Guillermo Vargas, known as Habacuc.
The situation, documented with several images, received a lot of attention on the web and originated an online petition against it's author that gathers, as I write these words, close to 50.000 signatures.
Here is, then, Habacuc, the great moralizer. On his own words, he states that "the important to me was the hypocrisy of the people: an animal becomes the focus of attention when I put it on a white place where people go see art, not when he's on the street dying of hunger". Questioned on the reason why he didn't use a different form of expressing his message, the inhumanity is complete. "I remember what I see" The dog is more alive now than ever because people are still talking about it".

It doesn"t take an animal lover to understand the intellectual grotesque of the whole thing. The display of a dog's death in the name of a useless gesture. Habacuc against the world, in his prejudiced eyes where we are all hypocrites.
Intending to change the world, and change us all, famous tyrants promoted the greatest genocides in history. To Habacuc, against our hypocrisy, was left the power to kill a miserable dog of the streets of Managua. As for art, well, maybe it died a long time ago

Now - we do hold soldiers to a higher standard then artists. But still...
Dogs personify the greatest attributes that human beings can aspire to possess: loyalty, courage, and compassion.

It was really disgusting what that piece of shit did.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Sure that puppy isn't fake? I have a small dog, and if I held it like that for even a second it would start squirming.[/QUOTE]

It looks like its legs are zip tied.
[quote name='darthbudge']If anyone needs a IED blown up in their face, it is this guy.[/quote]So this guy deserves to die because of this? Then I guess all the people who hunt deers should too, since they are killing defenseless animals as well.

It's a fucking dog people. Yes, it was a prick thing to do, but the guy doesn't deserve to be beaten and or killed over it.
Honestly, it was unnecessary. However, it was just a dog.

It's nothing compared to killing another person. He could be disciplined, but killed? Come on now.
Dead or not, who cares? I love it when people value the life of something so much, they are willing to destroy anything, including other life, to serve their cause. Hypocrytes.
the guy is a douche and deserves punishment of some sort

his family needs to be left alone cause they have nothing to do with it

for all people saying its just a dog, to you its just a dog, to others it could be something else. You should not really judge people for caring about a dog, because you can be just as easily judged for not caring about an innocent helpless animal.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Honestly, it was unnecessary. However, it was just a dog.


[SIZE=-1]“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated” - Gandhi

Just a dog? Dogs have been domesticated by humans for thousands of years. Dogs will defend their owners to their dieing breaths even if those same owners beat and mistreat them. Perhaps such an idea is lost to people who never had a dog in their family or live in some part of the world where they are eaten.[/SIZE]
[quote name='gobz'][SIZE=-1]“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated” - Gandhi
[/SIZE][/quote] "If animals were so great, they would be Human" - Vanilla Gorilla.
[quote name='gobz'][SIZE=-1]“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated” - Gandhi

Just a dog? Dogs have been domesticated by humans for thousands of years. Dogs will defend their owners to their dieing breaths even if those same owners beat and mistreat them. Perhaps such an idea is lost to people who never had a dog in their family or live in some part of the world where they are eaten.[/SIZE][/quote]

Funny you quote Gandhi, because he was a fruitarian who would never have eaten any animal (and likely would have been more focused on the corrupt American beef industry).

There was a profit-making, American job-supplying horsemeat business in Texas that was shut down because some wealthy "do-gooder" horse riders used their influence to get Texas to pass a law forbidding the slaughter of horses for food.

I am so freaking sick of the double standard in USA where cute cuddly housepet animals get treated like royalty while traditional farm animals (including pigs who are actually highly intelligent and loving when trained correctly) are treated with horrifying levels of abuse before slaughter.

Stop the hypocrisy.
[quote name='camoor']Funny you quote Gandhi, because he was a fruitarian who would never have eaten any animal (and likely would have been more focused on the corrupt American beef industry).

There was a profit-making, American job-supplying horsemeat business in Texas that was shut down because some wealthy "do-gooder" horse riders used their influence to get Texas to pass a law forbidding the slaughter of horses for food.

I am so freaking sick of the double standard in USA where cute cuddly housepet animals get treated like royalty while traditional farm animals (including pigs who are actually highly intelligent and loving when trained correctly) are treated with horrifying levels of abuse before slaughter.

Stop the hypocrisy.[/quote]

You are making many assumptions about me. Am I a vegetarian? Perhaps I own a pet pig. Even more likely however is the fact that I am also against the cruel treatment of more animals than merely dogs. Maybe in the future you can get your facts straight before those busy little fingers start typing.
You know, if this did turn out to be fake, i bet the guy thinks harder before pulling these stunt in the future.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']"If animals were so great, they would be Human" - Vanilla Gorilla.[/QUOTE]

"Humans ARE animals" - SeanR :whee:
[quote name='JolietJake']You know, if this did turn out to be fake, i bet the guy thinks harder before pulling these stunt in the future.[/quote]

Agreed. I don't think even the guys on Jackass would be stupid enough to pull a stunt like this.

[quote name='Ikohn4ever']his family needs to be left alone cause they have nothing to do with it[/quote]


To all the people saying he needs to be killed for this, you really need to grow up. Eye for an eye went out around 50 B.C..
[quote name='gobz']You are making many assumptions about me. Am I a vegetarian? Perhaps I own a pet pig. Even more likely however is the fact that I am also against the cruel treatment of more animals than merely dogs. Maybe in the future you can get your facts straight before those busy little fingers start typing.[/quote]

Fair enough. Your other posts, where you say that humans can only aspire to be like dogs, smacked of being over-the-top to me - that's why I used your post as a spingboard.

I suppose I attributed my assumptions to your self-admitted status as a dog lover, I didn't know you were a vegitarian with a pet pig who also championed the cause of ending cruelty to animals in agri-business.
[quote name='gobz']Dogs personify the greatest attributes that human beings can aspire to possess: loyalty, courage, and compassion. [/QUOTE]

Plus they can lick their own dick. Yeah, I'm jealous.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']
To all the people saying he needs to be killed for this, you really need to grow up. Eye for an eye went out around 50 B.C..[/quote]Plus I think it was meant to be interpreted as "Man eye for man eye", not "Man eye for dog eye".
[quote name='HuppSav']I wish he would have given Hillary a DDT off the cliff and killed himself along with her.[/quote]

How about a dual DDT with McCain in the other headlock? Wait, I forget how a DDT works. How about a dual bulldog with Hilary and McCain off that cliff.
Under investigation + a phone call from his sister to a radio show:

CNN has finally picked up the story that I broke yesterday. According to CNN:
"This is a shocking and deplorable video that is contrary to the high standards that we set for every Marine," Marine Corps spokesman Maj. Chris Perrine said at a news conference Monday night.
"We will investigate this and take appropriate actions," Perrine said.
He said the Marine is being kept safe in view of the anger over the alleged incident.
Not so tough now, are you Motari?

Those who had lingering doubts about the Marine puppy killer's identification can put those doubts aside. According to David Motari's sister, he was indeed the Marine depicted in the video. Details here.

[quote name='HotShotX']Under investigation + a phone call from his sister to a radio show:


The marines need to boot this guy not protect him. Weither the puppy was real or a stuffed animal, this type of sick joke needs to be dealt with. If it was real, then he needs to be tied up and tossed over a bigger cliff. If it was fake, he needs to be stripped of rank, booted out and then sent to a mental hospital.

[quote name='ITDEFX']The marines need to boot this guy not protect him. Weither the puppy was real or a stuffed animal, this type of sick joke needs to be dealt with. If it was real, then he needs to be tied up and tossed over a bigger cliff. If it was fake, he needs to be stripped of rank, booted out and then sent to a mental hospital.


How many Marines have you hung out with?
Saw this a few days ago. Absolutely appalling. I'm disgusted to have a person like that representing this country. Whatever he gets is too good for him.
This was atrocious. Death is a little bit of an extreme sentence. I bet his fellow soldiers/CO's were sooooo pissed off.

Nowadays, and since vietnam really, wars are not won or lost due to weapons and soldiers. They're won and lost in the court of public opinion. WHen the public gets war fatigued (starting to hapen with Iraq), they start pressuring the rule-makers to end it. This video and episode (something new, different, and appalling) probably cost the US more in terms of winning the war in Iraq than a car bomb that kills 50 soldiers (something commonplace and "business as usual").
[quote name='JolietJake']You know, if this did turn out to be fake, i bet the guy thinks harder before pulling these stunt in the future.[/quote]
{I signed in just for you}
I really wish the video was fake. Wouldn't it be great if it was a propaganda video that can prove many statements?

And for animals to have equality bs? NO! Why do men get paid better than others? Because of their importance. Animals have importance as well and the less usefull you are, you get eaten.
[quote name='ITDEFX']Lance Cpl. David Motari is being processed for removal for his role, the Marine Corps said, and Sgt. Crismarvin Banez Encarnacion also has been punished.[/quote]

Great, what a wonderful way to punish this asshole than to to put him a position where less bullets are fired at him.

I'm hoping this is actually implying a dishonorable discharge from the Marines. At least in that case, the DD would follow him for the rest of his life and bar him from a few things and jobs.

[quote name='HotShotX']Great, what a wonderful way to punish this asshole than to to put him a position where less bullets are fired at him.

I'm hoping this is actually implying a dishonorable discharge from the Marines. At least in that case, the DD would follow him for the rest of his life and bar him from a few things and jobs.


I look at this way.

He is no longer under the protection of the military. So now he's fair game.

Everyone now knows who the fuck this guy is.

He can now face animal cruality charges and face some jail time.

Some people can break into his house, gag him, tie him up and toss him over a similar cliff all while video taping it and putting it on youtube.
bread's done