Attack on crowd at Denver Dark Knight Rises midnight showing

[quote name='Soodmeg']Muahhaa, former housemate sister dated him....come on now.

I had no reason to doubt him, just I have no reason to doubt you've met Ryan Gosling.
[quote name='lordopus99']Like the victims would want to see TDKR again so they can relive a flashback.[/QUOTE]

For you Titanic survivors, we have an all expenses paid cruise!
[quote name='lordopus99']Like the victims would want to see TDKR again so they can relive a flashback.[/QUOTE]

They never saw it a first time.
Oh Broom Hilda, you are so biting and topical.

Today's comic:

[quote name='Soodmeg']Yea........I doubt it.

More to the point, I dont really think you guys are getting how PR Stunts work. Bale is already Batman, he has cartoon money bags falling out of his scrooge mcduck like vault.....and you think he is still trying to boost his image for something that happened what 3 years ago? A good chunk of "new" batman fans probably dont even know about it....most of the rest would have forgot by now. Whats would be the actual PR in this? That people would like him more? He is already the star of the highest grossing franchise (not named Marvel comics) there could be.

This was just him doing something to help out...and us being jaded by years of horrid behavior. He gains nothing..[/QUOTE]

Highest grossing franchise other then marvel? I'm guessing you're only going by super hero movies,'cause batman is no where near the top grossing franchise of all time.
[quote name='ITDEFX']what the fuck??!?!?

now see it's taking it WAYYYY TOO FAR!! I predicted that the studio who is doing that Gangster Squad movie would delay it for a few months or change something and I was right. Now this bullshit to the upcoming batman series???[/QUOTE]

Nothing overshadows the tragedy.

That having been said, this censorship sucks.

They should either just scrap the series and go back to "BAM" "KAPOW" live action Batman or grow a set
[quote name='camoor']Nothing overshadows the tragedy.

That having been said, this censorship sucks.

They should either just scrap the series and go back to "BAM" "KAPOW" live action Batman or grow a set[/QUOTE]

1. actually, censorship is sometime necessary in events like this and i thinmk its good wqe dont want any younger ppl getin ideas so its good 2 tone down the cartoon hopeful premantely until trhis blows over.

2. i dont call athis a "tregedy" in any sense i dont really even care about the so-called "victims". sorry if u disagree but i dont give as*** (and yes i can curse becus the terms of service does not specifically say htat i cant)
[quote name='']1. actually, censorship is sometime necessary in events like this and i thinmk its good wqe dont want any younger ppl getin ideas so its good 2 tone down the cartoon hopeful premantely until trhis blows over.

2. i dont call athis a "tregedy" in any sense i dont really even care about the so-called "victims". sorry if u disagree but i dont give as*** (and yes i can curse becus the terms of service does not specifically say htat i cant)[/QUOTE]

I'm guess that CAG doesn't ban users based by IP address?
[quote name='GBAstar']I'm guess that CAG doesn't ban users based by IP address?[/QUOTE]
they do i once ranned a forum and i didb ut im new here so i dont kno what ur talking about ples get back on topic (dont be a jerk either)
[quote name='']they do i once ranned a forum and i didb ut im new here so i dont kno what ur talking about ples get back on topic (dont be a jerk either)[/QUOTE]

i kno why ur "gba" star and not "3ds" star cuz u can only afford a gba. and not the sp backlit 1 a crappy old 1 from 2001 thats broken and has acracked screen. a**hole.

^ Thanks for the PM by the way (I don't get many of those sadly)

it's also nice of you to assume that GBA standsd for Game Boy Advanced when it is an acronym for the area in which I live.
[quote name='GBAstar']i kno why ur "gba" star and not "3ds" star cuz u can only afford a gba. and not the sp backlit 1 a crappy old 1 from 2001 thats broken and has acracked screen. a**hole.[/QUOTE]

No offense to you, GBAstar, but that's probably the funniest thing he's ever said. That's actually some decent trolling, lol. But remember, he's "high functioning autistic". I think you should change the tag under your username to "Not 3DSstar", hahaha.

(secretly wishing against wish that I get touched by the PM fairy next) :pray:
pepsiman might be autistic i dont kn ohim maybe he is i am a different tim i am very smart i get straight a in school i am no longer in school.
and autisim has nothing 2 do with intelligent u r confusing it with mentally retarded. so guess who is theretard. sorry 2 insult others but i dont really care.c its not so funny n e more when its on ur conscious, is it?
[quote name='mitch079']This pepsi fella is front runner for CAG nuisance of the year.[/QUOTE]

He can't touch ff7cloud or drpizza
[quote name='Jcaugustine']New Jersey theater evacuated during "Dark Knight Rises"


The Colorado Massacre is still far from being over.[/QUOTE]

I saw the movie at a midnight showing on opening night and went yesterday to see it again at an IMAX theater.

Awesome movie but there were definitely a few times when I caught myself looking around, wondering if someone was going to try something crazy. Nothing strange happened, and the movie was incredible in IMAX (no slouch in the regular theater either) but despite having zero connections to anyone in Colorado, it is strange to be affected by the shooting.
I'm in Colorado and it really hasn't affected my movie going experiences in any way.

People are only being affected so much/other people trying to copy it (or making comments about it while in a theater and getting arrested) because it's being sensationalized so much.
[quote name='whoknows']People are only being affected so much/other people trying to copy it (or making comments about it while in a theater and getting arrested) because it's being sensationalized so much.[/QUOTE]

Such an excellent point! It's funny to see Fox News constantly trying to make some connection between violent films and real life acts of violence, but they would never turn that critical eye towards the effect of giving this one violent act hours and hours and hours of coverage.
y do ppl keep carin g about this every time i see tv or nespaper this is in it. and no, i dont read the newspaper im not 80. but my dad gets it and i have 2 bring it in the morning so im forced 2 c it as u may say. but htis is old news by now. the movie studio is wouldnt givbe htme apenny, the movie studio or the so-called "victims". good one!
[quote name='Caleb_Bradham']y do ppl keep carin g about this every time i see tv or nespaper this is in it. and no, i dont read the newspaper im not 80. but my dad gets it and i have 2 bring it in the morning so im forced 2 c it as u may say. but htis is old news by now. the movie studio is wouldnt givbe htme apenny, the movie studio or the so-called "victims". good one![/QUOTE]

Maybe you should start reading the newspaper since you can't type for shit.
[quote name='Caleb_Bradham']y do ppl keep carin g about this every time i see tv or nespaper this is in it. and no, i dont read the newspaper im not 80. but my dad gets it and i have 2 bring it in the morning so im forced 2 c it as u may say. but htis is old news by now. the movie studio is wouldnt givbe htme apenny, the movie studio or the so-called "victims". good one![/QUOTE]

Hi and bye.
[quote name='GBAstar']Hi and bye.[/QUOTE]
i was rong be4. u arent gba star u r more like game boy pocket star u should be gbps u a****** son of a b****
go read the book about witch hunt and stop this pepsiman witch hunt its getting old get off this site and go socialize in real life. the gamestops, game stores, collegs, etc. get a life loser.
[quote name='Caleb_Bradham']go read the book about witch hunt and stop this pepsiman witch hunt its getting old get off this site and go socialize in real life. the gamestops, game stores, collegs, etc. get a life loser.[/QUOTE]

This is coming from the person who apparently hates this site so much that he just has to keep on making an account after getting banned each time.
[quote name='themaster20000']This is coming from the person who apparently hates this site so much that he just has to keep on making an account after getting banned each time.[/QUOTE]
im new here... and im drinking mountain dew right now.. i wont comment on whether i like pepsi or not... but that is rpoof alone im not a "pepsiman" (w/e/ that is must ba a new term the bullies user nowadays against ppl who have disabilities).
[quote name='Caleb_Bradham']im new here... and im drinking mountain dew right now.. i wont comment on whether i like pepsi or not... but that is rpoof alone im not a "pepsiman" (w/e/ that is must ba a new term the bullies user nowadays against ppl who have disabilities).[/QUOTE]

Congrats on having the time to post a blog entry before you fall victim to the ban hammer... again
why do I have this crazy feeling that Disney is going to delay Wreck it Ralph so that they can change his hair color to something that doesn't resemble this wacko's hair job?
[quote name='ITDEFX']why do I have this crazy feeling that Disney is going to delay Wreck it Ralph so that they can change his hair color to something that doesn't resemble this wacko's hair job?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='DestroVega']Sigh[/QUOTE]

I know it sounds crazy, but I would not be surprised if it happened. Hollywood is too sensitive these days.
[quote name='ITDEFX']I know it sounds crazy, but I would not be surprised if it happened. Hollywood is too sensitive these days.[/QUOTE]

No that's why I'm sighing. I can totally see it happening.
bread's done