Attention CAGTAC, and everyone else who will no doubt read this:


12 (100%)
Please stay the fuck out of the CAG clan's affairs. I understand that it's a forum and that discussion is sometimes warranted, but jerkass comments regarding situations that don't concern you doesn't do anyone any good. As far as I'm concerned you're representing all of us when you speak, and I don't like looking like an idiot.

Craven, run your clan how you like; I left you in charge because I trust your decisions implicitly. By that same token, I suggest that you make all final decisions yourself, and leave the big moves (like cutting people) in your own hands after conferring with the staff. It just saves a lot of questioning, and you're the overlord for a reason.

Shrike, I respect you quite a bit man, but posting my PRIVATE Message sent to Jlarlee was the douchiest move I've seen on these boards in quite some time. I stand by everything I said though, and I'm glad I didn't come off as the biggest jerk tonight.

Everyone else, chill the fuck out, I hate goddamned drama.
[quote name='Murcielago77']Is there someone in specific you are targeting this to? And am I one of them? Id ask you on aim, but your not on[/QUOTE]

Shrink your sig you douche.
[quote name='Murcielago77']Is there someone in specific you are targeting this to? And am I one of them? Id ask you on aim, but your not on[/QUOTE]

yes, you're obviously one of them, as you posted in the other thread i'm obviously referring to.
Well I was in the room with her when she found out she wasnt in the clan. She told us she recieved no messages of any sort of the reasoning she was booted, so I just think it was messed up.
[quote name='Murcielago77']Well I was in the room with her when she found out she wasnt in the clan. She told us she recieved no messages of any sort of the reasoning she was booted, so I just think it was messed up.[/QUOTE]

and you're welcome to your opinion, however uninformed it may be. the point of my post is that brash, unhelpful/unfriendly comments aren't welcome anywhere on this board, especially in matters that don't concern you.
[quote name='rocksolidaudio'] ...the point of my post is that brash, unhelpful/unfriendly comments aren't welcome anywhere on this board, especially in matters that don't concern you.[/QUOTE]
Man, fuck you.
[quote name='rocksolidaudio']and you're welcome to your opinion, however uninformed it may be. the point of my post is that brash, unhelpful/unfriendly comments aren't welcome anywhere on this board, especially in matters that don't concern you.[/QUOTE]

fine, ill deal with issues in our clan. Such as how i hate greendj

jk :lol:
I just want to say that I am sorry for starting any drama or whatever that my post started. I was honestly just hurt and felt that I deserved an explaination and recieved none. I sent messages to friends on my list that were in my previous clan, and no reply. I also did not recieve any warning or anything. I just looked over at my clan list to see nothing there. I thought it was alittle ridiculous to not be informed of this. And I honestly didn't mean to start anything, I just wanted answers. So, to everyone... Nice playing with you, which honestly, was like once. Good Luck with your clan stuff! :D
[quote name='zewone']I'm hoping this wasn't directed at me in any way as I believe I represented the clan well.[/QUOTE]
Yea Drunken Zew is quite the ownzorz diplomat
Meh, I still think it was messed up to get rid of a player. Im not tring to start anything but from when I played with her she never did anything bad or anything. Sure she is new and did her own thing and doesn't talk alot but I did the same exact thing when I joined CAG but didnt talk for prolly 3 months. I say it was prolly something else but O-well.
Thanks and Sorry!
[quote name='rocksolidaudio']Please stay the fuck out of the CAG clan's affairs. I understand that it's a forum and that discussion is sometimes warranted, but jerkass comments regarding situations that don't concern you doesn't do anyone any good. As far as I'm concerned you're representing all of us when you speak, and I don't like looking like an idiot.

Craven, run your clan how you like; I left you in charge because I trust your decisions implicitly. By that same token, I suggest that you make all final decisions yourself, and leave the big moves (like cutting people) in your own hands after conferring with the staff. It just saves a lot of questioning, and you're the overlord for a reason.

Shrike, I respect you quite a bit man, but posting my PRIVATE Message sent to Jlarlee was the douchiest move I've seen on these boards in quite some time. I stand by everything I said though, and I'm glad I didn't come off as the biggest jerk tonight.

Everyone else, chill the fuck out, I hate goddamned drama.[/QUOTE]

I really enjoy reading your webblog that you and your friend write. You seem to write about everything...why not write up a piece on us? Write about anything from this stupid shit to funny games and personailites. I'm sure visitors would enjoy hearing about random people...I'd even go as far to say use pseudo-names. That's about all.
[quote name='rocksolidaudio']i was going to post this in the other thread, but shrike locked it: murc is now taking a break from the clan forums.[/QUOTE]

If I could get a very convincing argument why I should unlock it, I'll be happy to. There's two other mods that could do it as well.
[quote name='shrike4242']If I could get a very convincing argument why I should unlock it, I'll be happy to. There's two other mods that could do it as well.[/QUOTE]

i didn't say anything about unlocking it, i was just stating why i was posting it in this thread.
[quote name='rocksolidaudio']i didn't say anything about unlocking it, i was just stating why i was posting it in this thread.[/QUOTE]

I was just asking, mainly since UGamer has a fascination with making new ones. I figured it would just be easier for him to stick to one thread, rather than have me close and delete new ones.

Figured that you might have some insight to this turn of events. I suppose not.
[quote name='shrike4242']I was just asking, mainly since UGamer has a fascination with making new ones. I figured it would just be easier for him to stick to one thread, rather than have me close and delete new ones.

Figured that you might have some insight to this turn of events. I suppose not.[/QUOTE]
Ugamer wouldn't have to make new ones if they weren't being closed. Think about that one.
[quote name='Crymson']Ugamer wouldn't have to make new ones if they weren't being closed. Think about that one.[/QUOTE]

When threads that serve no purpose are opened, they're closed. When they break down into pointless namecalling and banted, they're closed.

If someone could bring up a purpose for them, I'd be happy to entertain the idea. As I see no evidence of it, then they stay in the state they're in.

In any case, there are two other mods that frequent these forums that are easily able to unlock them besides myself.
[quote name='rocksolidaudio']also, can you guys (CAGTAC) discuss it with me before inviting new clan members? thanks.[/QUOTE]
I also noticed someone from CAG sent invites to some CAGTACs. I apologize for any inconvenience or strife this may have caused.
[quote name='radjago']I also noticed someone from CAG sent invites to some CAGTACs. I apologize for any inconvenience or strife this may have caused.[/QUOTE]

Yea I got one of those with craven laughing like a mad man :)
[quote name='pimpinc333']Yea I got one of those with craven laughing like a mad man :)[/QUOTE]

Haha. Thats the only one I sent, b/c it would've been too much work to send more with a personalized laugh. And it was in response to rabbitt being invited to CAGTac.
[quote name='radjago']I also noticed someone from CAG sent invites to some CAGTACs. I apologize for any inconvenience or strife this may have caused.[/QUOTE]
Oh, It was a joke.... And I was seriously considering joining. Being the butt of some ill conceived attempt at ridiculing the CAGtac clan does not sit well with me. So don't expect me to jump fences now that the truth has come to light.
[quote name='rocksolidaudio']i was going to post this in the other thread, but shrike locked it: murc is now taking a break from the clan forums.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Crymson']Oh, It was a joke.... And I was seriously considering joining. Being the butt of some ill conceived attempt at ridiculing the CAGtac clan does not sit well with me. So don't expect me to jump fences now that the truth has come to light.[/QUOTE]
I know that Trakan has an open invitation to come back, but I'm unsure of the legitimacy of the others.
[quote name='Crymson']Oh, It was a joke.... And I was seriously considering joining. Being the butt of some ill conceived attempt at ridiculing the CAGtac clan does not sit well with me. So don't expect me to jump fences now that the truth has come to light.[/QUOTE]Say it ain't so!
[quote name='ZeroSupporT']We never tried to pull anyone away, just asked how attached he was to the bunch.[/QUOTE]
Funny that sounds an awful lot like pulling away to me. You don't see us asking Arikado how attached he is to the group and we would appreciate if you all would do the same.
[quote name='pimpinc333']Is this all about losing Trakan???? I'm pretty sure everyone saw this coming.[/QUOTE]
Honestly losing Trakan didn't bug me he has a history with you guys and I understand that. But going after Rabbit was a low blow. That is a guy that was brought in after you guys split off and makes us feel like you are using our clan as a talent farm. Rabbit is a guy we really like, so much so that, we made him our player highlight
[quote name='jlarlee']Honestly losing Trakan didn't bug me he has a history with you guys and I understand that. But going after Rabbit was a low blow. That is a guy that was brought in after you guys split off and makes us feel like you are using our clan as a talent farm. Rabbit is a guy we really like, so much so that, we made him our player highlight[/QUOTE]

Think of the CAGtac clan as an elite division of the CAG clan, thats how I always have thought of it.
(Here is my view, I have nothing to do or have say in on taking CAg clan members)

It's up to the player. I know that our clan asked him if he wanted to go. It really should be up to that player where he would like to be. No one can force him to go anywhere.
[quote name='jlarlee']Honestly losing Trakan didn't bug me he has a history with you guys and I understand that. But going after Rabbit was a low blow. That is a guy that was brought in after you guys split off and makes us feel like you are using our clan as a talent farm. Rabbit is a guy we really like, so much so that, we made him our player highlight[/QUOTE]

Im not tring to take a shot at anyone but you guys also made Scubasteve your highlight player and where has he gone?
[quote name='pimpinc333']Im not tring to take a shot at anyone but you guys also made Scubasteve your highlight player and where has he gone?[/QUOTE]
naw it is a fair point and as a clan I think we failed steve a little bit. We didn't do enough to make him feel welcomed
[quote name='pimpinc333'](Here is my view, I have nothing to do or have say in on taking CAg clan members)

It's up to the player. I know that our clan asked him if he wanted to go. It really should be up to that player where he would like to be. No one can force him to go anywhere.[/QUOTE]
Good point as well but it gets old where the only source you are trying to get them from is our clan.
[quote name='jlarlee']Good point as well but it gets old where the only source you are trying to get them from is our clan.[/QUOTE]

True. I also think you guys are better off without Scuba. He didnt buy the maps(which isnt bad but a good player should have). he also never ever talked no matter what was going on. Also the first time I played with him he betrayed me like 3 times.
[quote name='Crymson']Think of the CAGtac clan as an elite division of the CAG clan, thats how I always have thought of it.[/QUOTE]
I beg to differ.
Additionally it was our first player highlight and we rushed the vote a little. We had a good couple of weeks to mull on the vote in Rabbit's case and it was actually quite a close vote
[quote name='jlarlee']Good point as well but it gets old where the only source you are trying to get them from is our clan.[/QUOTE]

Yea but we really cant go out and recruit just anyone. Like crymson said CAGtac is for the elite players. We cant just go and take any newb player from anywhere they need to start somewhere. I think of it like baseball. You start off in the minor leagues and work yourself up. When your good enough you just might get a chance to play in the majors. Im not takeing a shot ant anyone here just this is how i think of it.
[quote name='jughead']I beg to differ.[/QUOTE]
I as well I always thought it was guys who play well together and that you split off so that you could do that.
bread's done