AWESOME Super Scribblenauts DS Preorder Bonus - $29.99


Nintendo Fangirl
241 (100%)
Found out about from Game Informer:

Preorder Super Scribblenauts and received one of three different styles of Max's headphones.



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[quote name='blahtastic']That IS awesome...I wonder how big they are though...I have a big head....[/QUOTE]

Haha, I went zip-lining the other day and when getting my harness and helmet the guy giving out the equipment like just stopped and was like... He gave me the L/XL helmet and it was not even close to fitting. He gave me a completely different style of helmet than the others and was like this should work... and it still didnt. He just stared in astonishment and was like.. this is the biggest helmet we have...

After fiddling with it for a while we got it to fit however.

Neat story I know. But yeah those look cool but I would have no use for them unless they somehow had AMAZING quality.
That's pretty cool, but they have to give away something impressive to get people back on board after the disastrous first game.
[quote name='Jodou']Cool. Skullcandy has competition for bad headphones now.[/QUOTE]

Well it's obvious you're indeed a troll. Skullcandy headphones are great for their price.
[quote name='Corvin']That's pretty cool, but they have to give away something impressive to get people back on board after the disastrous first game.[/QUOTE]

Great reviews and over a million sold = "disastrous"? :applause:

Give me a break.

Neat preorder bonus, but I don't think it comes close to topping the rooster hat from the first game. That was hysterical.
[quote name='Zippon']Great reviews and over a million sold = "disastrous"? :applause:

Give me a break.

The controls sucked. It's ok, you can admit it.
Cheap headphones with a fuzzy covering. This is what counts for "awesome" on CAGs now?

I guess they can double for earmuffs in the winter when they die a week later.
[quote name='keithp']The controls sucked. It's ok, you can admit it.[/QUOTE]

Even with bad controls this was one on the best games in '09, far from disastrous.
[quote name='mr_bungle']Well it's obvious you're indeed a troll. Skullcandy headphones are great for their price.[/QUOTE]
Lol, want to buy a clue for $100, Alex?
[quote name='keithp']The controls sucked. It's ok, you can admit it.[/QUOTE]

Actually, since I was born before 1990, I have the ability to look at an utterly original, mind-blowing game and not dump on it because of one shortcoming. As you get older, you'll learn that nothing is perfect, my man. :cool:

I do think they stumbled with these headphones. They aren't quite as funky as the hat, and people will endlessly gripe about the sound quality if it isn't perfect.
[quote name='gettinmoney662']People still say neat?[/QUOTE]

Neat is a classic, it will never get old. You act like he used cool beans.

EDIT: I haven't seen the Polka-dot version but I bet it's white with purple dots just like his Polka-dotted winged bathtub
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[quote name='Zippon']Actually, since I was born before 1990, I have the ability to look at an utterly original, mind-blowing game and not dump on it because of one shortcoming. As you get older, you'll learn that nothing is perfect, my man. :cool:[/QUOTE]

Meh. Controls weren't the only gripe I had, the game simply got boring very fast for me. I was trying my damndest to be creative too... to no luck, if you ever dared to be creative it simply didn't work, and you had to go to "the ol' standbys." The best part was just spawning stuff on the title screen... which would be fun for $10, but I bought it on release week for $35 (or $30, whichever).

This one will need some MASSIVE praise for me to even turn my head. Money is hard enough to come by and the only portable purchases I am intending on this year are Prof Layton 3 and KH BBS.
[quote name='keithp']The controls sucked. It's ok, you can admit it.[/QUOTE]
I thought the 1st was clever and the most original game. But, the controls got in the way so I traded it in at no loss. I'll probably get #2
Man, I really really wanted to like this game. I rented it on my pass, and it kept my attention for about an hour, and then I just couldn't play it anymore. The game is completely original, and I enjoyed the animation, but this probably would have been way more enjoyable if I was in elementary/middle school. The things you need help from when you're 26 just weren't coming up. I kept writing beer and pepto bismol but nothing came up......
First one was such a stinker. A sandbox with no sand, no sand shovels, and the sand was dry as a rock so you couldn't make sand castles. What a waste of time and energy.
Any game that lets you create a ranger, and elf, a dwarf, a hobbit, and a wizard (all looking like their LotR counterparts)--all happily coexisting until you create a ring and drop it amongst them, causing them to fight to the death over it, is aces in my book.

It was definitely rough around the edges, but what they accomplished was incredible. Every person I showed this to, young and old, was blown away by it and wanted to play. I probably helped them sell at least 10 copies. :)

I've got no beef with anyone saying they got bored or didn't like it, but calling it terrible or a disaster is ridiculous, plain and simple. Scribblenauts was ground-breaking.
[quote name='Zippon']Any game that lets you create a ranger, and elf, a dwarf, a hobbit, and a wizard (all looking like their LotR counterparts)--all happily coexisting until you create a ring and drop it amongst them, causing them to fight to the death over it, is aces in my book.[/QUOTE]

Well, I know what I'm doing as soon as I get my new DSi XL.
[quote name='mr_bungle']Well it's obvious you're indeed a troll. Skullcandy headphones are great for their price.[/QUOTE]
Oh really now. Then why is it that these Koss Portapro headphones ($30 @ Amazon) have a better frequency response than these $150 Skullcandy "DJ" headphones? I'm sorry, but SK headphones are nothing more than a fashion statement. Just the fact that the only actual spec that they post on their site is the freq response says something. SK are pretty to look at, but nothing more than an average headphone when it comes down to it.

Anyway, I don't know how good those Scribblenauts headphones are, but they sure look comfy :D
I was excited until I thought about the prospect of wearing them. The chicken hat was awesome and there was never any real doubt about why someone would be wearing the hat: to be awesome. These, though... maybe if the "covers" were removable and you could put them on better headphones (going with the presumption that these are le crap)... even then, I tend to prefer lower-profile headphones (ear buds, etc).

Of course, the Chicken Hat is a hard bonus to surpass...

I'm also still drooling about the jac-in-the-box from AC:Brotherhood...
As a man-child myself I know it is hard for some of you to accept this, but those headphones are not being promoted for grown ass people. They are ugly as can be and are going to be as cheap as headphones can be made....but its okay because 10 year old me would have loved those headphones. So I think we should just all agree on a few things...
1. These headphones will be of poor quality
2. They are free swag, so lets not over analyze them
3. They are not meant to fit our giant heads or impress our giant brains
4. Scribblenauts was creative, whether or not I think it was fun (at all)
[quote name='confoosious']I wish someone would just offer another rooster hat as a bonus.

As for headphones, Koss and Skullcandy both suck.[/QUOTE]
Actually, those Koss PortaPro's that I linked to are one of the best pairs of headphones you can get for that price range.

And rooster hats pose the same problem as the headphones for us people with big heads :(
[quote name='Zippon']
I've got no beef with anyone saying they got bored or didn't like it, but calling it terrible or a disaster is ridiculous, plain and simple. Scribblenauts was ground-breaking.[/QUOTE]

As pointed out, the game had serious flaws. Physics being the biggest. An anchor and a feather do not weigh the same. You could put a bridge over a chasm and have your guy run into it knocking it off into the black abyss. That's just plain broken. Controls were equally horrendous. Yes, horrendous. The game was centered around you figuring out what the developers wanted you to try instead of the actual concept of you trying crazy shit and figuring it out on your own.

[quote name='Zippon']Great reviews and over a million sold = "disastrous"? [/QUOTE]

What great reviews not named Nintendo Power are you referring to? It has a 79 Metacritic average for a reason.

I can't deny the ground breaking concept, but a great concept with poor execution doesn't make a game great. That's a wasted opportunity. Sales =/= Quality.

Hopefully the guys at 5th Cell learned from the mistakes the first game made and didn't just pump out a sequel.
[quote name='ConfusedWisdom']Actually, those Koss PortaPro's that I linked to are one of the best pairs of headphones you can get for that price range.([/QUOTE]

Exactly. Making a generalization that Koss sucks is pretty retarded.
[quote name='ssjmichael']Exactly. Making a generalization that Koss sucks is pretty retarded.[/QUOTE]

notice his qualifier: for that price range.

i stand by my statement.
*facepalm* Go to and make the general statement that Koss sucks. Even eliminating the price, the PortaPros are one of the better headphones out there. The same exact model has been selling since 1984, that should give you an indication of how good the are. Are they better than $900 headphones? No, but you'd be an idiot to think they were. The fact is you're talking out of your ass with no actual experience using these. You probably bought some cheap 4.99 Koss earbuds and they sucked, so you think all Koss headphones suck. Again, absolutely braindead retarded logic.
[quote name='BrolyB593']Haha, I went zip-lining the other day and when getting my harness and helmet the guy giving out the equipment like just stopped and was like... He gave me the L/XL helmet and it was not even close to fitting. He gave me a completely different style of helmet than the others and was like this should work... and it still didnt. He just stared in astonishment and was like.. this is the biggest helmet we have...

After fiddling with it for a while we got it to fit however.

Neat story I know. But yeah those look cool but I would have no use for them unless they somehow had AMAZING quality.[/QUOTE]

Very OT, but on the subject of big heads..... Imagine being 8 years old, at the county fair, and seeing a booth selling cowboy hats. You walk up, and before you can even look at the hats, the old man at the booth takes one look and says "ain't got nothin' gonna fit THAT HEAD, boy!" Yeah, that was awesome.
[quote name='ssjmichael']*facepalm* Go to and make the general statement that Koss sucks. Even eliminating the price, the PortaPros are one of the better headphones out there. The same exact model has been selling since 1984, that should give you an indication of how good the are. Are they better than $900 headphones? No, but you'd be an idiot to think they were. The fact is you're talking out of your ass with no actual experience using these. You probably bought some cheap 4.99 Koss earbuds and they sucked, so you think all Koss headphones suck. Again, absolutely braindead retarded logic.[/QUOTE]

ok there zippy. I think Koss as a brand sucks. Don't have a aneurysm over it.

I'm sure Kias as cars are great for their price range. You won't spot me in one.

jesus people, it's free. most of you are going to buy it anyway, take the freebie thrown in and and stop bitching about them probably not being the best earphones ever created.

stop feeling so damned entitled.
[quote name='confoosious']ok there zippy. I think Koss as a brand sucks. Don't have a aneurysm over it.

I'm sure Kias as cars are great for their price range. You won't spot me in one.[/QUOTE]

I almost literally LOL'd at this response. I mean even if it's good for the price range, doesn't "good for $10" still mean they're garbage?

Kinda cool as a collectors item though and since I always meant to check out the OG, it might lure me into a preorder.

jesus people, it's free. most of you are going to buy it anyway, take the freebie thrown in and and stop bitching about them probably not being the best earphones ever created.

stop feeling so damned entitled.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='confoosious']I don't know if this is an image he stole off the web but this guy is serious about his auction images if he took this himself.

Yeah, it's from off the web. I believe this was a picture provided by the Scribblenauts folks themselves. It was around during the last preorder bonus.
Well if it's anything like last year's pre-order bonus for Scribblenauts, don't expect them to have many. My Gamestop only had a few rooster hats, not nearly enough for all the pre-orders, so I promptly cancelled it when I went to pick it up and bought it instead at Toys'R'Us with the free gift card. They made no offer to try and get one, just a "Sorry, but we don't have anymore, thanks for pre-ordering anyways!". Amazon (and sometimes Best Buy, if I have to have it right away) gets my pre-orders now.
[quote name='Zippon']Actually, since I was born before 1990, I have the ability to look at an utterly original, mind-blowing game and not dump on it because of one shortcoming. [/QUOTE]
Age doesn't matter, '84 here & it was still a horrible game.
[quote name='Chris60319']Very OT, but on the subject of big heads..... Imagine being 8 years old, at the county fair, and seeing a booth selling cowboy hats. You walk up, and before you can even look at the hats, the old man at the booth takes one look and says "ain't got nothin' gonna fit THAT HEAD, boy!" Yeah, that was awesome.[/QUOTE]

Bahah, that is great. I am glad to have a fellow big-headed CAG here!
I bet they sound like the cheap shits you can get on eBay for 99 cents... with free shipping. Seriously. That fucking cheap. And the camo ones are ugly as hell. However this is a decent incentive to preorder this game, I was already interested in it anyways.
[quote name='Fire_Thief']I bet they sound like the cheap shits you can get on eBay for 99 cents... with free shipping. Seriously. That fucking cheap.[/QUOTE]
I don't know how you could tell the difference considering your Gucci rhymes already sound like shit.
bread's done