Saw my store display this. I'm not sure when this expires.
Must haves IMO, if you don't already have them =
AC Unity
AC Syndicate
Battlefield 1
----- HDR Compatibility
Battlefield 4
Battlefield Hardline
Batman Arkham Knight
CoD Adv Warfare
CoD Infinite Warfare
Destiny 2 ----- HDR Compatibility
Deux Ex Mankind Divided
------ HDR Compatibility
Dragon Age Inquisition
Earth's Dawn
Elder Scrolls Online Tamriel Unlimited ----- HDR Compatibility
Final Fantasy XV
----- HDR Compatibility
FF Type 0 HD
God Wars Future Fast
Homefront The Revolution ----- HDR Compatibility
Infamous 2nd Son
----- HDR Compatibility
Inner World Last Monk
Killzone Shadowfall
Mad Max
Mafia 3
Marvel Pinball Coll Vol 1
Mass Effect Andromeda ----- HDR Compatibility
Mortal Kombat X
MGS V Phantom Pain
Murdered Soul Suspect
Natural Doctrine
NBA 2K18
Nobunaga's Ambition Taishi
The Pillars of Earth
The Order 1886
----- HDR Compatibility
Shadow Warriors
SW Battlefront
T. Clancy The Divison
Titanfall 2
Town of Light
Uncharted 4
----- HDR Compatibility
AC Syndicate
AC Unity
Arslan Warriors of Legend
Battlefield 1 ----- HDR Compatibility
Battlefield 4
CoD Ghosts
CoD Infinite Warfare
The Crew
Dead Rising 3
Dishonored Definite Ed
The Evil Within
Fallout 4
Forza 5
Gears of Wars Ult + Rare Replay Combo
Kings Quest Complete Edition
Mad Max
Mass Effect Andromeda ----- HDR Compatibility
Need for Speed
Quantum Break
Rare Replay
Ryse Son of Rome
Shadow Warriors
Sherlock Holmes Crimes and Punishment
Sunset Overdrive
Titanfall 2
TC The Division
Watch Dogs
The Wolf Among Us
Wolfenstein The New Order
Must haves IMO, if you don't already have them =

AC Unity
AC Syndicate

Battlefield 1

Battlefield 4

Battlefield Hardline
Batman Arkham Knight

CoD Adv Warfare
CoD Infinite Warfare
Destiny 2 ----- HDR Compatibility
Deux Ex Mankind Divided

Dragon Age Inquisition

Earth's Dawn
Elder Scrolls Online Tamriel Unlimited ----- HDR Compatibility
Final Fantasy XV

FF Type 0 HD
God Wars Future Fast
Homefront The Revolution ----- HDR Compatibility
Infamous 2nd Son

Inner World Last Monk
Killzone Shadowfall
Mad Max

Mafia 3
Marvel Pinball Coll Vol 1
Mass Effect Andromeda ----- HDR Compatibility
Mortal Kombat X
MGS V Phantom Pain

Murdered Soul Suspect
Natural Doctrine
NBA 2K18
Nobunaga's Ambition Taishi
The Pillars of Earth
The Order 1886

Shadow Warriors
SW Battlefront
T. Clancy The Divison

Titanfall 2
Town of Light
Uncharted 4

AC Syndicate
AC Unity
Arslan Warriors of Legend
Battlefield 1 ----- HDR Compatibility
Battlefield 4
CoD Ghosts
CoD Infinite Warfare
The Crew
Dead Rising 3

Dishonored Definite Ed

The Evil Within

Fallout 4

Forza 5
Gears of Wars Ult + Rare Replay Combo

Kings Quest Complete Edition

Mad Max
Mass Effect Andromeda ----- HDR Compatibility
Need for Speed
Quantum Break

Rare Replay
Ryse Son of Rome
Shadow Warriors
Sherlock Holmes Crimes and Punishment
Sunset Overdrive

Titanfall 2
TC The Division
Watch Dogs
The Wolf Among Us
Wolfenstein The New Order

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