Batman: The Dark Knight - Movie Thread - $158.3 Million First Weekend

[quote name='JolietJake']I can't remember, did any of the other Batman actors every use a deeper voice when in costume? Seems like they didn't.[/quote]

No, because IMO they didn't know WTF they were doing. Bale's voice is perfect for it, I think he does a great job.
[quote name='senorwoohoo']Did people complain about Batman Begins being too long? I only ask because The Dark Knight is a mere 12 minutes longer.[/quote]

They both felt a little too long, but TDK felt less drawn out, imo.

[quote name='gareman']I always assumed Bale used that voice, because Wayne would want to disguise his voice (being one of Gotham's biggest celebrities), and also has a way to be intimidating to the villains.[/quote]

That, of course, makes sense, but it doesn't change the fact that it sounds overly deep and growlish. Apparently I do a decent impression of it, and a few of my friends won't be able to watch Bale talk in the suit again without laughing their asses off at how bad it is.
[quote name='Scorch']

Also, did anyone catch the hint at another villain? It was very subtle, maybe it wasn't a hint at all..

When Alfred was showing Bruce the new armor, Bruce asked if it'll protect against dogs. He said something to the effect of 'Maybe not a big dog.. It'll protect against cats." know, Catwoman.
[/quote][quote name='SneakyPenguin']
A friend and I were talking about Catwoman, and I brought up how it would be interesting to see how he goes into another relationship, after what happened to Rachel. Kind of being torn by his feelings, and his fear of another loved one dying.

This is exactly what I was thinking when I left the theater. There's no doubt in my mine that Catwoman will be a villain in the third.

As far as Mr. Reese/Riddler, after the amazing detail that the Joker put into his plan in this movie, it would take a mastermind like him to top it in the next. The Joker had the perfect plan. He even factored getting beaten by Batman in the inevitable fist fight. Really, he was infallible- only actually failing by putting his trust in Two Face. Everything the Joker needed to do he did. Dent fucked it up for him.
I read the novel Batman: Knightfall back in the day and distinctly remember Gordon's interactions with Batman and how Batman always used a raspy voice when talking to Gordon. You can also notice Keaton's voice turning a bit darker and a bit lower when he talked to Vicki Vale as Batman (especially when they are in the Batmobile heading to the cave). The animated series that ran in the early 90's also had different voices for Bruce and Batman (they were played by the same actor). This was done so Batman could mask who he was.

However yeah, it doesn't change the fact that Bale's Batman voice really hurt the ears. The screaming and yelling didn't bother me, it was when he talked like a growling Don Corleone that I couldn't stop smirking at. I wish he would have just gone the deeper, lower voice route instead of the raspy, growling route.
I don't really think Two Face fucked up Joker's plan, Batman did.
Two face did exactly what Joker wanted him to do, turn evil. The whole idea was for Harvey to be driven insane and for the people of Gotham to turn against him, since he was such a crusader for good before. Well, that would have happened, had Batman not decided to take the rap for killing all those people that Two Face killed. Batman saved the image of Harvey Dent from being tarnished.
could anyone see Johnny Depp as a joker? I know Ledger's performance as the Joker has raise the bar on villians, but Depp might be able to pull it off as well if they are interested in bringing the Joker back for the third movie. They also need a Harley Quinn as the Joker's sidekick if they ever make another Batman movie with a Joker in it.
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The Dark Knight is just incredible. When I first returned home from seeing it, all I could say was, "Damn." The film makes you feel. The Dark Knight is easily the best movie of 2008, and one of the best movies I have seen. And this comes from a guy who has seen more than half of what is listed in IMdb's Top 250. It is an experience, and one you won't soon forget.

Last but certainly not least, it saddens me how Heath Ledger will not be able to see the praise has and will receive for his portrayal of The Joker. It is simply a legendary performance. I can see why he could not release himself from the character after filming. He --was-- the Joker. Just... brilliant.
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Just got back from seeing this. A few things:

1) Love loved LOVED Ledger's Joker. He's just a sick fuck with a purpose, and I loved it.

2) Christian Bale is an excellent Bruce Wayne, but a horrid Batman. I can't stand his gruff, forced "Batvoice". Most of the time it sounds like he trying to hock up phlegm.

3) I didn't read any spoilers or anything, so I wasn't expecting Two-Face to make an appearance despite knowing Harvey Dent was gonna be in it. I loved the way they set up his story. To me it didn't feel like they crowbarred his character in at the last minute, but rather a natural plot progression, unlike Venom in Spidey 3

4) I like the way Gotham City feels "real" in this new series of movies. It's not an exaggerated Gothic place like Burton's, and it's not one big rave like Schumacher's. It's a legitimate place like the place a lot of us call home.

This has definitely set the bar for superhero movies.
His voice is altered in post, that's not his real voice, they change the reverb and such on it to make it sound more like a growl.
[quote name='tenzor']could anyone see Johnny Depp as a joker? I know Ledger's performance as the Joker has raise the bar on villians, but Depp might be able to pull it off as well if they are interested in bringing the Joker back for the third movie. They also need a Harley Quinn as the Joker's sidekick if they ever make another Batman movie with a Joker in it.[/QUOTE]

I really don't see Depp playing Joker well at all. Even though if my memory is correct Depp was thought about as Joker at one time. I could see him maybe as Riddler. As for Harley Quinn at one point I thought she should be in the series however with this Joker much like Robin in this series I don't think she would work well. I don't see them making another Batman movie with Joker in it atleast not in this series.
I'm not a huge Batman fan, but I can't stop thinking about this movie since I saw it on Friday. It is unbelievably good. I was going to go see Hellboy II, but I'd have to go see Batman at least one more time before even thinking about seeing Hellboy.
[quote name='Purple Flames']Just got back from seeing this. A few things:

1) Love loved LOVED Ledger's Joker. He's just a sick fuck with a purpose, and I loved it.

2) Christian Bale is an excellent Bruce Wayne, but a horrid Batman. I can't stand his gruff, forced "Batvoice". Most of the time it sounds like he trying to hock up phlegm.

3) I didn't read any spoilers or anything, so I wasn't expecting Two-Face to make an appearance despite knowing Harvey Dent was gonna be in it. I loved the way they set up his story. To me it didn't feel like they crowbarred his character in at the last minute, but rather a natural plot progression, unlike Venom in Spidey 3

4) I like the way Gotham City feels "real" in this new series of movies. It's not an exaggerated Gothic place like Burton's, and it's not one big rave like Schumacher's. It's a legitimate place like the place a lot of us call home.

This has definitely set the bar for superhero movies.

Initially, Bale's harsh voice bothered me in Begins, but then I got to thinking, and it just makes sense that Batman would want to disguise his voice along with his identity.
[quote name='Magus8472']Scarecrow, Clayface, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze, Harley Quinn, Mad Hatter, Bane, Hush, Ra's al Ghul, and a few others, notably. Honestly, Batman's is probably the most memorable rogue's gallery out there.[/quote]

We need a movie with Bane. A good one, anyways. Preferably where he kicks batmans ass and breaks his back.
[quote name='chasemurata']Initially, Bale's harsh voice bothered me in Begins, but then I got to thinking, and it just makes sense that Batman would want to disguise his voice along with his identity.[/quote]

It's not the fact that he wants to disguise his voice that's the problem for me. That makes perfect sense. It's the way he does it that grates my nerves.

When Keaton and Kilmer played Batman, they spoke in a very low voice. It disguised their voices well and came off as totally natural. Bale's voice falls somewhere between a bark and a violent cough.
it was a great movie. i thoguht i was going to psych myself out of it by building it up a little too much, but in fact, it just kept building more and more and didn't seem forced at all. that's great :)
I could see Depp as Joker.

They'd probably cast Helena Bonham Carter as Harley Quinn. I could see that working out well, too.
[quote name='Xevious']My favorite scene was the Jokers magic trick with the pencil.[/QUOTE]

That shit killed me. Funniest scene in the movie IMO.

[quote name='ITDEFX']I never liked Bale's batman voice. When did batman growl, yell at the villains??!?!?![/QUOTE]

[quote name='johnnypark']No, because IMO they didn't know WTF they were doing. Bale's voice is perfect for it, I think he does a great job.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Kendro']I read the novel Batman: Knightfall back in the day and distinctly remember Gordon's interactions with Batman and how Batman always used a raspy voice when talking to Gordon. You can also notice Keaton's voice turning a bit darker and a bit lower when he talked to Vicki Vale as Batman (especially when they are in the Batmobile heading to the cave). The animated series that ran in the early 90's also had different voices for Bruce and Batman (they were played by the same actor). This was done so Batman could mask who he was.

However yeah, it doesn't change the fact that Bale's Batman voice really hurt the ears. The screaming and yelling didn't bother me, it was when he talked like a growling Don Corleone that I couldn't stop smirking at. I wish he would have just gone the deeper, lower voice route instead of the raspy, growling route.[/QUOTE]

I'm not a big fan of Bale's Batman voice either. Sounds too forced. I always thought Keaton's Batman voice was well done. Deep. Mysterious. And intimidating.

[quote name='tenzor']could anyone see Johnny Depp as a joker? I know Ledger's performance as the Joker has raise the bar on villians, but Depp might be able to pull it off as well if they are interested in bringing the Joker back for the third movie. They also need a Harley Quinn as the Joker's sidekick if they ever make another Batman movie with a Joker in it.[/QUOTE]

Depp is the only actor that comes to my mind that could even remotely come close to Ledger's performance. Depp always plays wacked out roles. He's a natural fit for the part.
[quote name='Purple Flames']It's not the fact that he wants to disguise his voice that's the problem for me. That makes perfect sense. It's the way he does it that grates my nerves.

When Keaton and Kilmer played Batman, they spoke in a very low voice. It disguised their voices well and came off as totally natural. Bale's voice falls somewhere between a bark and a violent cough.[/quote]

Fair enough. :)

[quote name='Scorch']I could see Depp as Joker.

They'd probably cast Helena Bonham Carter as Harley Quinn. I could see that working out well, too.[/quote]

The only way I could picture Harley being a part of this film series is if Nolan tweaks her into something creepy, but then that would defeat the purpose of Harley. I also don't see her use of "Mista Jay" working into the feel of Nolan's masterful series.


[quote name='georox']We need a movie with Bane. A good one, anyways. Preferably where he kicks batmans ass and breaks his back.[/quote]

If we get a proper, Nolan-esque Bane, then sure. I just don't want to see another ignorant rendition of Bane as a stupid meathead.

Plus, it would be interesting to see how Nolan would work Osito into the film.
Oh, and I expect Bats will seek counsel from Joker at Arkham (like how Spidey sought counsel from Normie). I suppose, if he wanted, Nolan could use lighting, body doubles, and what-ever-voice-technique-they-used to bring Ledger back as The Joker.

If Bats does seek advice from The Joker, then I suppose his latest foe would have to be an unpredictable loon. I think Riddler would be a nice fit given the hypothetical situation. ;)
God I loved this movie and I don't know how in the world they'll be able to top this if they ever make a third one. Mainly because Heath's acting was so superb and I don't think anyone will be able to top his performance as the Joker. Probably the best villain portrayal in a movie of all time.
[quote name='tenzor']could anyone see Johnny Depp as a joker? I know Ledger's performance as the Joker has raise the bar on villians, but Depp might be able to pull it off as well if they are interested in bringing the Joker back for the third movie. They also need a Harley Quinn as the Joker's sidekick if they ever make another Batman movie with a Joker in it.[/quote]

Johnny Depp was one of the one's considered to play as the Joker for this film...from what I recall. When I first heard of Ledger getting cast as Joker I was upset, I always hoped it would be Depp...after seeing the trailers, and the film twice, It's going to be really hard shoes to fill, but I do think that Johnny Depp would be awesome as the Joker in the 3rd.

Also, I hope to God that they don't bring in Harley Quinn or another villain. Batman vs The Joker is enough for a great flick.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']
Also, I hope to God that they don't bring in Harley Quinn or another villain. Batman vs The Joker is enough for a great flick.[/quote]


I think that will inspire you to take those words back.
I'm not sure if it's been discussed in the thread yet, but this has been bothering the hell out of me since I got out of the theater.

Rachel was convinced she was going to be saved which she was right about. However, the shock on her face when she found out Batman got to Harvey instead was kind of sad. I'm not saying she was selfish, but she did seem thrown aback that Bruce didn't save her. Even though this isn't the case, is it possible that she told Harvey what he wanted to hear so she wouldn't feel guilty of possibly loving Bruce if she were saved? Never mind the fact that the note said otherwise since it didn't predict one of them would be blown up.

I might be reading way too much into this, but this movie is hot fire and I love it. :cool:
[quote name='tenzor']could anyone see Johnny Depp as a joker? I know Ledger's performance as the Joker has raise the bar on villians, but Depp might be able to pull it off as well if they are interested in bringing the Joker back for the third movie. They also need a Harley Quinn as the Joker's sidekick if they ever make another Batman movie with a Joker in it.[/quote]

Depp is a good idea, imo.
I'm glad a lot of people think Depp would be a good Joker. It was my first choice as well and my wife said the same thing after stumbling across the Chocolate factory on tv last night. She said that he sounded a lot like the Joker. :)
After reading the comment on here that Mr. Reese could mean mysteries, aka riddler, I wanted to take a closer look at that character when I saw it a second time yesterday. That guy is a short loser and should never be a villain in a batman movie. Hopefully this won't happen but it is a funny coincidence.
I don't think Joker will be back for the third. Maybe a quick cameo like Scarecrow in this one. I could see a quick scene of Arkham where they show him from behind laughing like a maniac.

I think the natural progression should bring Catwoman in as the next villain. Part of the storyline in this is his lack of a normal life, so bringing in a romantic interest after Rachel makes sense. They'd have to use another villain too as she's usually seen as a tweener. Bane would be cool but he's not much of a character. I could see Mr. Freeze if they really felt like going nuts on the special effects. Riddler would make the most sense to go deeper into Batman's detective skills. Maybe the next movie could use World's Greatest Detective as the title. I can't think of his other nicknames at the moment.
i was glad to see scarecrow.. i thought that was badass..

I don't want to see bane just yet..

How many movies is bale signed on for?
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So I dont really read the comics etc.

But is it possible

that the ending of the movie was somewhat edited given the death of ledger? I assumed the joker would cut his own rope.... or that we would see a bit more of the boat scene play out. I cant believe they killed off Two Face.. I half expected him to be gone when that scene reached the bottom of the stairs.
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[quote name='Michael Scott']After reading the comment on here that Mr. Reese could mean mysteries, aka riddler, I wanted to take a closer look at that character when I saw it a second time yesterday. That guy is a short loser and should never be a villain in a batman movie. Hopefully this won't happen but it is a funny coincidence.[/quote]

yeah, i dont think he could be the riddler. first, i dont think he can carry a film or even a portion of the film. secondly, as much as i love the riddler, hes not "dark" enough to fit into the new films. i rather see a two-face/long halloween story line in the next one.

also, i hope catwomen stays away and that line was just a bit of fan service.
Geh, I don't want a third movie. The ending to this one was fine as it was... and I have a feeling they'd ruin a new installment.
[quote name='sendme']What was the line?[/quote]

When the Freeman is explaining Batman's new suit armor, and says "I don't know about dogs, but it can certainly protect against cats". Some think that's an allusion to Catwoman.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']his suit being good defense against cats when they were talking about dogs.[/quote]

:dunce: I can't believe I missed that pun...and I saw it twice already.
[quote name='Shady3011']I'm not sure if it's been discussed in the thread yet, but this has been bothering the hell out of me since I got out of the theater.

Rachel was convinced she was going to be saved which she was right about. However, the shock on her face when she found out Batman got to Harvey instead was kind of sad. I'm not saying she was selfish, but she did seem thrown aback that Bruce didn't save her. Even though this isn't the case, is it possible that she told Harvey what he wanted to hear so she wouldn't feel guilty of possibly loving Bruce if she were saved? Never mind the fact that the note said otherwise since it didn't predict one of them would be blown up.

I might be reading way too much into this, but this movie is hot fire and I love it. :cool:[/quote]

She thought she new Bruce, but she really didn't. She was settling for Harvey because she thought Bruce would never change. Had Bruce saved her it would have confirmed her suspicions and she would never be with him.
So for those people who have seen it more than once since release, what the hell did
she say before the bomb blew her up?????
[quote name='ITDEFX']So for those people who have seen it more than once since release, what the hell did
she say before the bomb blew her up?????

I don't remember exactly but it was something like
Someon---*explosion*, my guess is that it was nothing, she was just talking trying to stay calm but she knew she was dead.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I don't remember exactly but it was something like
Someon---*explosion*, my guess is that it was nothing, she was just talking trying to stay calm but she knew she was dead.

Yea I thought I heard something like that but wasn't sure. I thought she was going to say something like "TRUST BRUCE" or something
[quote name='Chacrana']Geh, I don't want a third movie. The ending to this one was fine as it was... and I have a feeling they'd ruin a new installment.[/QUOTE]

I also think its going to lose its steam on the third one if they are not careful. If they try to replace the Joker wtih another actor it will probably actually cause issues. This is going to be an interesting watch as i think they are on thin ice for potential to ruin another installment.

I hope they can prove me wrong.
[quote name='chasemurata']
If we get a proper, Nolan-esque Bane, then sure. I just don't want to see another ignorant rendition of Bane as a stupid meathead.

Plus, it would be interesting to see how Nolan would work Osito into the film.[/QUOTE]

I think Bane could work, but later on, not now.

I think the third movie should revolve around Gotham's witch hunt for Batman. It should also introduce Talia al Ghul and bring back Ra's al Ghul. Gotham's turn against Batman would present Ra's with the chance to once again try to persuade Bruce Wayne to become his successor. As for the villain on the side of this story, I think Nolan can produce a Firefly that would be believable and an actual threat. Ra's can point to Firefly's antics to show Bruce, that no matter what, Batman will never have the chance to rest and that he can only help one city as Batman. But as leader of the League of Shadows, he can fight injustice across the whole world. Nolan can have Rachael's death continue to haunt Bruce, and make him fight against the taking of lives because he knows as the leader of League of Shadows, he would have to do just that. I truly think that Nolan can make this a compelling and believable story, as well as find a believable way for Batman to decline the offer from Ra's.
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bread's done