[quote name='usagi']It's only worth it if you think 20 more maps, some new modes, and a bunch of new weapons unlocks is worth it to you. Being so late in the game with BF4 releasing probably this Fall, I would just stay with the base BF3 game. There are still many people still playing the base maps/modes, so you shouldn't have an issue with finding servers to play on.
If you do want to get the premium DLC pack, it's often on sale at Greenmangaming every couple months for $20 - $30.[/QUOTE]
Okay I guess I'll just go with vanilla then. Even at 20-30 that's still pricey considering the game has been out for 1.5 years...freakin EA..
I'm usually not too big on multiplayer anyway. I played BFBC2 for the campaign and that was it. Although I might try to be more active/competitive this time around. It's just the fact that the DLC exclusive weapons kinda discourage me from doing it. I'm not the best FPS player and the fact that the weapons are basically purchasable legal cheat codes in a sense make me not want to join.
EDIT: Oh, I was wondering, could I get BF3 at GMG or GF for less than 10? I'd prefer not buying from Origin, even though 5 bucks a quite a steal..