Battlefield 3 - FREE for PS+ Members starting July 2nd!

[quote name='Mad D']I have the worse luck. First my release day shipping comes a week late. Then as soon as I boot up for my first match the music qued, the screen went blue and it said 'you lose' :lol:[/QUOTE]

You have the patience of a saint.

This game is released the same week I lose my wisdom teeth.
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[quote name='hetz15']so, does coop help you to unlock weapons for the multiplayer? or just the points?[/QUOTE]
I think it's the only way to unlock the Rex and several other guns actually.
[quote name='hetz15']so, does coop help you to unlock weapons for the multiplayer? or just the points?[/QUOTE]
Co op offers you the chance to brush up basic multi skills with AI bots basically. Everything you can do in multi you do in Co Op mechanically speaking from Spotting to killing people. The helicoptor mission puts you in the Cobra which is fairly fucking hard to control and is a great, absolutely great way to learn how to fly that gunship but it's NOT a tutorial. You're thrown to the wolves with no explanations aside from the pop ups.
[quote name='hetz15']what's a rex?[/QUOTE]Rex is the .357 magnum revolver.
[quote name='Mad39er']Co op offers you the chance to brush up basic multi skills with AI bots basically. Everything you can do in multi you do in Co Op mechanically speaking from Spotting to killing people. The helicoptor mission puts you in the Cobra which is fairly fucking hard to control and is a great, absolutely great way to learn how to fly that gunship but it's NOT a tutorial. You're thrown to the wolves with no explanations aside from the pop ups.
Rex is the .357 magnum revolver.[/QUOTE]

thanks for the info. will definitely check the coop later on (this week is uncharted 3 week :D)
Just recently activated battlelog for my account. The only problem is its not showing my stats; like kills/deaths win & losses & other stats. Anyone have this problem.
It shows my weapon unlocks & score card for individual matches i played but nothing else. I
Good games with Combatrhombus and kov887 :)

Earlier I ran a set with other CAG'ers but the game split us on opposing sides .. well split me on the other side
[quote name='cheap from birth']Good games with Combatrhombus and kov887 :)

Earlier I ran a set with other CAG'ers but the game split us on opposing sides .. well split me on the other side[/QUOTE]
you didnt want to swtich sides. i guess you were having too much slaughtering agent and me.
[quote name='enufs8d']you didnt want to swtich sides. i guess you were having too much slaughtering agent and me.[/QUOTE]

haha not at all. every time I attempted too the option wasnt highlighted or when it was highlighted I would get the "the game would be unbalanced" msg.
[quote name='cheap from birth']Infrared scope is glorious. Love just scoping around and spotting[/QUOTE]

I just got the IR scope for the SCAR and I have to agree. It's nearly impossible to miss someone when they are bright yellow on a green background. I've sniped a sniper with it... although compensating for bullet drop is a little challenging for me with a suppressor attached.
[quote name='Romis']Sneak up to a tank/APV toss on all three (depends on the health of vehicle) to destroy a full strength one but get away from blast zone unless you want to be a Suicide Bomber lol

Any experiencing a lack of variety in side switches? I must have played 7-8 matches with same group and all were RU. What happened to switching factions each game?

Makes it harder to rank up weapons[/QUOTE]

there def is a prob with sides....most times it puts me on the RU side....i dunno this game is really breakin my heart right now.....i need a shooter so i'm goin back to bc2, cod doesn't impress me so i wont buy that :(
i get the occasional glitch where all your HUD and display info disappears. its very cinematic. but you can't tell whats going on (no red dot, health indicator, spotting, etc). once you die, then you cant respawn.

my biggest problems with the servers is that sometimes my ps3 doesnt get the handshake. so when switching or starting games, the level never gets loaded. i had to pull the plug and force reset on the slim.
[quote name='cheap from birth']haha not at all. every time I attempted too the option wasnt highlighted or when it was highlighted I would get the "the game would be unbalanced" msg.[/QUOTE]

Yeah well you may have had your fun against us but that was me that blew your face off in the subway tunnel at the end. Traitor. :p
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This game hates me. I've had it jump me into a game more than a handful of times only to see you lose. I was doing fine in the beta but now it feels like I'm learning all over again. I hope I can get into the CAG night games to get some people to help me out.
That random glitch where you switch weapon/gadget or even toss a grenade is getting annoying. Died couple of times cause of that, and the irritation that follow led me to make poor choices.

So is there CAG game night?
[quote name='spedmunki']The fire rate on the M249 is retarded. It almost shoots too fast for you to hit anything[/QUOTE]

I love the M249. I recently started mid range sniping with it and the IR scope.

Also anyone encounter the problem where you can't respawn/deploy. I noticed it you check the score and then press x on anyone then it will allow you to deploy again. It happened to me several times before I figured it out.
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need to fix the knifing animation. Takes too long to reset. Numerous times ive had the beat on two or more enemies only to knife one and then have to shoot the rest.
Just got the game and added my name to the platoon hopefuls. Hope to be a part of the cag platoon. Lets rock it.
[quote name='4thHorseman']Anyone plan on getting on tonight? Would love to get a game going with some CAGS.[/QUOTE]

What time?
F2000 is a beast (especially with foregrip). I could never win against 3 vs 1 fire fight (regardless how skilled the opposing players are), but with this gun its possible ^^
The only bad thing is it eats bullets fast, so best to have ammo perk.

I'm in for a game later tonight; west or east coast though?
[quote name='shiro13']Aw. I don't get out of work till 10 central time. Maybe tomorrow night or this weekend.[/QUOTE]

No prob. Il add you and get a game goin sometime.

Also, anyone have load screen freezes? My load screen has froze many times before I get into the main menu. Have to hard reset.
[quote name='spedmunki']The fire rate on the M249 is retarded. It almost shoots too fast for you to hit anything[/QUOTE]
The bipod solves this problem and makes the 249 stupidly accurate and insanely awesome at suppressing the opposing team. Foregrip helps for running and gunning, suppressor helps keep the recoil in line as well.
can someone help me do the Helicopter Co-op sometime? I am tired of crashing, even on Easy I die.. ugh I want to move on .. lol
[quote name='Romis']can someone help me do the Helicopter Co-op sometime? I am tired of crashing, even on Easy I die.. ugh I want to move on .. lol[/QUOTE]

That's something I also really need practice on.
Major glitch fest tonight.(ok, every night something happens, but tonight was a joke) On my last game the map froze up so you and didn't progress with the progress. Then, I had an odd number of point I don't know how I got a minute in. Then at the end I got the mcom and it didn't give me points when I armed or when it blew, and I was the only 1 around it . Fix the glitches idiots. This game shouldn't have released so early .the rush the game to beat modern warfare on release and it shows . even if you hate activision they wouldn't release a game this buggy.

Oh how i hope bioware isnt forces to crap up ME3 in the name of EA sales. I used to love EA, but this game's bugs are about 100 steps back. Dice should he ashamed of themselves.
I can live with the glitches for now, my system has froze twice where I had to unplugged and restart. It was just released and there's going to be bugs/glitches just like every mp game. DICE/EA will patch them and fixes the issues and this game will be great. I just glad they didn't pull a GT5 where it was delayed, delayed and delayed and still super bugging when it was released. But they have been working on this for a while so you think the server issues and squads would have been fixed after the beta.
[quote name='4thHorseman']No prob. Il add you and get a game goin sometime.

Also, anyone have load screen freezes? My load screen has froze many times before I get into the main menu. Have to hard reset.[/QUOTE]


Mine froze yesterday when I tried joining a match. I had to restart my ps3.
gg wotcher, its nearly impossible to find a server to get more than 2~3 cag on at once.

The co-op is harder than I thought, I guess I need more practice.
I asked this in another thread, figured I would ask here too.

If anyone here is using a UK BF3 gameshare, have you had any luck with the Dr Pepper promotion for free dog tags/camo? I tried it and they don't seem to be showing up as available for me. Wasn't sure if the codes themselves were restricted to US BF3...

Also, for those who gameshared, are you having success getting into Battlelog? Still telling me I need to purchase the game. The FAQ told me to play some, and after two hours and trying to log in while I was in the game, still had no success.
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saw this on some site and thought it was worth sharing as it was so well said...especially this part.."a measure of how poor a teamplayer "

PTFO – Play the Freakin’ Objective

Focus on the objective if you’re playing Rush or Conquest.
These game modes are not meant to boost you K/D (Kill/Death) ratio or to make yourself shine during solo performances. They have clear objectives, and you should stick to those.
In Rush, the main task is to either destroy or defend M-COM stations. The task you have depends on which team you’re part of. Stick to this role and make sure all your actions serve the larger objective.
This means that you should NOT hide near the opponents’ spawn points, only to shoot yourself towards an impressive K/D ratio that you can brag about in various forums, once the match ends. If you want to up your K/D ratio, play Team Deathmatch.
Once you start Rush or Conquest, your K/D ratio is not as much a measure of how a good you are, as a measure of how poor a teamplayer you are.
There is no such thing as camping

In Rush and Conquest, players are supposed to defend targets against attack. This is why you shouldn’t accuse defending players of camping: they’re just playing the game, in the way that they’re supposed to! Defenders wouldn’t be doing their jobs if they didn’t hang around flags or M-COM stations, and made it as difficult as possible for your team to reach its goal.
/\ Well said, I would rather go 7-9 and win every match, then have a +K/D and lose a bunch.

[quote name='4thHorseman']I asked this in another thread, figured I would ask here too.

If anyone here is using a UK BF3 gameshare, have you had any luck with the Dr Pepper promotion for free dog tags/camo? I tried it and they don't seem to be showing up as available for me. Wasn't sure if the codes themselves were restricted to US BF3...

Also, for those who gameshared, are you having success getting into Battlelog? Still telling me I need to purchase the game. The FAQ told me to play some, and after two hours and trying to log in while I was in the game, still had no success.[/QUOTE]

Do you have your psn account linked with EA/Origin account? I've had an issue with bad company 2 dlc with a share account and had to call/email them and have my account straighten out so I could use the dlc on my primary psn account. EA is such a mess with EA/gunclub/origin/etc...webpages. It appears they'll be moving a EA page over to just the Origin account. I have a feeling more publishers will do this as it will prevent gamesharing...I no longer game share anything BF for this issue cause it seems to be linked to "your" account only. At least in my experience.
Enufs8d probably remembers( he was laughing at my comments about them) how ticked I was at one team we were on together. The guys didn't seem to have two IQ points to rub together and were acting like it was a deathmatch. People holding a position around an MCOM and not arming or disarming it when they were right next to it.
[quote name='LetGoLightly']Is there gonna be a CAG game tonight since it's Thursday? Still haven't figured out how to play with platoon members.[/QUOTE]

I will be on tonight.
[quote name='silentevil']Anyone want to do some co-op tonight? If so add me on psn silentevil92684[/QUOTE]

can you fly a helicopter?

& also

is there a way a whole platoon can be on one side (more than just 4 in a squad?)
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In case you guys thought I imagined it, Sumoboy is my witness, the game has a points glitch. I knifed a guy from behind, he witnessed it and I ended the kills with 0 kills. 0 and 13 to be exact, my only round where I played the entire round "without" a kill. I also shot a few guys in the head with no effect. At that point I just healed my teammates until it was over. It was like my gun had blanks.

Also had a repeat of last night, armed an mcom for nothing.

Also saw something else new tonight: th.countdown screen as the match is getting ready to start stayed on after the start in two matches until I died the first time. In one match I scored no points until after the first death( after killing a guy), so the second time I just hit suicide to save myself wasted effort

Why I'm the only one who has noticed on here I don't know.

Try to keep an eye on your score guys, I can't be the only one
[quote name='6er']In case you guys thought I imagined it, Sumoboy is my witness, the game has a points glitch. I knifed a guy from behind, he witnessed it and I ended the kills with 0 kills. 0 and 13 to be exact, my only round where I played the entire round "without" a kill. I also shot a few guys in the head with no effect. At that point I just healed my teammates until it was over. It was like my gun had blanks.

Also had a repeat of last night, armed an mcom for nothing.

Also saw something else new tonight: th.countdown screen as the match is getting ready to start stayed on after the start in two matches until I died the first time. In one match I scored no points until after the first death( after killing a guy), so the second time I just hit suicide to save myself wasted effort

Why I'm the only one who has noticed on here I don't know.

Try to keep an eye on your score guys, I can't be the only one[/QUOTE]

I've experienced glitches like this as well. My favorite is when you die right as you finish arming the MCOM and don't get any points for it. Or when you get in a firefight with a guy, they kill you but you do %80 damage to them, they die right after killing you, and you get 0 points for the assist.
bread's done