Battlefield 3 - FREE for PS+ Members starting July 2nd!

I read about this over on, in their GAMING BLEND section while surfing around the net tonite, don't recall seeing anyone post about it,

Get Exclusive Battlefield 3 Dog Tags By Watching Act Of Valor Trailer
Article;> (LINK)
Trailer Website:>(LINK)

Not bad for just watching a trailer
[quote name='Romis']I read about this over on, in their GAMING BLEND section while surfing around the net tonite, don't recall seeing anyone post about it,

Get Exclusive Battlefield 3 Dog Tags By Watching Act Of Valor Trailer
Article;> (LINK)
Trailer Website:>(LINK)

Not bad for just watching a trailer[/QUOTE]I posted about this but only a link to the Deals thread which looks to be moved/deleted/whatnot now but yes, free dog tags for watching a trailer.
Well it has been a few days since I had any of the major glitches I talked about. Strange (but good) that they stopped after the server patch. I still have some gripes but right now I am starting to enjoy the game yet it is still a disappointment after BFBC2.
okay had the most fun since I started playing. Was on a team that won seven in a row. We were doing so well that we held back the enemy to their base within 5-7 minutes and would last the rest of the match. The last game #8 we were doing the same thing then the server "mysteriously" crashed. I really think it was crashed on purpose because we were unstoppable.

[quote name='Romis']I read about this over on, in their GAMING BLEND section while surfing around the net tonite, don't recall seeing anyone post about it,

Get Exclusive Battlefield 3 Dog Tags By Watching Act Of Valor Trailer
Article;> (LINK)
Trailer Website:>(LINK)

Not bad for just watching a trailer[/QUOTE]

Thanks for this... :applause::)
Finally got the mortar and messed around with it for a bit. Found it more useful when attacking on rush. Drop down smoke for cover and once an objective is armed just rain down shells until its destroyed.
BF3 seems to like corrupting data on my hard drives. I just got a corrupted HD. Thankfully I only played a couple of games and the saves lost were nothing but it's annoying that BF3 has been producing corrupting data since the Beta on my drives.
Another issue I've been noticing when playing conquest a enemy squad will come and camp right out side of your base, often planting a recon beacon, on the Canals Map the mountain just left of the area where your tanks / APV's spawn, the whole mountain area along that stretch of road they like to gather. ev len when they are losing one squad of A$$h@l#s seems to head there..
Got through the copter mission to have the pilot crash just before the complete screen. Why? Tried to do a loop. Grr....then.he bailed from the squad

And I hear about co op points counting toward unlocks? I've got over 30k points through the 3 co op missions and haven't unlocked a thing as far as I can tell. And my points and level are the same as before the missions
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[quote name='6er']Got through the copter mission to have the pilot crash just before the complete screen. Why? Tried to do a loop. Grr....then.he bailed from the squad

And I hear about co op points counting toward unlocks? I've got over 30k points through the 3 co op missions and haven't unlocked a thing as far as I can tell. And my points and level are the same as before the missions[/QUOTE]

There are a few co-op unlocks...

Kits (Unlocks)

I just checked my few month old HDD:

it's corrupted also when I tried to rebuild file system in Safe mode, after several freezes when.loading menu screen and now I can't boot without wiping it. I have a lot of important save data. I hope a drive clone can save it.:edit, nope its too far gone
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Ugh, my W/L ratio has been dropping exponentially. Finally managed to find a good team (after a frustrating week of terrible teams), and was disconnected right when we were going to win our fifth in a row. What a pain.

With that said, would anyone like to play sometime? I usually start playing from 7 or 8 PM PST and end around 9 or 10. PSN is RYAend. Check my stats if you need to.
[quote name='Bavgate']Ugh, my W/L ratio has been dropping exponentially. Finally managed to find a good team (after a frustrating week of terrible teams), and was disconnected right when we were going to win our fifth in a row. What a pain.

With that said, would anyone like to play sometime? I usually start playing from 7 or 8 PM PST and end around 9 or 10. PSN is RYAend. Check my stats if you need to.[/QUOTE]

Add me!

I've been looking for a decent squad!
My game library is shortening considerably now that I don't have the ability to go and play some old saves again
[quote name='Brainberry']Add me!

I've been looking for a decent squad![/QUOTE]
Don't forget to add your names to the Google document on the first page.
[quote name='Mad D']Don't forget to add your names to the Google document on the first page.[/QUOTE]


Whats the deal with the list?

Do I just go through it and add people?
[quote name='Brainberry']Add me!

I've been looking for a decent squad![/QUOTE]

I'll add you in a bit.

Also, added my info to the Google Docs spreadsheet.

EDIT: Brainberry, tried sending a friend request but it says you have no more room.
[quote name='Brainberry']Done!

Whats the deal with the list?

Do I just go through it and add people?[/QUOTE]

Just go through the list and add people make sure your enter CAG in the message.

GG tonight. sitdown, stimes, romis, dejckt(sorry if I mispelled) and all other cags in the game. I thought there was it seemed to be quite a few on a certain points its to bad we all couldn't be on the same team. I usually play with cags and my friends and if I"m with my friends I try to boot out any randoms in my squad so cags can join.

Romis I was wondering how you kept spawning behind us on that last game, and then after 3 spawns or so I found someones radiobeacon and took that bitch out.
[quote name='Bavgate']I'll add you in a bit.

Also, added my info to the Google Docs spreadsheet.

EDIT: Brainberry, tried sending a friend request but it says you have no more room.[/QUOTE]

Made room!

I tried looking for your psn in the roster but I didn't see it.
[quote name='Brainberry']Made room!

I tried looking for your psn in the roster but I didn't see it.[/QUOTE]

FR sent.

As for that spreadsheet, I see myself at number 49. I don't see you on there at all. :whistle2:#
[quote name='Bavgate']FR sent.

As for that spreadsheet, I see myself at number 49. I don't see you on there at all. :whistle2:#[/QUOTE]

Ahhh, the spread sheet. I added my name to the roster.
Don't forget to add yourself to the platoon folks and put "cag" as your clan under your profile.

I don't have a mic for my ps3 I am looking for a cheap one you know "cheap ass gamer" here. Any suggestions would be cool.
Haven't had a chance tobplay BF3 since it nuked the file system. I had only spent time in MP and co op. What can I expect to lose? I hope unlocks are in the cloud and not save file
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[quote name='cheap from birth']Would be awesome if we could get an entire side full of CAG members[/QUOTE]

On CAG nights will have to see how many we can get in a PS3 chat room and attempt to find the emptiness server and hope each squad leader picks it. Only problem I'm sure it will be CAGs battling CAGs, along with the other randoms.
I'll be playing this game as well as uncharted and upcoming Assassin's Creed:R. But I would love to play co-op and Multi. On usually around 830-9pm PST.

EDIT: oh yeah I'm not the greatest but i'll do what I can!

[quote name='combatrhombus']On CAG nights will have to see how many we can get in a PS3 chat room and attempt to find the emptiness server and hope each squad leader picks it. Only problem I'm sure it will be CAGs battling CAGs, along with the other randoms.[/QUOTE]

Insert Klingon saying here
havent got time to play this past 2 weeks. damn my homework!!! anyway, will play this weekend. just add and mention cag
Whoever wants to level up twenty times an.hour I'm on right now. We can do the exp loophole. Just send me a message letting me know on PSN

I'm offline now, ill be back on.tomorrow after 2. Send me a message if you want to try the exp points thing
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Ok, after playing Mw3 for 6 hours I decided that I can;t stand COD anymore.

No gunfights.

Once I figure out how the tradelist works I'm putting in Mw3.

Its just inferior, the only upside is survival mode, other then that it feels like I'm playing MW2.5
[quote name='hetz15']havent got time to play this past 2 weeks. damn my homework!!! anyway, will play this weekend. just add and mention cag[/QUOTE]

Homework has been on the backburner for me, I cannot get enough of BF. I have to pull myself away from this game, but I haven't been able to do that yet.

GG tonight stimes, eon_v and AGENTspecial. I was playing around with my tank perks in the beginning hence why I did so shitty but went back to my norm setup autoloader, IR and the new canister secondary. Agent I don't know if its your mic or Eon_V(sounded fine in the menu/squad) but it was super loud and choppy on my end and I could barely hear ya when in game. That's why I was fairly quiet tonight.

Side note, I hate it when a team gets spawn trapped. When its our team I would rather just back off and fight out side of one of A or C in Conquest. Matches are super boring when your picking people off in there spawn area. IMO.

PS - great comeback on the canals as the US troops we were down by a lot around 100 towards the end and fought back for a solid victory.
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[quote name='cheap from birth']that robot exploit works solo. tried it for two rounds. feel dirty haha. easy way to level up but soooo boring and cheap of course[/QUOTE]

edit, figured it.
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[quote name='6er']How, since you can.only have bot or or repair tool at a time and not both[/QUOTE]

Deploy the bot then commit suicide. Then equip the repair tool and head over to the bot. Shoot and repair.

i didnt know what to expect when I loaded up the game but I was shocked .. well not really ... to see others doing the exploit. In fact it was just about everyone in the session. The top score was like 16K and the guy went 0-12 or something like that haha
[quote name='Mad39er']Personally I find the average Battlefield/Call Of Duty player that partakes in the whole vs discussion pretty annoying. Just play the game and get over your inability to play both well, you're clearly at home with one more than the other.[/QUOTE]

I should of put a smiley on that post as it was just a funny nothing more. ;)

Everyone has their preferences and it doesn't bother me. I bought COD hardened yesterday and the CE Guide and maps. I am just going to play the single player and then give it to a family member that really enjoys single player and mutiplayer COD.

I think COD single player blew away BF3 but I now (after some fixes) like the multiplayer of the battlefield franchise... that is my opinion based on preference. As others may like the action of COD multiplayer more.

Yep you are right it's just likes and being comfortable. :D
Played last nice. 5 straight wins...was pretty awesome to get into a game with a fairly good team. We weren't obliterating the other team either, it was pretty even. I also shot down my first helicopter last night :D Shame, no trophy for that :(

Plus-side, I got my first MVP.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']

EDIT: References for the upcoming flashlight change:



From the PC BF3 thread. I cannot wait for the tactical light patch.
[quote name='combatrhombus']From the PC BF3 thread. I cannot wait for the tactical light patch.[/QUOTE]

Thank god, I hate that fucking tactical light.
bread's done