Battlefield 3 - FREE for PS+ Members starting July 2nd!

Also, switch weapons often. Take the flanking route best suited for your weapon (or vice versa).

ie. On round 3 the hallway on the east side near mcom B usually crowded so take either grenade launcher or rockets.
Alright, I think I'm done with the beta already. There are glitches aplenty, a lot of hit detection issues, I don't like the map very much at all and having played both the BF2 and BF3 betas, I think the BF2 beta was done much better.

I might end up playing the full version but I personally think the beta did the game no justice. I'll admit it took me a while to get used to, but even with plenty of hours play time I still think the beta is poor.

I would suspect the full version MP would be better, but as for the beta, I'm done.
[quote name='lude21']Oh, thx dude! Rate of fire change is down on d-pad.[/QUOTE]

For realz? I was wondering if that was actually put in or not....thanks for the heads up!

Also, who here loves the Mirror's Edge style obstacle vaulting? Probably my favorite, albeit small, addition/change from BC2.
I'm playing it now if anyone wants to add me to their squad. I'm trying hard to play better and I want to see how I can do in an actual team.
Just got done playing not too long ago, had a WAY better time playing. My K/D sucks but my team was actually working together for the most part. It usually went 3 rounds but we held on twice (out of 3 matches) to win. A lot more fun when people arm/disarm instead of sitting back sniping. Though let it be known the that few snipers we had on our team were actually picking guys off during the first and last rounds. Thankfully, during the metro round people were loading up on RPGs and short-range weapons, great mix when people know what they are doing (for the most part) :D
Hit L30. Gonna call it a night with BF3 but I'm concerned this is as much as we'll get out of the beta since it doesn't seem like they'll support it since they already fixed the bugs in it, supposedly. I really don't see a point beyond server testing for this, though I did figure out why I was randomly freezing, for some reason BF3 saves data to the HDD and that was freezing me up. I think it was after every ribbon or so.

Edit: Oh and the M249 with Extended mags is awesome, 200 round mags, 400 total and you can restock your ammo since you're the Support guy. I use Suppression perk with this one. Non-stop shooting suppression, it's a must against really dug in M-Com Defenders.
You can play it solo, but it requires random people to know what they're doing. I played BC2 solo a bit and didn't have a problem with it. Obviously it's not as fun if you don't know anybody, but that can be said of any game. When the game releases I'm sure the ratio of team players/ idiots will go down quite a bit as they don't find this their cup of tea. The BC2 beta was full of a lot of solo players and just general newbies who had no idea what they were doing, I was one of them. But once I got the hang of it, I knew where to hide out and keep an eye on the MCom at. When to wait for my teammates and or when to charge ahead.

In other games my K/D was average around a 1:1 but in this and BC2 it drops since I'm no longer just worried about myself and getting kills but actually capturing the flag or destroying the MCom or whatever the objective is. Even though my K/D is low I'm generally one of the better players according to the scoring system.
it freezes on me as well saint.

this seemingly random damage output is really getting old fast. i die in an instant, but these guys im facing are taking 2 shotgun blasts and still living. or seeing hit markers and have them still at 100%. its always fun to freeze for like 5 seconds and when the game catches up im getting a knife in my throat. AWESOME.
I Wonder why Ea and Dice would bother releasing a god awful outdated alpha build of one of their highly anticipated games of the year then pretend this is a beta.
Dammit, i keep getting "lost connection to ea servers" mid-game...happend 3 or 4 times. Just now i was playing and just as my grenade was gonna blow up killing 2+ did it again!! Grrrr
[quote name='lude21']Dammit, i keep getting "lost connection to ea servers" mid-game...happend 3 or 4 times. Just now i was playing and just as my grenade was gonna blow up killing 2+ did it again!! Grrrr[/QUOTE]

Think the servers are down. PC side for sure.
Played some more this morning. Really starting to enjoy the game as I level up and get new weapons/attachments. But more importantly, either I'm getting paired up with better/smarter people, or people are just finally starting to get that we're playing an objective game, not deathmatch.
For me the matchmaking has just gotten worse and worse the more that I play. The difference being is that now I'm getting paired-up with higher and higher ranks of people who aren't being team-players. (which is totally odd for me and my deathmatch loving self to say)

Thankfully I just completely ignore my ratio and instead focus on completing objectives but it really sucks when you are the only one on your team doing so while everyone else is setting-up tents and playing bush-monkey.
When I played BC2, i've always had more of a 50/50 objective of K/D ratios and objective completions. with COD, it was 90% K/D focused.

I'm not a huge fan-boy of the BF series, but enjoy the game. it is honestly one of those games where you take time, you'll enjoy it a bit more. Its truly almost the opposite of COD's fast-paced action. Level up a bit and give it a bit of time and once you have a Squad together, it's pretty good.
I'm pretty much done with this Beta unless it gets patched, which isn't likely. The "No Aiming" Bug has turned into a "No Shooting" bug when it triggers while you're ADS and pulling the trigger, you can't shoot again until you swap weapons. It's gotten me killed three times now and it's really exhausting to be this frustrated at something they probably won't patch.

Edit: For the record, I'll be "quitting" this beta at Level 32, 1500 kills, 1022 deaths which adds up to a 1.468 k/d. Win/loss sitting at a balmy 2.24. I'm tired of the bugs. It's not a lack of skill, rust or being "other game" related.
The bugs do suck the wind right out of me when it comes to trying to play more than one match at a time only to know that many of my deaths are caused by some control suddenly not working for whatever reason.

It's weird because I know that this isn't my style/pace of game but I'm trying my best to enjoy it and adapt to the elements which I don't care for like the general speed of going from a sprint into iron-sights or the sluggishness of tossing grenades or using melee. (and I'm not going to disparage it for that intentional pacing)

It just seems like every time that I start to round that corner and begin to really dig it either some dumb bug or some dumb player being a dick turns me right back off again.:-({|=

Found this funny:
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[quote name='Narcisstalker']
Found this funny:
That map is spot on. 200%.

Didn't come back to this thread for that but it was a pleasant surprise. Anybody have a list of pre-order bonuses by retailer? That's the only thing I didn't see.

Edit: Was skimming the 360 side, somebody mentioned if you played the Alpha, this is basically that build just tweaked for consoles. Really DICE? Disappointing.
[quote name='Mad39er']That map is spot on. 200%.

Didn't come back to this thread for that but it was a pleasant surprise. Anybody have a list of pre-order bonuses by retailer? That's the only thing I didn't see.

Edit: Was skimming the 360 side, somebody mentioned if you played the Alpha, this is basically that build just tweaked for consoles. Really DICE? Disappointing.[/QUOTE]

I just updated the first post with pre-order bonuses for Amazon, Best Buy, and GameStop. Also included links. As far as the 'beta' I agree, they should have given us newer/better build, especially since it's an "open" beta for everyone to judge. Thankfully, DICE has reported that it IS an old build and that all the issues we're seeing have been fixed...
[quote name='SynGamer']I just updated the first post with pre-order bonuses for Amazon, Best Buy, and GameStop. Also included links. As far as the 'beta' I agree, they should have given us newer/better build, especially since it's an "open" beta for everyone to judge. Thankfully, DICE has reported that it IS an old build and that all the issues we're seeing have been fixed...[/QUOTE]
You know me man, as negative as I am, I'm doing my best to give this it's shot. If I knew this was basically a tweaked Alpha build I'd have passed without making this much noise.

Edit: Also TY, checking the OP now.
[quote name='Mad39er']You know me man, as negative as I am, I'm doing my best to give this it's shot. If I knew this was basically a tweaked Alpha build I'd have passed without making this much noise.[/QUOTE]

No worries, I think a lot of us are a bit disappointed, not necessarily in the game itself, but the choice of build. I'm enjoying the game, and it's a "beta", but sadly, this late in the game these are usually PR stunts and the build is near complete. That said, I'm still looking forward to the game as much as ever, especially if they bugs have been fixed.
It just irks me about the build because the real reason that we aren't seeing any sort of patching is because of Microsoft and Sony. Their dumbass policies regarding data pushes are completely detrimental to beta testing unless of course your game just happens to be a first/second party offering. (DCUO got how many beta patches? ;) )

I'm sure that EA could throw their weight around but it's just not worth it to branch/fork the builds given all the cert bullshit involved with console development.
I haven't seen the Type 88 LMG on the Battlelog pages, so that vs the SPECACT kit will probably be the only two real choices. I can't see a point to the Amazon dog tags unless they were real tags and not stat page content.

Anybody see the advert for the Battlefield Beta? Lay Low, Aim High. /facepalm
[quote name='8bitArtist']it freezes on me as well saint.

this seemingly random damage output is really getting old fast. i die in an instant, but these guys im facing are taking 2 shotgun blasts and still living. or seeing hit markers and have them still at 100%. its always fun to freeze for like 5 seconds and when the game catches up im getting a knife in my throat. AWESOME.[/QUOTE]

I agree 100% with the seemingly random damage output. I can take one shot and get killed instantly and I can unload a clip on someone and nothing. I have also had it happen where a shot in the chest from me into the leg of an enemy kills them and then the next guy I unload a clip into and nothing again.

I hope to god this gets fixed as I could really love this game.

But right now getting killed instantly from one shot from a mile away with an assualt rifle in the hands of a ghost level 0 is annoying as hell.
Anyone having problem with sound? Unless everyone has suppressor or I'm having hard time noticing gun sounds nearby. Also I know it usually take more than 1 shot to get killed, but why does it always seem like I only get hit once before I die?

They need to nerf the SVD/M11 (forgot the name). That gun is a beast with holo and foregrip. Eight out of ten direct firefight with an assault class I always win with that gun. Starting to warm up to the game but still annoyed about hit notification.

Support really is just that support. Not good to play as solo, the machine gun seems only good for suppression.
@Trakan, definitely agree Lmg were one of the best weapons available in BC2 to the degree where assault class seems useless if they didn't have versatility with their weapons. The support class in BF3 is underwhelming at this point. I always felt ammo pack were cheap ways to gain point without it being useful. If a player is any good and when they run out of ammo they pick up another dead player's kit; if a player isn't any good then he/she will die before they run out of ammo. Hopefully the c4 will be useful in other maps.
[quote name='dejeckt']Anyone having problem with sound? Unless everyone has suppressor or I'm having hard time noticing gun sounds nearby. Also I know it usually take more than 1 shot to get killed, but why does it always seem like I only get hit once before I die?

Support really is just that support. Not good to play as solo, the machine gun seems only good for suppression.[/QUOTE]
Sound will cut in and out for some reason. I've had my M249 roaring one second and then the next it sounds suppressed. I keep my sound up and for the most part I can hear bullets but I also have a surround sound set up that makes it pretty intuitive at this point.

Support is alright but the M249 is just terrible for anything beyond suppression effects. I use extended mags with SUPR to maximize the class usefulness and do pretty well just hosing down areas. You have to keep on firing though, you cannot stop. Stopping = dead. Fire all 200 rounds.

[quote name='Trakan']The LMGs were the best guns in the game in BC2, though I haven't used them much in the beta.[/QUOTE] The RPK is pretty awesome, not LMG feely at 46ish rounds. I haven't unlocked anything past the 249 to tell you anything else though.

[quote name='dejeckt']@Trakan, definitely agree Lmg were one of the best weapons available in BC2 to the degree where assault class seems useless if they didn't have versatility with their weapons. The support class in BF3 is underwhelming at this point. I always felt ammo pack were cheap ways to gain point without it being useful. If a player is any good and when they run out of ammo they pick up another dead player's kit; if a player isn't any good then he/she will die before they run out of ammo. Hopefully the c4 will be useful in other maps.[/QUOTE]
I like the Support class, I like the sheer terror of watching the opposing team freak out and all the Suppressive bonuses. In one good sitting I can jump like 500 to 1000 points killing only a couple of guys and suppressing the rest of the them in the area. I actually advanced pretty quickly down the Support path compared to Recon and Assault. The downside is the ammo packs do not give infinite ammo, you have to put them down again. At the end of Metro I like to use the Suppressing aspect of the gun to just rain down lead from the two overlooking buildings on the Defending spawn. It really makes them largely useless.

I've used C4 for ambushes on the B M-Com at the first part of Metro, I put them on the sheetmetal walls where they can't be seen and once the first bomb is planted, set it off and do a maniacal little cackle as the whole thing just explodes.

Any time I'm defending, I just Recon to set up my spawn point and Support class on all the choke points where I can ruin everybody Attackers day. When I'm attacking I usually use the class after the first M-Com but after I set up my spawn point. It's really just fucked up to see your team at a choke point and they're getting whittled down until I go up, suppress the shit out of the defenders and suddenly everybody can move up. No other class does it better, no matter how sneaky you are, if they're dug in, you need the insanity that the support class can bring. You just have to accept that you don't need to actually kill anybody and the class gets easier, killing people is just a bonus.
Things will be interesting when people have more toys to play with. I'm personally looking forward to the smoke so we can move up easier on maps like the main beta map.
[quote name='renique46']I Wonder why Ea and Dice would bother releasing a god awful outdated alpha build of one of their highly anticipated games of the year then pretend this is a beta.[/QUOTE]

I know right? So many of my core friends that I've played COD nightly with for years, think that the beta is how the full BF3 game will be like. Even though they're sick of COD (and complain every time we play), a bunch of them already said they canceled their pre-orders and would rather get COD and play by themselves.

The beta represents only a small fraction of what Battlefield is all about! They could've at least gave us Caspian Border with vehicles instead of a small, tight-spaced, linear map like Metro.

In all honesty, it probably would've been better not to have a beta at all since so many people think this is how battlefield is! A horrible outdated beta means loss of potential players who are sick of COD.
Had fun with the beta, although it sucks sometimes when I ended up with a "douche" squad. Certainly feels different after playing so many "run-n-gun" FPS. We need to make a CAG clan here for the final release, or if it exists already please add me :D.
I wonder how the rest of the world/other forums feel about this game. I hope it won't be as bad as it's BETA is described... I wonder what they're saying on the BF forums. If the fans are upset...
[quote name='Mad39er']Edit: Was skimming the 360 side, somebody mentioned if you played the Alpha, this is basically that build just tweaked for consoles. Really DICE? Disappointing.[/QUOTE]
Alpha was the same map as well and I noticed no difference in the two builds, but that was on PC.
It's been reported in a number of articles over the past few days that the bugs we're seeing in the beta have been fixed in the final build.
:rofl: They lost 34K+ pre-orders since the beta launched and the numbers are rising. Maybe putting out a public Alpha and calling it a "beta", especially so close to the release date wasn't such a good idea.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']:rofl: They lost 34K+ pre-orders since the beta launched and the numbers are rising. Maybe putting out a public Alpha and calling it a "beta", especially so close to the release date wasn't such a good idea.[/QUOTE]
Do you have a source? I've been looking for numbers but it looks like everybody is keeping hush hush.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']:rofl: They lost 34K+ pre-orders since the beta launched and the numbers are rising. Maybe putting out a public Alpha and calling it a "beta", especially so close to the release date wasn't such a good idea.[/QUOTE]
If they lost numbers, it was because they used a shit map to demo what is worst about BF. Vehicles/map size change everything and DICE were complete idiots to 'blow people away' with this garbage.
I cancelled my preorder cause this is the worst beta I have ever played. I would still have some hope for it but aim assist is in the game and I'm not having any of that shhhi t. The game will probably have shit servers and people lagging like crazy.
[quote name='Mr. 420']I cancelled my preorder cause this is the worst beta I have ever played. I would still have some hope for it but aim assist is in the game and I'm not having any of that shhhi t. The game will probably have shit servers and people lagging like crazy.[/QUOTE]

They game will probably NOT have fuck servers and people lagging like crazy. BECAUSE of this beta. This is a real beta. Not a demo. Not a demo slapped with a beta sticker. This is part of the process of making the game better INVOLVING the community. Instead of complaining and whining about how you are not going to do such and such- get on the official forums. Tell them the issues you are having. HELP them make this the best BF ever. That is what a beta is all about. It isn't just a free test drive, preview, or demo.

BF is about your friends and a relationship with the developers. Maybe you shouldn't be a part of the community then.

With that, I'll add the devs brought some of this on themselves. They have finally been more direct on just what this beta is all about.

Thank you for playing the Open Beta and making the final game better!
We are very excited to see so many gamers join our Battlefield 3 Open Beta. Here’s an update on the Open Beta from DICE General Manager Karl Magnus Troedsson.

I want to give you an overview of how the Open Beta is helping us shape a fantastic final game, what we are implementing based on your feedback, and how the Open Beta will help us deliver a robust gaming environment from day one.

The Open Beta is a true Beta
The Battlefield 3 Open Beta is based on software that is more than one month old. We need to test the new back end dedicated server structure we’ve built. Not only have we built a new game engine, but an entirely new back end system so that everyone can enjoy the benefits of dedicated servers on all platforms.

Just like normal procedure when releasing a game, the Open Beta has had long lead times due to testing, certification, and setting up. This means that the code you are now playing is actually quite early and not representative of the final game.

We had to do this in order to have as many people testing as possible, in order to ensure a top quality experience when the game is released. However, we’re confident in the Battlefield formula and confident that our fans will support us in order to make Battlefield 3 better.

Dedicated servers require dedicated testing
The biggest reason for running the Open Beta is to stress test our servers and back end. Already, we are seeing 6 times the number of simultaneous players in the Battlefield 3 Open Beta compared to the Beta for Battlefield: Bad Company 2! The fact that Battlefield 3 is clearly our biggest game launch ever by a magnitude of 6 makes it doubly important to test everything.

We are constantly updating the News section on Battlelog with information on what we are fixing from Open Beta to final. We appreciate your time and your feedback. The data and feedback from the Open Beta will not only directly affect the final game of Battlefield 3, but its future development and support.

We’re heading out on the road this week to let journalists experience all aspects of Battlefield 3. Stay tuned for their previews, and stay tuned for the final game on October 25th. The final game will look, play and sound better than the Open Beta. You have helped making sure of that.

Karl Magnus Troedsson
General Manager, DICE
[quote name='NamPaehc']They game will probably NOT have fuck servers and people lagging like crazy. BECAUSE of this beta. This is a real beta. Not a demo. Not a demo slapped with a beta sticker. This is part of the process of making the game better INVOLVING the community. Instead of complaining and whining about how you are not going to do such and such- get on the official forums. Tell them the issues you are having. HELP them make this the best BF ever. That is what a beta is all about. It isn't just a free test drive, preview, or demo.


Don't waste your time with this guy. I think this the same guy that thinks having move support for games like Killzone 3 and Resistance 3 is unfair because it would be easier for the people with move controllers. He then trying comparing the move controllers like the duck hunt game for nintendo
I'm done with playing games online that have aim assist. Thats the main reason I'm not getting this but there are numerous other things that are wrong. 30 fps o for an online shooting game just isn't a good idea, it feels like an enhanced 64 game with that framerate.
[quote name='JG5253']Don't waste your time with this guy. I think this the same guy that thinks having move support for games like Killzone 3 and Resistance 3 is unfair because it would be easier for the people with move controllers. He then trying comparing the move controllers like the duck hunt game for nintendo[/QUOTE]
I'll just chime in and add he's also just appears once in a blue moon if you ignore him when he trolls the various forums. Really just send him straight to the ignore list, he never stepped up when called out on any game he's trolled.
I don't want to be part of a community with aim assist, its that simple. I have to give my opinion on such filth. Apperanly i didn't step up, but never remember getting challenged lol. People giving there opinions about garbage games are trolls but so are the sheep that flock to talk about how great s hit is and how much they like to pay to eat it.
bread's done