Battlefield 3 - FREE for PS+ Members starting July 2nd!

Why so much arguing? If you don't like the game why bother wasting your time on BF3 thread? If you like the game why do you have to prove why you like it?
I think I'm missing the point...

Anyways dropped in for another random PSA
Use T-UGS, not as effective as the motion sensors in bc2, but what it lacks in mobility it gains in longevity. As a defender be sure lay these around choke points or mcoms, gives you and your team mates on enemies (much easier to get a head shot with a little red triangle above their heads).
As attackers might be harder to use tugs...
The smoke bombs are awesome, I think it's better than the grenade launcher. Usually the path to an mcom station is very open, cover yourself and the team.
[quote name='Mr. 420']I don't want to be part of a community with aim assist, its that simple. I have to give my opinion on such filth. Apperanly i didn't step up, but never remember getting challenged lol. People giving there opinions about garbage games are trolls but so are the sheep that flock to talk about how great s hit is and how much they like to pay to eat it.[/QUOTE]

The aim assist issue is something I was wondering about. I saw it in options and it was already set to yes. But in-game (multiplayer) it has NO assist or affect AT ALL.

You seem to be upset over something with DICE or possibly you got banned?

Anyway it is a beta and while I have my complaints about it I do realize it is a beta. I will wait to give a FINAL opinion until the FINAL product is out. I have played BC 1 and 2 and prior Battlefield games. From what I have seen so far they have only stepped it up more with each new release. If this game is anywhere near as good as those in the past (but probably will be better) then the game will rock.

If you have something against it and against a beta that is your right. But calling other people sh#T eaters because they like the game is not cool.

I can guess though that you are a COD player as COD players have a hard time transitioning from running and gunning and solo play to a team based and more strategic shooter.

But don't worry thousands and thousands of people will be buying the game and filling up the servers so you wont be missed AT ALL. ;)
[quote name='Average Gamer']Lets speak on a more positive note. The box art looks cool. =P[/QUOTE]

Too dark for me :p

Anyway, I'm still getting this day one. I'm really hoping that we get a CAG clan rolling and it sticks for a long time.
[quote name='JungleRot']The aim assist issue is something I was wondering about. I saw it in options and it was already set to yes. But in-game (multiplayer) it has NO assist or affect AT ALL.

I can guess though that you are a COD player as COD players have a hard time transitioning from running and gunning and solo play to a team based and more strategic shooter. [/QUOTE]
Two things, you are grossly incorrect that aim assist does nothing. I've sat and had people run by me and my reticule dragged over them as they ran on it's own. It's there, it's just not terribly in your face. The second is he's not a COD player so stop your shit.
[quote name='Josh5890']Too dark for me :p

Anyway, I'm still getting this day one. I'm really hoping that we get a CAG clan rolling and it sticks for a long time.[/QUOTE]

I have a reserved second post, if needed I can move the first post info to the second and wikify the thread and someone can run the CAG Clan from here? Any takers?
Will there be a CAG game night for this?

Too bad all progress from beta would be reset (I think). Waiting for a deal on this game, I know newegg has it up for $50 but looking for something more.
[quote name='dejeckt']Will there be a CAG game night for this?

Too bad all progress from beta would be reset (I think). Waiting for a deal on this game, I know newegg has it up for $50 but looking for something more.[/QUOTE]

I just turned the first post into a wiki and set it up for a clan. Anyone can modify the first post so feel free to put up a proper clan post there :)
I would love to take over the clan but I know it would be a disaster on my end. I'm just looking to follow the flow and play with you guys whenever.
[quote name='Josh5890']I would love to take over the clan but I know it would be a disaster on my end. I'm just looking to follow the flow and play with you guys whenever.[/QUOTE]

Add your info to the list and Google Doc. The first post is a wiki so anyone can edit it :)

EDIT: if someone wants to make the first post prettier, by all means, please do :D
Signed up, but I usually play randomly (no set time really). Is it me or the floor/ground for mcom A section in first round becoming more and more of a hole? Last game there were 12 people underground with me, lol.
[quote name='SynGamer']I updated the "Play Style" column with "Preferred Class". Seems more relevant ;)[/QUOTE]

I like it. I just signed up. I am not the best player but not the worst either. I find shooters a little harder on ps vs computer but still love it.

If this works I will finally have to get a headset/mic. What would you folks recommend that is fairly cheap? Maybe the sony bluetooth?
Signed up

There seems to be a couple places where those 'black holes' are but that one is extremely easy to fall in.. plus last night I kept getting show buy some guy who was floating up in the sky yet I couldn't see him when I spawned.
[quote name='Mad39er']Two things, you are grossly incorrect that aim assist does nothing. I've sat and had people run by me and my reticule dragged over them as they ran on its own. It's there, it's just not terribly in your face. The second is he's not a COD player so stop your shit.[/QUOTE]

The aim assist seems to be at the moment different for many folks and the opinion even varies if it has any effect at all. Some people say they can see it pull on enemies within feet of them and that is the only time. Others say that there is no "magnetic" pull at all. While still yet others say that it "slows" the aim down for far off targets as the sensitivity at long-range would be to hard otherwise to steady the aim on a tiny dot and others say it does nothing at all in multiplayer.
While the most popular is that they had to add it to console versions as we all know that with a pc accuracy is much easier with a mouse while on the console it is at the least very difficult with the "sticks". Thus making shooters "more" playable on consoles. This is the theory that seems to be the best one. Added with that last theory is that there is no magnetic pull at all and just the "slowing" down of the reticule for small far off targets. This will also depend on the level of your sensitivity settings.
As for me I see no difference in the beta thus far.
I do also see that some say it is on the COD titles as well. The consensus seems to be that it doesn't act as an auto aim and if helpful at all it is just to make shooter more playable on consoles.

Anyway I may have responded wrongly saying to the poster they are probably a COD player so get over it. BUT!!!... they were trolling and calling BF players shiteat#rs.

Maybe they are a computer player or who knows but the comments were uncalled for. The poster could have easily mentioned the "aiming issue" without calling BF players out.

Thank You for the attention and I am sure that you gave the same lecture to the poster I was responding to...right??
[quote name='JungleRot']
Anyway I may have responded wrongly saying to the poster they are probably a COD player so get over it. BUT!!!... they were trolling and calling BF players shiteat#rs.

Maybe they are a computer player or who knows but the comments were uncalled for. The poster could have easily mentioned the "aiming issue" without calling BF players out.

Thank You for the attention and I am sure that you gave the same lecture to the poster I was responding to...right??[/QUOTE]
I'm going to ignore all of the above and simply respond to the quoted part. The dude trolls every FPS thread with the same crap and yes, we've had it out with him in the MW2 thread, do not feel special. Do not blame COD because of that troll. So if you want to take offense to a very known troll for trolling, by all means but don't go nuclear and be ignant about it. I'm not the one with thin skin here.
Quick question, is the gamestop preorder bonus unique or will it eventually be unlocked by progressing in the game? What are the dog tags for?
[quote name='Mad39er']I'm going to ignore all of the above and simply respond to the quoted part. The dude trolls every FPS thread with the same crap and yes, we've had it out with him in the MW2 thread, do not feel special. Do not blame COD because of that troll. So if you want to take offense to a very known troll for trolling, by all means but don't go nuclear and be ignant about it. I'm not the one with thin skin here.[/QUOTE]

See that was much easier... all you had to tell me was that the poster is a known troller so ignore it as you have attempted to work with the poster before. When you use the words "stop your shit" in response to me then yes I will take that differently. As you can see I DID apologize for any misunderstanding about COD. I also attempted to address the aiming issue as you were addressing that with me as well... more like you were defending the troller on it. Whereas I explained the aiming thing and the not so simple issue behind it. If you do not want to talk about it and choose to "ignore it" you shouldn't have taken my post to someone else (stuck your nose in rudely) and responded on the subject. You really need to come off more clearly and not flip-flop around so much. You want to chime in on two issues but then back peddle and call me names. You are all over the place.

I would suggest in the future that you not be so 'thin skinned" and "ignant" and next time do not "respond to a response to someone else" in such a rude, defensive (where it is not your fight) and flip-flopping manner.
[quote name='JungleRot']See that was much easier... all you had to tell me was that the poster is a known troller so ignore it as you have attempted to work with the poster before. When you use the words "stop your shit" in response to me then yes I will take that differently. As you can see I DID apologize for any misunderstanding about COD. I also attempted to address the aiming issue as you were addressing that with me as well... more like you were defending the troller on it. Whereas I explained the aiming thing and the not so simple issue behind it. If you do not want to talk about it and choose to "ignore it" you shouldn't have taken my post to someone else (stuck your nose in rudely) and responded on the subject. You really need to come off more clearly and not flip-flop around so much. You want to chime in on two issues but then back peddle and call me names. You are all over the place.

I would suggest in the future that you not be so 'thin skinned" and "ignant" and next time do not "respond to a response to someone else" in such a rude, defensive (where it is not your fight) and flip-flopping manner.[/QUOTE]
Dude, you're the one with the multiple paragraph reply. I'll concede you win just to make you happy.
[quote name='Mad39er']Dude, you're the one with the multiple paragraph reply. I'll concede you win just to make you happy.[/QUOTE]

damn I was just coming back online to do the same thing. The whole "argument" between us is stupid on both our parts. This is just a miscommunication misunderstanding. :bouncy:
That shit is scary...thank god most of this is patched or will be patched by day 1.

EDIT: that a sniper or a shotgun???
its the usa12 semi-auto shotty. as 8bit can tell you about it, bc2 also had the problem where you can snipe with shottys.

I agree with Romis that the black holes/screen tears of death are getting worse. If I'm defending, I keep thinking please blow up the mcoms so that we dont have to worry about the dangers from the environment in addition to bullets.
I actually think the shotgun video is fairly awesome and want to try that out myself. The M1014 gets frag shells so that should be the earliest available shotgun with it in the Beta. While some of it is questionable on the range, they really need to address the terminal velocity at the end of the kill-range to something significantly more than that. Same probably will apply for handguns but with bullet drop happening across all guns, I doubt handguns will be as problematic, the exception being maybe the scoped 44 magnum.
I played last night, came into the game about half way through the first round. Went 11-0. They didn't destroy a single M-com :D It was awesome...just picking people off left and right. REALLY liking the shine/reflection/sheen from the scopes on people sniping.
I've been playing the beta pretty regularly, but I'm not sure if I want to get it right away since I have a few games I'd like to finish up before purchasing a new one. I've been usually getting in the 20s to 30s kill range but I don't think it skill more than just knowing the map since it's the only one playable.

Hopefully the community here will be active a month or two after the launch, though I'm tempted to pick it up right away. I really like the sneak and move forward mixed up with the closed quarters gameplay in the rush mode available.
Really wanted to like the game, but the sheer number of campers has sent me running. I understand that camping is how real war is, but this is ridonkulous. Oh well, I'll probably pick this up when it drops to around $30.
Moving through the bushes really is the cure all for campers problems. You're almost guaranteed to be ignored by people rushing and snipers when doing that.
I might be pre-ordering this through Best Buy it seems. The Gamestop bonus looks like it tips the scales weapon wise with the LMG 88 but typically these DICE games have been early unlocks rather than exclusive. I'm really going to have to find out of the Type 88 is exclusive to the GS preorder or if it's just an early unlock.
I don't think I'm going to pick this up release day since its a week apart from Uncharted 3 release date but I will probably pick it up the first time it goes on sale
So apparently the PS3 and 360 will be getting installs for "hi-res" texture packs...which, to me, is a fancy way of saying, there's an optional install if you want the game to look/perform better.
[quote name='Mad D']Moving through the bushes really is the cure all for campers problems. You're almost guaranteed to be ignored by people rushing and snipers when doing that.[/QUOTE]

Works only some what on only the first tier. Try flanking them and when you succeed you can easily knife couple of defenders.

Having a really difficult time figuring out how to maneuver against enemies on tier 2. On both left and right flanks there are campers with great line of sight. On center there are aggressive, mobile campers. Can't really blame defenders for camping cause their goal ultimately is to hold a position. My only grief with tier 2 is that map gives too much of an advantage to defenders. The only effective strategy, imo, for tier 2 is for attackers to work together and push through with brutal force.

Anyone else kinda worried about this game? There was a kotaku article where it is reported that the single player mode crashes frequently, and maybe too similar to black ops story. I know in BF a single player is non important, but after faultline trailer kinda wish it had an intriguing single player.

From videos it seems caspian border seems way too big for even 64 players, I wonder how it will be scaled down on consoles. The jets seem really slow especially from the perspective from an infantry, I guess it was done for balancing issues.
[quote name='dejeckt']Works only some what on only the first tier. Try flanking them and when you succeed you can easily knife couple of defenders.

Having a really difficult time figuring out how to maneuver against enemies on tier 2. On both left and right flanks there are campers with great line of sight. On center there are aggressive, mobile campers. Can't really blame defenders for camping cause their goal ultimately is to hold a position. My only grief with tier 2 is that map gives too much of an advantage to defenders. The only effective strategy, imo, for tier 2 is for attackers to work together and push through with brutal force.

Anyone else kinda worried about this game? There was a kotaku article where it is reported that the single player mode crashes frequently, and maybe too similar to black ops story. I know in BF a single player is non important, but after faultline trailer kinda wish it had an intriguing single player.

From videos it seems caspian border seems way too big for even 64 players, I wonder how it will be scaled down on consoles. The jets seem really slow especially from the perspective from an infantry, I guess it was done for balancing issues.[/QUOTE]

There are places you can blow holes in the walls on both the left and right to give you some different routes in. Need a recon to place a good raido beacon for you. Beyond that the full game will have smoke an other toys to help your advance.

And no, I'm not worried.

Kotaku might be right about the story, but usually they seem to write stuff just get page views. Always slanted one way or another for whatever reason. And they couldn't have played the final version single player yet.

"Near Final Preview".

Has bullet points on some of the changes but this sums it up:

After walking away from the Final Hours event and spending a good 2-3 hours on this current build of the console Battlefield 3 multiplayer, I can honestly say my excitement for October 25th has grown exponentially. Though I never doubted DICE, I can compare the beta experience to a truck drivers windshield: It was hard to see what was in front of me with the constant barrage of bugs.

For the doubters, haters, and naysayers, you may want to think again come October 25th.
[quote name='SynGamer']So apparently the PS3 and 360 will be getting installs for "hi-res" texture packs...which, to me, is a fancy way of saying, there's an optional install if you want the game to look/perform better.[/QUOTE]I kinda thought it'd be very hard to stream the visuals from the disc given that the Blu-ray would be constantly accessed. I saw the 360 was getting an install hi res pack so it overall makes sense. Good that they're going the install route because the disc loading would be insane and probably blow out more than a few drives.

[quote name='dejeckt']Having a really difficult time figuring out how to maneuver against enemies on tier 2. On both left and right flanks there are campers with great line of sight. On center there are aggressive, mobile campers. Can't really blame defenders for camping cause their goal ultimately is to hold a position. My only grief with tier 2 is that map gives too much of an advantage to defenders. The only effective strategy, imo, for tier 2 is for attackers to work together and push through with brutal force.[/QUOTE] Tier 2 is really quite simple, head right up the middle. You'll get Defenders who rush down it to flank the Attackers but if you keep ADS around the bends you'll have enough warning before you run right into them. After that drop a radio beacon behind the dumpster before the locker room so the Attacking side will never see the beacon as/if they rush by. Another good spot is above the B bomb site behind a pillar facing the bomb site.

[quote name='NamPaehc']There are places you can blow holes in the walls on both the left and right to give you some different routes in. Need a recon to place a good raido beacon for you. Beyond that the full game will have smoke an other toys to help your advance.[/QUOTE]Blowing up the walls of the locker room in front of the A bomb site or the walls by the A bomb site are really the only notables. There isn't much to blow up really in that area.
This article sheds a bit of light on how the devs feel, the EA vs Activision crap is exactly that. People need to put aside their fanboi-ism and just be proper fans of their respective games. I've been following fourzerotwo for a while and he's really had nothing but praise for DICE, which is ultimately how I feel about the whole COD vs BF scenario; each game has their merits. Don't buy into EA's delusions and Activision's idiocy, you'll miss out on something great either way.

Edit: Jet C4 Kamakaze video from the PC Beta to keep it game related
[quote name='SynGamer']Just a reminder, tomorrow is the last day the beta servers will be online.[/QUOTE]

I've barely been on this week. I coach my sister's b-ball team and that takes up alot of time. Luckily it ends in 1-1/2 weeks then I'll have alot more free time for BF3. :)
I'll have the game at release if you guys want to add me, my PSN is xxD78xx I've been looking at a few different clans on BF3's official site but I'm not sure if I want to join any of those.

You guys plan on playing in GameBattles & etc or other site clans for fun, or mostly just to squad up & have a game night? Any or all of the above is fine with me and I'm open to play about every evening. I did play Bad Company 2 on both 360 & PS3 for a while, mostly with a 2old2play clan that is now inactive. I have a veteran status of 4 soon to be 5.

I've been playing BF since the original Xbox with BF2 then I moved over to the 360 version of BF2. I was in the top 1000 on Bad Company 1 & BF1943 Xbox 360 as a lone wolf before my second 360 died(yet again & out of warranty).
I'm thinking the Gamestop pre-order stuff is early unlocks as usual. Best Buy is getting my pre-order since they have 50% more with a trade and a pre-order of BF3. Got some old crap to get rid of.
Quick question, what's required for Veteran status? Do I just have to play a BF game once online? I never played Bad Company online but I have played BC2, so far it looks like I get BC2 counted on the Battlelog and if I can get regular Bad Company counted by playing a match I would(if that's possible).
[quote name='Mad39er']Quick question, what's required for Veteran status? Do I just have to play a BF game once online? I never played Bad Company online but I have played BC2, so far it looks like I get BC2 counted on the Battlelog and if I can get regular Bad Company counted by playing a match I would(if that's possible).[/QUOTE]

You need to play 2 BF games online before you get a Veteran Status of 1. Example, I'm a Veteran 4 so I've played 5 games online, but 2 were BF Heroes & the 2142, besides that I've only really played BC1, BF1943, & BC2.

Also, it's a good idea to sign up to EA's Gun Club.

You can get in game rewards & etc for doing challenges on the site and for playing games such as the BF, Crysis 2, Mass Effect , and etc.


Get up close and personal with your M1911 Pistol. Access to the M1911 will be awarded automatically when you play Battlefield 3 multi-player with your EA Account

Just be sure to sign in with your EA account that you have for gamertag linked to. If you haven't linked you GT you'll need to do that first.
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played the Beta for the first time last night. (Today's the last day to try the BETA)
- Can't wait to see the full FrostBite 2 in action.
- Can't wait to see the graphics up to normal.
- Some glitches like after a death, the camera would show below the map.
- Me placing down the Recon Beacon seems frustrating at times. I think I need a REALLY even surface. Even a slightly sloped grass field was troublesome.

- Played with my Tritton AX Pro's. AMAZING sound direction and quality.
- Prone alone is a unique strategy now. (Although not a new feature) Pretty cool.
- Maybe its just me, I don't see the bullet flying while sniping someone as I did in BFBC2. Maybe I'm not far enough.
- Defib. seems to not work as easy as BFBC2.

Just my 2 cents. :) Can't wait for the real game!
Is the beta over? Neglected to play as much yesterday so the goal was to play as much as possible today, but it seems ea disconnected the servers.
[quote name='Average Gamer']- Played with my Tritton AX Pro's. AMAZING sound direction and quality.
- Prone alone is a unique strategy now. (Although not a new feature) Pretty cool.
- Maybe its just me, I don't see the bullet flying while sniping someone as I did in BFBC2. Maybe I'm not far enough.
- Defib. seems to not work as easy as BFBC2.

Just my 2 cents. :) Can't wait for the real game![/QUOTE]
The game shines when you're chasing down where the gunfire is coming from. I usually follow my ears and the gunfire more than sticking my head up far enough to see where it's coming from, the game pretty much rewards those with good sound set ups. Since you can hear the American/Russian voices give themselves away(as opposed to CoD where you don't hear them make any speaking noises) you can easily catch an early warning of the opposing force and ambush them when doing the bush crawls by their unwanted and obnoxious need to speak out.

[quote name='dejeckt']Is the beta over? Neglected to play as much yesterday so the goal was to play as much as possible today, but it seems ea disconnected the servers.[/QUOTE]Yep, finito, no mas, all done.
mad - i forgot to mention thanks. i took your advice on trying support. i got giddy unloading 100+ rounds into small micom rooms, narrow hallways or recon beacons.
[quote name='enufs8d']mad - i forgot to mention thanks. i took your advice on trying support. i got giddy unloading 100+ rounds into small micom rooms, narrow hallways or recon beacons.[/QUOTE]
I'm glad you tried it because I couldn't even tell you how awesome it is. I made the M249 my Fat Lady since she can fucking sing. I don't know if SUPR actually does anything when equipped but it certainly didn't hurt in my case. I wish the Beta was more polished so I could have further tested other guns before the frustration got the better of me, because it was such an awesome class when played right.
bread's done