Battlefield 3- Premium announced; 4 new expansions

[quote name='AlphaPanda']Edit: Fatmanforlife's recommendation was much more useful.

How's everybody liking Back To Karkand so far? I'm enjoying it, but I'm not sure I'd pay 15 dollars for it if I wasn't getting it for free with the LE. It's nice to be able to play all the old maps again. I've found that one thing I'm terrible at in this game is judging for drop distance when I'm trying to snipe from long range. Any tips on that?[/QUOTE]

I have the same problem as well. It was really easy to judge the drop in BC2, a lot more hard if you ask me.
Well, you can destroy enemy equipment and it will count as well. Spawn beacons, mortars, etc. If you want to take out a vehicle, best bet would be the amtrack.

Knew I shoulda waited for a reply before playing again.
Managed to torch a Tank on Damavand but died 10 times in the process.

[quote name='Joystiq']A couple of eagle-eyed Battlefield 3 players have spotted the above easter egg in the recent "Back to Karkand" DLC pack. It's just a stencil on a virtual wall, but of course the number "2143" (at least we're guessing that's the remains of a 4, and not a triangle) would hint at a followup to DICE's Battlefield 2142, the not-quite-as-successful futuristic spinoff of the Battlefield 1942 series. The Battlefield 3 Blog points out that a similar easter egg was hidden back in the Battlefield 2: Euro Force map pack back in 2006, and that egg was eventually the first sign of 2142's release later that year.

Don't start hoping for a sequel just yet, however. While some fans would probably enjoy a return to the 2142 universe, odds are this is just DICE having a little fun, and reminding us that while many players might have forgotten about the futuristic spinoff already, DICE's own developers haven't just yet.[/QUOTE]

I felt like re-releasing 2142 was inevitable as it would follow the same pattern as 1943 did. Take an older PC-only Battlefield title, add a year to the title, polish the graphics, and release it as a downloadable title for consoles. I believe that 1943 is the highest-grossing title on XBLA so there was no way EA was going to ignore doing another one.

I enjoyed 2142 but got into it late in the game just as the servers were starting to dry up. It was extremely confusing to me with the Titan games and the PC controls. I look forward to trying it again on a console, assuming this is actually a real thing.
If people can't figure out how to play Conquest after 4 iterations of BF on consoles, Titan mode should be a nightmare.
[quote name='gubmccargen']I felt like re-releasing 2142 was inevitable as it would follow the same pattern as 1943 did. Take an older PC-only Battlefield title, add a year to the title, polish the graphics, and release it as a downloadable title for consoles. I believe that 1943 is the highest-grossing title on XBLA so there was no way EA was going to ignore doing another one.[/QUOTE]

Where can I throw my money?
I can't get into matches with friends. I try to join them, and it says server connection lost, then they try to join me and the same thing happens. Also happens when I try to join their game, and vice versa. Anyone else with the same issue?
[quote name='matto1233']I can't get into matches with friends. I try to join them, and it says server connection lost, then they try to join me and the same thing happens. Also happens when I try to join their game, and vice versa. Anyone else with the same issue?[/QUOTE]

Have you downloaded the 2 GB Multiplayer Update?

It is mandatory to play online.
[quote name='HydroX']Have you downloaded the 2 GB Multiplayer Update?

It is mandatory to play online.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, we figured it out last night. I guess my friend skipped the update and didn't download it for whatever reason.
Any good chopper pilots here? My bud and I have recently grown accustomed to absolutely dominating (kidding) in the attack heli, however I wonder what perks you all are using.

We are currently running:

Heat Seekers

Guided Missle

I'm wondering when I have the guided missle unlocked for the Pilot if I would switch out stealth for the laser painter. The pilot and gunner both having painted missles sounds like a deadly combo.

Secondly, I think I'll switch to the ECM jammer and leave the flares on the gunner. Noticed a little more SOFLAMing lately.
Accidentally got the 'Like a Boss' achievement today.

Playing RU side on Wake and helped cap 'B'.
Everyone took off without me, so I hopped into the Skid Loader started following them to 'A'
Halfway there the achievement pops and it says I killed someone so I get out and look around.

A Recon guy wearing desert camo was laying in the middle of the dirt road and (probably) shooting all the way across the island into 'C'.

Some how he avoided our Tank, AA, and two DPV convoy but not me.

[quote name='xtreme_Zr2']Any good chopper pilots here? My bud and I have recently grown accustomed to absolutely dominating (kidding) in the attack heli, however I wonder what perks you all are using.

We are currently running:

Heat Seekers

Guided Missle

I'm wondering when I have the guided missle unlocked for the Pilot if I would switch out stealth for the laser painter. The pilot and gunner both having painted missles sounds like a deadly combo.

Secondly, I think I'll switch to the ECM jammer and leave the flares on the gunner. Noticed a little more SOFLAMing lately.[/QUOTE]

I'm in the same boat. My roommate and I have become addicted to piloting the helicopters as much as possible. I would recommend using the laser painter for the pilot because like you said, it's a extremely deadly combo. Try to time each missile launch in between when your target launches his flares. I would suggest you switch the autoloader for stealth as the autoloader isn't all that awesome if you just remember to reload on your own.

Also, has anyone played Caspian Border lately? The huge candy cane smokestack falls now! The first time I watched it fall it was just as epic as the first time I base jumped off Davamand (sp?) Peak.
Would you guys mind sharing tips for getting the F-35 kill in Back to Karkand for the Third Tour achievement? Two out of the three vehicles required for that one were fine with the BTR-90 and DPV, although it's pretty annoying that pretty much the only place to get these is Gulf of Oman on Conquest. That itself would be fine but then matches are randomly split into Conquest Assault, which does not offer these vehicles. It's odd that they have an achievement for vehicles that only are offered on 1/8th of the B2K playlist.

If anyone else is having trouble the DPVs are all over Gulf of Oman and you should easily be able to either roadkill an enemy, get in the gunner seat with someone else driving, or even just sit in the gunner seat on your own at a flag waiting for an enemy to try to take it. You're hidden pretty well that way.

The BTR-90 is also frustratingly rare. The only dependable place I've seen for these is at the construction site (D, I believe) flag at Gulf of Oman. There is a spawn point for them not far from the flag towards the desert side.

The F-35 is giving me massive trouble both due to the extreme rarity of getting to fly one and the fact that I'm terrible with jets. Perhaps someone could speak up if I'm getting this wrong but the only opportunity I even see to fly one is playing as the team with the carrier on regular Conquest on Gulf of Oman. That's a pretty darn rare occurrence when you think about all the other possible configurations. You then have to battle with people who exclusively sit and wait for it to spawn.

Once I do get in the jet I have a lot of trouble with it. I haven't gotten a single point with jets so I'm stuck with just the cannons. I'm also shot down pretty quickly by the other pro pilots. I'd like to master jets eventually but for now I just want that one kill at least to feel satisfied with this. Would it count as a vehicle kill if I just crashed it into some infantry or a tank? Would that even destroy a tank? I'd love to get it a better way but with the very few opportunities I have to even fly it I'd like to just get in my kill when I have the chance.
I've come to the conclusion that the only way I'll ever have fun playing BF3 is when I'm with friends. I get in random squads that don't talk and I end up in the bottom 3rd of the scoreboard. I get with my buddies who talk and suddenly I'm getting one of the MVP ribbons and Ace Squad every round. It's simply amazing how easy this game is when you have a squad that works together. You can literally walk in a line and take over the whole map in a couple of minutes.
As far as 2143, I'd be in for that if it were a BFBC2 Vietnam $15 add-on...not sure I want to shell out for another BF game again a year from now or whatever.
I've seen some bad teammates in my day, but goddamn am I sick of losing due to shitty people not playing to win. PEOPLE STILL CONTINUE TO fuckING AMAZE ME. DICE gives out points like candy in this game, but people would still rather fly around in a jet all game or snipe on top of the tallest building and see maybe two or three people the entire game.
[quote name='Trakan']I've seen some bad teammates in my day, but goddamn am I sick of losing due to shitty people not playing to win. PEOPLE STILL CONTINUE TO fuckING AMAZE ME. DICE gives out points like candy in this game, but people would still rather fly around in a jet all game or snipe on top of the tallest building and see maybe two or three people the entire game.[/QUOTE]

I'm all for hating on the snipers considering they never do shit for the team (most of the time), however as far as the people flying in jets they do help out the team more than you would think. After flying so much lately I've noticed that if the enemy aircraft's don't have anyone to fight in the air they'll focus on the ground support and dominate them.
[quote name='KaneRobot']As far as 2143, I'd be in for that if it were a BFBC2 Vietnam $15 add-on...not sure I want to shell out for another BF game again a year from now or whatever.[/QUOTE]

BF 1943 was only $15, so I'd assume 2143 would be the same. Don't know what the hell you're talking about.
He was basically saying he'd buy the game if it was an expansion, but if DICE went the $60-standalone-game route, he'll keep his money. I agree.

I've come to terms with the fact that I can't fly a jet for shit, I try my best but I'm just constantly getting destroyed by other pilots. Over and over and over. I'm looping around, making sharp turns and all that, but they always get behind me. Agh.
[quote name='Trakan']I've seen some bad teammates in my day, but goddamn am I sick of losing due to shitty people not playing to win. PEOPLE STILL CONTINUE TO fuckING AMAZE ME. DICE gives out points like candy in this game, but people would still rather fly around in a jet all game or snipe on top of the tallest building and see maybe two or three people the entire game.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I feel like when playing with randoms, it's extremely rare that a squadmate spawns on me to help cap or secure an objective, or a teammate spawns on an objective we're losing to defend it.

The worst is when over half the team sits in the respawn menu waiting for the chopper. Then they all go for it, and now you've got 4 guys on the ground at deployment doing jack, and one guy immediately rolling the chopper over.

All that said Trakan, shoot me a FR and let's kick some ass!
[quote name='slickkill77']The F-35's are terrible. I finally got to fly one last night and man they are like Escalades in the sky.[/QUOTE]


I have shot down about a dozen of them so far with Tanks and RPG's.
Even had one oh so gracefully land on my C4 Jeep.
The problem is I still want to get the darn achievement for kills with the new vehicles and the F-35, of course, is the last one I have to do. As I mentioned in my previous post they only even show up when you're lucky enough to get pure conquest on Gulf of Oman.

I truly hope DICE has gotten enough backlash about Conquest Assault to split it up soon.

How the heck are we going to get the F-35 kill? Does it count to just crash into some infantry or a vehicle? Is that even enough to take out a vehicle?

The skid loader achievement was fun on Wake Island. I've actually managed to get 2 or 3 kills with it without even trying by just using it for transportation.
Whenever I play Oman people like to capture 'A' with the BTR, so I took the F-35 and hovered near the crane to the left of 'D' and lit them up.
Stuck in the middle of an open field so there was nowhere to hide once the vehicle is disabled.

Might be easier to just shoot the Recon guys on the roof/crane.
The thing is that only Gulf of Oman is Conquest compatible, the other new maps only work with CA.

BTW they need to edit Gulf of Oman so the RU doesn't have the Havoc, maybe replace it with another BTR? US get dominated on that map.
Kriz, that's a good tip. I don't know why people constantly try to snipe from those cranes. They'll either get taken out by tanks when they peek over the edge or I can get an easy 2 knife kills by climbing up there on foot. How exactly do you hover with the F-35?

Necro, I'm pretty sure I've played straight Conquest on the other maps as well. I know for a fact that I have on Wake Island, even though they barely put that map in the rotation.
[quote name='gubmccargen']The problem is I still want to get the darn achievement for kills with the new vehicles and the F-35, of course, is the last one I have to do. As I mentioned in my previous post they only even show up when you're lucky enough to get pure conquest on Gulf of Oman.

I truly hope DICE has gotten enough backlash about Conquest Assault to split it up soon.

How the heck are we going to get the F-35 kill? Does it count to just crash into some infantry or a vehicle? Is that even enough to take out a vehicle?

The skid loader achievement was fun on Wake Island. I've actually managed to get 2 or 3 kills with it without even trying by just using it for transportation.[/QUOTE]

If you practice enough you can just hover over a capture point for a few seconds and get some easy vehicle / infantry kills. Mind you I said a few seconds, otherwise you'll get absolutely smashed by RPG's!
Hold down LT to hover in the F-35.
Found out when trying to make a tight turn during a dog fight.

They really need to add ladders to the carrier on that map so that you can climb up to the deck if the transport helicopter is shot down over water.

Boats are no good once they have armor on the beach.
[quote name='slickkill77']Yes Dice needs to split conquest assault up from conquest[/QUOTE]

I hope they do but who knows. Also, the tickets begin to drain before the game even starts. Makes no sense to me one bit.

Thanks about the hovering thing as well, can't wait to try it.
That ticket bleed at the start makes all the difference, too. I've barely won games on offense because the defensive team is at such an advantage. If they fix that ticket bleed, it's going to be even worse. They really do just need to separate Conquest and Assault. I don't think I've ever even played regular conquest on some of them though, does it even exist for every B2K map?
I just look for servers that don't have CQA (or much of it) in the map rotation, makes life more enjoyable. Well unless you're one of those people that just loves to bitch and blames your lack of resourcefullness on the cold hearts of software developers.
Does anyone use a capture device to record their matches? I know it seems lame but for some reason I really want to start doing it with this game, I miss too many insane things happening because the lack of a "theater" mode. If anyone does, which one and how hard is it to use? Thanks!
If you're using an SDTV (and I really hope you aren't), you can get a Dazzle.

If you want to record high-def, your best bet is a Hauppauge HDPVR. I've thought about getting one for a while now, might at some point. That or a Blackmagic Intensity Pro if you have an extra PCI-Express slot in your computer. They're all pretty simple to use, with the Hauppauge it's just a matter of hitting record, same for the Blackmagic.

I really wish BF3 had a theater mode, ugh.
[quote name='nasum']I just look for servers that don't have CQA (or much of it) in the map rotation, makes life more enjoyable. Well unless you're one of those people that just loves to bitch and blames your lack of resourcefullness on the cold hearts of software developers.[/QUOTE] can you tell that it is or isnt cqa? I must be overlooking something when doing servee browser.
I could have sworn that there was something that stated which game type was there. I know we were in a server that was strictly CQA so we left and I browsed for another server and found one where it popped up no more often than once every few rounds. It's like we'd do all the B2K maps, then Oman on CQA for both sides, then all of them regular again, then Sharqi for both sides, etc...

Maybe it was Sharqi-B or something like that in the map rotation portion of the browser?
I personally love CQA...don't get all the hate.

Wake and Karkand were specifically CQA in BF2, so I am used to the ticket bleed, etc. In fact, ticket bleed in Conquest itself is actually way too lenient compared to BF2. Tickets normally take forever to bleed in CQ, and usually it comes down to kills. In BF2, tickets bled much, much faster, and if a team had no flags, no one on that team could spawn, period.
[quote name='moojuice']I personally love CQA...don't get all the hate.

Wake and Karkand were specifically CQA in BF2, so I am used to the ticket bleed, etc. In fact, ticket bleed in Conquest itself is actually way too lenient compared to BF2. Tickets normally take forever to bleed in CQ, and usually it comes down to kills. In BF2, tickets bled much, much faster, and if a team had no flags, no one on that team could spawn, period.[/QUOTE]

No base to spawn at is just stupid though if all your team mates are dead. What if the whole team dies? Then you just sit there twirling your thumbs? Wake was never CQA in 1942 though. I should just stick to 1942 if I ever want to play that map.
Wake was always CQA in 1942. The defending team starts out with all the flags. The attackers start losing tickets immediately. This is because once the attackers get all the flags, the defenders will no longer have spawn points. So unless someone on the defenders side gets a flag, they'll lose once all their people are dead.
[quote name='GamerChris']Wake was always CQA in 1942. The defending team starts out with all the flags. The attackers start losing tickets immediately. This is because once the attackers get all the flags, the defenders will no longer have spawn points. So unless someone on the defenders side gets a flag, they'll lose once all their people are dead.[/QUOTE]

I honestly remember playing nothing but conquest on wake. Tempted to dig out the computer I played it on just to see.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']No base to spawn at is just stupid though if all your team mates are dead. What if the whole team dies? Then you just sit there twirling your thumbs? Wake was never CQA in 1942 though. I should just stick to 1942 if I ever want to play that map.[/QUOTE]

That's the point Gary. The defenders have numerous spawns (BF3/1943 Wake as an exception; all other versions had 5), while the attackers have one. Since they start at such a disadvantage, if the Defenders lose all 5, it's their own fault.

Also, once defenders lost all their flags, their tickets basically just drained out instantly, thus ending the game within a minute.
I suddenly keep getting Failed to Connect. Check your Internet Connection whenever I try to join or invite someone to join a game I'm already in. Is this something sour with the servers or did my router go funky?
Still prefer BC2 over this MoH rehash, but hardly anyone plays BC2 anymore so I've been playing this more often. Sucks that barely anyone ever drops a fucken ammo pack.
bread's done