Battlefield 3- Premium announced; 4 new expansions

One way to make Wake Island compatible with Conquest is to make it 4 flags - 2 on each side of the island, none at the RU airfield. It just doesn't make sense putting the two modes together since I think they're pretty different.
[quote name='Fearia']I've got 99 problems but BF3 ain't one.[/QUOTE]

I see what you did there. :cool:

I keep having problems trying to get into games saying check my connection. I know damn well my connection is good.
Got a very nasty message over xbl on Sunday night from a random player (on the losing team) when my squad mate and I had been running around with the USAS with frag rounds on Seine Crossing. We had both just unlocked it and were having all sorts of fun blasting the crap out of everyone.

What's everyone elses thoughts? Is this gun really that cheap or was he just pissed? I've switched back to standard buckshot because I think it's more fun anyway, but just wanted to see if everyone else also thinks it's cheap.

I personally don't think the comments of no skill, etc. apply because you have to hit someone 4-5 times with the stupid frag rounds to kill them. But it does work much better on groups of enemies (Operation Metro) as opposed to a standard gun.
[quote name='xtreme_Zr2']Got a very nasty message over xbl on Sunday night from a random player (on the losing team) when my squad mate and I had been running around with the USAS with frag rounds on Seine Crossing. We had both just unlocked it and were having all sorts of fun blasting the crap out of everyone.

What's everyone elses thoughts? Is this gun really that cheap or was he just pissed? I've switched back to standard buckshot because I think it's more fun anyway, but just wanted to see if everyone else also thinks it's cheap.

I personally don't think the comments of no skill, etc. apply because you have to hit someone 4-5 times with the stupid frag rounds to kill them. But it does work much better on groups of enemies (Operation Metro) as opposed to a standard gun.[/QUOTE]

I think the USAS with frags is okay, but I usually use the buckshot, just because of the extra shots it takes to kill with the frag rounds. I don't think it's cheap, it's always cheap to those that get killed by it..
All I seem to see lately is USAS-12s with frag rounds. Frag rounds can be ridiculous, and maybe it's because the USAS shoots so fast, but I see those things everywhere. One match there were at least 6 people on the other team using that exact setup. I see the appeal but...bleh.

I just finished all of the unlocks for the Assault and Engineer recently at level 35, and have unlocked half of the Back to Karkand weapons..I kind of wish this game had a prestige mode of sorts. One of the things I always like about games like this is leveling up and unlocking stuff, once I unlock everything I'm getting points that go towards nothing. :/ I still have a long ways to go with Recon, at least, I guess.
god I hate recon class... I still have one gun to unlock before the star and I just have no deisre to do it. My completionist OCD has been beaten.
I just got the service star 1 on recon the other day. I have like 80 hours into this game and at least 2 services on all other classes.

Man that class is shit. Its just so boring and if you are smart you can rack up kills left and right because of how easy it is to aim.

I have said it once and will always say it. Make it REALLY hard fuck anyone who complains. If they dont like it then dont play as sniper but to dumb it down to a point and click adventure is silly. And this is to all games not just this one.

Americas Army was the only game to get snipers right. You had to go to sniper training and pass that to even pick the class.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Americas Army was the only game to get snipers right. You had to go to sniper training and pass that to even pick the class.[/QUOTE]

Holy crap, someone other than my "IRL" friends that knows what America's Army is! I miss the SF version of that game so much.
America's Army was fun as hell. Even the training was fun. Unfortunately my dads computer at the time sucked so getting through the training was hard enough
[quote name='nasum']god I hate recon class... I still have one gun to unlock before the star and I just have no deisre to do it. My completionist OCD has been beaten.[/QUOTE]

I think the fact that you're never going to get any of the other service star dog tags (5, 10, 25..) for recon should kill off any of that completionist left in you
Recon is a troll class. Don't get me wrong, I've had some insanely helpful snipers on occasion who plant great spawn beacons and actually offer cover fire over a flag, however more often than not they are just idiots who lay prone and end up 3-2 at the end of a 20 minute match.
I posted this a few days ago in the XBLA deals thread but since it was closed shortly got no response. I think this is a better place for it anyway:

I'm actually strongly considering picking up the GoD version of BC2 for the 1200 point sale this week. I have put in tons of time into the disc version so I already have the lame VIP access and the Vietnam expansion. How cool would it be to essentially turn this into another Battlefield arcade game and be able to boot up a quick match or two at any time? That might be worth 1200 points to me.

My only concern would be the size of the remaining online community for BC2 with BF3 out now. I usually play during crazy hours so I need there to be Conquest games available around the clock. Does anyone here know how BC2 is still holding up online? How about Vietnam? BF3 is a mostly great online experience but I'm not sure I didn't enjoy BC2 more.
[quote name='Nealocus123']Recon is a troll class. Don't get me wrong, I've had some insanely helpful snipers on occasion who plant great spawn beacons and actually offer cover fire over a flag, however more often than not they are just idiots who lay prone and end up 3-2 at the end of a 20 minute match.[/QUOTE]

I like to consider myself a good sniper. Part of that is knowing what to do on each map. My main focus is to strategically place my mobile radar to give the opposition Hell. So, primarily choke points.

The big part is knowing what to use when and where though. Proper rifle and scope based off the job. I tend to go pretty positive because I don't sit and wait unless I absolutely have to.

Example: Siene Crossing. I go 8x scope and hold C or A typically by myself. If those are secure, 3.4x scope and I'm on the move between spots. It's all strategy and imposing your game plan.
What exactly is the trick to killing people with MAVs? I've barely skimmed people and out of nowhere killed them, and also absolutely slammed into guys and had it do nothing.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']What exactly is the trick to killing people with MAVs? I've barely skimmed people and out of nowhere killed them, and also absolutely slammed into guys and had it do nothing.[/QUOTE]

As long as you are at a decent speed, an upper body or head hit is basically a kill. There was this guy who spent all game on Grand Bazaar (Conquest) with a MAV and ended up going 27-2...practice makes perfect I guess.
[quote name='Fearia']I like to consider myself a good sniper. Part of that is knowing what to do on each map. My main focus is to strategically place my mobile radar to give the opposition Hell. So, primarily choke points.

The big part is knowing what to use when and where though. Proper rifle and scope based off the job. I tend to go pretty positive because I don't sit and wait unless I absolutely have to.

Example: Siene Crossing. I go 8x scope and hold C or A typically by myself. If those are secure, 3.4x scope and I'm on the move between spots. It's all strategy and imposing your game plan.[/QUOTE]

Definition of being a good sniper!
[quote name='slickkill77']Someone earlier in the thread said they went on BC 2 and it was pretty much dead[/QUOTE]

Is this really true for the entire game and not just Vietnam? I find it hard to believe that people have moved on from such a beloved game so quickly. I suppose Battlefield is a pretty dedicated community, however, and most probably did move on to 3.
I've been on the sorriest teams these past couple rounds and I can honestly see why most people won't convert over. Not enough teamwork even though its the point of this game. I was with a squadmate and he was into a tank battle and was damaged, I get out and start repairing the tank and he takes off. I chase after him and cannot catch up and the tank explodes. What a bunch of dumbass people playing this game. Another time I was in a tank battle and was losing it, then my other teamate with a tanks strolls on by and doesn't even bother to help. What the hell is wrong with people on this game. I get turned off so quick when playing conquest and rage quit when I'm playing on the gayest team. I also hate when I try to join a specific map and it redirects me to another. :mad:
[quote name='gubmccargen']Is this really true for the entire game and not just Vietnam? I find it hard to believe that people have moved on from such a beloved game so quickly. I suppose Battlefield is a pretty dedicated community, however, and most probably did move on to 3.[/QUOTE]

BC2 hasn't been on major nelsons top 20 xbox live played games in some time. Prob 3-6k still playing it.
[quote name='Dr.Zoidberg']BC2 hasn't been on major nelsons top 20 xbox live played games in some time. Prob 3-6k still playing it.[/QUOTE]

I noticed that as well but after checking the EA BC2 forums a lot of people are either shunning BF3 or have returned back to BC2. Vietnam still sounds dead most of the time but I might actually pick up the GoD version for 1200 points for quick BC2 rounds. You can't beat having more Battlefield on your hard drive.
[quote name='TiKi2']Sucks that barely anyone ever drops a fucken ammo pack.[/QUOTE]

I couldnt agree more. I always drop health packs.
[quote name='not2worried']I do that as well. Is it that few people play as support ?[/QUOTE]

No it's just that a few people actually play as a team.
[quote name='Nealocus123']No it's just that a few people actually play as a team.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I only play TDM. Most people dont play as teams, they just go all by themselves or they wait for the kills to come by staying prone. I enjoy finding the "prone lovers" and stab them. Especially the "prone snipers" that stay in that one corner far away from the action. I guess that's why most of my dogtags have sniper references.
[quote name='oasisboy']Yeah, I only play TDM. Most people dont play as teams, they just go all by themselves or they wait for the kills to come by staying prone. I enjoy finding the "prone lovers" and stab them. Especially the "prone snipers" that stay in that one corner far away from the action. I guess that's why most of my dogtags have sniper references.[/QUOTE]

It's basically every man for himself, especially on Norshal Canals.
It's weird, when people play as Assault, i'll see health packs everywhere but i'll see 3-4 Support players and I won't see a single ammo box dropped anywhere.
[quote name='dotCody']Whenever I play Support, I throw Ammo Packs everywhere but no one hangs around them and they all run off like retards.[/QUOTE]

Yep. Same. I don't know where to throw ammo packs as nobody uses them.
I love this game, but jesus christ, do the sniper bullets have to be so fucking loud? I play with my turtle beaches on and I get pissed at assholes camping the whole game, but I get even more pissed off when my fucking ear drums are shattered as well haha, is there any way to change this?

I also hate how you can see 3 inches of someones head, but apparently that means they can shoot you, that's bullshit as well.
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[quote name='not2worried']Maybe I'll start playing Support to help the team out. Normally take Engineer so I can take out tanks and repair. Good Support setup ?[/QUOTE]

What do you mean by setup? I'm running the M27/RPK with extended mag/suppressor/holo and switch between c4, claymores and mortar depending on the map. Imo support is the most fun just because of these three.

EDIT: also if anyone wants someone to play with on 360 my gt is the same as my cag name, just let me know you are from cag
[quote name='MillerTime2523']I love this game, but jesus christ, do the sniper bullets have to be so fucking loud? I play with my turtle beaches on and I get pissed at assholes camping the whole game, but I get even more pissed off when my fucking ear drums are shattered as well haha, is there any way to change this?

I also hate how you can see 3 inches of someones head, but apparently that means they can shoot you, that's bullshit as well.[/QUOTE]

As far as I know, there's no way to change specific sounds which makes sense but is unfortunate. I've come to hate hanging out in the deployments nowadays because of the goddamn AA gun, that thing has the most annoying sound ever. I play with TBs as well, and while I love em, it makes you much more aware to the annoying sounds in the game.

The fact that people have been able to shoot you out of the top of their head has annoyed me for the longest time.. it's because the game camera is planted at the eye level, so while you can only see the top half of their head, they have a full view of you and can shoot. Shooter games have always been like that, I think Killzone tried to change it up by putting the camera at chest level but it made everyone seem like midgets.
Been having problems with connecting to games recently. Whatever I do it will load showing the map/game type screen but will go straight to black after loading and just sit there. I can hear music still but unable to join any games. Only way out is to go to dash. Any ideas?
[quote name='Daywalker']It's weird, when people play as Assault, i'll see health packs everywhere but i'll see 3-4 Support players and I won't see a single ammo box dropped anywhere.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. I always drop health packs at every spawn. The few times I see ammo packs, I load up.
[quote name='MillerTime2523']I love this game, but jesus christ, do the sniper bullets have to be so fucking loud? I play with my turtle beaches on and I get pissed at assholes camping the whole game, but I get even more pissed off when my fucking ear drums are shattered as well haha, is there any way to change this?

I also hate how you can see 3 inches of someones head, but apparently that means they can shoot you, that's bullshit as well.[/QUOTE]

There is nothing more rewarding that knifing a sniper camper. I hate it when they get on corners and sit there sniping the entire match. When possible, I make it personal to make my way to where they are and knife them. Nothing feels as good as that. Love getting those sniper tags.
I have spent many a match doing nothing but blinding a sniper with a tact light. It makes me so happy.

By the way I have put a ton of time into this game and I still love it to death. Its one of the best modern shooter to date. Period. It has also ruined every other shooter because I can adjust to not having the option of blowing up the building to get to someone.

The only thing I hate from the new update, is the fact that it will spawn you on top of a tank instead if someone spawns first instead of at the original encampment. Also the inability to figure out what I have to do for the assignments without quit out of the entire game to look at the My Soldier.

I want more DLC!!!!!!!!
[quote name='saunderscowie']Been having problems with connecting to games recently. Whatever I do it will load showing the map/game type screen but will go straight to black after loading and just sit there. I can hear music still but unable to join any games. Only way out is to go to dash. Any ideas?[/QUOTE]

Same here. This is more EA/DICE server side issues that continue to plague this game. Same thing happened with BC 2 until the population died out a little. Regardless, it's a minor inconvenience. Yea it sucks when I get disconnected out of a game, but I'll just hop back in.

I really do wish they'd get the party/squad right when first starting the multiplayer though.

Side note - the Co-op missions are tough as balls. Finally got the Ninjas achievement after 30 or so tries with a buddy.
[quote name='Soodmeg']
By the way I have put a ton of time into this game and I still love it to death. Its one of the best modern shooter to date. Period. It has also ruined every other shooter because I can adjust to not having the option of blowing up the building to get to someone.

The only thing I hate from the new update, is the fact that it will spawn you on top of a tank instead if someone spawns first instead of at the original encampment. Also the inability to figure out what I have to do for the assignments without quit out of the entire game to look at the My Soldier.

I want more DLC!!!!!!!![/QUOTE]

I agree with you Soodmeg. I NEED more DLC. I am trying to level up my heli and trying to get better at using jets at the expense of my SPM, I usually pull up assignments on my laptop or check them before I start playing.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Also the inability to figure out what I have to do for the assignments without quit out of the entire game to look at the My Soldier.

I log into Battlelog while BF3 is loading up to the Multiplayer screen; my PC is located on my 5 o'clock and my plasma at my 12 :) As soon as the match ends, I refresh the assignments page and the stats are updated.

[quote name='xtreme_Zr2']Same here. This is more EA/DICE server side issues that continue to plague this game. Same thing happened with BC 2 until the population died out a little. Regardless, it's a minor inconvenience. Yea it sucks when I get disconnected out of a game, but I'll just hop back in.

Side note - the Co-op missions are tough as balls. Finally got the Ninjas achievement after 30 or so tries with a buddy.[/QUOTE]

Just today I experienced some trouble getting into a match, it took about 4 minutes but I was able to join a server.

Unfortunately, I haven't started on those co-op missions. If anyone hasn't gotten to them and needs a teammate, PM me :)
bread's done