Battlefield 3- Premium announced; 4 new expansions

[quote name='nasum']I've never understood why ammo and health is hard to come by...

Outdoor areas seem to have a whitewash that isn't solved with a brightness adjustment.

Teamwork is oddly absent and the lack of talking just makes it worse. I think I got used to BC2 as an "old game" that was played by people that were really into it and the newbies had drifted off. With BF3 being the new game now, those clowns haven't dropped off to the next new thing yet and seem to be a plague.[/QUOTE]

I played on release day and had a tough time getting a squad who was using the mic. I need ammo in some matches and requested it numerous times but not one fool dropped ammo.

And one of the few that did used the mic was trying to compare BF3 with CoD. I got out of that squad.

[quote name='$hady']Yea I was a mess with aircraft at first as well untill I realized everything was inverted. Tried to change it but you can't... I like flying but I don't do alot of good lol.

Getting everyone added on the GT as I can: CAG BF3 GROUP[/QUOTE]

I was able to fly a jet and shoot some rounds but I didn't achieve much afterwards since I crashed seconds later.

How/where do I join this CAG BF3 Group?
Unlocked the Mortar today, works well- when people use spotting (Nuts).

On Nashar, I was sitting in the Russian spawn lobbing mortars onto the two nearby flags when suddenly, LOUD NOISES!

All I saw was red and fire so I jumped off the tube and start backing up, then a Marine starts walking out of the mess so I shoot him.

Start looking around and apparently one of the rounds going up hit his helicopter and he crash landed on top of me.
[quote name='Rosterking']I fucking hate people who use snipers on my team, all they do is camp!!! No spoting, no assistance, nada.[/QUOTE]

Hopefully in a few weeks they will migrate back over to CoD and most of us will be happy!
[quote name='Rosterking']I fucking hate people who use snipers on my team, all they do is camp!!! No spoting, no assistance, nada.[/QUOTE]

Same thing in Bad Company 2.
[quote name='twiceborn']So anyone know how to switch over to the defenders loadout at the main menu section? Or was this overlooked and needs to be addressed in another patch?[/QUOTE]

So I jumped into a game today and all of my kits stuff has reset. The stats are still there but in game everything is locked. W...T...F....
I usually play support. I like healing and reviving when I can. I'm pretty horrible at FPS but like BF games cause I can usually get some sort of progression although slowly.
[quote name='Rosterking']I fucking hate people who use snipers on my team, all they do is camp!!! No spoting, no assistance, nada.[/QUOTE]

I haven't encountered many camping snipers so far. There is usually a sniper or two on my team that are doing a pretty good job and if I don't see one I will snipe for a little while but I still haven't adapted to it that well. I like the fact that sniping is harder than on your typical FPS because it keeps a lot of people from doing it and it gives me a sense of accomplishment.
[quote name='tukai']Holy crap, was I the only one who kept getting an error last when trying to play multi-player?[/QUOTE]

Nah. The EA servers were down.... Again...
I got an extra dog tag code from amazon up for trade, anyone have a SPECACT kit or physical warfae pack they'd trade for it? PM me, thanks.
A buddy and I were playing on the map with the smoke stacks in the middle, he was flying in one of the jets and I hopped in the chopper, I was going in a straight line towards the smoke stacks and I just randomly bow up and die.

Apparently my buddy was circling in the jet, ran into me at the perfect time and we both die. I'm like dude I just got shot down or something, I don't know how I died, he just tells me he hates me.
really hating the prone thing. If you can find a decent higher elevation spot, it's practically impossible to be killed and just takes away too much fun.
[quote name='nasum']really hating the prone thing. If you can find a decent higher elevation spot, it's practically impossible to be killed and just takes away too much fun.[/QUOTE]

Nah, you just have to flank and come up from behind. It helps that I usually play with my friends so one will supress while the other sneaks around. That happened a couple of time yesterday.

Guy was sniping on rooftop, I got killed once and my friend spotted him and told me which rooftop, he shot at him while I went around to the ladder, came up behind him(he didn't even notice) and I took his dog tags..
in an urban environment yes, I was on that map that has a tunnel between the two outdoor flags and bailed out of the helicopter to take up residence on the hill overlooking the enemy spawn side flag. I think I dropped at least a dozen of them before I even heard the first bullet whiz by, which still came nowhere near me. I got bored and left for a new place.

It reminded me of that waterfall by the helicopter crash site in one of the BC2 maps. Get up there with a recon and as long as you move carefully enough, you're almost invincible.
[quote name='HydroX']Not a fan of prone, personally. Too many camping bitches that lay in the corner and pick people off as they pass.[/QUOTE]

agreed. Its getting way too popular.
Sell your dog tags on EBay, idiots love them.

Played with some CAGs, fun games but I don't like TDM Lol spawns are horrible. Had fun healing tank while we raped in conquest.

I discovered how dominate the pp2000 is with a suppressor using that while building towards mortars. I think support is the easiest whore class as everyone needs ammo plus unlimited c4 to destroy vehicles and protect points in rush.
I see why I stoped ply bfbc2. NO TEAMWORK!!! I captured all the flags things go well. We were 127-57, my team dies no comunication. People think they can go solo, we end up losing 0-40. WTF!!!!
[quote name='Rosterking']I see why I stoped ply bfbc2. NO TEAMWORK!!! I captured all the flags things go well. We were 127-57, my team dies no comunication. People think they can go solo, we end up losing 0-40. WTF!!!![/QUOTE]

Full sentences can be helpful in getting your point across.

BTW - Immokalee means "my home" in Seminole Indian.
[quote name='$hady']Sell your dog tags on EBay, idiots love them.[/QUOTE]
They actually took my auction down, first time I've had that happen when selling a code. Sold Mortal Kombat & Gears 3 skins no problem before. Will probably try again and not put Amazon in the item title to see if I have better luck. I also got an extra dog tag code so I still got to use one, which was nice.

Anyone know if you can get the "beat the game on hard" achievement by just playing the last level on hard like you could in BFBC2? Or do you have to beat all the levels on hard like in most games?
[quote name='KaneRobot']
Anyone know if you can get the "beat the game on hard" achievement by just playing the last level on hard like you could in BFBC2? Or do you have to beat all the levels on hard like in most games?[/QUOTE]

I believe I read on an achievement site that you had to complete all levels on hard to get the achievement.
Once the World Series is over I'm going to be trying to play more BF3. From the little I've played so far most people out there are mute idiots that don't quite get the idea of "winning" in BF. I have always enjoyed playing with CAGs so if anyone would like to add me (Easy Educator) please do!
I love the gun i unlocked in co-op. The second gun. I use the IR scope with a bi-pod and heavy barrel. Getting some good points. Almost 4000. I just wish somebody would supply me some damn ammo.

If any cags want to help out another cag with dog tags, I would truly love them.
[quote name='ufskenney']Full sentences can be helpful in getting your point across.

BTW - Immokalee means "my home" in Seminole Indian.[/QUOTE]

I know what it means, I've lived here all my life. We have a seminole casino too, nice knowing someone else knows.
[quote name='robdees']Once the World Series is over I'm going to be trying to play more BF3. From the little I've played so far most people out there are mute idiots that don't quite get the idea of "winning" in BF. I have always enjoyed playing with CAGs so if anyone would like to add me (Easy Educator) please do![/QUOTE]

Go Cardinals!

Alan Kerts, Battlefield 3′s Gameplay Designer, reveals that “pistols will be getting a bit of love in the near future.” A slight improvement in the damage department for pistols is certainly welcome. After nerfing the UMP since the beta, Kerts admitted ”it [UMP] got the nerf bat pretty hard. Gave it back some power today. I’ll be playing to monitor balance.” The UMP is unlocked at level 16 and can be used on all kits.
Anyone else find the campaign difficult? I'm playing on normal and seem to die pretty frequently. And this is coming from a gamer who has beaten both Modern Warfares and Black Ops on normal with relative ease. I'm about an hour and a half in.

I'm seriously considering bringing it down to easy mode but the gamer in me doesn't want to.
[quote name='Nealocus123']Go Cardinals![/QUOTE]

For sure! After these nightly heart attacks I'm really looking forward to relaxing with some BF3 soon!
The prone is completely annoying. Almost everyone just hides in the position and just gets cheap kills. The shotgun range is also insane. Tired of getting one-hit killed by guys 25 feet away. Also, at first, I was getting lucky and avoiding most of the servers issues you guys have encountered. Well, that ended today.
So correct me if I'm wrong, but once a kit unlocks a weapon, both attackers and defenders can use it.

Basically, the only "exclusive" weapons are the ones the sides start with?
[quote name='Rosterking']I know what it means, I've lived here all my life. We have a seminole casino too, nice knowing someone else knows.[/QUOTE]

I figured you knew the meaning since you had it listed as your location. I went to college with someone from there and he always went out of his way to tell us what it meant.

Please don't take offense to my full sentence comment. I completely agree with your comments. I just had to read it 3 or 4 times to get the meaning.
[quote name='seanr1221']So correct me if I'm wrong, but once a kit unlocks a weapon, both attackers and defenders can use it.

Basically, the only "exclusive" weapons are the ones the sides start with?[/QUOTE]

Yeah. There are no exclusive weapons though, you eventually unlock the starting weapons for the other side to use.
People abuse the ability to go prone so much. That's probably my biggest complaint thus far. That, shotgun range, and not being able to quit out of a match during intermission.
[quote name='ufskenney']I figured you knew the meaning since you had it listed as your location. I went to college with someone from there and he always went out of his way to tell us what it meant.

Please don't take offense to my full sentence comment. I completely agree with your comments. I just had to read it 3 or 4 times to get the meaning.[/QUOTE]

Do you happen by chance, know his name?
Played a lot tonight. Play time up to about 3 hours, and I'm top 1000 in the world!
Anyway, I really like the added option of declining a revive, because one of my pet peeves of the last one was when someone would revive you just for the points, and then you would die again because there was a firefight going on. Really liking this better than BC2, especially conquest. I love conquest so much I haven't even played the other modes!
Also, how come sometimes I can't issue squad commands?
I definitely love the ability to decline a revive. Hell, even if the guy isn't just being a douche and farming points, there are plenty of times where you KNOW that a group of enemies is still in the area. The other guy might not see them and revive you by accident.
The quit thing is dumb as it seems to count them for any time you quit a match as I have about 10% quits on my stats page already. I had the game freeze once but all the rest have been just exiting at the beginning of the next round or getting disconnected by the server.

Hopping into a server at the end of a round and getting a lose without having actually played kind of sucks as well.
I put in a lot of hours with BC2 but I can't for the life of me see where to compare weapon damage in this game! I loved that you could quickly compare that in BC2 while selecting a kit. Where am I missing this? Surely it has to be there somewhere. I can't even find where to view individual weapon stats such as kills and shots fired in the stats section.

The only place I've even seen this basic information is on Battlelog. Surely you aren't expected to have to log in there to see this? They still don't even have general weapon stats like damage there. This couldn't possibly be missing, could it? I guess I see rate of fire and ammo under "show description" but why not just make it a chart? Why the arbitrary 800 or 900 or 750 for rate of fire? And still no damage rating?
How come some of my stats still show up as zero on the leaderboard? Do you have to have a specific time played for all of them? I noticed that my score per minute didn't show up until I played 2+ hours.
Is the unlock system really clunky for anyone else? I'm not a fan of the customization screens and whatnot. I mean, it's cool all the unlocks that are there, but changing everything isn't very convenient, and sometimes I'll unlock something and it won't appear. Very annoying.
How can people be abusing prone? I dont get it. I never even got why they took it away in the first place. If they can shoot you then you can shoot them whats the problem?
bread's done