Battlefield 3- Premium announced; 4 new expansions

To add to my post about missing ribbons how about the emplaced weapons one? I'm having massive trouble finding a good map and location to do this on, preferably conquest. Does anyone have any tips?
Conquest on Caspian - Flag D. There is a TOW launcher in the top right corner near a container. Throw one mine on each side of the gas station to do 50% damage, then finish the tank off with the tow launcher. One rocket will not blow up a tank unless it has already sustained some damage. And the reload time on the TOW is atrocious (any decent tank driver will turn and kill you).

Also - Conquest on Kharg Island - the AA gun on the Russian side can see the whole battlefield. Focus on the enemy helo - Don't start shooting until they are close and you can blow a chopper up in about 5-6 seconds (they'll never know what him them :cool:). But I don't remember if the AA gun will give you that ribbon or not.

Can't wait for Wake Island tomorrow.
Thanks for the great suggestions. I'll have to try both of these. Keep them coming if anyone has any more.

I totally forgot about Back to Karkand tomorrow. Awesome!
Battlefield 3 has been my sleeper hit of the year. I never liked the series until now. I dabbled in BF:BC2 through a rental, and loved the destruction but hated the game, but all the videos hyped me up for BF:3 so I had to buy it, now I can't put it down. COD has fell by the wayside for me.
[quote name='McCHitman']I dabbled in BF:BC2 through a rental, and loved the destruction but hated the game, but all the videos hyped me up for BF:3 so I had to buy it, now I can't put it down. COD has fell by the wayside for me.[/QUOTE]

Same here.
Unbelievably stoked for the DLC tomorrow. Gonna hop on at midnight to see if it's up.

My roommate and I have been trying some new tactics lately and they are working out pretty well. On Caspian Border we spawned in the attack helicopter, flew around and took theirs out. Then we hovered over to their base and waited until it spawned again. I jumped out then parachuted down and jumped in their helicopter all before the 10 second mark stopped. Domination proceeded. Ended up having two helicopters and two jets and just mangled their whole team. Definitely recommend trying it if you play with some good pilots.
I consider myself an average helicopter pilot, but one thing I end up having to do is swooping around over and over and over. Wish i could find a way to just hover in one area and shoot stuff.
I know this is off topic guys but i really want bf3 and don't have the funds,do you think trading these guys at gamestop will give meenough creditt to get it,

Red Faction Armageddon
Shawn White Skateboarding
Fear 3
We have a Trade-In Value section right here on CAG, brother. Check out the trade-in values and see whether it'd be near enough. They're not 100% accurate, but they're pretty close.
[quote name='Jay']I know this is off topic guys but i really want bf3 and don't have the funds,do you think trading these guys at gamestop will give meenough creditt to get it,

Red Faction Armageddon
Shawn White Skateboarding
Fear 3

should be more than enough with the trade 3 for bonus $10
2GB? That's insane. I have no idea how I'm going to clear 2GB from my hard drive and I'm down to about 300MB left on a 120GB!
First impressions of the DLC:

The Good
- All 4 maps are better than any of the on disc maps. They don't feel too small, and they don't feel like you're running around aimlessly forever trying to find someone either.

The Bad
- The gun unlocks are retarded. Not going to be fun going for these.
- Wake Island is super boring with 3 flags. The losing team is really fucked when triple capped.
- Conquest Assault isn't fun at all. It's the same as Conquest with one team starting with all the flags. I don't see the point.
- I'm getting more random suicides/bad luck deaths than ever. Shitting programming is even worse on these new maps. Also getting random deaths just from exiting vehicles at high speeds. Stupid.
- The fall damage seems worse. You can fall 5 feet and take 50% damage. They need to fix that shit already.

That being said I am enjoying it, and it was free. DICE needs to stop sucking and fix some of this shit though.
[quote name='nasum']2GB? That's insane. I have no idea how I'm going to clear 2GB from my hard drive and I'm down to about 300MB left on a 120GB![/QUOTE]

Does the update include the Karkand DLC data, or is there even more to DL after those 2GB?
[quote name='Jay']I know this is off topic guys but i really want bf3 and don't have the funds,do you think trading these guys at gamestop will give meenough creditt to get it,

Red Faction Armageddon
Shawn White Skateboarding
Fear 3
hey i remember your post on gamefaqs!

btw i think people are hating conquest assault because they're new to it? its only new to bf3. but the mode exists in bf1942 and bf2.
[quote name='dotCody']I paid $15 for a 1MB unlock key to play content that's already on the disc. I feel so ashamed.[/QUOTE]

Same here!
The new "no fly zones" are complete horseshit. I understand not wanting to let people steal other people's air vehicles, but it's near impossible to turn around in a jet and track back in under 10 seconds. Hopefully they patch this.

Edit: I was playing Wake Island when I ran into all these issues. Gulf of Oman was fine when I was in the jet on that map...weird...

As far as the maps go though I've only played Wake Island and Gulf of Oman. Had more fun with Gulf of Oman because of all the air vehicles (lately I've become a Helicopter whore). Managed to get just over 3,000 points with the new jet and the attack helicopter combined which for me ain't to shabby.
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[quote name='dotCody']I paid $15 for a 1MB unlock key to play content that's already on the disc. I feel so ashamed.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='saunderscowie']Same here![/QUOTE]

Never really got this argument about stuff "on the disc." To me, you're looking at it all the wrong way. Was a BF3 a good value? In my opinion, it had as much content (and quality content) as any other FPS game out there. It doesn't bother me that there are elements "on the disc" that they are gonna ask money for later. It's not like they said, "Well, we were gonna give them this stuff, but fuck it. Let's make 'em pay." This was their strategy all long.

Here's a scenario that would piss me off. You buy something like BF3, and it has 4 maps out of the box. Then, a week later, they "release" 4 more maps. In the case, the initial purchase was not a good value.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Never really got this argument about stuff "on the disc." To me, you're looking at it all the wrong way. Was a BF3 a good value? In my opinion, it had as much content (and quality content) as any other FPS game out there. It doesn't bother me that there are elements "on the disc" that they are gonna ask money for later. It's not like they said, "Well, we were gonna give them this stuff, but fuck it. Let's make 'em pay." This was their strategy all long.

Here's a scenario that would piss me off. You buy something like BF3, and it has 4 maps out of the box. Then, a week later, they "release" 4 more maps. In the case, the initial purchase was not a good value.[/QUOTE]

I don't understand why people don't see any problem's like, they're brainwashed. :drool:
[quote name='dotCody']I don't understand why people don't see any problem's like, they're brainwashed. :drool:[/QUOTE]

No, not really. More like just looking at an issue logically, instead of pointlessly "raging against the machine." Let me try to again break it down for you...

A game gets developed. From the very start, a AAA title is going to have downloadable content. We all know that. The stuff gets developed alongside of the game. That's how it works nowadays. Whether the stuff is "on the disc" or gets downloaded, what is the difference? Would it make you feel better if it wasn't "on the disc," and you downloaded a bunch of stuff?
The main problem that people have with content being on the disc and paying to unlock it is that, if it's on the disc already, they could have very well just included it in the game. It's finished, it's ready to go, but it's locked away.

I have a buddy whose only storage device for his Xbox is a flashdrive...wonder if he'll even be able to download this update here.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Just because its in the disc in no way means its ready. It probably just had art assets.[/QUOTE]

Please, don't be as blind as Stevie Wonder. If any of what you said is true, then why did they make us pay an additional $15?
Who is paying for anything? Back to Karkand was free for Limited Edition buyers and it's a 2GB download. Not sure why people are saying it's only 1MB.
[quote name='dotCody']Please, don't be as blind as Stevie Wonder. If any of what you said is true, then why did they make us pay an additional $15?[/QUOTE]

Next time get the collectors edition and save some money? You also know that they didn't put a gun up to your head and tell you to buy it. Don't understand your complaint at all.
[quote name='GamerChris']Who is paying for anything? Back to Karkand was free for Limited Edition buyers and it's a 2GB download. Not sure why people are saying it's only 1MB.[/QUOTE]
Limited Edition copies were only the first print and the 2GB is for the Game Update. It included tweaks to the HUD and all of the Maps and lots of other crap.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Next time get the collectors edition and save some money? You also know that they didn't put a gun up to your head and tell you to buy it. Don't understand your complaint at all.[/QUOTE]
Next time try using your head and think for a second: maybe not every single person in the world got a Limited Edition copy (there was no Collector's Edition you stupid fuck)? You also know that they didn't have to withold content in the game and make people spend extra money to access it? Huh, can you try using your head? Oh, no you can't, it's too far up your ass.
Don't understand your jackass-ery at all.

Anyways, I no longer care that I had to give EA more money. It's the standard these days in the world, for any product really. Just have to accept it and move on...
I don't think you guys are quite understanding how it works. The Back to Karkand Pack was part of the 2 Gb download, do you really think that a bunch of game fixes take 2 Gb? That's the same thing that happened for Bad Company 2, the VIP maps were all part of the patches. Buying Back to Karkand unlocks the content "in the patch", just because it's 108 Kb doesn't mean it's on the disc. This helps make it easier so people who have the pack and the people who don't can still play togther. So essentially, Back to Karkand is part of the 2 Gb patch, along with the updates, and buying BtK unlocks the DLC, nothing's on-disc.

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[quote name='AlphaPanda']Eeeeverybody calm down. Take your anger and turn em into headshots.[/QUOTE]

Weird you say that, for some reason I have been getting a lot of head shots. Even with sidearms. Odd to me since I suck at going for headshots.
[quote name='moojuice'] I played Karkand Earlier, 5 flags. Awesome time. Now, every single Karkand game I get into is three flags. WTF is this?[/QUOTE]

CQ Assault. Both are mixed into the CQ playlist.
I've only been playing Conquest Assault, which I like. Wish they made that a separate playlist so I don't get original Conquest which has zero teamwork.
Isn't simultaneous deaths good sometimes? I might be misunderstanding what you mean by it, I'm really damn tired right now, but if you shoot a bullet don't you want it to still travel after you die? One thing I hated in Call Of Duty is that the moment I'd die, any rocket or bullet would instantly disappear.

I'm not entirely fond of Rush on these new maps, just seems like it's a clusterfuck. No jets on any of the maps in Rush mode sucks as well.
Was playing the new maps last night and was shot by none other than Major Nelson himself. I felt so honored. Was nice to get him back as he was trying to capture a flag.
bread's done