Battlefield: Bad Company 2 | (30 Sep.) Mp. Gameplay Trailer

I spoke to an EA agent and he said he put in a new code for me, but I'm still getting the same prompt to enter a VIP code. Ugh gotta talk to them again.
[quote name='Sharp Katana']I spoke to an EA agent and he said he put in a new code for me, but I'm still getting the same prompt to enter a VIP code. Ugh gotta talk to them again.[/QUOTE]
My agent asked for my old code then gave me a new code and waited while I tried it to make sure it worked. Sounds fishy if they "did it for you." Just ask them to generate you a new one. Either that or turn off your system wait like 15 min. and then log in again. Maybe it takes time for their "fixing" to take.
Anyone know when the new dlc comes out? I saw some new outfits or something on the content list in the store. Looks interesting.

Also, I know there's no way to really support a game night due to the way squads are made up but I noticed in the "play with friends" option its says that you can make private matches "for up to 24 of your friends." So we could do something like that on predetermined days. A match of cags vs cags sounds more fun than with randoms.
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I would definately be interested in a clan for this game. I just picked it up Thursday and I'm loving it so far. Add me to your friends lists please. I have a mic and I am a mature person who actually enjoys using voice chat for the right reasons.
[quote name='Josh5890']I would definately be interested in a clan for this game. I just picked it up Thursday and I'm loving it so far. Add me to your friends lists please. I have a mic and I am a mature person who actually enjoys using voice chat for the right reasons.[/QUOTE]

Same. I squadded up with a guy last night and we won like 20 straight games just using two assault / one medic / one engineer. CAG clan?
I got rid of the game since I got burnt out on it playing so much in the first two weeks but picked it up again the other day. I really need to get playing again, just waiting for my friend to get it again too. How many CAGs even have the game, somebody needs to make a list or make a new thread for the CAG game night with names and everything.
There was a thread that was started with a list of people playing but it got merged with this thread so the "list," (which I doubt has everyone's name) is on page 8 of this thread. Here

I've noticed a lot of people I added to play with seemed to have moved on to other things *coughffxiiiandgodofwar3cough* I'm still on, on occasion so feel free to add me.
[quote name='AndrewsAwesome4']
1. AndrewsAwesome
2. ill-will
3. Microshock
4. TctclMvPhase
5. Frankied14
6. jdioutkast
7. Ashimbo
8. DJ_Pyra-C
9. CLP-radar
15.vampirehunter R

Semi-Updated. Just quote and put your name on if you want on/off
[quote name='rcballer2123']Semi-Updated. Just quote and put your name on if you want on/off[/QUOTE]

Actually, I'm #14 RaptorXD on PSN, Carbontiger on Xbox live so scratch #18 off that.
1. AndrewsAwesome
2. ill-will
3. Microshock
4. TctclMvPhase
5. Frankied14
6. jdioutkast
7. Ashimbo
8. DJ_Pyra-C
9. CLP-radar
15.vampirehunter R

add me if you guys want to play whenever, i've been playing this game a lot (more than I should)...but I don't have a mic (sorry)
1. AndrewsAwesome
2. ill-will
3. Microshock
4. TctclMvPhase
5. Frankied14
6. jdioutkast
7. Ashimbo
8. DJ_Pyra-C
9. CLP-radar
15.vampirehunter R
20. Josh5890

Add me. I play this alot these days. Great game. I hope we can have as good of a gamenight things going as the COD:MW2 group is.
The list for BFBC:2, I can make a google doc for it later today. I'd imagine it is a bit hard to see which list is updated etc.
1. AndrewsAwesome
2. ill-will
3. Microshock
4. TctclMvPhase
5. Frankied14
6. jdioutkast
7. Ashimbo
8. DJ_Pyra-C
9. CLP-radar
15.vampirehunter R
20. Josh5890
21. TheNotoriousROB

Just starting out so bare with me.
Anyone with this and MAG know if it's worth switching to MAG? I'm pretty burned out of this and a large part has to do with horrible squads and teammates in general. Every game I join is always unbalanced with my team having an averaging ranking of 7 while the other team is about 22.
if thats your problem with BF:BC2, its even worse than MAG. Honestly. That's why I was mainly doing suppression mode in MAG because of people being retarded. BF is better in that you only need 3 other reliable people to play a decent match. In MAG, you need 7 others
Had some good games going last night with a couple guys. I'm usually on every night from like midnight-on. But I get on during the day some too. Almost at 2:1 ktd!
[quote name='rcballer2123']Had some good games going last night with a couple guys. I'm usually on every night from like midnight-on. But I get on during the day some too. Almost at 2:1 ktd![/QUOTE]

Yeah fun games my man. :cool: Gotta play some more.
[quote name='Coper3000']Anyone with this and MAG know if it's worth switching to MAG? I'm pretty burned out of this and a large part has to do with horrible squads and teammates in general. Every game I join is always unbalanced with my team having an averaging ranking of 7 while the other team is about 22.[/QUOTE]

Dude, MAG is much worse when it comes to team play, IMHO. Its like 256 Rambos. I just jumped to BF from that game and I'm having a lot more fun.
Btw, do you know that you can leave your squad and join another? You'll probably end up in the same squad but sometimes you get a different one.

And I've been in similar games since I don't play a lot, I've only reached lvl. 3 and others on my team were 12s and lower and we were fighting 22s and sometimes we managed to hold them back and win in Rush games. If you stick it out, sometimes your team can surprise you and those victories are the sweetest. But you can tell pretty early on when your team just blows and doesn't care about objectives and working together. I'm not a quitter by nature and even I quit out of those games.

My last match, I took out 2 snipers camping in a building with a couple of well placed 40mm grenade shots. I love destruction 2.0 You're not going get those kills in MAG or MW2.

Edit: Don't you just love free shit
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You guys should try the M14, sort of like the M1 Garand with 2 more bullets. I don't see a lot of people using it but its a decent gun.
Sniping with the shotgun is ridiculous(ly fun). However, at certain times I am sure I aiming for a head shot at pretty close range...but the game doesn't registers as a hit. M870 with that shotgun accuracy spec is awesome when playing on the defense; usually its one hit kill at close range too.

What weapons do you guys like the most?
my favorites are
SVU Short with red dot
that AK for engineers
AK for assaults
havent been able to play much b/c life caught up.

[quote name='dejeckt']
What weapons do you guys like the most?

M60 - gold 3; almost gold 4
USAS auto - gold ; almost gold 1
hmmz...i got at least bronze stars on all my weapons (besides m1 garand...doesn't seem to work) but still no 'all weapons bronze star pins'

the assault's attachment shotgun sucks...

assault's smoke grenade is awesome if used right...kinda wish it was smokier (i heard from a distance its is it true?) helps take care of mcom snipers
I like the smoke grenade attachment too, but I find that to keep it up, I have to be constantly firing them from one place. The smoke looks like it only lasts like 3 seconds.
now that squad rush is out, my squad needs a 4th player that is on as much as we are (almost daily). we have other people in our clan but its usually just the main 3 guys. so if you wanna join, let me know. be good though, not a little kid and have a mic. haha

psn eightbitartist. dont send a blank request though or ill deny it.
I don't understand WTF is wrong with my game. I get this screen-tearing where there are random block squares that sporadically appear on my screen, randomly. Sometimes my sound just cuts out completely. Yesterday, this happened.....again, everytime. I tried restarting my PS3, deleting extraneous material on the PS3. I even went so far as to delete the update and re-download, but to no avail. I checked the disc and its absolutely flawless. Also, every other game I own plays perfectly.

I'm going to swap my disc with another to see if that fixes the problem. If not, I'm going to have to get rid of this game....unfortunately :(
[quote name='kurrptsenate']I don't understand WTF is wrong with my game. I get this screen-tearing where there are random block squares that sporadically appear on my screen, randomly. Sometimes my sound just cuts out completely. Yesterday, this happened.....again, everytime. I tried restarting my PS3, deleting extraneous material on the PS3. I even went so far as to delete the update and re-download, but to no avail. I checked the disc and its absolutely flawless. Also, every other game I own plays perfectly.

I'm going to swap my disc with another to see if that fixes the problem. If not, I'm going to have to get rid of this game....unfortunately :([/QUOTE]

Everytime I play my PS3 gets hot after about 1 match. It doesn't do this in any other game I play, like MAG, GOW 3 or Warhawk. IDK what the deal is, but I don't play too often casue of this.
it's really starting to make the game unplayable. I might try once a week, but with the same result every time. Yesterday was the first time it locked my system up, and it happened twice
Damn I really suck at this game.

How do I level up?

How do I give ammo and health packs?

I'm use to the MW2 controls. Reviews were right this game is so different from CoD series.

Can someone share a tutorial or something?
[quote name='kurrptsenate']it's really starting to make the game unplayable. I might try once a week, but with the same result every time. Yesterday was the first time it locked my system up, and it happened twice[/QUOTE]

Those fragments you see on your T.V. are called "Artifacts" (or artifacting). This typically happens when the GPU becomes too hot to render properly, your GPU is failing out on you, or the graphical processor processes something wrong. Any of those reasons aren't really good and if it only gets worse and not better, you should think about getting it fixed or swapping it for another.

In extreme cases of heat, computers have been known to completely lock up or reboot themselves should they have a setting in place to do so. So it wouldn't be strange if the same happened to the PS3 as it is essentially a computer.

If it's just this game in particular, it could be because the engine used to develop the game pushes the graphical processor harder than most other games. It's fairly graphically intensive when you look at the settings it uses and it's possible that it was ported poorly or the engine just hasn't really been made to be really compatible with the PS3's hardware.

All this of course is from a technical perspective. While I wouldn't call myself an expert by any means, but I feel these are probable reasons. However I'm just throwing out possibilities, so some of these may not entirely be true by any means. Particularly the latter ones when I mention the game engine.
my goodness i love laguna pressa rush...i thought its gonna be a dumb rehash of the conquest map...but they've changed it a bit...
first i found it ridiculous that you needed to get through 5 mcom stations...but i can see how the attackers have great opportunity on flanking
so far i suck at this map, but I have to say its my favorite rush map so far
[quote name='The Notorious ROB']Damn I really suck at this game.

How do I level up?[/quote]
A cool feature in BC2 is you get points for helping your team win the game. If you're a medic and you drop healths, you get points for that (I once got 520 points in a row for one health pack on one sniper who was in a sniper battle). You get points for repairing, for spotting enemies who get killed, you obviously get points for planting/disarming, you get points for reviving. If you want to level up quickly, I suggest sticking to one class for awhile and getting good at it. The fastest way to level up is by using medic (because you get a ton of points for revives/health packs).
How do I give ammo and health packs?
You unlock these as you progress. I believe it's the right arrow key. Also, make sure you have them equipped if you have unlocked them!
I'm use to the MW2 controls. Reviews were right this game is so different from CoD series.
Look at the game controls in the options :p
Can someone share a tutorial or something?
I can give you a hands-on-in-game tutorial if you want one sometime. Add me on psn and I'll help ya out. As long as you have a mic?
[quote name='rcballer2123']I can give you a hands-on-in-game tutorial if you want one sometime. Add me on psn and I'll help ya out. As long as you have a mic?[/QUOTE]Sounds good. I just have to catch you when your on.
We had an awesome turnout last night! Easily 10-12 CAGs on in-game. Good times.

I'm probably going to hop on tonight after Lost (probably around 10pm EST), if anyone's interested.
i feel so dirty when im at enemies spawn site...i don't do it for kills but to hijack stuff (helicopter, tanks). it always seems like the attackers usually have the most vehicles and usually win by utilizing the vehicles correctly. today I ended up killing this one guy 3 times (once while I was headed to base, next when came after me, third saw him randomly camping this one area) I ended not hijacking the tank (never spawned) and while I was my way out of site I get shot by him (apparently he was ****** cause he kept shooting me after i died...i felt kinda bad)
Do you guys 'spawn camp'? I feel kinda bad doing this...but i usually opt for this when enemy vehicles are giving my team too much trouble.
Wut up guys, would love to get a game with you guys one night. I have a 1.88 KDR and mainly use assault and medic. Mostly play rush...had my best game last night kills wise....had 59 kills!! woohoo!!
There's a pretty big list on the last few pages where you can add people.

Not to single you out, Lude, but as soon as I see people talking about K/D ratio I immediately think of CoD. If you're playing death match, that's cool. On a mode like rush or conquest, it doesn't really tell me anything. But that's just me. *shrug*

I'll be off and on tonight, since UFC is on too. Had fun last night playing with Randy and co. I have to remember to add my CAG clan tag.
[quote name='carbontiger']Not to single you out, Lude, but as soon as I see people talking about K/D ratio I immediately think of CoD. If you're playing death match, that's cool. On a mode like rush or conquest, it doesn't really tell me anything. But that's just me. *shrug*[/QUOTE]

yeah if youre just camping (or crouching in the back away from the action) and killing whoever walks by and not running in and grabbing objectives, youre fairly useless to the team.
lol, i totally agree and hate people who sit in one spot forever. I run and gun most of the time and always go for objectives hence why i play rush. i actually hate COD, i just said what my KDR was to give you a general idea of my skill. Believe me, i am the exact opposite of the type of player your talking about. Just take a look -
[quote name='carbontiger']Had fun last night playing with Randy and co.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, we had a pretty strong crew going there last night. Those were some good games.
[quote name='Megiddo_CAG']BFBC:2 Roster google doc roster for BFBC:2. Feel free to edit your info! I can input some of the names already posted in the google doc later tomorrow if it hasn't been done already.[/QUOTE]

Very nice. I also added that I have a mic.
[quote name='Megiddo_CAG']BFBC:2 Roster google doc roster for BFBC:2. Feel free to edit your info! I can input some of the names already posted in the google doc later tomorrow if it hasn't been done already.[/QUOTE]
Cool. Added me it showin?
[quote name='carbontiger']Cool. Added me it showin?[/QUOTE]

I can see it. It shows as you are tying it. That is what is cool about Google docs.
bread's done