Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PC Discussion

That's weird. In the server browser, a few dont show ping, but I'd say about 95% of them do show a ping.
[quote name='SEH']That's weird. In the server browser, a few dont show ping, but I'd say about 95% of them do show a ping.[/QUOTE]
I've never been able to see pings; no idea why and that last patch that was supposed to fix it didn't. I just browse by names, looking for major cities close by instead.
Man I've been dying to play this game all week. I hate my work weeks. 7 12-hour overnight shifts in a row is hell on my multiplayer gaming.

On the bright side, I was able to finish Fable 2 and complete a good portion of Darksiders.
[quote name='Jodou']I've never been able to see pings; no idea why and that last patch that was supposed to fix it didn't. I just browse by names, looking for major cities close by instead.[/QUOTE]

I've had the same 'no pings displayed in the server browser' problem, but fixed it by going into the properties of the BFBC2.EXE and selecting 'run as administrator', which I believe was in the 'Emulation' tab (in Windows 7 Home x64).
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']

Some long awaited stuff in there. Hope the new browser doesn't suck eggs.[/QUOTE]
Thank god kit loadouts will finally save between games. Absolutely ridiculous this wasn't done before release and I can't tell you how many times I'd accidentally enter without my gear. Sucks they're forcing ranked servers to use PB, but it seems like the issues were fixed.

Also, a huge change coming with the minimum player requirement. I thought it was pretty hilarious how you can join an empty server and stat pad up to 2k points a round on certain rush maps. I used it a lot to just unlock guns for kits I hardly use or just to get sniper rifles when I first started out, though. Anyone planning on finishing off earning guns this way best hurry. I still need my last medic gun lol.
[quote name='Jodou']Thank god kit loadouts will finally save between games. Absolutely ridiculous this wasn't done before release and I can't tell you how many times I'd accidentally enter without my gear. Sucks they're forcing ranked servers to use PB, but it seems like the issues were fixed.

Also, a huge change coming with the minimum player requirement. I thought it was pretty hilarious how you can join an empty server and stat pad up to 2k points a round on certain rush maps. I used it a lot to just unlock guns for kits I hardly use or just to get sniper rifles when I first started out, though. Anyone planning on finishing off earning guns this way best hurry. I still need my last medic gun lol.[/QUOTE]

going now!
Nice, I can finally finish up the single player portion of the game. I know, I know the real deal is the multiplayer but I still wanna finish up the story.
While reading info about the patch and seeing a bunch of people bitching about not being told what the weapon changes were (among about a billion other things that people were whining about), I came across this on the main forums:

"Thats the point of not telling you, so you dont go looking for the changes instead you feel what the changes are. We'll tell you later what the changes were.

For example, once in BF2 we put in our changelist we had tweaked an assault rifle. The feedback ranged from "Horrible changes it is ruined" to "OMG this is so much better" and in the end we didn't actually change a thing with the gun. So telling you what is changed doesn't get an unbiased review of whether you think the changes are for the better or not."

Original Thread

That's pretty funny IMO and I understand why they hid the weapon changes.

Exact list of weapon nerfs and buffs.

This makes me kind of angry. Basically, they just went ahead and made all the assault rifles the same, all the sub-machine guns the same, and all the LMG's the same. I understand that they don't want to turn off new players by having higher ranks have really OP weapons, but c'mon.

Now you wind up with Counterstrike syndrome where you have everyone using the same two or three weapons because it'd be dumb to use the other guns that either shoot slower, have a slower reload, or their range isn't quite as long.

fucking lame.
[quote name='SEH']
Now you wind up with Counterstrike syndrome where you have everyone using the same two or three weapons because it'd be dumb to use the other guns that either shoot slower, have a slower reload, or their range isn't quite as long.

fucking lame.[/QUOTE]

Before the patch everyone was using the same 2-3 weapons cause it was dumb to use anything else. I suggest we play it for a while before we start saying the sky is falling.
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[quote name='SEH'] lame.[/QUOTE]
Hey, at least they nerfed M60 and the G3. That and I like the repair tool more now, since you're out of a tank for less time. Not sure I like the tracer gun change, because people are practically sniping my tank with it now. Not sure why they nerfed mortar strikes on tanks, because it's not hard to move out of the way.

Anyways, the new server browser is *gasp* FUNCTIONAL! Finally more options to filter by and I can see server pings for the first time ever. It's much faster and less laggy too. Overall, great patch.
New server browser is A+ material. Also not getting raped by the M60 all the time, that's pretty nice. Sad about the 12G slug nerf, that was a weapon that didn't seem all that overpowered and very niche to me.
So I played a few rounds. It's still a Gustav spam fest. Don't see as many m60 medics running around though. One round I played it seemed like everyone was an engineer cept for the few recons trying to snipe. Maybe all the m60 whores went Gustav now.

An odd thing that did happen though was 3 separate times I had c4'ed a tank to take it out only to push the button and have the c4 not explode, then the tank looked at me and blew me away.
Well, I still haven't played MP, but now that I have a new PSU and a new full HD 1080p monitor x2 I tried out BC2. Looks amazing at 1080p with everything maxed out visual wise!

I played a bit of SP, but still haven't tried MP.

AMD Phenom II X4 9600
Radeon HD 4860 1GB VRAM
Win7 Ultimate x64
Anybody else seeing framerate increases post-patch? I noticed last night it seemed like I had gained 10fps on average. Previously on an AMD Phenom X4 955, 4gb ddr3, ati 4860 sytem, I was pulling about 50-60 fps @ 1280x1024 75hz res w/ all settings high, 2xAA, 1xAF, HBAO off. Last night post-patch, I was pulling a consistent 60-70fps. I changed settings to 8xAA, 8xAF, and HBAO on, and was still getting a playable, consistent 40+ fps. Seemed weird, considering I didn't see any performance increasing changes in the update.
[quote name='noisesquared']Anybody else seeing framerate increases post-patch? I noticed last night it seemed like I had gained 10fps on average. Previously on an AMD Phenom X4 955, 4gb ddr3, ati 4860 sytem, I was pulling about 50-60 fps @ 1280x1024 75hz res w/ all settings high, 2xAA, 1xAF, HBAO off. Last night post-patch, I was pulling a consistent 60-70fps. I changed settings to 8xAA, 8xAF, and HBAO on, and was still getting a playable, consistent 40+ fps. Seemed weird, considering I didn't see any performance increasing changes in the update.[/QUOTE]

My friend running an i7 920 and a 5870 said he noticed the game seemed smoother, as if he had more frames. I'm running a Q9550 and a 5850 and noticed no difference; same for my friend running a Phenom X3 720 and a 5770.
Alright, now I know it's not just me and that the knife code in this game is TERRIBLE. I wish I had this on fraps, but I knifed a guy in the back THREE TIMES and he did not die. He was static (and an awful sniper since I was making a lot of noise behind him lol) and never moved, so it wasn't lag. In fact, I backed up and tried to let the auto-aim go off to get it and it still wouldn't kill him. I know it was hitting him because I'd see the blood spray after collision so it's definitely their shitty code.

I finally just had to shoot the fucker and move on, but now I know why I've been screwed out of so many for sure knife kills. Just fucking bad.
[quote name='Jodou']Alright, now I know it's not just me and that the knife code in this game is TERRIBLE.[/QUOTE]
I thought it was just me too, since I'm pretty new. There's been a couple of times I couldn't understand how I missed, then a couple that I thought were clean misses that were kills.
Same thing happened to me last night. Three times I knifed this fucker and on the fourth time it finally killed him. Gotta mega points for it to since it was the third guy I killed in a row in probably 10 seconds trying to arm the M-COM station.

Other than that, had a pretty terrible night. Every team I joined was already in the process of getting raped and it continued the rest of the night. The first game I joined had traitor teammates throwing out C4 charges on the vehicles and purposely flying the helicopter out of bounds. RAGE!!!!!!! Didn't stay in that server for too long.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']4870 Athlon II 240 here, not noticing any extra frames.[/QUOTE]

I think it'll bump up next patch because they said it was for the 5xxx cards. Not sure if it was supposed to be for the one just released.
I haven't noticed better frame rate but horrible lag issues instead. First I couldn't spawn in right away when it was read but had to click several times after which I would die immediately.

Now there is just more lag and rubber banding at times. Other people are complaining about this after the new patch, not sure how to fix it. A great game is going sour for me, I can't stand a broken product.
[quote name='Bob A. Booey']Now there is just more lag and rubber banding at times. Other people are complaining about this after the new patch, not sure how to fix it. A great game is going sour for me, I can't stand a broken product.[/QUOTE]
Stop playing on bad servers IMO. Anytime I notice that, I just find a new server and usually don't have a problem after that.
I've been thinking about getting this game, along with Supreme Commander 2 and Dawn of War II: Gold Edition, via Steam. However, being the penny pincher I am, I can't help but wonder if I'd be better off waiting for them to go on sale or just spend the money and get them now, since it's never clear when or if they will go on sale.
I don't know if you're commited strictly to getting this on Steam, but it seems like many stores have sales on the PC version of BC2 quite a bit.
Well, I wouldn't say strictly, but I would prefer it, on account I wouldn't have to deal with another case that would take up space and the only DRM I would have to deal with is Valve's as opposed to Securom, though they did rectify that.
Alright, after some testing with a friend, we confirmed what I suspected is broken with knifing. If you're not on the same plane as your enemy, you will not be able to knife them. Period.

That means if they're jumping when you knife, you will fail. If they're on a small rock slate that elevates them slightly, you will fail. If you're in a fucking crater below them, you will fail.

How this could possibly get past QA is beyond me but it's ridiculous to think that they'd program it this way. In certain situations, it's completely exploitable making you impervious to being knifed.
@Jodou...hehe if you think that sucks. I was in a game earlier today and I knifed one guy 4 times in a row and he kills me w/his knife. The 1st two times I knifed him, he didn't notice. My ping was around 160-180 and I checked his and it was around the same.
[quote name='Psykodelik']@Jodou...hehe if you think that sucks. I was in a game earlier today and I knifed one guy 4 times in a row and he kills me w/his knife. The 1st two times I knifed him, he didn't notice. My ping was around 160-180 and I checked his and it was around the same.[/QUOTE]
Oh, I've been robbed of dead to rights kills plenty of times thanks to their horrible knife code. I found a new one that we didn't try: if they're on a ladder below you, it will fail. Such bullshit.
The update really seems to have straightened shit out for me personally. I am performing WAY better than I was before the update. I got the AN94 and that may be part of it. That thing kicks ass!!!
Hadn't played this for a few days and ever since last night I've started having random disconnects from game servers. My net never skips a beat and it can range from 1-20 minutes of uptime, so I can only assume EA's servers are fucking up again. Apparently this has been an ongoing problem for a lot of people but has anyone else had this just recently?

There's also a patch coming early next week, which will revert the SP knife change they made that's been fucking up MP so bad. They owe me over 30 knife kills, the fucks.
[quote name='Jodou']Hadn't played this for a few days and ever since last night I've started having random disconnects from game servers. My net never skips a beat and it can range from 1-20 minutes of uptime, so I can only assume EA's servers are fucking up again. Apparently this has been an ongoing problem for a lot of people but has anyone else had this just recently?

There's also a patch coming early next week, which will revert the SP knife change they made that's been fucking up MP so bad. They owe me over 30 knife kills, the fucks.[/QUOTE]

When I was playing last night shit was pretty fucked up. (The servers I mean)
Was playing at about 7 A.M. EST for about 1 1/2 hours, no problems with disconnects. Also knife seems to be fine for me but I didn't try anything fancy with it.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']Was playing at about 7 A.M. EST for about 1 1/2 hours, no problems with disconnects. Also knife seems to be fine for me but I didn't try anything fancy with it.[/QUOTE]

The knife is definitely weird whenever you are stabbing someone and it's not straight forward; i.e. you run at them and knife their face or back of the head. Sometimes I guy will come up on me and I'll spaz spin around and stab the sky and kill the guy. Usually it's the other way around though (as in I am the one done in by bull shit knife kills)

Seriously though, I can not get enough of this game now that I actually am making progress. The other day I was sniping and got to some foliage on the flank of this large rocky area that the other team would get behind. They would run up to it and just stand there firing at my teams front; I got like 12+ kills (luckily kill cam was off). It was so sweet my mouth started to water.

I think guns are still retardedly inaccurate when firing from the hip, and even though I have personally built up my arsenal and perks. I still think this game is ridiculously harsh to new comers who not only have a smaller choice of weapons; but definitively shittier ones as well.

The AN94 is a freaking beast!!! The balance with rifles has been really improved though with the toning down of the 40mm and the increase in most of the assault rifle's attributes. Because before the 40mm was the primary weapon for the assault class; especially if you didn't have the AN94 or better.
[quote name='Jodou']Hadn't played this for a few days and ever since last night I've started having random disconnects from game servers. My net never skips a beat and it can range from 1-20 minutes of uptime, so I can only assume EA's servers are fucking up again. Apparently this has been an ongoing problem for a lot of people but has anyone else had this just recently?

There's also a patch coming early next week, which will revert the SP knife change they made that's been fucking up MP so bad. They owe me over 30 knife kills, the fucks.[/QUOTE]

lol nerdrage
I really wish they'd get their act together on these patches and DLC, because the inconsistency is just astounding. New patch is up for consoles today that includes the last (and probably fixed) patch plus new changes:

* Slightly increased the damage of the UZI at long range.
* The AKs74u now has more felt recoil when aiming.
* The G3, VSS, and all SemiAutomatic rifles now settle slightly faster between shots when aiming.
* The PKM, Type 88LMG, G3, An94, and 40mm shotgun have returned to their former glory.
* Increased the damage of the MG3 to bring it in line with the rest of the LMGs.
* Fixed a bug where the Saiga12 with slugs would do too much damage at long range.
* Fixed a bug where the SVU would do too little damage at long range.
* Fixed a bug where M95 rounds would not kill armored targets with headshots.

Zero mention of a knife fix (which was promised) nor the toggle crouch/run config. I don't read their forums, so maybe that info is hidden in there. At any rate, when they patch it should be for all platforms simultaneously. We're still waiting for the SPECACT DLC promised two months ago and now we're being shafted on patches to consoles. Makes sense since it's not like PC gamers make up more than half the population in BFBC2. Oh wait. . .

[quote name='Jodou']I really wish they'd get their act together on these patches and DLC, because the inconsistency is just astounding. New patch is up for consoles today that includes the last (and probably fixed) patch plus new changes:

* Slightly increased the damage of the UZI at long range.
* The AKs74u now has more felt recoil when aiming.
* The G3, VSS, and all SemiAutomatic rifles now settle slightly faster between shots when aiming.
* The PKM, Type 88LMG, G3, An94, and 40mm shotgun have returned to their former glory.
* Increased the damage of the MG3 to bring it in line with the rest of the LMGs.
* Fixed a bug where the Saiga12 with slugs would do too much damage at long range.
* Fixed a bug where the SVU would do too little damage at long range.
* Fixed a bug where M95 rounds would not kill armored targets with headshots.

Zero mention of a knife fix (which was promised) nor the toggle crouch/run config. I don't read their forums, so maybe that info is hidden in there. At any rate, when they patch it should be for all platforms simultaneously. We're still waiting for the SPECACT DLC promised two months ago and now we're being shafted on patches to consoles. Makes sense since it's not like PC gamers make up more than half the population in BFBC2. Oh wait. . .


Quell your rage, I bring good tidings:

I see a crouch/zoom toggle in there.
[quote name='Jodou'][/QUOTE]

Well that explains it! Things appear to be g2g now though!

I managed to unlock the GOL sniper magnum a week or so ago and no wonder people use that more than any other sniper. It's perfectly accurate, not a lick of cross hair movement. Recently I've joined a lot of games where people just want to snipe it seems. We'll lose the game simply because 70% of the team is trying to snipe and we have 4 dudes trying to actively destroy the MCOMs. It would be nice to be able to see the current class stats of the entire team and of your squad when you are in the class screen waiting to spawn; it might open people's eyes a bit.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']Well that explains it! Things appear to be g2g now though!

I managed to unlock the GOL sniper magnum a week or so ago and no wonder people use that more than any other sniper. It's perfectly accurate, not a lick of cross hair movement. Recently I've joined a lot of games where people just want to snipe it seems. We'll lose the game simply because 70% of the team is trying to snipe and we have 4 dudes trying to actively destroy the MCOMs. It would be nice to be able to see the current class stats of the entire team and of your squad when you are in the class screen waiting to spawn; it might open people's eyes a bit.[/QUOTE]

Wouldn't that be nice? Sure as hell wouldn't change anything though. You'd still have over half of the server sitting on some hilltop sniping away and calling in mortar strikes on spawn points. That's what I noticed anyway.
So this game has been completely dead to me since RDR came out. Are they ever planning on patching the PC again with the tons of changes they've been making on consoles? It's been nearly two months now and I haven't heard shit about support for us. Guess they were too busy making an expansion.

Wonder if they'll call it Bad Company 2: The Rest of the Game.
bread's done