Battlefield Bad Company 2; Vietnam (1200 points) out; plus 4 new free maps

[quote name='phishb13']anyone have any unused vip codes by any chance?[/QUOTE]

If you're lucky you can snipe one on eBay for a little cheaper.
The truth about this game is that once you have unlocked all the kits online (which can be done in your first 20 ranks) and played the campaign, you've done it all, there is no sense of achievement after these.
I turned on my 360 for the 3rd time in 3 months, I forgot how great this game is.

Also shooting people is always and will always be a achievement in of its self.
[quote name='Willioms']The truth about this game is that once you have unlocked all the kits online (which can be done in your first 20 ranks) and played the campaign, you've done it all, there is no sense of achievement after these.[/QUOTE]

This is too true. I found no reason to continue playing and immediately traded it off... :(

I admit the ultra long range sniping was a blast, though. I think I got a +419 Marksman shot. Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising has similar sniping, which has kinda filled in that void, but BC2's MP was too frustrating in the long run to justify continuous play with little to no rewards.
[quote name='Willioms']The truth about this game is that once you have unlocked all the kits online (which can be done in your first 20 ranks) and played the campaign, you've done it all, there is no sense of achievement after these.[/QUOTE]

It is like CoD/Halo/etc... you still have sense of achievement... the insignas (which you wont get all by level 20)... getting up to level 50 (max)... platinum-ing your weapons/gears... heck just enjoying playing an online shooter with your online friends.

No sense of achievement? Learn how to work the M136 AT4 like this guy.
[quote name='Flak'][youtube][/youtube]

No sense of achievement? Learn how to work the M136 AT4 like this guy.[/QUOTE]

Hot damn.

I've always had the square directly over the target, never thought about leading the rocket.
Lot's of people play for the "moments" that occur that just don't happen frequently in other games

-Shooting from inside a house at another enemy in a house across the street, friendly tank leisurely strolls up and blows a hole in the wall of the house killing an enemy.

-Getting pinned in a corner by a tank, hear the rotors of a chopper overhead and blowing the tank up

-Seeing a sniper round whizz past your head, bring up your sights to shoot baack, then a friendly sniper tracer round flies the opposite direction, picking off the sniper who missed you the first time

-Flying a blackhawk low and at an objective so that your squad can bail out without using their chutes and speed arm

-Planting C4 at the base of a three story house and destroying it, killing thee people camping in the attic

-Lay down AT mines for an incoming tank, friendly covers the area with smoke grenades, tank runs over AT mines
Whatever happened to the sense of achievement you get for just playing the game well? I think this generation's use of achievements/trophies have warped a lot of people's perceptions of what it means to enjoy the game. You don't need to be unlocking stuff to have fun. I had plenty of fun with games before achievements, and even now, I still play games well after I have unlocked everything, as long as I am enjoying the experience.
[quote name='moojuice']Lot's of people play for the "moments" that occur that just don't happen frequently in other games

-Shooting from inside a house at another enemy in a house across the street, friendly tank leisurely strolls up and blows a hole in the wall of the house killing an enemy.

-Getting pinned in a corner by a tank, hear the rotors of a chopper overhead and blowing the tank up

-Seeing a sniper round whizz past your head, bring up your sights to shoot baack, then a friendly sniper tracer round flies the opposite direction, picking off the sniper who missed you the first time

-Flying a blackhawk low and at an objective so that your squad can bail out without using their chutes and speed arm

-Planting C4 at the base of a three story house and destroying it, killing thee people camping in the attic

-Lay down AT mines for an incoming tank, friendly covers the area with smoke grenades, tank runs over AT mines[/QUOTE]

Well said. I really like Halo, but I found my getting pissed over kills and playing lonewolf all of the time. This game- I just enjoy playing and watching shit get blown up. I really don't care about how many kills I get. Even something as simple as shooting a grenade at a brick wall and killing the guy on the other side is a satisfaction I hadn't experienced before in a game. The cinematic flare of this game is totally what makes it for me.

I think I've had 3 post in this entire thread and all three are about my obsession with it's destructible environments. Let's face it. It makes the game.
What happened to the patch that was supposed to go live today? I just played a few games and I haven't noticed anything different other than the game completely forgot all of my settings.
[quote name='Willioms']The truth about this game is that once you have unlocked all the kits online (which can be done in your first 20 ranks) and played the campaign, you've done it all, there is no sense of achievement after these.[/QUOTE]

The Truth for you maybe.

I find shooting people in the head it's own reward.

my personal opinion of course, but if your only playing online to unlock stuff then your doing it wrong.
[quote name='Flak']What happened to the patch that was supposed to go live today? I just played a few games and I haven't noticed anything different other than the game completely forgot all of my settings.[/QUOTE]

You are lucky for almost a week now all EA games will not work multiplayer 90% of the time. I have no clue what is going on since i never have issues with any other non ea games with MP. I got sick of messing with my router then this morning when the notice hit about BF2 is getting maintence done i got on!! Then i got home a bit ago and guess what i can no longer get on again.
[quote name='Flak']What happened to the patch that was supposed to go live today? I just played a few games and I haven't noticed anything different other than the game completely forgot all of my settings.[/QUOTE]

Its there on the server side (i.e. you wont download it). Hence the reason why tracer darts are being used constantly now and hitting everything now. Just like I said earlier in this thread, I witness today... the tracer dart is super powerful and anyone can use it now. The apache is worthless besides the missles now since splash damage from the gun isn't there anymore. Helicopters are a dead sentence now. The M1911 is gimped now. The only thing I noticed that hasnt changed is the M60 + Magnum combo... it still is powerful.

As for the other discussion, I forgot to mention the moments as well. After 400+ kills with mines, I still love watching people hitting my mines. Nothing feels better (in games) than watching an ATV or Jeep flying in midair after hitting your mine. :lol:
[quote name='notwen']Onslaught(MP co-op) mode coming soon to PSN/XBL. Can't wait myself, wish they would bump up squad size limitations to 6 though.[/QUOTE]

Gonna have to get another copy just because of this mode. :(

I just found BC2's MP too frustrating (I don't normally like gathering people to play with, but I did put effort into it while I had the game) by itself, without competant squadmates. I had no fun beyond unlocking weapons to try out, or sniping. I was often forced to be Engineer (my best class by far, because of how often I had to switch) because tanks or helicopters often overran us otherwise. If I didn't switch (most times), we ended up losing horribly instead of at least slightly delaying a loss.
[quote name='lordopus99']The only thing I noticed that hasnt changed is the M60 + Magnum combo... it still is powerful.[/QUOTE]

Awesome. The one thing they definitely needed to fix they didn't.
[quote name='Flak']The achievements seem to be gone as well.[/QUOTE]

They are still there...check They just were never activated inside the game so no one in the US has been able to unlock them (other countries have unlocked them).
I am up for boosting the online achievements for this game, and, if not that, just forming a squad and playing. I know I'm already friends with a few of you, but I need more people to play this with, so shoot me a friend request. My gamertag is Ostro 7 and I play whenever I feel like it really. I'll also use any of the four kits, I like to try and somewhat balance my usage of them.
does anyone have any tips on the roadkill and car warfare pins? those are my only two left and i am struggling to get them.
So quick noob question. As a medic, how the hell am I healing my squad? I drop medpacks and it doesn't seem like people pick them up but sometimes just by being near my squad I get squad heal points.

Also, can I pick up my own medpacks and heal myself?
[quote name='matto1233']does anyone have any tips on the roadkill and car warfare pins? those are my only two left and i am struggling to get them.[/QUOTE]

Roadkill - I got mine on rush for Port Valdez. Just use the ATV and go along the road and behind the broken tower in the woods. The ATV is the easiest road vehicle to get a road kill with. I found that by the road you will find one or two and in the back there is usually at least one sniper. You could always try going the UAV route as well.

Car Warfare - Easiest done on Africa Harbor. Just pull your vehicle way out and shoot. Alot of guys either go up to "sniper hill" or the right side by the rocks.

[quote name='ZForce915']So quick noob question. As a medic, how the hell am I healing my squad? I drop medpacks and it doesn't seem like people pick them up but sometimes just by being near my squad I get squad heal points.

Also, can I pick up my own medpacks and heal myself? [/QUOTE]

When you throw a kit, it automatically distributes the health (hence you getting points). The kit will stay on the ground until you throw a new one (or at least that how it seems for me). The kit will continue to give people health if they are within range of it.
[quote name='ZForce915']So quick noob question. As a medic, how the hell am I healing my squad? I drop medpacks and it doesn't seem like people pick them up but sometimes just by being near my squad I get squad heal points.

Also, can I pick up my own medpacks and heal myself?[/QUOTE]

Nobody picks up med packs or ammo packs. They sit there. If you are in range you get healed or get ammo.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Nobody picks up med packs or ammo packs. They sit there. If you are in range you get healed or get ammo.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for that.

How are you supposed to figure that out? Is that covered in the single player or in the instructions? I gamefly'd this so didn't get a manual.
[quote name='ZForce915']Thanks for that.

How are you supposed to figure that out? Is that covered in the single player or in the instructions? I gamefly'd this so didn't get a manual.[/QUOTE]

I think I figured it out at around level 12. :wall:Can't wait to see what I understand at level 20...
ha! That is good to know. I kinda jumped right in and I'm doing my best to remember that this isn't CoD or Halo and I'm supposed to support my team.
[quote name='Puffa469']The Truth for you maybe.

I find shooting people in the head it's own reward.

my personal opinion of course, but if your only playing online to unlock stuff then your doing it wrong.[/QUOTE]

Lol yh ok i suppose thats all part of the fun, its probably just me to be honest im going back to MW2 :p and waiting for Red dead redemption to come out cannot wait :D
[quote name='lordopus99']Achievement patch is in for the SPECACTs.[/QUOTE]
GAH! Why can't they just put them on the MARKETPLACE!!!
Hi CAG! So I just got this game from Fry's after holding off on it for too long. Anyways, I'm looking for more people to play this with rather than random matches. Most of my friends are still on MW2, so yeah, help me out. Oh yeah, I'm not a noob to the BF series ;)
[quote name='Logg']I was the top player last night 3 games in a row. I own in this game.[/QUOTE]

I was up there with ya buddy ;)
Ya It was fun, I like our "crew" was good though. My other friend Flossyriprun sucks but its like first game he has ever bought.
Man, this game is really hurting during MP about 50% of the time. I keep getting really odd lag issues that as far as I can tell are not due to my connection. Makes it nearly impossible to play... anyone else still having issues? (I still remember the first two weeks where the servers were basically MIA)
[quote name='faceturd']Man, this game is really hurting during MP about 50% of the time. I keep getting really odd lag issues that as far as I can tell are not due to my connection. Makes it nearly impossible to play... anyone else still having issues? (I still remember the first two weeks where the servers were basically MIA)[/QUOTE]

I'm in the same situation. Almost every game I play the lag gets really really bad. Plus it seems like it get stucks on a map, like playing as attackers twice on one map.
I'm leaning towards trading this game in. The game is pretty awesome actually, but the lag and glitches are definitely becoming unbearable.
[quote name='faceturd']Man, this game is really hurting during MP about 50% of the time. I keep getting really odd lag issues that as far as I can tell are not due to my connection. Makes it nearly impossible to play... anyone else still having issues? (I still remember the first two weeks where the servers were basically MIA)[/QUOTE]

No I don't. It is better. I only had one truly lag game for the past two weeks (and I play all the time)... Now if only my "blue" guys will get better :whistle2:k
[quote name='matto1233']I unlocked my first platinum star! With the XM8![/QUOTE]

Congrats on your milestone! This is my main kit. Hand Grenade and the Rex will take the longest for me to get them.
UMP45 - Platinum
AT Mine - Platinum
M2 Carl Gustuv - Gold Star 5
Combat Knife - Gold Star 8
Hand Grenade - Gold Star 3
Rex - Gold Star (had to switch due to gimping of WII)
Heavy Vehicle - Platinum
Air Vehicle - Platinum
Stationary - Gold Star 5
I thought I'd share something cool, since this thread has been dead lately.
So, I was playing last night, and while driving in a car, I killed a guy. (50 points)
I got the car warfare pin (the last pin I needed) (200 points)
I got gold star 3 with AKS (5000 points)
I got vehicle service pin (5000 points)
And I got the insig. for getting all pins (10000 points)
So, I actually got a 20250 point kill. Just thought that was pretty awesome.
[quote name='reddjoey']Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Map Pack 3 launches this week for all VIP members.[/QUOTE]
Any word on the release or price of onslaught mode? I'm very excited for it!
bread's done