Battlestar Galactica: The Complete Series {Blu Ray}

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Anyone know of the best deal for this series set. So far it will be sold on July 28th for 209.99, but there has to be better deals for this somehow. Anyone know of any?
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As long as Deep Discount doesn't raise the price once it is released tomorrow and you use the 25% off coupon then you should be able to get the series for about $165.
[quote name='180husher']They made us wait 6+months for the last 8 episodes, I can wait to get this set for sub $100.[/QUOTE]

That's not gonna happen for a long time. I'll be picking the collection tomorrow from Best Buy. I think it's a pretty good deal to get the whole series on Blu-Ray for around $200 since there's close to 70 hours from 80+ episodes in the series. Compared to other shows and movies on Blu-Ray, I'd say it's a good deal. Plus, the package looks a little delicate so I'd rather get in person than hope that the box doesn't get damaged in shipping. The only thing that ticks me off is that they left off some features that were included in the DVD sets so I can't sell my dvd collection. Oh well.
[quote name='viernes3am5'] The only thing that ticks me off is that they left off some features that were included in the DVD sets so I can't sell my dvd collection. Oh well.[/QUOTE]

oh i wasn't aware of that. thought the complete collection would have ... well everything. what exactly would we be missing?
How much better does this series really look in HD? I mean it's filmed in a very grainy and often dark way anyway, I just can't see that big a difference to warrant a rebuy on BD.
As much as I love the show, I'm going to have to pass on the Blu-Ray set of this. Even if it is $165 at Deep Discount.

I'm just going to be picking up season 4.5 on DVD at Deep Discount for $24 as long as they don't jack up the price.
I'm going to buy it. I already have all the seasons on DVD and season one on HD DVD, but its a really nice set, and I don't have Caprica or 4.5. Also, this guy told me several times at the panel on Friday to buy the Blu-ray and that he promised that "the Plan" was not the last time we've seen him in BSG.

[quote name='pinoy530']I'm going to buy it. I already have all the seasons on DVD and season one on HD DVD, but its a really nice set, and I don't have Caprica or 4.5. Also, this guy told me several times at the panel on Friday to buy the Blu-ray and that he promised that "the Plan" was not the last time we've seen him in BSG.


Color me jealous. I'll be up spamming DD at 3am est to get my boxset haha.
[quote name='lawdood']How much better does this series really look in HD? I mean it's filmed in a very grainy and often dark way anyway, I just can't see that big a difference to warrant a rebuy on BD.[/QUOTE]
It's a pretty big difference, at least in terms of resolution. All of the grain is better resolved and it does have a greater visual impact. The Lossless audio completely trounces the dvd though, that's not even a "maybe" question.

But it has hours of extras. Some of the missing stuff is included in the PiP.

The UK set is $170 shipped. And it has real packaging, not the cheap cardboard sleeves the US Blu-rays are housed in.
[quote name='basis']oh i wasn't aware of that. thought the complete collection would have ... well everything. what exactly would we be missing?[/QUOTE]

It's not much, just some stuff from season 1. I read the review of the set on the following site:

It's not missing that much but enough for someone like me to not sell all the seasons I have on dvd. Plus, if this helps, I have Firefly (filmed with a similar grain as BSG) on DVD and Blu-Ray and Blu-Ray looks a lot better so this is a first day buy for me. Plus there are going to be some deleted scenes accessible only through BD-live. Can't wait til tomorrow.:D
thx viernes3am5 for the link. will give it a read later.

[quote name='shadowrage']The UK set is $170 shipped. And it has real packaging, not the cheap cardboard sleeves the US Blu-rays are housed in.[/QUOTE]
you mean from this?

hmmm does look better. wonder if the packaging really is better. is there a summary of the differences in packaging?

wonder if it's region locked?

edit: found this chatter on AVS forum regarding the packaging...
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I won Caprica, hugely surprised by the show. It was somewhat boring, but the universe it created is amazing.
They tout the amount of space Blu-ray discs have, but there's only one reason why they never port every special feature from the DVD onto the Blu-ray, and that's to double dip. There's a reason why Fox has a ton of titles on Blu-ray that are missing EVERY SPECIAL FEATURE found on the DVD, or why Dodgeball and Dodgeball unrated aren't on the same disc.
My gut tells me this is something that around Christmas you'll be able to get for $130 or less as a black friday deal or an amazon daily deal....I think alot folks are going to say, phhhfft to dropping big coin on the complete blu ray set when they probably have 3 or 4 boxsets already on DVD and 'the plan' and caprica aren't likely to move alot of Battlestar DVDs on their own. They'll milk the hardcore for a few months and then push down the price a bit to make it more tolerable for theoretical gift giving at Christmas.
[quote name='pinoy530']I'm going to buy it. I already have all the seasons on DVD and season one on HD DVD, but its a really nice set, and I don't have Caprica or 4.5. Also, this guy told me several times at the panel on Friday to buy the Blu-ray and that he promised that "the Plan" was not the last time we've seen him in BSG.


Oh wow, sweet pic! Awesome!
I would like to pick this up but the packaging is crap and the price is to high for me. I don't see why they can't put this stuff out in a normal case that will last. If they did that I would not mind paying the price. Also I have all but the last 2 sets on dvd and season one on HD.

Anyone know what is missing from each season in this set that was in the SD DVD box sets?
[quote name='sendme']I would like to pick this up but the packaging is crap and the price is to high for me. I don't see why they can't put this stuff out in a normal case that will last. If they did that I would not mind paying the price. Also I have all but the last 2 sets on dvd and season one on HD.

Anyone know what is missing from each season in this set that was in the SD DVD box sets?[/QUOTE]

Well not a WHOLE lot, there is stuff missing like the Lowdown specials on the original miniseries DVDs. A few other small behind the scenes stuff but I know what a lot of people are mad about is The Face of the Enemy is missing. But it wasn't included on anything so it's not like you're losing out on double dipping. This review covers all that's missing

I can't wait to pick up mine. I know some other fan will create an episode guide we can put in the box. Also might try and find some BD slimcases to put the discs in since it seems the packaging is flimsy. But all in all I could care less it's BSG in HD!
After much internal debate, I pulled the trigger and ordered it from Deep Discount. Yeah, it's "temporarily out of stock", so there will be a wait, and yeah- my wife isn't exactly doing somersaults of joy over me spending $165 on a complete Blu-ray set of a show that we already owned most of on DVD (especially considering we just took a $1200 hit last week when our hot water tank sprung a leak and needed to be replaced, AND both of our kids are getting braces this summer) Still, as CombatCraig said,
But all in all I could care less it's BSG in HD!

Seasons 3 and 4 will both be new to me; I've only watched the show on DVD, and when my wife and I watched the first 2 seasons, the 3rd had yet to be released. Even after I bought S3 on DVD, I decided to wait until the show finished it's run and we could plow through it all from the beginning. It's been tough waiting (and avoiding spoilers) but finally the payoff is here! :whee:
[quote name='Danimal']
Seasons 3 and 4 will both be new to me; I've only watched the show on DVD, and when my wife and I watched the first 2 seasons, the 3rd had yet to be released. Even after I bought S3 on DVD, I decided to wait until the show finished it's run and we could plow through it all from the beginning. It's been tough waiting (and avoiding spoilers) but finally the payoff is here! :whee:[/QUOTE]

Wow, I don't know how you managed. You're in for a treat.
Pre-Ordered mine off Amazon last month and it arrived today, main packaging isn't too terrible, though the actual disc cases kinda suck.
[quote name='flatliner718']deep discount needs to get on with getting rid of the pre-order information btw[/QUOTE]

I stayed up until 2 a.m. Pacific/5 a.m. Eastern and finally gave up waiting for the opportunity to use the coupon. Then I woke up a few hours later and it was already out of stock! Was it ever in stock?
[quote name='JDN169']Pre-Ordered mine off Amazon last month and it arrived today, main packaging isn't too terrible, though the actual disc cases kinda suck.[/QUOTE]

This was ultimately why I decided to just complete the set of DVDs I already own rather than getting the Blu Ray. I had the same experience with the Stargate SG:1 box set, and it's really turned me off of these huge sets. I may still pick it up eventually if I can convince my friend to buy the DVDs off of me.
Thanks for posting about Deep Discount. I couldnt resist. I even stayed up to see if I could order it, but am now under deep backorder. I am pretty sure they will still honor the discounted price of 164.92 even after the sale ends.
[quote name='Indiana Jones']I stayed up until 2 a.m. Pacific/5 a.m. Eastern and finally gave up waiting for the opportunity to use the coupon. Then I woke up a few hours later and it was already out of stock! Was it ever in stock?[/QUOTE]
not that i saw and me and f5 were best friends. i ordered at 4:02am est time
[quote name='Indiana Jones']I stayed up until 2 a.m. Pacific/5 a.m. Eastern and finally gave up waiting for the opportunity to use the coupon. Then I woke up a few hours later and it was already out of stock! Was it ever in stock?[/QUOTE]

Dude I stayed up too, and It feels as if it was never in stock. It pretty much was backordered immediately.
It never was in-stock.

I read over at DVDtalk that between DVDplanet and DDD they had 700 preorders, so all the stock they received before release went to fulfilling those.

It'll probably be a couple weeks... but I can wait for $158. :)
That's assuming they honor the 25% discount. The discount ends 8/2 and it's likely these won't be shipped for a few weeks. If they really did have 700 preorders at $220, there's no point in fulfilling all of our orders at $165 weeks after their sale is over.
They just lowered the price on this to $201 making it $151 after the 25% off. Makes no sense. Why lower the price if you can't even keep up with demand right now? I have a bad feeling 25% off orders will be canceled after August 2nd.
[quote name='$CASH$']They just lowered the price on this to $201 making it $151 after the 25% off. Makes no sense. Why lower the price if you can't even keep up with demand right now? I have a bad feeling 25% off orders will be canceled after August 2nd.[/QUOTE]

WTF!?!?!?!?! I should have waited a few hours to order.
You can call them, they are open for another 30 minutes. My order was in the shipping process(even though it's listed as still backordered for me), so he added a note to my order. Once I receive it, I simply have to call them, and they will credit me the $18 difference. For anyone who's order is not yet in the shipping phase, they can easily price adjust your order, since you haven't been charged yet. Give em a call asap.
Anybody have a estimate on how much I could get if I bundle up all the SD versions of the series, I might dump them to pick this up instead. Just to clear things up I have the entire series in their seperate season and half season packs.
[quote name='ajh2298']Anybody have a estimate on how much I could get if I bundle up all the SD versions of the series, I might dump them to pick this up instead. Just to clear things up I have the entire series in their seperate season and half season packs.[/QUOTE]

Here's what I got for the DVD sets before a 25% discount:

Caprica 14.69
Razor 9.19
Season 1 35.69
Season 2 33.89
Season 2.5 33.89
Season 3 35.69
Season 4 29.89
Season 4.5 31.89
Total 224.82

I would guess around 110+ based on the huge drop both DVDs and Blu Rays face on ebay.

If this is the case for just the DVD than the Blu-Ray looks like an even better deal. I don't know if I can come up with the money but I'm really tempted since I doubt there will be any huge Black Friday sales on the set that beat the 150 price. dropped the Retail price(non coupon) from 219 to 201....why i don't know but some people better raise hell and call for those who already "locked in" said orders seeing as everyone is on backorder.
my god, the packaging for this set is just horrible. From the outside it looks nice. Then you slide it up to reveal the Blu Ray's, and some nice artwork, it still looks nice. It's not until you actually try to take the discs out to watch that you will cry out in horror @ the shit packaging Universal did for this set. They should have just used regular Blu-Ray TV box set boxes.

No paper that describes the episodes also, and the figure looks stupid. I would rather have a BSG Companion guide book to describe the characters and episodes then the figure.
i wonder if it has something to do with high def. I mean look at Season 1 when it was released on HD-DVD what the hell was that package all about? Sigh.
I ordered at around 4 or 5 AM EST Tuesday and my order just shipped. I also just called and when I said I placed an order yesterday and the price dropped, the CSR asked me if it was BSG. Since it already shipped, she said they will refund the amount to my card since it is too late to just make an adjustment. I'm extremely happy with their customer service and will probably just use the money I get refunded to make another order. If you ordered yesterday, just call and they will help you out.
mine just shipped today...that didn't take too long. I emailed customer service about the price drop and hopefully will get refunded for the difference in price.
I bit, hopefully I'll have a new job in the week to validate the purchase. At least I can break even if that doesn't come through.

I've never seen an episode though, is it really as good as everyone says?
[quote name='Fatbot3']I bit, hopefully I'll have a new job in the week to validate the purchase. At least I can break even if that doesn't come through.

I've never seen an episode though, is it really as good as everyone says?[/QUOTE]

I have never seen an episode before and I bought it from amazon and it just came it. I have watch the first blu-ray disc and it is pretty good. It feels very different than say Stargate or something like that, feels more like Star Trek DS9, since it is dark and lots of personal interactions. So far so good.
Hmm...I hate the fact that there are no blu-ray cases included with the packaging, from what I can tell. It's just begging to have disks come loose and get scratched. Does anyone know a good place to buy generic empty blu-ray cases (and or dvd cases)? I don't want to keep my blu-rays in a dvd binder as I did with my old psx games since even if small, over time, scratches will form.

And on a side note, I've never seen this show (about to start watching the first season which I just dloaded), but it has come highly recommended by lots of friends. I'm not a big sci-fi guy, but I hear it appeals to many non sci-fi fans as well. Sure, I love me some star wars, but that's about it as far as sci-fi goes. 150$ is a pretty huge blind buy for me, but considering I've only spent around 120$ this whole summer on non food/gas related purchases, it felt justified. Any non sci-fi shows its comparable to? Just trying to get a sense of what it's like before I get my shipment.
The best way I could explain BSG would be to say that it's like Star Trek: Voyager... only good. :)

It's primarily set in space and has lots of spaceships and robots, but it's really about the human condition. How are the survivors of a massive genocide going to live now? How will the system of government go on? When you're on the run for your lives from an enemy that wants to exterminate you, where does the military come into play in your new society?
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