Being cheap is good but does it make you...

Not as long as they don't know you were being cheap. I would have a problem if someone bought me something differing from what I asked for because it was cheaper. But if they or I can get the exact same thing for less, where's the problem?
Depends on what you're cheap on... If it's just games, then no. But if you're one of those people who's unwilling to just split the check X ways, because you ordered something inexpensinve and so-and-so ordered 4 $7 margaritas, then yes, that gets annoying and starts to make you look bad. The example was a bit extreme, but if you're always the person to bring up cost and price, people will notice.
Not in front of family and friends since they are all cheapasses too. They are always looking for the best deal too, don't they? They want the cheapest lunch, clothes, make-ups, etc with the best quality.

But it does make you look bad in front of someone that you want to impress... ie. if you have a girl.
[quote name='abrannan']Depends on what you're cheap on... If it's just games, then no. But if you're one of those people who's unwilling to just split the check X ways, because you ordered something inexpensinve and so-and-so ordered 4 $7 margaritas, then yes, that gets annoying and starts to make you look bad. The example was a bit extreme, but if you're always the person to bring up cost and price, people will notice.[/quote]

I wouldn't have a prob in that situation, after all me and two buddies were watching the game Sat, I had 2 diet cokes and they ran up a $110 bar tab. They totally took control without me saying anything (I just ponied up my share - 7 bucks)

However if we goto lunch, and I order water and some others order a diet coke and an appetiser, we still split the bill up evenly. Politeness lies in the difference between a few bucks (3-6) and droppin some mad cash.
[quote name='Squirms']I figured you were going to ask if being cheap makes you impotent, and the answer to that is... Yes it does.[/quote]

I think that's a YMMV deal pal, I feel for you. :D
No, my family, my Father., is ten times cheaper than me. I have no problem paying out my ass for a cup of Starbucks, or a nice dinner once in a while. But for DVDs and games, things I buy a lot of, the cheaper I am the more I can get. Be proud to be cheap.
I hate to see anyone overpay for things. When I was younger, I honestly had a problem receiving gifts sometimes, because I often knew that I could have found the item cheaper than the person giving it to me did.

When I go out with friends, either one of us picks up the whole thing, or we divide it up by who ordered what. If I were the one ordering the expensive items, and we split the check evenly, I would feel like I was leeching off my friends.
Not a problem since those same people are the beneficiaries of my shopping prowess. When it comes to certain items there are several people who consult me first because I'm more likely to know what the current best deal is going to be.

Part of it is just having a brain design for holding certain kinds of trivia. It can be a handicap in some areas but becase of it I do most of the grocery shopping in my house. At any given time I know out of several hundred coupons I have in my envelope which ones can be combined with this weeks specials to score products for nickels and dimes. It's one thing to check the newspaper ads that include the coupon elsewhere in that same newspaper but another to recall a coupon you've had for three months waiting for the right price.

I've become accustomed to gasps of astonishment when people behind me in line see how little I'm paying.
I'm pretty cheap. I remember this one time I had llike 20 bucks in my pocket and I went to this concert and I met up with this chick and she kept telling me how she was thirsty well I was mad thirsty too but I didn't want to break my bill cuz I think I was saving up to buy a game or something and so we both spent the whole night being thirsty. I was also sick as a dog that day and I thougth if I went to the bar I'd lose my place.

I think she probably thinks I'm an asshole now. Oh well. and most of the times it looks bad to my family but I warn everyone ahead of time how cheap I am.
There's a difference between being cheap and being a smart consumer.
A cheap person will only consider cost when buying something while the smart consumer will weigh cost, availability, quality, etc. before making a purchase.
[quote name='Squirms']I figured you were going to ask if being cheap makes you impotent, and the answer to that is... Yes it does.[/quote]

Check your email - "Ch 34 p d 34 ls 0n v|4gr4!"
I just got in a huge fight with my dad over this.

His first time using a bill paying service backfired and they didn't pay the phone bill properly. As a result, we lost long distance for a month and were just able to straighten out today after over an hour of juggling between the phone company and the bill paying service.

In desperation he just took whatever services the phone company offered instead of reconnecting the ones we actually use because he couldn't remember what they were. When he got off the phone, I asked him what he paid for and he couldn't tell me so I insisted he called the back and get an itemized billing as the number seemed a couple of dollars off to me.

A string of such Catholic curses even the Pope would problems putting together commenced!

They continued all through the phone call to straighten out the bill, and I was right -- they overcharged him by five dollars by giving him Verizon freedom extra instead of Verizon freedom. They had to take out and redo the service order from the computer to fix it.

This information caused another string of curses as he sincerely believes I just screwed up a month's worth of work just to save five dollars.

Me, I'm happy as I used the savings as an excuse to buy a new memory card along with my Gradius V order.
On the other hand, our neighbors with the cute little kids who live in the house adjacent to the wall where we were doing our screaming probably are intimately knowing the opposite of happiness right now ;-)
[quote name='camoor']However if we goto lunch, and I order water and some others order a diet coke and an appetiser, we still split the bill up evenly. Politeness lies in the difference between a few bucks (3-6) and droppin some mad cash.[/quote]

You have just water for lunch?
[quote name='eldad9'][quote name='camoor']However if we goto lunch, and I order water and some others order a diet coke and an appetiser, we still split the bill up evenly. Politeness lies in the difference between a few bucks (3-6) and droppin some mad cash.[/quote]

You have just water for lunch?[/quote]

It depends on what kind of condiments are on the table. You can improvise all sorts of things from those little packs of jelly and such.
Ok saving money is good but I hate being a cheapass in front of friends because sometimes I have more money then them and they splurge abit more then I do but games sometimes decide on how I will use my money. Like for example the other day I had ten dollars and myself and a few co-workers went out for lunch and we went to a sandwich place that if you wanted a sandwich meal it would cost you $9. I order just a small coke and french fries $4 and they all ordered the meal. Overall I hate being cheap in front of people but I wanted to get a game after work for $5 (outlaw volleyball) so I chosed a game over an expensive meal. :wink:

But when it comes to my wife and family its always all out because they do the same for me :D .
There is good cheap and bad cheap...

Finding a new say, Ford vehicle for $10,000 is cheap but in a good way because the product is quality.

Buying 2 Yugos for $7000 is cheap in a bad way because you save $3000 but got two piles of crap.
Actually, being cheap makes me look better in eyes of my friends and family. Actually, in my case, the better word would be "thrifty".
I don't spend tons of money on games, and most often when I find uber-great deals, I buy extras which I give to my friends and family, or get to help my coworkers with thier Christmas shopping for thier children.

The best thing someone can do is make someone else's life just a little bit brighter, happier and easier. My leanings towards the ways of the CAG help make me able to do that.
[quote name='"camoor"']
I wouldn't have a prob in that situation, after all me and two buddies were watching the game Sat, I had 2 diet cokes and they ran up a $110 bar tab. They totally took control without me saying anything (I just ponied up my share - 7 bucks)

$37 for two cokes is a bit extreme...

However if we goto lunch, and I order water and some others order a diet coke and an appetiser, we still split the bill up evenly. Politeness lies in the difference between a few bucks (3-6) and droppin some mad cash.[/quote]

When I started work at my current company, one of my colleagues was notorius for ordering appetizers, drinks, etc while everyone else just ordered the entree. He also conveniently did not have enough cash with him to pay for all of it. We split the bill evenly a few times, but after awhile it was obvious that he was just taking advantage of us. Even his best friend was sick of this behaviour. He finally got the message and we have been splitting the bill according to what people have purchased since then.
I don't think that being careful with your money makes you look bad, but I don't take it to an extreme either.
Being cheap does make you look bad- it sounds bad to ask for a split check, but at the same time, it looks bad when someone bitches about having to pay an equal share of the bill when they ordered less than others.

Solution- if everyone agrees to pay the same amount- I.E. split the check evenly, regardless of what you order- buy the most amount of stuff- that way you are being cheap because you are forcing others to buy at the higher price- I.E. others are supporting your habit-

Same thing with games- people on this site- myself included- wait until the games get down in price- I.E. the price point in which the publisher makes less money and thus is less likely to make the game again- publishers are not making games for cheap asses, they are making them for the people who pay full price.

So go out all yee who pay full price- pay full price, people on this site will reap the benefits from your not being a sort sod cheap rear end.
Being cheap does make you look bad- it sounds bad to ask for a split check, but at the same time, it looks bad when someone bitches about having to pay an equal share of the bill when they ordered less than others.

Solution- if everyone agrees to pay the same amount- I.E. split the check evenly, regardless of what you order- buy the most amount of stuff- that way you are being cheap because you are forcing others to buy at the higher price- I.E. others are supporting your habit-

Same thing with games- people on this site- myself included- wait until the games get down in price- I.E. the price point in which the publisher makes less money and thus is less likely to make the game again- publishers are not making games for cheap asses, they are making them for the people who pay full price.

So go out all yee who pay full price- pay full price, people on this site will reap the benefits from your not being a sort sod cheap rear end.
bread's done