Best Buy $10 Reward Certificates Pre-order Promotion (Read the OP before posting your question)

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4 (100%)
As a My Best Buy member, get $10 in reward certificates per game title you pre-order and purchase.
Eligible titles are available for :xb1: :ps4: :360: :ps3: :pc:.
What do I have to do to qualify for this offer?
If you are an eligible My Best Buy member, pre-order your copy of any of the qualifying titles in either the standard version or special edition for PS3, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS4 or PC prior to their release date. Then you must purchase and pick up your pre-order within 7 days of street date. Please provide your member number at the time of pre-order and pickup. When you meet these requirements, you will receive 500 bonus points credited to your account within 15 days of purchase or game shipment.
Where can I pre-order and purchase the qualifying games to qualify for this offer?
You may pre-order and purchase any of the qualifying games in Best Buy stores or online at Please provide your member number at the time of pre-order and pickup.
Can I pre-order and purchase multiple copies of an eligible game and get multiple rewards?
No. There is a limit of one (1) award per My Best Buy member per game title.

Q: Can the 20% off Unlocked benefit be combined with a price match?
A: At the time of purchase, you would receive either the price match or 20% off. You would not be able to receive 20% off of a matched price. If Best Buy's price is lowered during the return/exchange period, the price will be matched to the lower price (upon request). My Best Buy Gamers Club Unlocked Members should receive the new price along with the 20% discount. This price match covers one price match per identical item per customer.
Missing bonus points? (Wait out the 15 days before contacting the Best Buy mods for help.)

  • Make a best buy forum account and post a thread here.
Missing pre-order bonus? (Give them 48 hours to email you the pre-order bonus if it is digital content.)

  • Follow the instructions listed here.

Dying Light

Release Date: 1/27/2015

These great character DLCs are available when you pre-order Dying Light from Best Buy! NINJA Don a mask of a Japanese assassin and blend into the shadows of the quarantine zone. SPECIAL AGENT Get ready to dive deep into the city jungle with a protective vest, knee pads, and sturdy boots.

:pc: Grand Theft Auto V

Release Date: 1/27/2015

All players who pre-order the game will receive $1,000,000 in-game cash to spend across Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online.


Release Date: 2/10/2015

Pre-order EVOLVE for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 or PC and receive the Monster Expansion Pack, which includes the "Savage Goliath" skin and a new monster character free.

Battlefield Hardline

Release Date: 3/17/2015

Receive a Versatility Battlepack that includes an assault rifle, a camo skin for your weapons, and a teamplay boost. Also get three gold Battlepacks delivered over three weeks. These include a random assortment of customizations, accessories and boosts.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

*Confirmed to be part of promotion*
Release Date: 5/19/2015


Batman: Arkham Knight

Release Date: 6/2/2015

Take advantage of Harley's unique weapons, gadgets and abilities, and test your skills with four challenge maps. Bonus code included on packaging.
WAYNETECH Booster pack includes - Explosive Gel Takedown - set traps to knock out enemies remotely - Aerieal Juggle - Strick an enemy in mid-air for massive damage - Batarangs While Gliding - Launch multiple Batarangs while in mid-air - Weapon Upgrade - Increase the devastating firepower of the Batmobile.

Elder Scrolls Online

Release Date:

Halo 5: Guardians

Release Date:

Halo 5: Guardians In-Store Event
Pre-order Halo 5: Guardians at participating stores on December 29 and January 3 and receive a Halo 5 poster. You'll also receive a Halo 5: Guardians art book when you pick up your order, only at Best Buy. Those who are 17 years of age and older can also play the beta version of the game at those same locations on December 29 and January 3 from 3 p.m.–7 p.m. local time.
Learn more about how to get $10 in reward certificates.

Online Orders:

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my pre-orders for Evil Within and Sunset Overdrive show up as a total of $0.00 and with 0 points earned. Is this because i paid in full with gift cards? do i not get my reward points now?

evil within was not and it can take 15 to 20 days before the points show up
okay, yeah i got the $10 deal with evil within, and i guess i still have a few days to get the SSO points. Thanks for the responses

EDIT: wow, i just saw my SSO order in another place showing my points. I'll look a little harder before freaking out next time haha

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so I bought CoD AW for PS4 & X1 with 2 separate pre-orders, but right now only the PS4 purchase shows the 500 pending points for the $10 certifcate... does this mean that you only get a $10 certificate per game regardless of the platform?

so I bought CoD AW for PS4 & X1 with 2 separate pre-orders, but right now only the PS4 purchase shows the 500 pending points for the $10 certifcate... does this mean that you only get a $10 certificate per game regardless of the platform?
been repeated many times before but the answer is regardless if you buy the games on different platforms you still only get one $10 certificate. It per title
Does no one read the OP? Like seriously?

Can we like, put in the header "Before you ask a question, read the OP?"

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Was Halo 5 confirmed for 2015 yet?
It's scheduled for sometime in 2015. Most likely the around the same window that MCC released.

Halo 2 is fun but it's exactly what I feared. The nostalgia is not going to last very long for me. I enjoyed Halo earlier on so it's hard for me to get super into it like I was 10 years ago. I think it's just more of my tastes changing and evolving over that time that while this game is a fun pick up game, I sadly don't see myself sticking with this game in the long run.

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So if I want to cancel my order with best buy because of their shipping mistake, they going to take back the book or charge me for it?

Says complete.


MicrosoftHalo The Master Chief Collection Multiplayer Map Book Gift With PurchaseXbox One
















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So if I want to cancel my order with best buy because of their shipping mistake, they going to take back the book or charge me for it?
Same thing happened to me. Unity and the Map Book both shipped Friday and arrived today, but Halo shipped today. Not a big deal for me considering they are going to my backlog anyways. About to finish The Evil Within and I still have Alien, Sunset Overdrive, COD, And Unity to play. Halo is on way and GTA, FarCry, and WWE will be picked up next week. Was thinking of starting Sunset after TEW, about how long does it take to beat? Most likely will start GTA or FarCry on release day, so I would hope to finish Sunset this week.

The transaction you showed above is just for the MapBook. The book is $20 if you don't buy the game. So if you cancel the game(which you can't cause it shipped already) it would charge you $20.
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Same thing happened to me. Unity and the Map Book both shipped Friday and arrived today, but Halo shipped today. Not a big deal for me considering they are going to my backlog anyways. About to finish The Evil Within and I still have Alien, Sunset Overdrive, COD, And Unity to play. Halo is on way and GTA, FarCry, and WWE will be picked up next week. Was thinking of starting Sunset after TEW, about how long does it take to beat? Most likely will start GTA or FarCry on release day, so I would hope to finish Sunset this week.
took me only about 8.5 hours spread out across 2 days to beat sso

So if I want to cancel my order with best buy because of their shipping mistake, they going to take back the book or charge me for it?
Pro tip: if you really can't wait till the game arrives, go buy it at Walmart and save your receipt. When you get the copy in the mail, return it to Walmart for the full refund. You will still get the Cert at BB and will have the game now.

Sorry if anyone thinks this is wrong.

Edit: actually just got an email from UPS and my Halo will be here tomorrow.
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So I pre ordered COD and unity at the same time. Under COD it says victory can be pre ordered 500 some points pending. Unity just says the regular crap :(

I just pre-ordered Grand Theft Auto V and Far Cry 4 today. I want to pre-order Dragon Age Inquisition and WWE 2K15. Are there $10 Reward Certificates for those games?  :whistle2:k

I have a question regarding the $10 rewards promotion.

I "pre-ordered" Halo MCC at midnight CST the day of release for in-store pick up. I went to the store and picked it up shortly after they opened, and I got an e-mail with the pre-order bonus code and that they're shipping a map guide. Do I still qualify for the $10 promotion, then? If so, when will the rewards get deposited?

[quote name="Raikouen" post="12233001" timestamp="1415771876"]I have a question regarding the $10 rewards promotion.

I "pre-ordered" Halo MCC at midnight CST the day of release for in-store pick up. I went to the store and picked it up shortly after they opened, and I got an e-mail with the pre-order bonus code and that they're shipping a map guide. Do I still qualify for the $10 promotion, then? If so, when will the rewards get deposited?[/quote]
What day does says you placed the order? If Monday you get the bonus $10. If Tuesday no bonus $10, maybe after 15 days call and ask. They can see what time you placed an order at.
I have a question regarding the $10 rewards promotion.

I "pre-ordered" Halo MCC at midnight CST the day of release for in-store pick up. I went to the store and picked it up shortly after they opened, and I got an e-mail with the pre-order bonus code and that they're shipping a map guide. Do I still qualify for the $10 promotion, then? If so, when will the rewards get deposited?
You'll have to call BBY customer support to get your rewards.

Or you know, you could read the OP. That seems way too obvious though.
You'll have to call BBY customer support to get your rewards.

Or you know, you could read the OP. That seems way too obvious though.
What do I have to do to qualify for this offer?
If you are an eligible My Best Buy member, pre-order your copy of any of the qualifying titles in either the standard version or special edition for PS3, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS4 or PC prior to their release date. Then you must purchase and pick up your pre-order within 7 days of street date. Please provide your member number at the time of pre-order and pickup. When you meet these requirements, you will receive 500 bonus points credited to your account within 15 days of purchase or game shipment.

Nothing in there about calling for customer support.

What do I have to do to qualify for this offer?
If you are an eligible My Best Buy member, pre-order your copy of any of the qualifying titles in either the standard version or special edition for PS3, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS4 or PC prior to their release date. Then you must purchase and pick up your pre-order within 7 days of street date. Please provide your member number at the time of pre-order and pickup. When you meet these requirements, you will receive 500 bonus points credited to your account within 15 days of purchase or game shipment.

Nothing in there about calling for customer support.
I got you to read the OP though.

You were able to preorder the game, in 15 days you'll have the $10 cert.
I got you to read the OP though.

You were able to preorder the game, in 15 days you'll have the $10 cert.
I had already read the OP, my question wasn't answered in it considering that the game wasn't actually listed in the order as a pre-order but I did get the digital pre-order code and the map guide.

I have a question regarding the $10 rewards promotion.

I "pre-ordered" Halo MCC at midnight CST the day of release for in-store pick up. I went to the store and picked it up shortly after they opened, and I got an e-mail with the pre-order bonus code and that they're shipping a map guide. Do I still qualify for the $10 promotion, then? If so, when will the rewards get deposited?
If it's a preorder then you're qualified. Wait 2 weeks and your points should be deposited by then. It's all in the OP. You should read it.

If it's not a preorder then you're not qualified, simple as that.

Edit: if you're not sure what it is. Go to BBY forum and ask a mod for help. They're fast and friendly.
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I had already read the OP, my question wasn't answered in it considering that the game wasn't actually listed in the order as a pre-order but I did get the digital pre-order code and the map guide.
If you got the email code and the map book, I'd say you successfully preordered the game. You should be fine, wait the 15 days and call in if they don't show up.
Ok I have a question, before I ask I know it takes 15 days to get points, with that said,I picked up ac unity and halo mcc today, preordered halo in store and ordered ac unity online for in store pick up, when I go on my best buy account ac unity isn't even showing up in purchases, halo is showing up with no points pending...not even the "victory can be preordered", is this common? Or should I be catching support?
Ok I have a question, before I ask I know it takes 15 days to get points, with that said,I picked up ac unity and halo mcc today, preordered halo in store and ordered ac unity online for in store pick up, when I go on my best buy account ac unity isn't even showing up in purchases, halo is showing up with no points pending...not even the "victory can be preordered", is this common? Or should I be catching support?
it takes time to show up. Give it time for the bonus $10. It can happen in many of ways. Your regular purchase points show up first and then magically, the 500 appear. Just give it at least two weeks. You'll be fine. Stop worrying.

Ok I have a question, before I ask I know it takes 15 days to get points, with that said,I picked up ac unity and halo mcc today, preordered halo in store and ordered ac unity online for in store pick up, when I go on my best buy account ac unity isn't even showing up in purchases, halo is showing up with no points pending...not even the "victory can be preordered", is this common? Or should I be catching support?
Look at the date you placed the online order. It would be under that date on the rewards account.
Look at the date you placed the online order. It would be under that date on the rewards account.
Looked at all my transactions, unity isn't there,I think ill the other poster advice and give it a couple days, just kind of freaked me out cause the points is the only reason I got them lol, now I want the points for BF haha

Edit: it's just Halo that is freaking me out lol
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Looked at all my transactions, unity isn't there,I think ill the other poster advice and give it a couple days, just kind of freaked me out cause the points is the only reason I got them lol, now I want the points for BF haha

Edit: it's just Halo that is freaking me out lol
I see you have a trade in right before you purchased I'm assuming you used that gift card to purchase halo? You won't get any points when using a gift card. You only get the points when you purchase a gift card or in your case trade in games for a gift card. If you pre ordered you should still get your 500 points, I'm guessing that will update later.

I preordred and purchased duty on release and still don't have it pending in my account. I traded in sunset on 11/08 and preodered halo/unity later that day and those show as pending. I would think duty should show up pending by now. So I should call instead of using the missing points link?

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