Best Buy $10 Reward Certificates Pre-order Promotion (Read the OP before posting your question)

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4 (100%)
As a My Best Buy member, get $10 in reward certificates per game title you pre-order and purchase.
Eligible titles are available for :xb1: :ps4: :360: :ps3: :pc:.
What do I have to do to qualify for this offer?
If you are an eligible My Best Buy member, pre-order your copy of any of the qualifying titles in either the standard version or special edition for PS3, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS4 or PC prior to their release date. Then you must purchase and pick up your pre-order within 7 days of street date. Please provide your member number at the time of pre-order and pickup. When you meet these requirements, you will receive 500 bonus points credited to your account within 15 days of purchase or game shipment.
Where can I pre-order and purchase the qualifying games to qualify for this offer?
You may pre-order and purchase any of the qualifying games in Best Buy stores or online at Please provide your member number at the time of pre-order and pickup.
Can I pre-order and purchase multiple copies of an eligible game and get multiple rewards?
No. There is a limit of one (1) award per My Best Buy member per game title.

Q: Can the 20% off Unlocked benefit be combined with a price match?
A: At the time of purchase, you would receive either the price match or 20% off. You would not be able to receive 20% off of a matched price. If Best Buy's price is lowered during the return/exchange period, the price will be matched to the lower price (upon request). My Best Buy Gamers Club Unlocked Members should receive the new price along with the 20% discount. This price match covers one price match per identical item per customer.
Missing bonus points? (Wait out the 15 days before contacting the Best Buy mods for help.)

  • Make a best buy forum account and post a thread here.
Missing pre-order bonus? (Give them 48 hours to email you the pre-order bonus if it is digital content.)

  • Follow the instructions listed here.

Dying Light

Release Date: 1/27/2015

These great character DLCs are available when you pre-order Dying Light from Best Buy! NINJA Don a mask of a Japanese assassin and blend into the shadows of the quarantine zone. SPECIAL AGENT Get ready to dive deep into the city jungle with a protective vest, knee pads, and sturdy boots.

:pc: Grand Theft Auto V

Release Date: 1/27/2015

All players who pre-order the game will receive $1,000,000 in-game cash to spend across Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online.


Release Date: 2/10/2015

Pre-order EVOLVE for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 or PC and receive the Monster Expansion Pack, which includes the "Savage Goliath" skin and a new monster character free.

Battlefield Hardline

Release Date: 3/17/2015

Receive a Versatility Battlepack that includes an assault rifle, a camo skin for your weapons, and a teamplay boost. Also get three gold Battlepacks delivered over three weeks. These include a random assortment of customizations, accessories and boosts.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

*Confirmed to be part of promotion*
Release Date: 5/19/2015


Batman: Arkham Knight

Release Date: 6/2/2015

Take advantage of Harley's unique weapons, gadgets and abilities, and test your skills with four challenge maps. Bonus code included on packaging.
WAYNETECH Booster pack includes - Explosive Gel Takedown - set traps to knock out enemies remotely - Aerieal Juggle - Strick an enemy in mid-air for massive damage - Batarangs While Gliding - Launch multiple Batarangs while in mid-air - Weapon Upgrade - Increase the devastating firepower of the Batmobile.

Elder Scrolls Online

Release Date:

Halo 5: Guardians

Release Date:

Halo 5: Guardians In-Store Event
Pre-order Halo 5: Guardians at participating stores on December 29 and January 3 and receive a Halo 5 poster. You'll also receive a Halo 5: Guardians art book when you pick up your order, only at Best Buy. Those who are 17 years of age and older can also play the beta version of the game at those same locations on December 29 and January 3 from 3 p.m.–7 p.m. local time.
Learn more about how to get $10 in reward certificates.

Online Orders:

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Same issue I had before ("Gift cards and savings codes cannot be used on orders containing Best Buy gift cards.") hit me again with Shadow Warrior. Tomorrow I might just have to sign up on their forums to ask what the deal is. I'm hoping the deal will be valid in store, especially since the estimated delivery on free shipping isn't all that promising (next Sunday).

Of course, I would be interested to know if anyone else has run into this problem.
You can't use gift cards AND point cards together?
CRAP! I got $20 for pointing out a flaw in one of their ads vs site two weeks ago... (The advertisement said free item with purchase of any related item. In store you could purchase ANY related item and get the free item, but the online site had a select 4 things you could choose to get the item with)

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Same issue I had before ("Gift cards and savings codes cannot be used on orders containing Best Buy gift cards.") hit me again with Shadow Warrior. Tomorrow I might just have to sign up on their forums to ask what the deal is. I'm hoping the deal will be valid in store, especially since the estimated delivery on free shipping isn't all that promising (next Sunday).

Of course, I would be interested to know if anyone else has run into this problem.
To the best of my knowledge, all instant giftcard promos on a single game purchase are advertised in the weely ad as a "week one" incentive & would be available for both in-store and online customers.

I can`t see them not allowing customers to pay for items using a giftcard in-store regardless of whether it comes with another instant gc or $10 pre-order bonus.

Maybe dc delta can chime in since that prompt is very specific,

Also, not be noisy but has you account be flagged or was there "activity" regarding gc`s in the last 8-10 months that may have brought attention to your account?
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I can't see why my account would be flagged. Not buying an unusual number of games (only 3 total since July), didn't have trouble with the Shadow of Mordor pre-order deal (and after 15 days those points have cleared), haven't bought any gift cards at all in the past year if not more from looking at my purchase history.

Edit: As an added experiment, I tried using a different browser and trying to check out as a guest. Under payment information, where you would normally be able to enter the gift card number I'm getting this: "Gift cards and savings codes cannot be used on orders containing Best Buy gift cards or Marketplace items."

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I only ask because the last time I neglected to think along those lines as to why a weird prompt issue came up that person had 1 paid GCU accounts and did well it didn`t end so well. Maybe your issue is a new policy maybe not.

He sold " unlimited access" to his account via ebay/craiglist/others for $10 for both the 20% and 10%. So lets just say 1000 ppl(low estimate) paid him $10 for unlimted use of his account...needless to say his account far exceeded 3 20% games and even though they traded under their own ID`s it wasn`t hard to see numerous people in across the US exceeding the trade in limits on a greatly abused account.

Buy GCU for $120 sell access to 1000+ ppl for $10/each
Then a large portion of those ppl buy the same game for $48 expecting to recieve the $10 bonuses too
He see`s several thousands in MyBB does BB
And on the 14th day, BB hits the red self destruct button on his entire BB account history

He posts on the forums completely irate at his lost thousands of MMB pts and non working accounts, then explained what he did...stupid mother*ucker to say the least.

And all was good in the BB mulitverse, as the worlds turns amen and good night
Don`t be like bad Rob Lowe lol
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ended up having to call cust. serv to get my Shadow pre order 500 bonus. the guy gave me no issue adding them to the account quickly at least, and confirmed for me my 500 for 2k15 is already showing as pending. 

Ok, quick and serious question.

Is there a limit to how many points you can save up?

I'll be around 5000 by the release of Assassin's Creed Unity..
How do you save points up? On my account, it keeps issuing me $10 and $15 certs and I don't get to using them before they expire. I think I lose my point if I don't use the certificates. But I'm not sure.

You get the option of banking points at Elite or Elite Plus, not sure which.  Before that it will auto issue certificates, but I believe you can set it up as high as $25 so it won't issue one till you get $25 worth.  You can also apply those to an online preorder even though teh game won't come out before the certificates expire.  I used a $25 certificate on Dying Light a year ago.  

Same issue I had before ("Gift cards and savings codes cannot be used on orders containing Best Buy gift cards.") hit me again with Shadow Warrior. Tomorrow I might just have to sign up on their forums to ask what the deal is. I'm hoping the deal will be valid in store, especially since the estimated delivery on free shipping isn't all that promising (next Sunday).

Of course, I would be interested to know if anyone else has run into this problem.
Just sent a note over to that team. Will see what comes back. Seems weird to me as well.

still havent got my 10 bucks for xbox live for forza horizon 2. got my points for the game but not the code. what was the email topic for the email when you got yours. thanks i have a few days left then in contact best buy.

I tried at two Best Buys to pre-order the Atlas Pro version of Call of Duty Advanced Warfare. Both times, the register gave some vague error message and they sent me away with nothing (yay, BBY).  I looked on the BBY Forums and found some vague response from them saying that you can only have the Atlas and Atlas Pro shipped - no store pick-up.

I want to get the $10 preorder but also want to have it in-hand Sunday at midnight for maximum day zero time.  The only option I can come up with is to pre-order online (so I get the $10) and then show up at a midnight opening hoping to just pick up an Atlas Pro off the shelves.  Then I'll return the shipped one to the store.  Any other ideas?  Thanks.  

I tried at two Best Buys to pre-order the Atlas Pro version of Call of Duty Advanced Warfare. Both times, the register gave some vague error message and they sent me away with nothing (yay, BBY). I looked on the BBY Forums and found some vague response from them saying that you can only have the Atlas and Atlas Pro shipped - no store pick-up.

I want to get the $10 preorder but also want to have it in-hand Sunday at midnight for maximum day zero time. The only option I can come up with is to pre-order online (so I get the $10) and then show up at a midnight opening hoping to just pick up an Atlas Pro off the shelves. Then I'll return the shipped one to the store. Any other ideas? Thanks.
there wont be none at the stores they already said it was going to be a only item due to allocations that why in store pickup was never a option since the beginning so unfortunately the only way is to order online and wait for it to be delivered

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there wont be none at the stores they already said it was going to be a only item due to allocations that why in store pickup was never a option since the beginning so unfortunately the only way is to order online and wait for it to be delivered
Why did my brain automatically fix the grammar in the beginning of your sentance...

What is the Atlas edition anyways?

That's so dumb - so basically Best Buy is giving away all sales for people who want the Atlas or Atlas Pro editions but also want the day zero early access?  Guess I'll check out Gamestop (ugh) or Amazon instead.  

no limit i have over 40k reward zone points

keep in mind ac rogue is going to get a next gen re-release in 2015, they have already confirmed a pc release then and its pretty safe to assume a ps4/xbone version will follow
I seriously doubt that Rogue will ever get a next gen release simply because Ubisoft is the one AAA company that hasn't already done it and if they were, I would think that they would have picked Far Cry 3 with Far Cry 4 around the corner. Granted, it could happen but I would be very surprised to see Ubisoft do that.

I seriously doubt that Rogue will ever get a next gen release simply because Ubisoft is the one AAA company that hasn't already done it and if they were, I would think that they would have picked Far Cry 3 with Far Cry 4 around the corner. Granted, it could happen but I would be very surprised to see Ubisoft do that.
Liberation was released a year later.

Looks like Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor is on sale for 49.99 this week. Does anyone know how many times we can post-PM an item? If once, I may hold out for a bigger discount on SOM.

Looks like Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor is on sale for 49.99 this week. Does anyone know how many times we can post-PM an item? If once, I may hold out for a bigger discount on SOM.
Well this should add some fuel to the fire when it comes to what their stance on price matching is while factoring in gcu . I'll be calling tomorrow myself , should be a riveting half an hour . You can post purchase price match more than once .
Thanks, but isnt there an Elite hotline with actual reps? That number is just an automated line to check your points with no way to speak to an actual human that I can tell.

Anyway, called in to price adjust Shadow of Mordor this morning and the rep had no idea what GCU was...she gave me a case # and I'll hear back on "if my discount is approved", yes the discount that I paid $60 for. Hate BB customer service sometimes...

For anyone trying to PM Shadow of Mordor I would suggest messaging one of the reps on the unboxed forums. I had a bunch of issues trying to Post PM Metro Redux last week. The customer service rep issued me a case number and the case was later denied since I used GCU they could not PM. I messaged one of the Mods on the Unboxed forums and got my credit right away.

For anyone trying to PM Shadow of Mordor I would suggest messaging one of the reps on the unboxed forums. I had a bunch of issues trying to Post PM Metro Redux last week. The customer service rep issued me a case number and the case was later denied since I used GCU they could not PM. I messaged one of the Mods on the Unboxed forums and got my credit right away.
Which of the reps in the GCU section--Mike, Brian, or Aaron--would be the best one to PM?

For anyone trying to PM Shadow of Mordor I would suggest messaging one of the reps on the unboxed forums. I had a bunch of issues trying to Post PM Metro Redux last week. The customer service rep issued me a case number and the case was later denied since I used GCU they could not PM. I messaged one of the Mods on the Unboxed forums and got my credit right away.
Metro should have been a no go anyway because of the gift card it came with. SoM is a no brainer, though.
I typically PM with Brian and I was able to PM Metro with him. I really hope he pushes re-training on the phone reps so he doesn't get bombarded with PM requests.

I had a topic on the forums regarding this issue and they took it down then sent me a message saying there price match policy would be updated soon...
I had a topic on the forums regarding this issue and they took it down then sent me a message saying there price match policy would be updated soon...
they probably wont update it until the beginning of november when they add in a holiday price match guarantee and probably dont want to update the page twice in a matter of week.

Sent a PM to Brian regarding the Shadow of Mordor price match. There has to be a better way of going about this though, He's going to come into work tomorrow morning and be bombarded with PM's

Sent a PM to Brian regarding the Shadow of Mordor price match. There has to be a better way of going about this though, He's going to come into work tomorrow morning and be bombarded with PM's
I PM'd Mike, just to even it out ;). I'm imagining them all coming into the office, Brian and Mike each have a few hundred PMs about this, and Aaron's inbox is empty. Poor Aaron.
I PM'd Mike, just to even it out ;). I'm imagining them all coming into the office, Brian and Mike each have a few hundred PMs about this, and Aaron's inbox is empty. Poor Aaron.
the part that would suck is if brian and mike got so many PMs that they split there PM's in half and give them to Aaron then i feel sorry for whoever pms get stuck with aaron

what happens if you paid with GC and no longer have those same gift cards (zero bal -> trash).  at BM stores, they just issue you a new one. my order was made online. would bby still be able to issue a credit via PM. 

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what happens if you paid with GC and no longer have those same gift cards (zero bal -> trash). at BM, they just issue you a new one. my order was made online. would bby still be able to issue a credit via PM.
They would have to physically mail you a new GC.

They would have to physically mail you a new GC.

an your avatar looks mean as hell. just mugging people. :whistle2:x
That why i keep all my gift cards that i zeroed out on purchases in a bundle with a rubber band round them that way if i have to do a price adjustment or return i still have the original card. and then after the return period pass then i toss the card if it still empty.

I type all my gift cards into a note on my phone . That way if I need to price match or god forbid I ever lost one I still have the gc number . It makes it easy to keep track of the total of several gift cards . The best part is just being able to copy and paste the gc # while buying something on the website instead of having to type it in each time .
That why i keep all my gift cards that i zeroed out on purchases in a bundle with a rubber band round them that way if i have to do a price adjustment or return i still have the original card. and then after the return period pass then i toss the card if it still empty.
i guess the most ideal way to hold on to empty gcs w/o too much work is to just put the date of the transaction that zeroed out the bal on the gc. after 45days pass, freely toss.

You would think that BB would just have a system that tracks everyone who has GamerClub would just auto PM those who made purchase the product and within the 30 - 45 days. So that way their staffs are not PMing all day long.

You would think that BB would just have a system that tracks everyone who has GamerClub would just auto PM those who made purchase the product and within the 30 - 45 days. So that way their staffs are not PMing all day long.
LOL! That makes sense from a consumer perspective,especially a CAG. But not a ton of people bother with PMing stuff. So this would hurt them. They do not want to just say "Ok 1,000 people pre-ordered and are GCU, so we will give $8,000 away" they want it to be something the consumer works for.

LOL! That makes sense from a consumer perspective,especially a CAG. But not a ton of people bother with PMing stuff. So this would hurt them. They do not want to just say "Ok 1,000 people pre-ordered and are GCU, so we will give $8,000 away" they want it to be something the consumer works for.
it would be great to if best buy had live online chat to do pm to instead of dealing with there phone service which disconnects half the time when you get transferred
it would be great to if best buy had live online chat to do pm to instead of dealing with there phone service which disconnects half the time when you get transferred
And online you could just provide the relevant links. I cannot tell you how many times I get a phone rep who doesn't even know what GCU is...
I just came from BB, did a few trades, and a few preorders. I had the preorder card for Master Chief collection, but the system kept saying it wasn't available for preorder, process as sale. The employees didn't know what to do about it, and I had to get going, so I just left it. My guess is that the store sold its allotment of preorders, but I don't know. This ever happen to any of you?
I just came from BB, did a few trades, and a few preorders. I had the preorder card for Master Chief collection, but the system kept saying it wasn't available for preorder, process as sale. The employees didn't know what to do about it, and I had to get going, so I just left it. My guess is that the store sold its allotment of preorders, but I don't know. This ever happen to any of you?
Same thing happened to me a week ago so I left.

Anyone know what the story is with this?

Fairly certain stores are hiring their allottted pre-order limit. This has been happening at some Gamestops also from what I've heard. I ran across this problem earlier online (using in store pickup for BBY), but tried again a week later and was good.
I just came from BB, did a few trades, and a few preorders. I had the preorder card for Master Chief collection, but the system kept saying it wasn't available for preorder, process as sale. The employees didn't know what to do about it, and I had to get going, so I just left it. My guess is that the store sold its allotment of preorders, but I don't know. This ever happen to any of you?
Same thing happened to me a week ago so I left.

Anyone know what the story is with this?
yea it was posted on the best buy forums awhile back that alot of stores already reach there limits so the only things you can do is to either try a different store or do ship to home pre order

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