[quote name='mkrowe']Sorry to resurrect such an old thread, but it's been a couple months so maybe my memory is foggy, but wasn't the BestBuy E3 pre-order deal $10 off the listed games AND 800 RZ points?
I pre-ordered 5 games, and 3 of them have already been paid and received (Darksiders II, Borderlands 2, and FIFA 13). I was charged $56.49 ($49.99+tax) but no where on my Best Buy Reward Zone does it show the pre-orders.
Just strikes me as odd as my order from yesterday is already there: Bonus - 400 Reward Zone points when you purchase The Avengers. In fact, I don't even see the double RZ points (or any RZ points) for the days they charged me for these pre-orders.
I understand they don't get "posted" until 36 days after, but they should show in pending activity, and in fact, Darksiders II is already past the 36 day rule. Anyone else having this issue? I feel like I'm going to be out $50 RZ certificates, plus I guess another 500 RZ points for the games themselves.[/QUOTE]
Happened to me last year when I ordered 10 games in one single order.
I had to call their support and have the games manually added and the 800 points "goodwilled" to me.
It was like pulling teeth with most of the agents and some would transfer me to bestbuys support number (who can't do anything about it as they don't have access to the reward zone system).
Best advice I can give is have all the info ready when you call, stay poliet and calm but be persistent with them and don't let them ditch you over to bb's queue.