Best Buy GGC wtf


15 (100%)
OK so about 3 weeks ago I bough City of Heroes and used the GGC. The guy knew what I was doing and everything and just gave me 5 dollars off becasue he didnt want to make it into a big thing. Then I go off to camp for about a week and come back to Best Buy to get the City of Heroes Play Card and I use the GGC on that. Then, the next day I go back to get the strategy guide and notice there arnt and ggc's. I ask why and the lady had a bitchy attitude and said something like , "to many people are doing the exact same thing you are and so its cancelled." or some bullsh*t like that. So, after thinking about getting it I find one hidden somewhere and grab it. I use it and I rubbed that in her face. I guess my question is, Is this happening to any of you CAGers?
Sounds like that particular store put the cards away for something. Do you have another Best Buy store you can go to that has the cards? You could just buy a bunch of the giftcards there and use them at the other store if the first store is closer to you.
[quote name='BasketCase1080']jeez, i dontblame that woman for being bitchy... u seem quite rude to be purchasing them anyways.[/quote] always makes me feel bad to laugh at the misfortune of others, but it is just so funny. I mean, you watch the episode of South Park w/ the Retard Olympics and you say "This is so wrong", but you just can't stop laughing anyways....

Sorry...a bit off topic.
It's a good deal, guys, but don't overdo it. Especially not three times in such a short period. Anyways, I was just at Best Buy and saw a lot of the cards, so it's still going on.
[quote name='BasketCase1080']jeez, i dontblame that woman for being bitchy... u seem quite rude to be purchasing them anyways.[/quote]

I don't see how he's being rude. Came in to buy GGC, found GGC, purchased and used GGC. How is that rude? They are there to be purchased and used. What is the difference if I buy it for myself or a friend. BB is still getting their money.

Now if someone is buying them and putting 1 cent on 'em and then using the coupon at a different stor (CC), than that is abuse, but not what he's doing. always makes me feel bad to laugh at the misfortune of others, but it is just so funny. I mean, you watch the episode of South Park w/ the Retard Olympics and you say "This is so wrong", but you just can't stop laughing anyways....

Sorry...a bit off topic.

hahahahaha, wth.
i purchase a lot of stuff from best buy when i run out of ggcs, i pick up 5 (my bb has hundreds, literally...and always fully stocked) ggcs and put $10 on each one....if they ask, i can just tell them ive got a lot of birthdays coming up....then the next time i go in there, i use all 5...and if they ask, i just say i got a lot of em for presents....they really dont care ive always said....choose the line that has a cashier that looks like he/she just doesnt give a phfuck
[quote name='trustcompany1013']like ive always said....choose the line that has a cashier that looks like he/she just doesnt give a phfuck[/quote]

I try to do that too when using a GGC but the new Best Buy that opened (2 in my area), everyone stands in one line and whatever cashier is done with a transacation, that is the one the person in the front of the line goes to. It's bad because you can't choose your cashier. Luckily, I have never had a problem with the GGC though.
I have not had this problem, but a friend of mine did. He asked the amployee about the GGC. The guy looked on the shelf, did not see any and then said " Oh they cancelled that program."

The last time I was at BB, I noticed they had moved most of the GCC from near the games, to near the front with the rest of the regular Gift Cards. As far as overdoing it, we did not make up the rules. Besy Buy did and I am getting while the getting is good.
I was at best buy 2 weeks ago (9.99 fatal frame 2) and found castlevania for 19.99. which qualifies for the GGC. I couldn't find any so I asked a nerdy looking employee, thinking he would know all, and he told me the same thing, that too many people were using the cards so they stopped carrying them. I thought that sounded funny being i purchased 1 a week earlier. I looked and looked and couldn't find a GGC. When I was paying for my games i asked the clerk about it and she gave me the real answer i think. I was told that the GGC coupon had expired so they had to take theirs off the shelf. She also said a new shipment with a new expiration should be in soon. This isn't the normal best buy I shop at so I don't know if they got any in. Haven't been to best buy since to check. Just thought I would tell my story too.
[quote name='YoshiFan1'][quote name='trustcompany1013']like ive always said....choose the line that has a cashier that looks like he/she just doesnt give a phfuck[/quote]

I try to do that too when using a GGC but the new Best Buy that opened (2 in my area), everyone stands in one line and whatever cashier is done with a transacation, that is the one the person in the front of the line goes to. It's bad because you can't choose your cashier. Luckily, I have never had a problem with the GGC though.[/quote]

that sux...thats how it is for customer service in my area (and i think all areas) might get away with acting like your deaf and just staring in the direction of the cashier you wanna go to until he/shes available...depends on how bad you wanna do what you gotta do
What I do is buy my GGC at the BB by work during my lunch break. Then I stop by the one by my house and pick up the games I want using the GGC. It's an extra trip, but they are both literally 5 minutes from work and home so it's not a big deal. This way, I limit the questions cause each person sees only one side of the transaction.
[quote name='matyou']I was told that the GGC coupon had expired so they had to take theirs off the shelf.[/quote]

Don't know about anyone else but the coupon I have in my hand expires 12/31/04. Every one I had gotten this year expires on that date. Maybe they were last years or something??
I've seen different cases at different stores.

A) Plenty of of BLACK GGCs, coupon expires 12/31/04, so they are good. Get these.

B) Plenty of GREY GGCs, with coupons expired 12/31/03. Don't buy these. You may find BLACK ones lying around too, but it's unlikely, they have probably caught on and are trying to hoodwink you with the expired coupons.

C) Neither. Meh. Or, a handful of one type, GREY or BLACK.

So, be careful. When I find BLACK ones I tend to buy a handful to use over six months or more.
There is an expired one. The light green one expired on 12/31/03. Mine still has them on the shelf. I was goig to sue one, but the employee told me it was expired. He was nice enough to go get me one of the new ones (12/31/04). All that stuff about too many people using it is disgruntled employes thinking you are cheating their employer. At least that is my take on it.
When I bought two GGCs for Mario vs Donkey Kong and Sonic Advance 3 yesterday, those were the only two left from what I saw. I hope they have some more. :(
i forgot...can u use 2 ggc's for 2 games at one time?

like i know that they aren't stackable...but like togepy..did u have to do 2 transactions or just used the ggc for the 2 games at one time?
i forgot...can u use 2 ggc's for 2 games at one time?

like i know that they aren't stackable...but like togepy..did u have to do 2 transactions or just used the ggc for the 2 games at one time?

Have you gone valley girl or something?

I am a boy by the way...
[quote name='swetooth9']i forgot...can u use 2 ggc's for 2 games at one time?

like i know that they aren't stackable...but like togepy..did u have to do 2 transactions or just used the ggc for the 2 games at one time?[/quote]

YMMV. Just stand there and have them do 2 transactions.
The thing I do when I apply GGCs to games is that I give them (cashiers) a blank and retarted stare down the cashiers throat. It can make them nervous, and make them feel like they don't wanna spoil you. :shock:
I just used GGC to buy PGR2 for $20. The cashiers were very polite and didn't seem mad that I used it right after I bought it.
lol at the HAY GUYS whuts the GGC?

My Best Buy didn't have ANY $5 games (and not even empty shelf spots, they likely didn't even have any to begin with), but they still had at least two dozen of these things.
I've been to a best buy that has Zero GGCs, I think some BB are pulling them off the shelfs. So you may want to buy a few in case your BB stops offering them. And don't be a tool and but them for a penny, Put at least 5 bucks on it so you don't kill the deal faster.
I use them for anything (video games) I buy at Best Buy $20 or more and don't feel like I'm scamming them at all.

It's a coupon they make available as part of buying a gift card. I buy five games at Best Buy for every one game I buy at Circuit City simply because of that coupon. I'd say that's why they have them and it's working. More trips to their store = more chance I'll pick up something they really make a profit on.
[quote name='Technique']
i forgot...can u use 2 ggc's for 2 games at one time?

like i know that they aren't stackable...but like togepy..did u have to do 2 transactions or just used the ggc for the 2 games at one time?

Have you gone valley girl or something?

I am a boy by the way...[/quote]

whats that have to do w/ wut i said? :?
I don't think they have a problem with people using it, but it's the people that buy the gift-card just to use the coupon right away during the same visit.
Sure it doesn't say that you use it right away, but just don't abuse it too much or they'll get rid of it.
The BBs near me in So Cali didn't have the GGCs for months, but a lot of them recently re-stocked the GGCs this past week.
In conclusion:

Don't use the GGC immediately after buying it - if possible, wait a day.
Don't put less than $5 on it - and of course you should put $15 on it, since you're going to pay at least that much when you use the coupon.
When I used mine I put $15 on the first one and then bought another one with $5 on it. That way if I forget about the card or lose it, I'm only out $5.
I buy 2 every time I go to BB. Gotta get a stock pile up. Then I use all of the gift cards on the first game I buy. I only put $1 on each. Sometimes, they just give me the GGC.
The BBs I go to have a $5 minimum per card, so that's what I do. And I always buy the card and the game I'm getting at the same time. Maybe I should stock up on some extras just in case...

Squirms, have you asked an employee? They sometimes move them around and any guy working the video game section will probably know where they are (or if they are indeed out)
[quote name='wubb']The BBs I go to have a $5 minimum per card, so that's what I do. And I always buy the card and the game I'm getting at the same time. Maybe I should stock up on some extras just in case...

Squirms, have you asked an employee? They sometimes move them around and any guy working the video game section will probably know where they are (or if they are indeed out)[/quote]I asked a guy and he pointed to where they were (at the front of the store).
like i know that they aren't stackable...but like togepy..did u have to do 2 transactions or just used the ggc for the 2 games at one time?

I dunno, but when I saw that I laughed imagining a valley girl voice saying, "like togepy I know that they arnt like stackable, but like..."

lol :lol:
bread's done