Best Buy YMMV Thread


Can we have a thread where we share deals we find at our local Best Buys? Of course they're always YMMV but it would give us ideas of what to look out for.

I have two local best buys and each of them had different deals:

Best Buy #1:

  • Dragon Quest Builders 2 (NSW): $15.99
Best Buy #2:

  • Disgaea 4 (NSW): $15.99
  • Dead Cells (NSW): $10.99
  • Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology (3DS): $12.99 (didn't get this, very sad)
  • Some other 3DS title I was extremely sad I missed out on (3DS): $10.99
There were some others but these were the ones that stood out the most that I can remember.

Also for anyone who doesn't know, if your Best Buy has a price placard out for a game but they're sold out, you can ask an employee to order it for you from their website and they will match their in-store price! Of course they have to have stock on the website though.

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Yeah, perhaps they limit the amount of items for these promotions but to be honest it's their right to do so. If you want to declare it lame or cheap in your view then fine, but I don't think scam is really the right word. No love lost here for Best Buy as I have heavily criticized them in the past for certain things, in particular for their scummy membership practices, but having said that -- as far as I am concerned these deals are kosher even if they sell out too quickly.

There are things that are called time zones and alarm clock.

Exactly. You snooze, you lose. The early bird gets the worm. Take your pick of idioms. If you aren't willing to make the effort and others beat you to it... well that's on you for your part. There's nothing stopping you from taking a minute or two other than your own choices.
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I was about to say the deal was a scam. I was up at 3am and it was ‘unavailable’ Still a scam to me. That isn’t a reasonable time for someone to be up or for something to sell out. Because I guarantee tomorrow it’ll be back in stock at full price.
Maybe they only want to sell a certain amount of their excess inventory at the $10 price. That’s not really a scam. I got 3 of them at like 2am.

Fitness boxing is still sold out after it sold out a few days ago within an hour
I mean they may be scammers but some of us used to be referred to as the “devil customers” by Best Buy back in the day.
It literally says "Limited quantities" at the top of the page.

That’s all bs.

now what target stores did years ago was scammy and probably illegal. This was back in the day when 3ds games were on shelves and target did rain checks. First party 3DS games were $5 in the ad for a week. Saturday I decided to go get some before the sale ended and of course the shelves were empty. My fault for deciding late. Except literally the next day, a Sunday afternoon I went there and the shelves were restocked, sale tags removed, and $34.99 tags were shining brightly. No truck is delivering… my local stored pulled the product and put them out the next day.
That’s all bs.

now what target stores did years ago was scammy and probably illegal. This was back in the day when 3ds games were on shelves and target did rain checks. First party 3DS games were $5 in the ad for a week. Saturday I decided to go get some before the sale ended and of course the shelves were empty. My fault for deciding late. Except literally the next day, a Sunday afternoon I went there and the shelves were restocked, sale tags removed, and $34.99 tags were shining brightly. No truck is delivering… my local stored pulled the product and put them out the next day.
Are you sure the $5 wasn’t a preorder deposit?
For these previous offers you don't get the coupon until about 15 days after the last pre order arrives and all pre orders must arrive within 6 months of the promo. I assume this one is the same.
As per usual this service is near completely worthless. They always terminate their rewards programs and take away benefits at a whim.

The only reason to use it would be if you have a bunch of best buy certs and gc to dump and the games you are getting would never have a target buyxgety promo. And you're going to play/gift them immediately. As games almost always have a discount available somewhere or you make one via discounted gift cards or something.
Well, part of me is ashamed but they got me for another year I suppose (I was out for about a month there). I’ve already put in 3 buy2,get1 orders because I just know they’re gonna cancel this again but I’ve got all my preorders in for Switch games for the foreseeable future now at least.
I wanted to let my membership expire, but I had to renew it. I still had some outstanding preorders from the previous B2G1 deal that got delayed. As others mentioned I've been combining the promos. I just got a $10 reward cert for spending $100 outside of BB with their CC.
Outside of the people who do multiple orders I wonder how many new or returning sucker's they got in xd.

As that would be the only way they'd make any money off it.
The weird thing is that I actually get these promotional credits more often than I earned enough points for a $5 certificate. So thanks for that, Best Buy.
Just a word of warning, Best Buy fulfillment has gotten worse, in the past year have had them pull the "oh, we can't find your item to ship, but we will give you a refund in two weeks if we can't find it" three times on me. And phone support will not do anything. They won't cancel the order, they won't change it to store pickup (even though a nearby store has it in stock) and they definitely won't give you any compensation for the hassle. Their excuse is "To ensure your products are shipped and delivered to you as soon as possible, orders can only be changed or canceled within 30 minutes of placing the order." - but you obviously won't discover the order is in limbo until well after that point. So yeah, Astro Bot is in limbo because apparently they can't find one in any of their stores to ship to me even though most of the surrounding stores have them in stock.
bread's done