Best FPS games for the single player campaign experience?


I'm not much for multiplayer, I guess it's just a habit thing where I grew up playing on systems where you were always on your own. Plus when I do go online, I get my ass kicked by players who are probably 20 yrs my junior. So I definitely prefer the single player experience. What I want to know is, what do you think are some of the best FPS shooter games just based on the campaign mode? I'm not interested in deathmatch games or co-op, or any of that stuff. I want to know about atmosphere, and immersive game worlds, and good gameplay, interesting story, fun enemies, and thrills and shocks and all that good stuff. Here are some of my favorites:

Resistance series- fun shooter, and I love the feeling of being within the alternate reality WWII world where we fought more aliens than Nazis

Bioshock- great graphics, story, atmosphere, awesome gameplay etc

Fear 1- a perfect melding of action and horror in the first person style

Half Life (I actually played this on PS2 rather than PC)- really feels like you're caught up in the middle of a classic sci-fi B movie, perfectly timed and executed sequences

Condemned 2- one of the creepiest FPS experiences ever, just great
The Darkness: good atmosphere, fun story and some unique gameplay elements (still enjoy tossing people around with my darkness tendril). You can get it cheap these days and if you like it you can check out the upcoming sequel.

Fallout 3/New Vegas - Granted, this is more of an adventure game so it might not be what you are looking for but it is technically an FPS too. There's a big open world to explore (though inaccurate: Germantown is NOT a five minute walk away from Downtown DC!), interesting weapons, and some fun stories.

Dead Island: the game has some glitches and everyone is upset that it's not the sobering piece of work that the trailer promised but in my opinion this is still a very solid survival horror game. I might even say it's one of the best examples of true survival horror in gaming: you will find yourself suddenly flanked by zombies or blasting through alleys in the city to escape the pursuing runners, giving a sense of urgency and need to survive that I haven't felt since Resident Evil 4. There were so many moments where I found myself just barely managing to shoot an explosive tank or reaching a ladder to escape, also as a fan of Condemned a found the melee combat to be very satisfying.

Crysis 2: I thought this game was a great combination of gameplay freedom and cool scripted moments. They give you big open areas to roam in, which allows you to approach your target from multiple angles. Although the game has both big guns and stealth, it's not really a "this or that" kind of game: i.e. you can't play a level entirely in stealth or just run in guns blazing, you have to sort of use them in tandem, sneaking in to unleash hell and then cloaking again to prepare for the next assault. If that sounds interesting it might be worth a look.

Deus Ex Human Revolution: This, however IS a "this or that" kind of game. Lots of choices to make, not just conversation-wise but with the gameplay too. That said I wasn't big on gunplay but it was still a very enjoyable game with a unique look and lots of places and things to poke around in. I'd say it's probably a better title if you're looking for a stealth game and if the idea of hacking terminals to read emails sounds exciting.

Have you not played any of the Call of Duty games? They might be good rentals to blast through the campaigns. The gunplay is fun and there are certainly alot of exciting setpieces. The games can be a little too linear and over the top however.
Bioshock and Resistance were my two votes.

Killzone 3 was a decent playthrough. If you are looking for something with substance, the CoD or BF3 series might not by the best, since they go rather quickly.

I personally enjoyed the original Condemned, but that was 360 only.
Deus Ex is so great in the beginning, but near the end you remember its main caveat- the combat sucks. You'll have a good amount of fun with it, I'd say. Straight-up, beat Resistance series.
The Darkness:Great voice acting,story,and atomsphere.The darkness powers really stand out(you get to eat people's hearts out!),along with also getting to summon minions it's a great game.
Get The Orange Box.

Half-Life 2 and its episodes are far-and-away the best FPS I've played. Ever. You've played the original? Good. This shits all over the original in the best way possible.

Plus Portal. It's Portal.
The Orange Box seems like the obvious choice here... Half-Life 2 along with Episodes 1 & 2 are definitely the only things missing from your list. Portal isn't a FPS, it's more of a first person puzzle shooter but it's damn fun.

The only bad thing here is that the PS3 version of The Orange Box is complete crap.
Gonna go out on a limb here but I really liked Medal of Honor's (2010) single player mode. Way better than any of the CoD campaigns imo.
The Orange Box seems like the obvious choice here... Half-Life 2 along with Episodes 1 & 2 are definitely the only things missing from your list. Portal isn't a FPS, it's more of a first person puzzle shooter but it's damn fun.

The only bad thing here is that the PS3 version of The Orange Box is complete crap.
Orange box is a definite recommend, but this is the PS3 forum so it's probably only worth it if the OP can get it on PC or 360 since like you said the PS3 version has some frame rate issues and apparently is a bit rare and thus rather pricey.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding the post but I've seen a few people mentioning Bioshock but if I understand the post correctly I believe the OP has already played that game.
Orange Box for sure, glitches and all, still worth it. I got mine on clearance at Target years ago and didn't realize until recently it was worth something - some resellers have it going for over MSRP!

Crysis 2 has been fun. It gets surprisingly harder about 2/3 of the way through and is starting to feel a little too long, but it's still a solid game. Story is forgettable crap, but the premise makes for some interesting and unique moments.

Far Cry 2 was fun but it doesn't have quick-save like the PC version, which seems inexcusable given that the PS3 has a hard drive. Along with some glitches and odd AI, I spent a lot of time in FC2 and didn't feel like I got very far. I WANTED to keep playing it but I think the game was too ambitious for it's own good.
[quote name='iamsmart']Orange box is a definite recommend, but this is the PS3 forum so it's probably only worth it if the OP can get it on PC or 360 since like you said the PS3 version has some frame rate issues and apparently is a bit rare and thus rather pricey.[/QUOTE]
Aye, but if you can go through the first Half-Life on a PS2, you can tolerate its sequel on a PS3.

Besides, they patched at least some of the shit out of it.
[quote name='Xxamir15xX']Singularity had a great campaign.

Farcry 2 was also very good[/QUOTE]

Agree on both. I was actually going to mention Far Cry 2 but I thought it would be too polarizing. Personally I loved Far Cry 2, enough to play through the campaign about three times now, but lots of folks think its mediocre. People didn't seem to enjoy all of the enemy encampments that lined the roads but I actually thought that was part of the fun. In my opinion the game was great at creating exciting unscripted moments: I can remember all sorts of great moments like when a firefight was escalated because a passing enemy jeep joined the fray, having to fix my car before a brush fire engulfed the vehicle, jumping off of a waterfall to avoid a losing shootout, doing something really fun that is a bit too spoilerish to mention, and pinning an enemy between two cars as a last ditch resort (which lead to a pretty cool looking time-lapse moment when I went to sleep in the nearby hut). Can't wait for Far Cry 3.
for first person shooters id have to say resistance. but if your willing to try 3rd person shooters uncharteds storyline is awesome, the first one doesn't have any multiplayer but 2 and 3 have a very fun experience
Thanks for all the input. I actually have the Orange Box already, haven't had time to play it yet (got a gutted but otherwise new looking copy from GS for $20 last year, and yeah, I noticed it sells for like three times that now at some online places). I can live with the frame rate issues if it's as good as experience as it's made out to be.

Anyone got any obscure but cool horror or sci-fi FPS games that they would recommend?

How about the Call of Juarez stuff (I might be wrong but I think they're both FPS)?

Anyone play Legendary?

And was Fear 3 all about the multiplayer, or was it worth getting for the campaign too? I heard it was kind of a letdown for the series..
Dead Space 1 and 2 would be great, along with Condemned 2 (1 was a 360 exclusive).

Have to put another vote in for Resistance 3 and Singularity.
[quote name='MSUHitman']Dead Space 1 and 2 would be great, along with Condemned 2 (1 was a 360 exclusive).[/QUOTE]

Dead Space wasn't a FPS, it was a 3rd person "shooter"
[quote name='monash65']Anyone got any obscure but cool horror or sci-fi FPS games that they would recommend?[/QUOTE]
Singularity wasn't my thing, but it sounds like you'd be pretty in to it.
No love for Bulletstorm? Great engaging fps with the amusing skillshot system, amazing weapons, surprising depth of characters, beautiful game, and one of, if not the, most fun Ive had with an FPS. Andcan be found relatively cheap.
you asked about legendary ? i remember picking that up when it first came out, really fun singleplayer but also really short. although its had so many price drops recently, i think its only 7 bucks now. which is well worth the 4-5 hours of entertainment you will get from it
Another one I forgot to mention would be The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay.An excellent mix of adventure,stealth,and shooting elements.
[quote name='monash65']
How about the Call of Juarez stuff (I might be wrong but I think they're both FPS)?

Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood (the sequel) is great. Good story and cool historical setting. You can play through the campaign twice if you'd like as either brother. One is a dual wielding tank. The other is a fast sniper.

I just finished Crysis 2 and it has a great campaign. Some of the gameplay in there is very reminiscent of HALO. Puzzle combat, sort of. Once stealth is upgraded it's pretty cool. Probably tied with Battlefield 2 for best graphics on console in my opinion. I'm going to play through it again eventually.

Deus Ex, Singularity, Fallout 3 & NV, Riddick is a pretty damn immersive stealth game also. Great first person combat, for its age.
[quote name='ChernobylCow']Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood (the sequel) is great. Good story and cool historical setting. You can play through the campaign twice if you'd like as either brother. One is a dual wielding tank. The other is a fast sniper.[/QUOTE]

This sounds cool. And I've been reading up on Singularity, that also sounds right up my alley, thanks to all who reco'd it in this thread.

Can anyone vouch for the Aliens vs Predator game on PS3? Does it have some of the atmosphere of the movies? (I mean the individual Alien movies and Predator movies, not those mediocre AvP flicks)
ive only played avp briefly, the multiplayer is fun , lots of walking on walls and stuff.

the single player has 3 campaigns, 1 for each of the aliens, and then the human race as well. pretty fun game
bread's done