Best PS3 Exclusives?

Matt Young

8 (100%)
I just ordered a PS3 yesterday from Best Buy. It's the bundle that comes with Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack In Time and LittleBigPlanet. I'm already planning to buy the older R & C game as well as Uncharted 1.

I have 60+ games for my 360, so I don't need any multiplatform titles. Also, I've never played a Metal Gear Solid game, so MGS4 is out. What exclusives would you recommend?
Demon's Souls
Disgaea 3
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 1/2
God of War Collection

EDIT - Also, there are some great PSOne games on the PS Store now. FF7, FFT, Street Fighter Alpha 1/2, Resident Evil 1/2, Soul Reaver, etc...
In order:

Little Big Planet GOTY Edition (meaning if yours is not a GOTY, sell it and get the Game of The Year)
Uncharted 1 & 2
Valkyria Chronicles
God of War Collection
Demons Souls
Killzone 2
Disgaea 3
Uncharted 2, great game. I have also had the pleasure of playing MGS4 and its
very different. Its a fun take on a stealth game and its very challenging in my opinion
fun online as well.
[quote name='rumarudrathas']You're going to buy Uncharted 2, even if you absolutely hate/despise the first game. Trust me on this :)[/QUOTE]

Hes right. I thought the first one was fun the first time, and the second time I had no desire to finish it. Uncharted 2 is indeed amazing.

Basically what most people have told you already.
I would agree with your instincts to stay away from MGS4, given you haven't played any of the series. It is my favorite game of all time, but I am a huge fanboy of the series.

Once you beat Uncharted, go onto Uncharted 2. The series kicks ass. If you like action games, Infamous is a good pick up. God of War Collection also fits the bill if you haven't played either. For Japanese themed SRPG style gameplay, Valkyria Chronicles is excellent. For a good Western style RPG, Demons Souls rocks.

But kick back and enjoy R&C, I just picked that up today and popped it in for a few minutes. It seems like another good entry for the series.
Must buy:

Demon's Souls
Valkyria Chronicles
Uncharted 2
God of War Collection
Metal Gear Solid 4

Spend the five bucks and download Noby Noby Boy. It's worth it just to play around especially if you have other people to play with. However it only supports local multiplayer.
Super Stardust HD
The Pixeljunk games are quite good. Download the demos.

To taste:

Katamari Forever (avoid if you played the other Katamaris)
Aquanat's Holiday
GTHD Prologue
Mainichi Issho
Hot Shots
Wipeout HD
Why is everyone recommending Demon Souls? This is CAG and that game is demoralizingly hard. Wait a couple months when people buy it and give up on it and pick it up cheap used or on a buy 2 get 1 free deal @GS.

As a CAG, I'd look at the games in the other PS3 BF bundles since you know a lot of those games will get traded in and the price should become cheap(er). Of those: inFamous, Killzone 2, and GoW collection (assuming you haven't played them on a PS2)
[quote name='runciter']Why is everyone recommending Demon Souls? This is CAG and that game is demoralizingly hard. Wait a couple months when people buy it and give up on it and pick it up cheap used or on a buy 2 get 1 free deal @GS. [/QUOTE]

CAG or not, it's a game worth full price, in my opinion.
I just bought Uncharted and started it on Saturday. Finished it today.

NEVER played a game that much.

First game on PS3 I played, first game I finished!

It was so much fun!!! Gonna wait on Uncharted 2 till I can buy it used for a low amount or something though.
[quote name='runciter']Why is everyone recommending Demon Souls? This is CAG and that game is demoralizingly hard. Wait a couple months when people buy it and give up on it and pick it up cheap used or on a buy 2 get 1 free deal @GS.[/QUOTE]

That could be said about anything, but atlus games tend not to drop as fast. I'm still waiting for infamous to drop, I figure it sold well it's single player only and has been out for months it should be much cheaper...
Smiggity, no hate man, but what's up with you championing SOCOM? No hate, just finding that amusing.

As for Demon's Soul, yeah it's a FANTASTIC game (rented it), but it is HARD, but not in the cheap way. The game demands perfection in everything that you do, and if you make even a semblance of a mistake, you'll be beaten down for it. I'll pick it up once I'm out of the "danger zone" for heart-attacks. Pick it up if you want, but you've been warned.

I want to second/third/fourth/whatever InFamous. I traded in GTA 4, Gears of War 2, Resistance 2, and Killzone 2 for Modern Warfare 2, but I held off trading in that Game because it's just flipping awesome.

One more thing though, if you plan on picking up Dragon Age for the consoles, then pick it up for the PS3. I've read time time again that the graphics and technical aspects of the game is well made on the PS3, in comparison to the 360. What would be ideal is buying that game for the PC, but I'm not going to start a flame war on that.

Assassins Creed 2 though, stick to the 360.
[quote name='Morphx2']I just bought Uncharted and started it on Saturday. Finished it today.

NEVER played a game that much.

First game on PS3 I played, first game I finished!

It was so much fun!!! Gonna wait on Uncharted 2 till I can buy it used for a low amount or something though.[/QUOTE]

Uncharted 2 is currently $40 on Amazon and I doubt you're going to find it cheaper than that for a long time.

It's an ok sequel, but it seemed like it was structured far too much like the first one. Gunfight, explore, gunfight, explore, occasional puzzle, freaky zombie or otherwise hard to beat characters, main boss fight, end.


But it was still worth what I paid for it(traded Batman: Arkham Asylum straight up for it).

Also, what the hell is with all of the hate on multiplatform games anymore? If I had both a 360 and a PS3, I'd buy the game for whatever platform it's cheapest for.

Mind you, some games are being released which are glitchy across the board anymore and patched forever and they still run like shit. The companies developing those(ie Pandemic, which was just closed after the aberration known as Mercenaries 2)deserve to go out of fuckin' business.

Of course, if we as gamers would stop buying these glitchfests, then they might have to work harder on them and make them right in the first place.
I loved Uncharted 1 and it also was my first PS3 game that I completed. I liked but did not love Resistance: Fall of Man, but did finish that too, it's a decent FPS. I'm currently playing Killzone 2 which is pretty sweet, I can definitely recommend it if you like FPS's.
I picked up the same Bundle OP as many others I'm sure.
Best exclusives would be MGS4, the Ratchet and Clank series ( I have all the PS2 games ) and Killzone 2.
I haven't played either of the Uncharted games, but people say good things about it, so it must be good I guess.
If you've never played any MGS games what makes you think you wouldn't enjoy MGS4? Why nto consider getting a copy and trying it out, especially since you can get one for only $15 at amazon now.
[quote name='Teh Nitwit']If you've never played any MGS games what makes you think you wouldn't enjoy MGS4? Why nto consider getting a copy and trying it out, especially since you can get one for only $15 at amazon now.[/QUOTE]

Considering the game revolves tying up story elements from all the previous games in the series, I could see why he would not want to start in with MGS4.
I have a friend who is one of those kind of sports gamer. He buys every edition of just about every sports game every single year. And not just the majors. We're talking stuff like rugby & cricket too. He'll play mutiple full seasons on all of them. Then he proceeds to complain that the attention to detail is just crap (ie: logos on Russian jerseys are not authentic, etc.) He's done this with every system since the NES. The number of sports games he has is obsence.

Anyway he came to me a few months ago and proclaimed that MLB 09: The Show for PS3 is absolutely the most perfect sports game he's ever played. So yeah, I had my wife get it for me for Xmas when she got me a PS3 (Also got Uncharted 2 & MGS4). I can't wait to play it in a few weeks. I'm sure it will be flawless.
Thanks for all the suggestions, guys. I've been playing Little Big Planet and I'll be picking up Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction and Uncharted 1 on Thursday. Then, if I beat Uncharted 1, I'll get the 2nd one 2 weeks from Thursday.

I signed up for the PSN today under the name MattYoung730. I'm not sure if friend requests show up like on Xbox Live or whatever, but if you add me, let me know.
Scratch Demon Souls, but go for Infamous, Killzone 2, Resistance 1/2 Check out Flow and Flower on the PSN as well.
I like infamous U1 and 2. Resistance 2 (SP only). Never played R1. Hated KZ2. LBP is good MGS4 (be careful with that one its touchy).
played a Heavy rain demo (I know it is not out) it was very good but, all quicktime basically. I mean graphics only go so far when games like GT5 and FFXIII look so damn good also.
I bought the PS3 bundle. It came with inFAMOUS and Killzone 2. I would love to trade my factory sealed Killzone 2 for a Little Big Planet GOTY edition, or Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time (either game from the Best Buy bundle). If anyone is interested, let me know!

(The reason I posted this here was because I saw a few posts saying they just got the bundles)
[quote name='Matt Young']Thanks for all the suggestions, guys. I've been playing Little Big Planet and I'll be picking up Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction and Uncharted 1 on Thursday. Then, if I beat Uncharted 1, I'll get the 2nd one 2 weeks from Thursday.

I signed up for the PSN today under the name MattYoung730. I'm not sure if friend requests show up like on Xbox Live or whatever, but if you add me, let me know.[/QUOTE]

I'll add you!!!!
I would recommend Resistance 1 and 2 over Killzone 2 anyday! The controls in K2 are initially horrendous and take some tinkering to feel right... Resistance is pot on and a ton of fun to play with SICK graphics.

The MotorStorm games are pretty sweet too and show off some of the PS3 power. Definitely gotta get the Uncharted games though! Best new series this gen HANDS DOWN!!!! They rip the heart and soul out of Lara Croft and put her in her Tomb for good!
[quote name='rumarudrathas']Smiggity, no hate man, but what's up with you championing SOCOM? No hate, just finding that amusing.

Its the truth man. Nothing else compares. Its lame running around praising the game, but it got a bad wrap from launch. To this day there is still nothing like it on consoles
Sorry for the repeats but here's what I own or have played and give my seal of approval exclusive wise:
Uncharted 1/2
Ratchet and Clank (There's a PSN title also that is a prequel to the new game if you haven't started the new game yet.)
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 1/2
Valkyria Chronicles
Killzone 2
Buzz series (I would recommend getting the new one unless you want the original for cheap at Best Buy)
MLB The Show (just wait for 10)
God of War collection

In terms of third-party games, Batman and Mirror's Edge have exclusive content, Alone in the Dark Inferno is an updated and improved version of the original game from the 360, and if you want you can import the Euro edition of MK vs. DC Universe and have the unedited fatalities. In fact, you can import any PS3 game from any region and it will work on your system.

Regarding upcoming exclusives, the best ones IMO would be God of War 3, Heavy Rain, and MLB The Show. If you like JRPG's (can't remember) then I would get FF XIII on PS3 to have it on one disk vs. 3-5 disks.
[quote name='Emiroo']I have a friend who is one of those kind of sports gamer. He buys every edition of just about every sports game every single year. And not just the majors. We're talking stuff like rugby & cricket too. He'll play mutiple full seasons on all of them. Then he proceeds to complain that the attention to detail is just crap (ie: logos on Russian jerseys are not authentic, etc.) He's done this with every system since the NES. The number of sports games he has is obsence.

Anyway he came to me a few months ago and proclaimed that MLB 09: The Show for PS3 is absolutely the most perfect sports game he's ever played. So yeah, I had my wife get it for me for Xmas when she got me a PS3 (Also got Uncharted 2 & MGS4). I can't wait to play it in a few weeks. I'm sure it will be flawless.[/QUOTE]

For someone that obsessed with detail, I'm surprised he wasn't upset by the stat bugs that plagued MLB The Show 09 for the first couple of months when career stats didn't record properly and career stats were on the wrong players (Texiera had ARod's stats, etc.) They didn't patch that until like May or June.
Yo Matt, I'm going to repeat a lot here but here are the games I think you should check out

Socom - Awesome game but only get it if you have a mic. I'd play this a lot more if mine didn't break. Seriously underrated game and worth checking out

Valkyria Chronicles - An awesome strategy game that looks great and has a great story. I found it to be quite challenging as well

Uncharted 1/2 - You have to play one first because if you don't you probably wont appreciate it after playing the second one, both are awesome and a great time. Uncharted 2 is simply an amazing game that can't be missed. I love the horde type multiplayer.

Demon Souls - I can't recommend this game enough, it may even be my favorite game on the console. You'll need patience for this one as I just didn't care for it at first, after you get the chance to start leveling up and exploring the game this truly becomes a great game.

Heavenly Sword - Just started this and I've having an awesome time with it. I heard it's really short so if you can find it cheap grab it. It plays kind of like a Ninja Gaiden game or something similar to God of War, if you like beat em ups I'd recommend this one.

God of War Collection - If you haven't played the first two you NEED to grab this in anticipation for the third game in March, if you've already played you can probably pass. I finished the first game and the graphics were redone very nicely.

Killzone 2 - A great multiplayer mode and great single player campaign. The controls were not that big of a deal for me as you can customize them a little to resemble the COD controls. Had a ton of fun with this and also found the single player mode challenging. The multiplayer offers a variety of ways to play, not sure if this still has a strong community since I haven't played in a while.

Resistance 2 - Played this one for the multiplayer but I'm sure the community has shrunk considerably. Was a very fun game though.

infamous - was also a pretty good game if you like the open world time games. It can get a little tedious though and somewhat repetitive.

All in all I think the PS3 is where it's at for exclusive games. I think you'll love LBP and definitely Ratchet and Clank. A Crack in Time is definitely one of the best games I've played in a while, I'd say that gets a tie with Demon Souls for my PS3 GOTY. Hope this gave you some ideas, enjoy.
How is Heavenly Sword and Folklore? They were early exclusives, and may not have the same luster as they once did- but are they worth getting?
Heavenly Sword is pretty short but fun while it lasts. I'd rent it just to get through the campaign. I don't think it ever got an official price cut so it might still be expensive.

Folklore I never tried so I can't comment.
[quote name='flameofdoom666']How is Heavenly Sword and Folklore? They were early exclusives, and may not have the same luster as they once did- but are they worth getting?[/QUOTE]

I've heard good things about Heavenly Sword, but I haven't tried it, even though I bought it almost a year ago when GS had a B2G1.

Folklore is great for an early exclusive. I still think it's the one of the best current gen action RPGs (probably second only to Demon's Souls, but it's also not so frustrating), but that's not saying a whole lot. I actually came here to recommend Folklore, since no one else had. If you it for $20~$25, it's a steal.

And Valkyria Chronicles is really still an SRPG (think Disgaea), so if you're not into those, you may not like it, even though I think the graphics engine for it is beautiful.
1. Metal Gear Solid 4
2-3. Uncharted 1 & 2
4. I am also a huge fan of MotorStorm: Pacific Rift, such a good looking game and is very underrated, Its a tough game though especially by current racing game standards. Im still trying to finish since i will keep racing until i get a gold.

Other Favs:
Valkyria Chronicles
Ratchet & Clank ToD & CiT
Uncharted 2 is one of the best games I have played in years.

MLB '09 the Show is the best sports game I have ever played.

Buzz is a decent party game.

I didn't really like MGS IV, Demon's Soul's and Warhawk.
i bought demons souls thinking it was for me..damn, that shit is a time killer. Really Really hard and challenging but not impossible. I gave up on it because i didnt have that kind of time. but i will def get back into it.

buzz tv is awesome. i picked one up from best buy a few days ago with the 4 buzzers. $40. probably ymmv. i could never find these at sears for $20 everyone always talked about.
bread's done