BestBuy Markdowns for the week of Oct 4.


Sonic Heroes (All) 39.99

Full Spectrum Warrior (XBOX) 39.99

Nightshade (PS2) 19.99

Phantasy Star Online Ep 3 (GC) 39.99

After all the time it took for Nightshade and PSO 3 to drop in price I was hoping for a better deal, but at least they finally caught up.

Generally price changes are done on Mondays with occasional changes on Sunday for universal drops on major games ( EA, Square, etc. )

The word is that Nintendo is about to drop the price on some games. If there are new markdowns later in the week I'll update.

Opinions on Nightshade?

if anyone out there was an expensive-ass enough gamer to have gotten it before this price drop, that is
[quote name='Vtdgnca']nice game but controls, camera, and gameplay are not as good as the original Shinobi....[/quote]

And, yet, still better than 90% of the games out. Of course, I may be biased to Shinobi and Nightshade. :twisted:
I rented it. Not bad. Less frusterating than shinobi (since the levels are broken up into digestible segments now) but they added some stupid things, like blocking baddies (which are impossible to spot, and generally ruin your chains) and oh-so-easy-to-cheese magic spells. Didn' care much for the artisitc elements either, especially the new main character.

But everything that was good about Shinobi is still good there, and at 19.99...Certainly do-able. I liked it at least. Although I agree with everyone else; seems like this price drop took way too long for a game that did't sell so well, and recieved so many middling reviews.
Anybody no where (roughly) I can find the mag with the $5 off Xbox live software in the store? My BB is on the other side of the world so I dont go there often and have no idea even where to begin to look. (at the front? Near electronics? ???)
[quote name='Vtdgnca']nice game but controls, camera, and gameplay are not as good as the original Shinobi....[/quote]

I second that.

I'd say it's worth the $15, but not a $1 more.

BTW I have a sneaking suspicion that all 4 of those games will be $10 or less come January (after the holiday season).
[quote name='supadupacheap']Anybody no where (roughly) I can find the mag with the $5 off Xbox live software in the store? My BB is on the other side of the world so I dont go there often and have no idea even where to begin to look. (at the front? Near electronics? ???)[/quote]
Hard to say. At one Best Buy near me I didn't see any. At the other BB, the cashier just gave me one after I paid for my stuff. YMMV.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']wait... I thought PSO3 was already $30...[/quote]

Perhaps you're thinking of PSO I+II Plus? It just came out for $30.
Not bad, though I do wish Full Spectrum Warrior would go down more, I would own it already if my Bestbuy had let me do a pricematch with a coupon like they did on the other games I bought there (greedy bastards, how dare they not let me use the system to my advantage!)
I want Nightshade for $10 or less. That's reasonable to me. $15 is OK, but nothing I plan to jump at, especially considering how badly Shinobi kicked my ass.
NOt bad price cuts, but I think I'll be a CAG a little longer until Nightshade and the rest a re clearanced out at CC. MIght pick it up though if i get some money soon thouhg.
I was expecting better deals, but at least they're cheaper than usual.
No good deals there except for Nightshade. I wouldn't recommend FSW (for the lack of worthwhile XBL modes, short single player, etc), but i've heard some people really like it and some really don't.
bread's done