Beyond: Two Souls (Quantic Dream) - Out NOW!

I heard you can't actually die in this game. During the demo my girlfriend did not want to hurt the dogs so she put the controller down, and it still went on as if nothing happened.

So it doesn't seem like it's really a game. 

I heard you can't actually die in this game. During the demo my girlfriend did not want to hurt the dogs so she put the controller down, and it still went on as if nothing happened.

So it doesn't seem like it's really a game.
Heavy Rain was the same way except your actions affected the outcome of the story in so many ways. With Beyond Two Souls, most of what you do has little effect on the outcome (or at least it felt like that).

I beat this last night and greatly enjoyed it. It was nice to see a Quantic Dream game that wasn't a murder mystery since this game has a lot more action to it than Heavy Rain. I would love to see at least one major piece of DLC centered around the thing they heavily hint at in the ending.

I really want to play through it again in the actual order of events now that I have everything unlocked, which is sort of a big deal for me since I had no urge to replay Heavy Rain after I got my ending.

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I beat this last night and greatly enjoyed it. It was nice to see a Quantic Dream game that wasn't a murder mystery since this game has a lot more action to it than Heavy Rain. I would love to see at least one major piece of DLC centered around the thing they heavily hint at in the ending.

I really want to play through it again in the actual order of events now that I have everything unlocked, which is sort of a big deal for me since I had no urge to replay Heavy Rain after I got my ending.
Really? I enjoyed the story for what it was but was rather bored between pieces of story. The scene in the dessert seemed to drag on forever which is where i decided to call it quits. But maybe it was just because I was trying to rush it. I'll maybe try again this weekend if i can find it at redbox.

Heavy Rain was the same way except your actions affected the outcome of the story in so many ways. With Beyond Two Souls, most of what you do has little effect on the outcome (or at least it felt like that).
Just finished the game and you're pretty much right.
The game is very straight forward and any choices you make almost doesn't matter.

Still enjoyed the story but doubt I will be replaying anytime soon because of the outcome is going to end up the same.

Just finished the game and you're pretty much right.
The game is very straight forward and any choices you make almost doesn't matter.

Still enjoyed the story but doubt I will be replaying anytime soon because of the outcome is going to end up the same.
I have not beat the game, just looking at an overall reason:

There would be no room for a sequel.

Probably as simple as that. Games like Army of Two and Infamous had to pick an ending then call it cannon and make a sequel from there. I think there was an article that said Infamous looked at trophy data to see which ending was achieved more and went with that. Still, there will be some that don't agree.

I have not beat the game, just looking at an overall reason:

There would be no room for a sequel.

Probably as simple as that. Games like Army of Two and Infamous had to pick an ending then call it cannon and make a sequel from there. I think there was an article that said Infamous looked at trophy data to see which ending was achieved more and went with that. Still, there will be some that don't agree.
With the way the story is set-up, there's no way they could've had the big open-ended style of consequences that Heavy Rain had because you'd run into continuity issues all of the time, so it's for the best that it's a bit linear. There's also the other major difference in that you're not taking control of a cast of characters, but just Jodie and Aiden.

Seems like all the bad reviews say the same thing, it is a good game, but none of your choices matter and it is more like a linear Movie that you really have no control over.  I loved Heavy rain for it being able to lose a character, or lose the game, or get different endings, here I guess you can't die, and there is only one outcome...

Heavy Rain was so Memorable because of how my friends and I played through it, we each got a character and if you died you were done (best part was when my girlfriend played my friends character and got her killed... :) ).  Won't have that in this!

I haven't played it yet, but I am looking forward to picking it up soon. Not sure when I'll get it, but I want to. I really enjoyed Indigo Prophecy and Heavy Rain so I have high hopes this one will be good too. There's probably not much replay-ability though huh?

Does this game have an easy difficulty setting? If you die does the game end, lol?

I want to try to tag team this with a non-gamer, but would rather the story not end after the first failed action scene.

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Really? I enjoyed the story for what it was but was rather bored between pieces of story. The scene in the dessert seemed to drag on forever which is where i decided to call it quits. But maybe it was just because I was trying to rush it. I'll maybe try again this weekend if i can find it at redbox.
Was it chocolate or vanilla? Cake or pie? Your comment has me intrigued.

Sorry... I just had to.

Does this game have an easy difficulty setting? If you die does the game end, lol?

I want to try to tag team this with a non-gamer, but would rather the story not end after the first failed action scene.
When you start the game, it'll present difficulty options as "I play games all of the time" or "I rarely play games" that covers that. I'm not sure what it changes, but that's available if you want it. I don't think the game lets you die for not doing well in a sequence, as it'll just change what happens to get around it.

Thanks for info, I'll give it a shot then. I remember Heavy Rain being pretty entertaining when having another person to switch off with. 

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So I beat the game and had fun. I did a first playthrough without ever looking at a trophy list or walkthrough, like with Heavy Rain. What I like about the games is 2 people can play the same game and have (slightly) different experiences with it.

Big spoilers:

Sure Jodie can't die (until Black Sun and Epilogue) but imo, the game had a bunch of choices that make the game a "different" experience. I didn't know you could get arrested at the train, I didn't know Nathan could shoot Ryan, I didn't know that revenge would burn down the teen house party, I didn't know you could fail The Embassy mission, I didn't know you could die letting the rift from Beyond take over/merge the world, I didn't know I could save Paul, I didn't know Jodie gets into a real bad situation at the bar in "Like Other Girls", I didn't know you could kill Norah.

Sure, in the end it may all just be superficial aside from The Black Sun expanding destroying the world, but it's a nice touch. The ending is literally press button for different ending, but stuff like Cole getting a drawing of a princess could be gone if you let him die. So I think that some choices add to your story.

How did your 1st playthrough go/ending? My game/ending:

- Utterly destroyed the room in "The Experiment"; did not take revenge at the teen party

- Choked Jodie's (now I know fake) father because I thought I was going to posses him to give Jodie a hug good bye; makes more sense now that I know what Aiden really is

- Watched as Nathan shot himself in the head and say "So sorry, it's all up to you now Jodie"; what an asshole coward taking the easy way out

- Looked at Paul and Shimasani during Jodie's 2nd death but chose life knowing Aiden would be gone

EDIT: - Told one-eyed Ryan f off, Cole got a Princess drawing

- Raised and trained Zoey for the upcoming apocalypse

Side note as I've seen some other endings: What's up with every ending having Aiden and his "Still here" message but the Zoey ending? Maybe I missed/don't remember it. EDIT: Even if you chose Beyond and Jodie dies, she gives Cole the "Princess still here" message.

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When you start the game, it'll present difficulty options as "I play games all of the time" or "I rarely play games" that covers that. I'm not sure what it changes, but that's available if you want it. I don't think the game lets you die for not doing well in a sequence, as it'll just change what happens to get around it.
In Heavy Rain the difficulty settings (which are almost identical) just determined how complex the QTEs were. Personally I'd recommend choosing the hardest setting right off the bat, as (at least in the case of Heavy Rain) it makes it a lot more intense and involving than the extremely basic inputs on easier settings. If you only want to appreciate the story though then I guess maybe that would better for some people.

I finished this recently and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. I had avoided reviews going in, knowing that I intended to play it at some point, but going back and reading them now is hilarious. In some (not many, but some) cases you can just tell in the first few paragraphs that the reviewer has a bone to pick with David Cage, and couldn't give the game a fair review if their life depended on it. I know, that's fair, reviews are opinions, etc, but I guess I'm just one of those people who finds it odd that someone would review a game they know they can't appreciate. It would be like getting someone who hates baseball to review The Show.

The other thing I found odd about a number of reviews is how much some people complained about the game not having fail states or significant choices. I can understand people expecting something like Heavy Rain, but as far as I know it was never advertised as such, so it seems like an odd thing to get caught up on. The way things played out actually reminded me of The Walking Dead, because while that game may let you make major decisions like who lives/dies, in the end, those choices don't typically have a major impact on the overall story. Interactions and situations may change, but you're still on rails to maintain the intergrity of the game's story, and that's totally OK.

The other thing I found odd about a number of reviews is how much some people complained about the game not having fail states or significant choices.
Ironically, the game has plenty of fail states and significant choices (involving
failed escapes, new scenes, skipped scenes, and the deaths of Jodie & almost every single other main character.
). It's just you don't know you entered a fail state, it's just a new scene that you don't get if you succeeded or vise versa. Sure the story will move on, but it plays out differently, I praise that.

The way things played out actually reminded me of The Walking Dead, because while that game may let you make major decisions like who lives/dies, in the end, those choices don't typically have a major impact on the overall story. Interactions and situations may change, but you're still on rails to maintain the intergrity of the game's story, and that's totally OK.

Anyway, I was playing through a 2nd time to make different choices and actions. And certain lines and things happening are almost brilliant. Ending spoilers:
One line in particular "It's ok, Aiden isn't scared of the monsters anymore" after knowing Aiden is Jodie's stillborn twin and was also just a scared child that didn't even know what he was on top of that. Other little things like Aiden purposely scaring Jodie multiple times as a kid. He just wanted to play pranks on Jodie, like any sibling. Overprotective with Ryan. The game has many hints but I never guessed it. I was thinking something was up during Navajo and Jodie saying needed a 5th souls for the amulet and Aiden picks it up. Aiden has a soul? What? Didn't guess correct, but still made me think about what Beyond the rift really was.

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Finally got around to starting this and am digging it so far. I got through the
chapter and particularly enjoyed
exacting revenge on those kids and setting the house on fire. I just wish we could have burnt it all the way down.

I finished this recently and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. I had avoided reviews going in, knowing that I intended to play it at some point, but going back and reading them now is hilarious. In some (not many, but some) cases you can just tell in the first few paragraphs that the reviewer has a bone to pick with David Cage, and couldn't give the game a fair review if their life depended on it. I know, that's fair, reviews are opinions, etc, but I guess I'm just one of those people who finds it odd that someone would review a game they know they can't appreciate. It would be like getting someone who hates baseball to review The Show.

The other thing I found odd about a number of reviews is how much some people complained about the game not having fail states or significant choices. I can understand people expecting something like Heavy Rain, but as far as I know it was never advertised as such, so it seems like an odd thing to get caught up on. The way things played out actually reminded me of The Walking Dead, because while that game may let you make major decisions like who lives/dies, in the end, those choices don't typically have a major impact on the overall story. Interactions and situations may change, but you're still on rails to maintain the intergrity of the game's story, and that's totally OK.
compairing this to the walking dead is spot on, I was trying to think of what it reminded me of. A game where the choices only effect how you feel about the characters, how they treat you etc..

In Heavy Rain the difficulty settings (which are almost identical) just determined how complex the QTEs were. Personally I'd recommend choosing the hardest setting right off the bat, as (at least in the case of Heavy Rain) it makes it a lot more intense and involving than the extremely basic inputs on easier settings. If you only want to appreciate the story though then I guess maybe that would better for some people.
Took your advice and yeah, it's probably better this way. My gf doesn't game but she's handling the action sequences pretty well.

Playing duo is fun, though I have to admit I find the game pretty mediocre overall. I think we're a little over halfway finished, and segments have been either really awkward or just monotonous. The CIA and train sequences were probably the most enjoyable.

I don't mind the linearity. It's nice not having to die and restart a QTE over and over like in other games.

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Bringing this thread back from the dead.  I finished the game late last night.  My wife isn't a gamer and didn't want to play it with me but she watched me play the entire thing.  She wanted me to wait until she could watch before I played it. 

This game is my GOTY and easily in the top 5 games this generation.  It puts games like Dishonored to shame.  While Dishonored has a metacritic of 91 and widely applauded for it's choices, this game has a score of 70 and complaints are thrown at it about it's choices.  Many of the choices in Beyond don't have as much impact as one may like but Dishonored is as binary as you can get, kill this guy or torture him to death (somehow this is the "good" guy method???).

I got lucky enough to get this for $5 from Amazon on Thanksgiving Day.  Having bought it for that low price, I now feel like I should buy the add-on content which seems like it's essentially Portal puzzles which I also enjoy.  The game sold less than a million copies and I'd hate it for these guys to go out of business.  I never played Heavy Rain but I picked that up for $10 also.

When I finished this game, I had that feeling you get when you finish a really good book.  You're happy about the ending but you have something of a hole in you because these characters that you like are gone and you won't be able to experience new adventures with them - you don't want it to end.  That's just how I felt.  This game has been described as "an interactive movie" and I think that's true.  It's also something of a "pick your own adventure book" or maybe just a plain old adventure game.  If you don't want to play an interactive movie but buy this and complain about it then I've got nothing for you.  You don't see me buying Madden and complaining that it's too much football.

This game is absolutely great, anyone that likes adventure games, artsy games, or films/books should play this.  If those types of games don't interest you then stay away.  I typically sell my games because I don't like to hold onto physical "stuff" but I'll hold this because it hasn't sold well and I would like to support them a little more.  Also it may become somewhat rare since it's the end of the PS3 lifecycle and barely sold.

I too loved the game. I liked the ending I got, but it made me want to go back and see all the different endings, like with Heavy Rain.

If the DLC you're talking about is the DLC that came with the Steelbook edition, I fininished it in about 17 minutes. The premise is the CIA setup a training facility specifically for Jodie+Aiden.

I too loved the game. I liked the ending I got, but it made me want to go back and see all the different endings, like with Heavy Rain.

If the DLC you're talking about is the DLC that came with the Steelbook edition, I fininished it in about 17 minutes. The premise is the CIA setup a training facility specifically for Jodie+Aiden.
Yep, exactly it. I went ahead and paid them $4.99 for it. It's a lot of money for a small amount of content but I really want them to make more of these games.

Wow, I guess there's hope for more of these games in the future since it probably won't lose money like I thought. I wonder how they kept costs down like this?

Of course the open-ending itself could lend itself to some DLC. I'd buy that.
Some other examples of bugets gone right and kept low while still making a quality game that looks great: Demon's/Dark Souls, Metro: Last Light(and the prequel), and the Witcher 2 (and 3?). Dishonored also maybe?

About Beyond ending:

While the ending seems open ended, it also sets something major up. How Jodie's story and what happens to her and her friends are open, it seems nearly every ending set up Zoey as the new Jodie. Either Jodie went to live with the homeless people and she trained Zoey to fight the "Apocolypse" (which was set up in every single ending, even if you fail to contain and die the Apoc comes sooner, though Zoey is a baby so the world probably ends) or choose someone else/chose death Zoey still fights the Apocolypse. If you choose death, Jodie herself becomes the Aiden to Zoey.

Personally, I think that this sets up a sequel more than a 2-8hr DLC, but we'll see.

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Some other examples of bugets gone right and kept low while still making a quality game that looks great: Demon's/Dark Souls, Metro: Last Light(and the prequel), and the Witcher 2 (and 3?). Dishonored also maybe?

About Beyond ending:

While the ending seems open ended, it also sets something major up. How Jodie's story and what happens to her and her friends are open, it seems nearly every ending set up Zoey as the new Jodie. Either Jodie went to live with the homeless people and she trained Zoey to fight the "Apocolypse" (which was set up in every single ending, even if you fail to contain and die the Apoc comes sooner, though Zoey is a baby so the world probably ends) or choose someone else/chose death Zoey still fights the Apocolypse. If you choose death, Jodie herself becomes the Aiden to Zoey.

Personally, I think that this sets up a sequel more than a 2-8hr DLC, but we'll see.
The problem here is that they would be choosing canon for you.

Is Jodie a spirit that tethered herself to the girl?

Is she there with the girl who has her own spirit?

Is Jodie alone?

Did she choose one of the guys?

Personally, I thought the Zoey ending and the Ryan ending were the two only "real" endings. The alone endings make no sense because why choose to go live in the world again then decide to divorce yourself from everyone? If you look at most of the endings you'll see her talk about Ryan quite a bit. His ending was also significantly longer than some of the others. Then of course the Zoey ending had more impact behind it so it's probably the one.

I suppose they could just create some convoluted scenario where all these people end up together.

I want a mini-story DLC that's all about the post-game scene.
Honestly, I would have been fine without the "gameplay" quick time events and just played it like a pick your own adventure novel. Half the time those events failed for no apparent reason. They were not good. In terms of an actual DLC pack, it's hard to imagine how that could be small.

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Honestly, I would have been fine without the "gameplay" quick time events and just played it like a pick your own adventure novel. Half the time those events failed for no apparent reason. They were not good. In terms of an actual DLC pack, it's hard to imagine how that could be small.
What does that have to do with wanting more about the [customspoiler='Spoiler']crazy future thing with Jodie and Zoey fighting the newest entity threat from the rebuilt portal[/customspoiler]?

I wasn't a big fan of this game. I loved Heavy Rain and I absolutely loved The Walking Dead. I didn't care about reviews because I knew this wasn't going to be everyone's cup of tea (gameplay-wise). My problem was coming in expecting another Heavy Rain. I just felt Beyond was a convoluted mess of a story, which you can argue was the intention but imo, that's just a cop-out to hide poor writing.

I could guarantee that the only reason the game was broken up that way was to avoid players spending the first 4-5 hours of the game as child Jodie and getting bored...not necessarily a narrative choice. It sucks because there are plenty of parts in the game that I felt were absolutely genius but others just flat and terrible.

I would love to see David Cage try and take on a full-on horror / psycho-thriller genre as his next game. There were some genuinely creepy scenes / moments that would be fantastic extrapolated into a full game.

I wasn't a big fan of this game. I loved Heavy Rain and I absolutely loved The Walking Dead. I didn't care about reviews because I knew this wasn't going to be everyone's cup of tea (gameplay-wise). My problem was coming in expecting another Heavy Rain. I just felt Beyond was a convoluted mess of a story, which you can argue was the intention but imo, that's just a cop-out to hide poor writing.

I could guarantee that the only reason the game was broken up that way was to avoid players spending the first 4-5 hours of the game as child Jodie and getting bored...not necessarily a narrative choice. It sucks because there are plenty of parts in the game that I felt were absolutely genius but others just flat and terrible.

I would love to see David Cage try and take on a full-on horror / psycho-thriller genre as his next game. There were some genuinely creepy scenes / moments that would be fantastic extrapolated into a full game.
A lot of the people that didn't like the game complained about it not having enough action which is the exact reason you think they did the jumping around in time thing. I just don't believe that's true. I don't think he cares if there is little to no action. It's not a shooter.

They basically explain it at the end of the game by indicating that these are the memories that she's writting down.

IMO the jumping in time was really good for the story because it kept you wanting to know what happens. It was a bit like "to be continued" on a TV show at the end of the season. It's why the game was so hard for me to put down. To think he did this because of some notion that people want tons of action in his adventure game seems odd to me.

Just started playing Beyond Two Souls last night. Controlling the character and the action thing they are using is pretty wonkey but overall I liked the game so far. The story and life events of Jodie is making me really enjoying this game. I think this is because I never know what is going to happen next. Also some of the character models and part of the game graphics at certain part of the game really stands out very well. Stand out like, wow is this is really running on the PS3?

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So after sleeping on this game for months after i bought it i decided to pop it in and give it a try. I had a feeling i knew what i was getting into from previous games by Quantic, with Indigo Prophecy being a favorite. This game had me completely hooked. i literally played through the entire game in one sitting which i rarely do. first off the game looks amazing on ps3 just beautiful. i also think the hollywood cast was great along with the story i just kept wanting to see what happens next. Jodie is a great character, at times i felt really bad for her and others i felt proud for her. im just gonna mention a few moments that were my favorites

when young jodie
lets nathan hear from his recently deceased daughter and wife, that was such a well acted scene, real powerful

the bar scene
gone wrong, it felt really good to get bloody revenge with aiden

when you realize she was used to kill the president to keep the country at war really struck a chord and seemed very "american way"

when you discover
aiden is actually your still born twin brother. i was like oh shit! makes total sense after the fact.

and the end.
the final choice standing there choosing between "life" and "beyond" i really thought about it for  a few minutes. it was a deeper than a game for me at that moment. it felt like ive been there before in my real life and ultimately decided for "life" because you'll go "beyond" no matter what one day.

some things i didnt really care for...... ryan, he was kind of lame. didnt really care for the whole navajo chapter. or the chinese underwater base thing.

one of my favorites was defintely the homeless chapter. i really liked those characters and for once in my life i actually felt sorry for homeless people because it forced you to live a day in there life so to speak, with people ignoring you or screaming at you to leave there store.

im writing a book here so im going to end it. i really enjoyed this game and i thought about seeing the other endings but i decided not to because the choices i made were mine and thats my story and im happy with how it ended. next stop try the dlc.

bread's done