Big Brother 9 is all over! BB10 premieres July 13th! Woo!

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You know, Cougar seemed awful friendly with the man she said she was so disgusted by during the HoH competition, and later on she was even sniffling on his chest after the eviction.
She got a wakeup call. They thought they were gone and it turned out to be Jacob and whatshername. So she realized she needed to swallow her pride and tone it down.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']You know, Cougar seemed awful friendly with the man she said she was so disgusted by during the HoH competition, and later on she was even sniffling on his chest after the eviction.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I noticed they were in contact with each other I think when Parker woke everybody up to rant.

I guess nobody else on the thread had a problem with Adam calling her 'ma' but I found that to be just really stupid. She's the oldest lady in there with a bunch of young attractive women and finds out the theme is going to be that everyone is paired up as a couple. That's got to make her self concious and then her new partner calls her 'ma' as a hello. However I do think she went ridiculously overboard on the grousing and complaining about the guy. But his retard comment last night was pretty poor. That turned the corner on him with me.

Anyway they made themselves the safe choice for Jen and Parker but Jacob just really screwed the pooch. Why would you tell Jen that you think her partner is a snake and basically imply you'll be targetting him? Okay so he claimed it was 'everybody' saying it. :roll:

It could turn out that Adam and Cougar are kept around as somebody that will be easy to dump down the line so why dump them now? Or even kept as somebody to go up against at the end. But it might still be too early for teams to be thinking on that angle.

I also thought it was interesting that after Jen and Ryan revealed their relationship to their partners everyone out of the 4 pretty much doesn't trust anyone else. I figured they'd all mull it over for a bit and figure - well we might as well become a strong 2 team alliance. Jen should have discussed revealing it with Ryan before taking that step IMO. Allyson pretty much fell for Ryan on day one so she's like a woman scorn at this point. Needs to get over it.

If Jen and Ryan weren't secretly a couple I wonder if Sharon's ploy to point the finger at Ryan would have worked? Parker seemed to go for it. She could have been a pretty interesting player. Oh well.
[quote name='wubb']Yeah I noticed they were in contact with each other I think when Parker woke everybody up to rant.

I guess nobody else on the thread had a problem with Adam calling her 'ma' but I found that to be just really stupid. She's the oldest lady in there with a bunch of young attractive women and finds out the theme is going to be that everyone is paired up as a couple. That's got to make her self concious and then her new partner calls her 'ma' as a hello. However I do think she went ridiculously overboard on the grousing and complaining about the guy. But his retard comment last night was pretty poor. That turned the corner on him with me.

Anyway they made themselves the safe choice for Jen and Parker but Jacob just really screwed the pooch. Why would you tell Jen that you think her partner is a snake and basically imply you'll be targetting him? Okay so he claimed it was 'everybody' saying it. :roll:

It could turn out that Adam and Cougar are kept around as somebody that will be easy to dump down the line so why dump them now? Or even kept as somebody to go up against at the end. But it might still be too early for teams to be thinking on that angle.

I also thought it was interesting that after Jen and Ryan revealed their relationship to their partners everyone out of the 4 pretty much doesn't trust anyone else. I figured they'd all mull it over for a bit and figure - well we might as well become a strong 2 team alliance. Jen should have discussed revealing it with Ryan before taking that step IMO. Allyson pretty much fell for Ryan on day one so she's like a woman scorn at this point. Needs to get over it.

If Jen and Ryan weren't secretly a couple I wonder if Sharon's ploy to point the finger at Ryan would have worked? Parker seemed to go for it. She could have been a pretty interesting player. Oh well.[/quote]

So many bone-head moves in the first 2 episodes. It's like this crew has never seen a season of the show they're now on. Adam and Cougar dodged a major bullet. They have been given a second chance to make-up and play the game now. And I agree that one of the reasons they weren't evicted is that people probably realized that they'll eventually self-destruct because of their mutual disdain for one another. That makes it real difficult to play a game as teammates when you can't stand each other and are always fighting.

Jacob didn't seem like a wigger on the first episode, so it was kind of a shock to see his true self revealed the next episode.

Adam's big-ass eyes totally creep me out.
[quote name='shieryda']So many bone-head moves in the first 2 episodes. It's like this crew has never seen a season of the show they're now on. Adam and Cougar dodged a major bullet. They have been given a second chance to make-up and play the game now. And I agree that one of the reasons they weren't evicted is that people probably realized that they'll eventually self-destruct because of their mutual disdain for one another. That makes it real difficult to play a game as teammates when you can't stand each other and are always fighting.

Jacob didn't seem like a wigger on the first episode, so it was kind of a shock to see his true self revealed the next episode.[/quote]

Adam's big-ass eyes really creep me out.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Holy shit.
The girl that got booted out tonight is back in the house. My guess is when a couple is kicked out, they compete and one gets to come back in and play solo.

Okay, I think the girl got to come back in because one of the gay dudes had a family emergency and he left. But the fucked up part is Big Brother matched the girl up with the remaining gay guy. Yet another season of the producers rewriting their own game rules on the fly. Pairing up two people of opposite sexual orientations?

I saw that yesterday on BBAD too, I'm pissed...this is definitely not going to be a good season.
Sharon is a total bitch too, she's conning everyone into getting rid of Ryan and Jen because she's still trying to cover her ass for Jacob's lie about Ryan calling Parker a "snake", the thing is she's sounds like she's so convinced that it happened, its scary, such a manipulative bitch...I can't believe they brought her back...that's fucked up!

Also, everyone knows about Ryan and Jen being BF/GF, suprised it wasn't mentioned yesterday
[quote name='HuppSav']Holy ass on amanda, I hope she makes it till the end. The bikini barista is the chronic too.[/quote]

Indeed. I think Chelsia is cute, but the lack of eyebrows kinda bugs me.
It was so fucking stupid for them to reveal they were dating.

BBAD stuff:

I guess it was Ryan's partner who spilled the beans to the house since Parker said on BBAD he didn't tell anyone.

I didn't watch this mornings BBAD, too long. :/
Shit - is it too late to jump in? I totally forgot this was on. I hate this show but there's nothing else to watch!
[quote name='javeryh']Shit - is it too late to jump in? I totally forgot this was on. I hate this show but there's nothing else to watch![/quote]

If you hated the show previously, you'll really hate it now, unless you like shit like the Real World. This year they're practically begging the houseguests to fuck and create love triangles and shit. :roll:
I read the pink mohawk dude has pics of himself whacking off on the internet. And the other night Matt said Adam is a cokehead and he wasn't joking, hence Adam always wiping his nose. CBS sure picked another fucked up crowd yet again.
On BBAD Natalie went nude in the jacuzzi...she tried to cover up with bubbles but everyone there could see, the damn cameras that were showing on BBAD didn't get any boob coverage but we did get to see her ass...meh.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Did you see mohawk dude do the "taint slap?"[/quote]

Yes, unfortunately...ugh.

Well, that's it for me for this season...I'm dropping it from my DVR...I can't stand this season, its really a POS.
Aw, man, don't give up yet. On BBAD there was the blowup of the century. The gay dude went off on that Amanda chick, almost running up and dropkicking her ass.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Aw, man, don't give up yet. On BBAD there was the blowup of the century. The gay dude went off on that Amanda chick, almost running up and dropkicking her ass.[/quote]

Guess I'll watch tonights and decide.
The men on this show are the biggest cowards I have seen in awhile. If that gay dude had run up on a girl like that and I was there I would have dropped his ass. They took that waaaaaay too far. Now they are all sucking his ...... and giving him props. Every guy there is a big pussy.
My beef is the CBS episodes are so fucking far behind it's not even funny. There's a pile of stuff that happened on BBAD and the aired episodes have barely covered anything that happened before BBAD even started airing (quite a few days after the "move in" day). Usually by the first BBAD, they've been in the house for almost a week.

Only thing I can say is the CBS episodes are going to be packed with drama on Tuesday. There should be a couple huge blowups, the one with Parker going off on Jen and nearly getting his ass kicked by Ryan, and the one with Josh/Chelsia and Amanda.
Did the first BBAD episode take place before or after what CBS has shown thus far? If it's before, then how the hell could that be left out?

That's the only BBAD I've watched since, to be honest, it's too much time to invest in a season that just fucking sucks.
They gay guy said he would slap her if he was a girl, so at least he kept himself in check. Plus, that's the last guy I'd expect to blow up like that. He seems like a nice guy, although he did make a joke a few nights ago about Amanda's dad committing suicide. CBS have gotta be some sick fucks though because a disturbing number of houseguests have dead dads. Alex's dad died in the Twin Towers collapse, Amanda's hung himself, James' dad is dead, I think another person's dad died too.

Rocko, CBS really just aired the milestone events...HoH basically. They didn't reveal yet that
Neil left the house after a family emergency, Sharon came back in the house, on the first BBAD on premiere night everybody knew Ryan and Jen were together while CBS only revealed that last night.
. So yeah, CBS has a shitload of catching up to do.
On the first BBAD night
Parker and Jen hated each other
, which I didn't see on tonight's episode. I'm hoping that that actually took place after the nominations. If that took place before the nominations, I don't see how that could be excluded from the show, as it seemed to be pretty substantial.
Yep, very true. CBS are kinda stupid for allowing BBAD to have more meat than their own shows. It drives me nuts when they reiterate the rules every damn episode, like the show is always geared towards first time viewers rather than a dedicated fanbase. Even Survivor kinda stopped with all that bullshit. The most Jeff would say is "once your torch goes out, you're out of the game." and "this is the finale, you WANT to see your name on the paper."
Wow, there was a nice little fight between Chelsia, Amanda, Alex and Josh. I'll let the video speak for themselves Part 1, Part 2,
Why can't the show be like this when they edit it for cbs.
The couples thing along with too many twits in the cast is making this a very odd season.

Assuming one out of Ryan or Jen goes home this week that means CBS's two "twists" petered out in the first 2 weeks. The ex's paired up and the secretly dating couple. :lol:

I don't get the couple people in there who don't seem to care if they hurt their chances at the money or not. Such as the two who are saying they are a lesbian couple outside of the house - I don't think either would fool with that lie if they weren't pissed about their partner. You can't suck it up and get along with your random partner for a couple months and try for the $500K?
Sharon is back! She impressed me with her spin control on Jacob's fuck up earlier. If it hadn't been for Jen and Ryan's secret relationship the ploy may have worked.

So many annoying people in the house. Alex is basically pulling an Allison. He fell for his partner and now he can't deal with it that she's getting cozy with somebody else. I loved the little speech from him in the middle where he talked about how she scampers around in skimpy clothing so he's decided she's not for him and it's just not going to work. Riiiight, you not being with her is your decision.

I meant to comment on this last week but forgot - the fact that each player has an individual key and they didn't make one key with both couples' name might imply they will be splitting them up eventually. Or it could just be that since the tradition is for each player to wear their key around their neck they needed one for each player. Who knows?
They will probably all be separated somehow toward the end.

I love how the camera kept going back on Matt while Amanda, Parker and Chelsia were all talking in the kitchen. So funny. Total stalker.
Julie said something about Ryan and Jen maybe being separated for "almost 3 months" so did she just slip that this is NOT a half season?
^^ Oooo very interesting.

A possible twist could be some evicted houseguests coming back in as singles at some point to compete against the remaining couples.

The couple thing really didn't work. But it's still interesting to watch all the melt downs.
[quote name='wubb']^^ Oooo very interesting.

A possible twist could be some evicted houseguests coming back in as singles at some point to compete against the remaining couples.

The couple thing really didn't work. But it's still interesting to watch all the melt downs.[/QUOTE]
I dunno. It's weird, because Sharon and Jacob were in sequester, which is how Sharon was able to come back in the house. Don't they usually let the early evictees go home and they only sequester the jury?
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']I dunno. It's weird, because Sharon and Jacob were in sequester, which is how Sharon was able to come back in the house. Don't they usually let the early evictees go home and they only sequester the jury?[/QUOTE]

Can't remember, but it makes sense that they could go home if they're not part of a jury since the evictions are live.

Maybe they'll do the jury as a couple so everyone has to be on it since there are so few couples?

But hopefully it means there is going to be a mix up and a longer season.
Some strange shit going down tonight.
Allison was taken out from an allergic reaction or something like that. And Amanda passed out from hyperglycemia or whatever it's called. Both taken to the hospital and on BBAD everybody's waiting for them to come back.
Yeah, just a few minutes ago he was complaining that the girls would be asking nurses who watch the show for info. I think the whole thing with Amanda happened because she was on slop. Maybe now they'll drop the fucking boring "slop" element of the game in future seasons. I'm tired of that gimmicky shit.
[quote name='Rocko']So, uh, BBAD is certainly interesting...

Edit: So apparently they can't climb on things or, strangely, sing.[/quote]

That's because they don't want to get sued, hence you'll hear "Stop that" during the live feeds. This season has been really interesting compare to last years. All the drama, fights and the wild stripping drinking night has made this season fantastic.
[quote name='KiLL3r']That's because they don't want to get sued, hence you'll hear "Stop that" during the live feeds. This season has been really interesting compare to last years. All the drama, fights and the wild stripping drinking night has made this season fantastic.[/quote]

They could get sued over a houseguest singing a song?
[quote name='Rocko']They could get sued over a houseguest singing a song?[/quote]

That's because of the [SIZE=-1]song licensing issues.[/SIZE]
[quote name='KiLL3r']That's because they don't want to get sued, hence you'll hear "Stop that" during the live feeds. This season has been really interesting compare to last years. All the drama, fights and the wild stripping drinking night has made this season fantastic.[/quote]

Was there other stripping on BADD besides the first week or so when Natalie got naked in the Jacuzzi and covered up with bubbles?

BTW: I found this shit funny:
“Big Brother 9 houseguest Adam Jasinski has apparently been fired from his job for comments he made in the house about autistic children. One advertiser has pulled its ads and another group asked for Adam’s termination and the cancellation of the show following his casual use of the term “retards” to refer to the kids he works with.””-the-united-autism-foundation/
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Was there other stripping on BADD besides the first week or so when Natalie got naked in the Jacuzzi and covered up with bubbles?[/quote]

I guess you didn't watch Sunday's BBAD, eh?

Also, damn @ Adam. He's weird, but really, he seems like a nice guy. :/
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