Bionic Commando - Gen. Discussion & Info

this game is alright. saw it in the video store yesterday and figured why not try it. Not too bad. It really fuck 'ing pisses me off that you can't go back and replay levels to get the collectables!
My only guess is that they made the game cumbersome and annoying on purpose because that's how the original was. I guess it never dawned on them that game's were made that way because developers were morons, not because it made the game better. I'll take a better game over clunky but "nostalgic" any day.
I like the game a lot, having a lot of fun with it so far, my only problem is that my Xbox shuts off every time I play it lol.
[quote name='sotc1988']My only guess is that they made the game cumbersome and annoying on purpose because that's how the original was. I guess it never dawned on them that game's were made that way because developers were morons, not because it made the game better. I'll take a better game over clunky but "nostalgic" any day.[/QUOTE]

Original wasn't annoying and cumbersome. I mean the only bad thing about the old one is that you couldn't jump. Other than that it worked fine, especially Rearmed.

And a lot of the radiation is all over the buildings that you are running and swinging on. It's not like you see it in the distance and you know that is the level's boundaries. It's everywhere. Above, below, on the sides of you when you are swinging. Like I said, the radiation should be pushed fifty feet back in all directions.

I can't wait to hear the next Top Secret Podcast. They have a ton of explaining to do.
Beat this last night, perfect rental. My biggest complaint was the fact that
Super Joe turned out to be the main villian. It's like they did it just to have a twist. I wouldn't mind so much if they at least gave me a good reason to why. He was the orginal Commando so they owed more to fans then just having him be an a-hole

I never really had a problem with the radiation. It killed me a couple times but it was that bad. Same with the save points. There where only two instances where I was pissed that I had to start from the begining of the level. But hey, it's a video game, it's what they do, so I deal.
[quote name='Rodimus']Beat this last night, perfect rental. My biggest complaint was the fact that
Super Joe turned out to be the main villian. It's like they did it just to have a twist. I wouldn't mind so much if they at least gave me a good reason to why. He was the orginal Commando so they owed more to fans then just having him be an a-hole

Clicked the spoiler because I don't care about the plot at this point. What an insultingly uninspired twist. That's the sort of thing I would say as a joke.
[quote name='metaly']Clicked the spoiler because I don't care about the plot at this point. What an insultingly uninspired twist. That's the sort of thing I would say as a joke.[/QUOTE]
The real joke and an even more insane twist is that Spencer's wife
is his bionic arm. Apparently the bionics need a human to "merge" with it that is emotionally attached to the user. It's fucking dumb.
[quote name='sotc1988']The real joke and an even more insane twist is that Spencer's wife
is his bionic arm. Apparently the bionics need a human to "merge" with it that is emotionally attached to the user. It's fucking dumb.

What the fuck? Now you're just making stuff up.

And they say games don't need stories.
I wish he wasn't. Like I've said in other forums, maybe even this one, it's like Ben Judd from Capcom Japan didn't even do his job every time he went to visit. I would have looked at the Grin guys and said "Do you want this project or not? Wth is this near-instant death radiation and Joe being a bad guy. Fix it, now."

The spirit of the original wasn't it being cumbersome. It was discovering that it actually wasn't that cumbersome at all. Rearmed proved it. 'Oh no! I can't jump." Sure can't but you can do a lot of other things to make up for it.

You can't make up for swinging too high and getting caught in a deadly radiation cloud. No.... you can't. You just die.

And how they treated Joe was disgusting(he looked too damn old for one, anyway. How the hell does ten years become 20 on the face?). Plus it makes no sense because of the Rearmed story. None of this new story makes any sense.

EDIT: Plus they used fuck so much in the game. Poor beloved cuss word. 'Like hey, since the only real blood comes at the end we needed a reason to justify the Mature rating. So we decided that everyone will immaturely cuss a lot. Great huh!' Like Rearmed was funny because it was clever. I feel like no one from the Rearmed team got to work on this.

Dark Void is looking good btw. B-)
I guess a better word than cumbersome would've have been "difficult." Older games had a lot of cheaper deaths and were very hard and I suspect that these elements of having restricted swinging or quick accidental deaths was to capture the feel of the original Bionic Commando (I've never played the original but I imagine it was super hard and had some cheap deaths). The corny dialogue and nonsensical plot also seem to try to capture the feel of the original's ridiculous story (I mean, who writes in "Woah, is that a long health bar or are you happy to see me?" and thinks its good?) Capcom seems like the only game company who makes their games intentionally cheap or annoying to play rather than making them challenging. I'm probably not explaining this too well but I'm super glad I didn't pay for this game.
The issue here is that Rearmed wasn't like this at all and it's made by Grin. Yeah there's a lot of tongue in cheek humor in Rearmed but the cheap deaths weren't that cheap. You didn't die because your happen to float in the air for too long in radiation. Falling down a bottomless pit killed you as did water and spikes. And you knew clear and well before you dedicated yourself to a swing what you were up against. Sometimes the blue isn't even that clear and is all over buildings that you are on. They could and did just capture the orignal's difficulty by having you swing over bottom less pits. Didn't need to have all that radiation everywhere for added 'challenge.'
So does no one else have problems with the out of place Pepsi and Nvidia ads? I've played a couple of levels so far and I'm not too sure if the pistol sound effect is supposed to emphasize the power of the bionic arm or just unintentionally weak sounding.
If you're playing the BC series for the first time I guess the story doesn't mean much. But what Grin did was completly piss all over the orginal story (which was great for an NES game.)

Also the last fight was garage.
I kept thinking the game should've ended after you beat Groeder. He was a better villian. But how can you top blowing up Hitler's head?

I also thought that Joe looks way too old, but Spencer looks like a completely diffrent character anyways (that's why I went with the retro costume) It want's to cater to fans of the orginal but just doesn't.
Joe is actually way too old. Him and Nathan are honestly around the same age within at least ten years. I mean Joe was looking pretty young in Rearmed. He was out in the field after all. Joe looks like he's in his late 50s or in his 60s in this game. HELL, he's too old in the flashbacks when Nathan gets his arm. He should be even younger. I really feel like this game was completed sooner than what we were shown. I just don't see how it so poorly lines up with Rearmed with it being made by the same team after all this time. Like did no one question the gaps in logic at all? Like I could make this observation about the new Joe passing by a cubicle with tea and a muffin in my hand while talking to a coworker while looking at a hot receptionist. "Hey art dude. Joe looks too old. Fix that. *sips tea and grins while looking at the receptionist. Coworker nods in agreement.*

How does Grin both raise the bar for the series and lower it to the point where we just roll over it like it's a speed bump? Like I said before, I can't wait to hear Top Secret now and hear some post interviews. TS may cite the good reviews but even they are vocal about the games flaws.

This game disappoints me just like how Terminator Salvation (movie) does.
So I took advantage of the long weekend to beat this game.

I really enjoyed it. I got used to the swinging almost immediately and enjoyed the challenge of the game. It was really satisfying to pull off a successful grapple-to-grapple and zip kick a airborne enemy. And throwing cars at enemies never got old for me.

I also like how the achievements are given out through challenges and you can see your percent completion (much like Gears). If you are looking at the challenge menu it does a good job of teaching you cool things to try in the game.

The contaminated zone stuff is a pretty lame way to justify their region locks, but I get why they did it. Invisible walls would have been just as lame.

I also hate that I'd have to pick up the collectibles again if I died, meaning I may never collect them all.

Overall I enjoyed it. But I can see how if you suck at games and have to beat the game in 'X' time so you can write a review you would probably rate it lower.
Someone here might be able to help. I have made it to the check point at the very end of Trent Industrial District III and I realize that I forgot one of the collectibles at the beginning of the stage so I go back only to find that when I get back to the rooftop where you get the black box there is no way across. Anyone else have that problem or know the way back across? Thanks.
January will be a big month for Bionic Commando as we reveal our
[quote name='Tempius']Someone here might be able to help. I have made it to the check point at the very end of Trent Industrial District III and I realize that I forgot one of the collectibles at the beginning of the stage so I go back only to find that when I get back to the rooftop where you get the black box there is no way across. Anyone else have that problem or know the way back across? Thanks.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Rodimus']I guess you just have to restart the level.[/QUOTE]

It's too late now. It's more like restart the game. :whistle2:/

Just keep playing and get the other achievements instead. On your next harder playthrough go for the collectibles.
Its so much easier to do Commando play through when you don't have to worry about challenges or collectibles. I had to do challenges and it was a real pain to keep dying because I was going out of my way to kill enemies in a specific way.
This game tricked me into playing at the Commando difficultly level because Normal and Hard are located on the right of the screen and Commando is on the top left.

It kind of pissed me off because I got halfway through the game (to the Buraq helicopter) and realized that I would never beat it.

I wish developers would make it more clear which difficulty is the easiest and which is the most difficult - I'm probably just a moron, but I'm sure others had the same problem.

I'm actually really enjoying the game for $20 - much more than I thought I would. I kind of feel bad that it sold as poorly as it did.
ok so i am about 50 % through the game at
the Buraq helicopter
and i can get him down to the last hit every time, but then i can't get the last hit on him because he/it lights me up if i poke out long enough to try and lock on, any tips anyone :D or do i just keep trying until i get it
I got BC and beat it over the weekend. I really liked the ending, story wise. The game seemed a bit easy on normal to me, I have never played a Spider-man game but get the feeling this game and spider-man games would be the same..except for BC having guns... I personally do like the cheesy radiation cloud or any walls/barriers for that matter in a game, because I hate unnecessary "FREE ROAM" in game which seems to just confuse and prolong a game, especially some one like me who is directionally impaired and can't follow a map to save his life LOL..... The Game is well worth the 20$ it is going for on sale at EB...
[quote name='crzyjoeguy']ok so i am about 50 % through the game at
the Buraq helicopter
and i can get him down to the last hit every time, but then i can't get the last hit on him because he/it lights me up if i poke out long enough to try and lock on, any tips anyone :D or do i just keep trying until i get it[/QUOTE]

Easy. Just make sure you fire off three missiles at once. He'll flare out two and the third will impact.

After playing a couple of hours of Spider Man, that one with tons of Venom everywhere, BC and Spider-Man play so differently that we should stop comparing the two altogether. Spiderman takes you up way further and you basically swing on invisible everything. Bionic Commando forces you to find swing points and you spend much more time on the ground. Plus Spider-Man's combat has Spidey jumping from enemy to enemy so much. Bionic Commando plays like a third person shooter with this crazy arm that changes everything.

So in, short, Bionic Commando is NOT just Spider-Man with guns. It's more like Bionic Commando, period.
So I just finished this game and I have to say I have mixed feelings about it. I thought the gameplay was enjoyable but like most others I'd say the level design was annoying at times with radiation zones. I really felt like they nailed the swing mechanic though and it made the game a lot of fun to play when you were zipping through areas. I enjoyed the combat as well (although if it was fleshed out a bit more could have been great) as grabbing objects and guys and then throwing them was pretty satisfying. The zip kick and death from above were nice attacks as well.

Now the story...ugh. They made such a huge point to say this is a sequel and we are fleshing out the story yada yada yada...then we get what we got. WTF!? I'm confused if it was done intentionally to stick with the original Bionic Commando that was off the wall or if someone just messed it up. Either way...ugh.

I'd really love to see another game in the series although it's looking fairly grim with the sales numbers because if it was a bit more polished I think the game could have been great instead of just good. Well maybe we'll see another game in the form of REarmed which I'd be up for as well.
Overall the entire game is solid. the only part that needed to stop sucking balls was the story. I think I only found one thing I liked in the story and that was the very last minute wife story.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Did my ears deceive me or did anyone else distinctly hear Joe say "There's no way out Spencer. You'll just have to fuck it!" during the start of the
mech worm
boss fight?

I could have sworn he said fight during my first encounter with it.[/QUOTE]

He said that for me once also....

Solid game. Swing mechanic is fun although it sucks dieing a ton for stupid reasons.
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picked this up for $9.99 during gamefly's December sale.

Honestly I'm really enjoying Bionic Commando. I'm at 70% right now and I'm looking forward to beating it and replaying on Commando difficulty. I was surprised by the number of negative reviews in this thread. The physics and graphics are great, and it really is a ton of fun to play. There are so many different ways one one can beat a level or kill enemies, I feel like the replay value is high.

I see people complaining about the story and I dont understand why, seems engaging to me. Maybe because I never followed the story of the orginal game?
OK I just beat the game today and I need to update my review:

The gameplay is a TON of fun. The controls are fluid, there are many different ways to beat the levels, overall it was fun to play HOWEVER

The ending was TERRIBLE. The wife story, the Super Joe story, it all felt fake and thrown together at the last minute. The final boss fight before the end credits was LAME. WAY TOO EASY AND STUPID. It also made zero sense. It was the weakest part of the game by far.

I'll totally replay it on commando and have fun but the game could have been so much more.......
yeah, I was pretty bummed that it closed with a Quick Time Event. I got the feeling they wanted to do more but were stretched for time...
[quote name='looploop']yeah, I was pretty bummed that it closed with a Quick Time Event. I got the feeling they wanted to do more but were stretched for time...[/QUOTE]

that is exactly the feeling I get. It's really ashame, I'm playing it on commando difficulty right now and the game is a ton of fun, but you feel like its a product that could have and should have been better
bread's done