BIOSHOCK - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='KwanzaaTimmy']Here is the thread on the official forums about it:

Plain-as-day picture proof in the first post. Thought it was PC, but Panda, and others on the official board say it does the same thing on the 360.

Bioshock Technical Support (1200+) viewing...


Eh, give it a couple weeks and they'll have a patch out i'm sure. Likely a few bug fixes as well. I'm on a SDTV (oh yeah!) so this doesn't affect me i believe :p
You're right Syn, even on my DLP set, 4:3 HD is more than 40 Inches, so I'm not really worried-- It just seems kind of strange is all. I wont let it ruin the game for me, and I'll play around with it to make sure I'm getting the best possible view of Rapture I can.

But seriously, that sucks :( And these complaints I'm hearing about it are a little dissapointing, maybe I should have gotten it for the PC instead....hmmmm
Who gives a flying shit. I've been playing it on 360 completely unaware of this problem and have been enjoying the hell out of it. If this is really a dealbreaker for you... wow.
[quote name='creeeaature']Who gives a flying shit. I've been playing it on 360 completely unaware of this problem and have been enjoying the hell out of it. If this is really a dealbreaker for you... wow.[/quote]

Thats a bit closed-minded. I'm assuming you are playing it on 4:3? Granted, they will likely patch this so it shouldn't be that big of a deal.
[quote name='creeeaature']Who gives a flying shit. I've been playing it on 360 completely unaware of this problem and have been enjoying the hell out of it. If this is really a dealbreaker for you... wow.[/QUOTE]

? No one said they're not getting the game or enjoying the game because of this. IDK what you're reacting to.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Pics of the rest of the package? I'm curious to see what else you got. Pretty cool stuff there.[/QUOTE]
Hope you didn't mind the delay... here's some more pics at your request.

This is the best I could've done without glare.




[quote name='creeeaature']Who gives a flying shit. I've been playing it on 360 completely unaware of this problem and have been enjoying the hell out of it. If this is really a dealbreaker for you... wow.[/quote] No, it isn't a deal breaker, I'm still getting it in from Amazon, it was just a little quibble (haha cool word).
Oh dear God, this game is so damn good it will make grown men weep. I've only had time to play the first hour but I can already tell that this is a true gem. Completely immersive and not as scary as I thought it would be (in fact, scary isn't even the right word). It has the "fun" of an RPG rather than a shooter like Gears.

To anyone who has played a fair amount of the game, should I be conserving the magic points or will I always have a constant supply because I have fun electrocuting everything in sight. :lol: It seems every enemy I kill keeps giving me magic points so it doesn't seem like it will ever run out.
Oh nooooooes! EB sold out 15 minutes after open?! ARGHHHHH!!!

On another note, there was a little old lady in front of me who was scarily excited about getting a new Wii game for herself. Casual crowd, indeed!
[quote name='A Happy Panda']? No one said they're not getting the game or enjoying the game because of this. IDK what you're reacting to.[/QUOTE]

Many people on 2kgames forums are saying they won't buy it till it's fixed.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Many people on 2kgames forums are saying they won't buy it till it's fixed.[/QUOTE]

This I know...which is silly. But that guy was lashing out at CAGs not the 2k forum users.
Damnitt. Why the hell did I hesitate on the $50 deal at Amazon???

Now I'm pretty much screwed... any other deals on this thing?
[quote name='PyroGamer']Damnitt. Why the hell did I hesitate on the $50 deal at Amazon???

Now I'm pretty much screwed... any other deals on this thing?[/QUOTE]

? $50 at CC. PM it at BB and show your support to Speedy!
[quote name='PyroGamer']Is it in the CC ad? Will do![/QUOTE]

Indeed it is. However at least one other CAG said it sold out at BB and he had to buy it at CC. If have one around you, try PMing at Wal-Mart.

Ah yes. Shifting your money from one evil corporation to another. :cry: I wish the smaller shops could afford to give $10 discounts on games.
[quote name='Kendro']To anyone who has played a fair amount of the game, should I be conserving the magic points or will I always have a constant supply because I have fun electrocuting everything in sight. :lol: It seems every enemy I kill keeps giving me magic points so it doesn't seem like it will ever run out.[/QUOTE]

No, there are plenty of ways to get eve (mana) that you find later in the game, so go crazy. Besides all the bottles scattered around, you find
some abilites that grant you mana when you use a health pack, or even hit things with your wrench

Honestly later in the game, I found bullets harder to come by, so ive been using my powers far more.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Indeed it is. However at least one other CAG said it sold out at BB and he had to buy it at CC. If have one around you, try PMing at Wal-Mart.

Ah yes. Shifting your money from one evil corporation to another. :cry: I wish the smaller shops could afford to give $10 discounts on games.[/QUOTE]

Yeah that was me. BB only had enough for preorders they said. CC is easiest to get it at if they have any left, for $50.

If not, Walmart will price match it, just bring the add in.
For anyone looking for deals - Frys is also doing the 49.99 launch (along with CC), no PMs necessary.

For anyone who was curious - the 10% coupon worked flawlessly and I got 7.60 back off my previously paid off pre-order. I distributed a bunch of copies to all the other ubernerds waiting in line with me, and there was much rejoicing (and eyes of fire from the lone cashier operator who now had to perform an extra transaction at the register). I pre-ordered Halo 3 to appease him, and after I pick that up I've officially washed my hands clean of Gamestop forever, barring any legitimate deals.

My Big Daddy drill trip broke off... hope this replacement plan is quick and painless as I won't be around for a month.

Unfortunately I won't be able to play this until Saturday, but it feels good to hold my copy in my hands.
[quote name='getmyrunon']For anyone looking for deals - Frys is also doing the 49.99 launch (along with CC), no PMs necessary.

For anyone who was curious - the 10% coupon worked flawlessly and I got 7.60 back off my previously paid off pre-order. I distributed a bunch of copies to all the other ubernerds waiting in line with me, and there was much rejoicing (and eyes of fire from the lone cashier operator who now had to perform an extra transaction at the register). I pre-ordered Halo 3 to appease him, and after I pick that up I've officially washed my hands clean of Gamestop forever, barring any legitimate deals.

My Big Daddy drill trip broke off... hope this replacement plan is quick and painless as I won't be around for a month.

Unfortunately I won't be able to play this until Saturday, but it feels good to hold my copy in my hands.[/QUOTE]

I just got back from Fry's in Burbank, CA and I was only charged 39.99 + tax

Don't know if this is a mistake or a one-day sale but I got the last copy. :)

I keep looking at the receipt to make sure. haha.
[quote name='seanr1221']So I killed a Big Daddy, and the little sister is no where around. What gives?[/QUOTE]

Did he get one out of the vent first, or did you see him with one while you were fighting?
I saw her with him, and I wasn't going to fight, but a rocket turret was near me so I went for it. Dunno what happened to her though, maybe she ran?
I'm happy now that I put down a late pre-order for this at EB last week.

My EB (like probably many) only got enough Standard and Limited Edition games for pre-orders only.
[quote name='seanr1221']I saw her with him, and I wasn't going to fight, but a rocket turret was near me so I went for it. Dunno what happened to her though, maybe she ran?[/QUOTE]

Sometimes you just see them walking around. If there are any little sisters left in the level, they will walk toward a hole in the wall and one will pop out.

They do respawn too, so after you've cleared all the sisters in the level you can still find them and take them out. Quick way to make some $$$.
man, i am so glad i got this game. after the demo i wasn't sure if i wanted this or not. I got to BB at opening with my friends and found 4-5 other people waiting as well. Both me and my friend had the CC ad, so they just decided to sell it at 50 for everyone.

also, can anyone tell me if the big daddys get harder, because i just fought my first one, and killed him with no problem, i was a little disappointed with that.
[quote name='seanr1221']What difficulty are you playing on? The first Big Daddy I came across kicked my ass up and down.[/quote]

also, does anyone know if bb is having some sort of their own LE because i saw a copy that said it was for the 360, but instead of a regular case, it came in one similar to the GoW LE
I'm enjoying this game so much. Although the Big Daddies are a lot easier to beat then I'd expected (playing on normal at least). I'm actually a little dissapointed that they're not harder to kill, but I'm still loving the game for sure.

Oh, and my figure is broken too.
[quote name='elsnow77']also, does anyone know if bb is having some sort of their own LE because i saw a copy that said it was for the 360, but instead of a regular case, it came in one similar to the GoW LE[/QUOTE]
The only Bioshock that comes in a tin is the European Limited Edition.
[quote name='Moxio']I just saved the first sister you can.

Is it worthwhile like Tenebaum says?[/QUOTE]

From what I've done...
you get less Adam from them, but for every three you save, a little sister drops of a present with 200 Adam and some hard to find items. Also, there is an achievement for saving all of them, and I've read you get the "good ending' although I have no idea how many you have to save for that.
It's kind of disappointing to me that you can't go through any of the game's chapters with full-strength and just run around being fearless.

That's what I loved about Goldeneye. After beating the game and getting all the cheats, it was SO much fun to just fuck with the enemies.

That seriously would've been a big selling point for me.
[quote name='seanr1221']I saw her with him, and I wasn't going to fight, but a rocket turret was near me so I went for it. Dunno what happened to her though, maybe she ran?[/QUOTE]

That's happened to me several times.
She seems to flee once her protector is getting pretty beat up. I guess you can die all you like during the early stages of the fight but once he's down to like 25%, you need to finish the job without dying. Very tricky on hard.
[quote name='Moxio']I just saved the first sister you can.

Is it worthwhile like Tenebaum says?[/QUOTE]

I saved the Little Sisters the first time through. It's worth it.

Also, for the Little Sister Saver achievement, as long as you don't kill any (it doesn't matter how many you save) you get the achievement.

And yes, the Big Daddies get tougher.
[quote name='thrustbucket']I think I'm going to play this through on hard. The way death works in this game doesn't really seem to make it much of a challenge.[/quote]

are there achievements for Hard? It's keeping me in the chambers too often for my tastes.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']=/ So much talk about Bioshock...

Does anyone know if TRU PMs? I can't remember.[/QUOTE]

They do not.

[quote name='doc_zaius']
are there achievements for Hard? It's keeping me in the chambers too often for my tastes.[/quote]

One, for completing it on hard.
[quote name='thrustbucket']I think I'm going to play this through on hard. The way death works in this game doesn't really seem to make it much of a challenge.[/QUOTE]

the amount of health you get makes death a non-issue altogether
[quote name='Apossum']the amount of health you get makes death a non-issue altogether[/quote]

This is something i'm looking forwrad to immensely. I'll play through on Hard, but i like the fact that you aren't penalized for dying. "Have fun, not hardache", that should be every developers moto :)
[quote name='SynGamer']This is something i'm looking forwrad to immensely. I'll play through on Hard, but i like the fact that you aren't penalized for dying. "Have fun, not hardache", that should be every developers moto :)[/QUOTE]

now look what you've done, you woke up Itagaki's chin!


I'd recommend the normal difficulty since the scarcity of ammo might make hard frustrating. It is true that you respawn but suppose you had 5 health packs before, now you only have 1 when you respawn. And suppose you unloaded all of your ammo and still haven't killed the Big Daddy, you have to resort to wacking him with a wrench which would take forever. It's kinda like imagine playing the last level of Doom with God mode but you only have a pistol. It wouldn't be hard but it gets tedious.

To anyone that has had substantial time in this game, is ammo going to be a problem for the entire game? I don't really need it since you can use the Force powers but I've been saving all of my ammo and finally decided to use my weapons in the medical facility and I am nearly depleted. I haven't even reached the boss yet. Not to mention that I could buy ammo with money, but money is scarce too...
[quote name='Kendro']I'd recommend the normal difficulty since the scarcity of ammo might make hard frustrating. It is true that you respawn but suppose you had 5 health packs before, now you only have 1 when you respawn. And suppose you unloaded all of your ammo and still haven't killed the Big Daddy, you have to resort to wacking him with a wrench which would take forever. It's kinda like imagine playing the last level of Doom with God mode but you only have a pistol. It wouldn't be hard but it gets tedious.

To anyone that has had substantial time in this game, is ammo going to be a problem for the entire game? I don't really need it since you can use the Force powers but I've been saving all of my ammo and finally decided to use my weapons in the medical facility and I am nearly depleted. I haven't even reached the boss yet. Not to mention that I could buy ammo with money, but money is scarce too...[/quote]

I'm not too far, maybe a few loading screens past you, and ammo is always a pain. You find it all the time, but its like 3 bullets, 2 bullets, etc.

Also, your wallet can get full. That's right, there is a cap on how much cash you can hold. I hit it, then splurged, and now I am in the hole. I recommend saving quite a bit, especially before trying to take a big daddy, incase something dumb happens and you get stuck on a chair or something.
bread's done