Bioshock or Mass Effect?


Since these are on sale this week, I was wondering if anyone had a preference on which one is better? I know they are both really great games, but I'm probably only going to get one.

Which would you get?
Blockbuster has Bioshock used for 19.99

Mass Effect is 29.99

There isn't any reason you shouldn't be getting both.

besides there isn't an answer as which two are better, the games are in completely different genres and gametypes. the only thing they have in common is they both have Amazing epic stories.
[quote name='electronicthroat']Which would you get?[/quote]

I'd get Bioshock hands down, simply because I hate Rpgs.
Like the guy above me said, it depends on your tastes though.
If you really like Star Wars: Kotor on xbox then get Mass Effect, if you're a big fan of the System Shocks, get Bioshock.

Or even easier: Yearning for an rpg with an intense story? get M.E.
Yearning for a shooter with an intense story? get B.S.
Bioshock. Great game, my friend and i beat it a while ago taking turns on his account...i have it up on my trade list actually ;)
[quote name='joe2187']Blockbuster has Bioshock used for 19.99

Mass Effect is 29.99

There isn't any reason you shouldn't be getting both.

besides there isn't an answer as which two are better, the games are in completely different genres and gametypes. the only thing they have in common is they both have Amazing epic stories.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I may do that. I just hope the case & disc are included and also the disc is in good shape. I'm weird like that. I know it really doesn't matter as long as the game works, but I've always been like that.
Mass Effect is $40 new everywhere. It's not a sale. But I say go with BioShock. they're both amazing games, but I like BioShock better.
Hard to recommend one over the other both because they're very different games and because it was a toss up between the two for my personal game of the year last year.

Best I can say is get Bioshock if you like FPS more than RPG or vice versa.
Played Bioshock, dragged through it. Will Mass Effect be better? I'm an RPG guy, but heavily disliked KOTOR and Jade Empire. I couldn't get into either of them past 3 hours.
Mass Effect: One of the best games on the 360 to date.

Bioshock: The best game on the 360 to date.

Of course it boils down to what you are looking for. Both are shooters in a sense, and both have RPG elements. Bioshock leans more toward Shooter, and Mass Effect more toward RPG.

Bioshock is almost perfect. Mass Effect is VERY flawed in its combat system, side quest and other elements. Both have stories that overcome any shortcomings in the games.

Mass Effect: 8
Bioshock: 10

Mass Effect: 8 (frame rate issues hurt an otherwise 10)
Bioshock: 10

Mass Effect: 7
Bioshock: 9

Mass Effect: 10
Bioshock: 10
Not trying to step on anyone's opinions, but why is Bioshock's story rated so high? Is it the twist? It's an interesting twist, but offers no replay value to the game.

To foxdvd:You would rate ME's story lower. If Bioshock has that great of a story, does ME's subsequent playthroughs with different choices not make enough of a difference to raise the score?
This is like asking me if I like my left nut or my right nut better!!!

ARGGHHHH, this question is going to rip a hole in the time/space continuum!!!

(In other words, buy them both!)
[quote name='ddrpower']Not trying to step on anyone's opinions, but why is Bioshock's story rated so high? Is it the twist? It's an interesting twist, but offers no replay value to the game.

To foxdvd:You would rate ME's story lower. If Bioshock has that great of a story, does ME's subsequent playthroughs with different choices not make enough of a difference to raise the score?[/quote]

Story for Bioshock.... not only in what is told, but how it is told. Twists aside, there is a reason it is being made into a movie.

Mass Effect...the overall story feels like a good scifi show. Acting is great...but I pick the idea of Bioshock over Mass Effect.
The general consensus will probably be to buy both. Two different styles of gaming but equally great. I will say that Mass Effect may have a higher replay value.

Buy both its worth the money. Why deny yourself the enjoyment.
[quote name='Matt Young']Mass Effect is $40 new everywhere. It's not a sale. But I say go with BioShock. they're both amazing games, but I like BioShock better.[/QUOTE]

$It's 31.99 at Circuit City and Amazon. Any amount of money, no matter how much off is a sale to me and worth it.
Bioshock. It was truly more of an expierience than just a game. Amazingly cinimatic and immersive.

I liked Mass Effect, but I didn't think it was that great or anything, just decent. It can get boring at times.

I liked Bioshock a ton more, and I played the PC version on my 21" monitor. I almost wanna double-dip and buy the 360 version just to expierience it on the 42" HDTV! It was that good.
Bioshock IMO. I still haven't finished Mass Effect and plan on doing so after I beat GTA4, but still.
[quote name='ddrpower']Not trying to step on anyone's opinions, but why is Bioshock's story rated so high? Is it the twist? It's an interesting twist, but offers no replay value to the game.

For me it was (in no particular order):

1. The atmosphere--Rapture was awesome.

2. The gameplay--different ways to kill enemies, liked all the powers you have, liked the exploring.

3. The graphics

4. The music and voice acting

5. The story/twist

Just a great game, really sucked me in.
Mass Effect. It drags occasionally due to repetitive sidequests, but I still say it's the best game on the console.

... on that note, while I feel that BioShock is a completely solid game, I simply don't understand the sheer amount of jizzing over it. Outside of the amazingly fantastic setting, I didn't find anything else to be overly remarkable about it. I don't know, perhaps I let all the hype from people raise my expectations to high, but I wasn't wowed by the game's engine, story, or anything else, aside from the aforementioned setting.

Point is, for the OP, you can get both easily... but I can say that I've played through ME 4 times, and I've gone through BioShock once.
There's something about lighting people on fire and hearing them scream and panic and see them run towards the water, only for you to electrocute it and have them die sizzling eitherway that makes me say yes, Bioshock.
[quote name='joe2187']... the only thing they have in common is they both have Amazing epic stories.[/quote]

Well they both use the Unreal 3 engine.

I do agree though. The question of which to get is one of which type of game you prefer. Mass Effect is an RPG with FPS style combat and BioShock is just an FPS. Both are good, just different experiences.
I picked up both from Trainn. Played each one for about an hour and stopped. Figured I couldn't get into them.

I picked up Bioshock two days ago...and am hooked. Been playing that like mad the last few days. I love it, and am so glad I gave it a second chance.

Since I ended up loving Bioshock, I will be giving Mass Effect a second chance once I'm finished with Bioshock.
I'd give a high rating to Bioshock's ambiance and mood, but the story didn't drive me gaga. It was okay, but I guessed the twist way early and think the whole "morality" aspect was awfully thin.

I say Mass Effect. You get more bang for your buck, although I love Bioshock.
[quote name='Rig']
Since I ended up loving Bioshock, I will be giving Mass Effect a second chance once I'm finished with Bioshock.[/QUOTE]

Give Mass Effect a chance at least until your off the space station and can fly around the galaxy doing side quests or missions. That's when the game really picks up. The first few hours on the Citadel are a little slow.
[quote name='the_deej']Mass Effect easy, you'll get much more playing time out of it[/quote]

True...more bang for your buck.

If Bioshock had a multiplayer, it would only be behind Halo 3 and COD4 for playtime.
Mass Effect. The story and acting are incredible, as is the amount of detail and thought that Bioware clearly put into developing the game's universe and backstory. The action is also just plain fun; it's great to see your character pop out from behind cover and either unload on some alien with a rifle or launch them across a room with biotic powers. The countless dialogue options and character classes got me to play through this 4-5 times, no problem.

Bioshock was fun but I can't believe how much hype it gets. The environment is really well-done, but gameplay-wise it doesn't do anything much better than System Shock 2. The story builds up nicely but then falls apart towards the end, and even Ken Levine agrees that the ending was terrible. I finished it and didn't touch it again.
[quote name='lunatic_pandora']BioShock.

Also, @ foxdvd: Awesome avatar.[/quote]

Thanks! I had a hot chick up before and got complaints so I changed it.
I actually like both very much. I can't really seem to decide much, if possible do get both but I'd say at first go with Mass Effect. I just think that I found my time with M.E. just more enjoyable.

Don't get me wrong Bioshock was just awesome, but really didn't have a strong urge to replay it all as I did with M.E.
Bioshock by a tiny bit for me. It was my 2007 GOTY while Mass Effect is probably my #2 pick. Both blew me away and are masterpieces in their own right.
Both are really incredible and have different things to offer, basically what everyone's been saying. I preferred Mass Effect, even though it has more flaws than Bioshock. I beat ME 5 times, it has a good amount of replay value, especially if you want to get all the achievements and all that.
[quote name='Foo228']If you really like Star Wars: Kotor on xbox then get Mass Effect[/QUOTE]

That's not a very good comparison. KOTOR isn't similar to Mass Effect even by the slightest degree. Mass Effect plays very much like a cover based shooter with RPG elements, while KOTOR is semi-turn based 3rd person action RPG-ish... thing.

That said, you should definitely get both. 2007 kicked the shit out of me with so many good games, and these two are at the top of the list.
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