Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch

Half the posters in this thread are ready to toss their white hoods on and party in the streets.

It's a disappointing verdict, I knew we went soft on people who kill blacks but I am still surprised.
Just like I said, things like this happen and it emboldens them. They out themselves to the rest of us, so it's best to just let it happen and take names. Every single defense of Zimmerman's actions that I've read in this thread is wholly based on racial stereotypes of Martin justifying Zimmerman's actions. But they are quick to point out that this isn't racial. I wonder how it would make them feel to know that KKK members make the same arguments they do in this case.

Black people aren't really surprised at this verdict. Saddened, but not surprised. The question now that the facts of life are on the table for all to see, how can the black "community" use this to affect positive change.

Of course everyone who actually deals with something based on evidence and facts instead of race related views & biased agenda's is a KKK member.  Those who are actually using racist language and using race to define everything about a case that was little to do with race are just normal.    So you get somebody accusing people of being like a KKK member while his view is blacks getting shot shouldn't be ok.  What does it have to do with the person being black?     But there you have the typical cluelessness that is why the left divide people with their consistent nonsense.

People comparing this case to Michael Vick killing dogs?  WTF why? Oh Michael Vick is black and the guy who got shot is black?  So that's a valid comparison all of a sudden?   Really?  Is this seriously how stupid people are?      I mean lets just bring up every case where a black person went to jail and try and compare it?  I mean it's not like any non black people have gone to jail for anything suspect or minor before right?  Not like black people have ever been found not guilty when some thought they were guilty right?

Race shit is so dumb and people who feed it really need to adjust their mindset and see things from a real angle. 

Right now you have thousands of blacks protesting and issuing threats, even celebrities and big well known people.  And they're joined by some non black people caught up in this whole race nonsense where suddenly it's about a black guy being killed because he's black and a white guy  getting off because he's white and this isn't right, lets quote MLK and act like this is a civil rights issue?  Seriously can people not see how this has been twisted?

He was not shot because he was black, he was shot because he broke a guys nose and was smashing his head on the concrete repeatadly.

The guy was not arrested because he was white, or because the person he shot was black. He was not arrested because the injuries and witnesses seemed like a clear case of self defence, and the police know the law.

Chief Keef a black rapper a teenage black rapper, put as his twitter status ''lmao'' on hearing a rival teenager rapper got shot and killed.   Chief Keef is promoted by 50 cent, endorsed by black celebrities, and fans of his thought it was funny he laughed at that.

Now many of those same people are outraged over this case?   Now tell me why?  Because they care deeply about people? They think it's terrible?

Or because the media have made it seem like a white man killed a black kid because he was black and the white police, decided he should get away with it.  And this stoked up racial anger which caused them to have a strong view. 

Too many people simply are incapable of seeing things for what they are.    How many people have even seen the pic of Zimmerman with his nose broken?    Yet everyone has seen the guys pic when he was 12 yrs old.   Which one is more relevant to the case?   A guy who got his nose broke in the actual incident that's going to court, or a picture of the victim 5 whole years before the incident even happenened.    

Just like I said, things like this happen and it emboldens them. They out themselves to the rest of us, so it's best to just let it happen and take names. Every single defense of Zimmerman's actions that I've read in this thread is wholly based on racial stereotypes of Martin justifying Zimmerman's actions. But they are quick to point out that this isn't racial. I wonder how it would make them feel to know that KKK members make the same arguments they do in this case.

Black people aren't really surprised at this verdict. Saddened, but not surprised. The question now that the facts of life are on the table for all to see, how can the black "community" use this to affect positive change.
Another mention of KKK. How mindless are you people? Black Panthers went to florida issuing threats purely on racial grounds, yet flys under the radar of the hypocritically inept leftists. Like i said readjust your mindset. This isn't about your little buzz words ' stereotypes' 'bigotry' etc etc.

It's more liberal fascism, if you don't agree with our view, we'll label you something derogatory. It's nonsense. How was anything based on a stereotype. His phone call was clear. There's a guy looking around in the rain, he looks suspicious. This is an area that had a lot of burglary's. Nothing out of the ordinary here. Yes the crimes were committed by black youths, and this guy happenend to be a black youth also, but this wasn't the basis in which he called. So where's the stereotype? Oh the stereotype is actually from you? You're the one creating the stereotype that doesn't exist to stereotype people? Hmmm.

How odd. Anyway rather than label people like KKK members, or insinuate the facts of life are against black people, try actually engaging your agenda driven brain to see things from another point of view? You might be surprised.

Despite the provenly false claim, Zimmerman actually singled this guy out because he was black or said fucking coons.. The only moment of racism i heard was when the victims friend revealed he had a ''creepy ass cracker'' following him.

I wonder how you people would view a white person killed who it was later revealed, said he had a weird nigger following him? Im sure you'd ignore it totally right? Probably we'd get typical leftist comments like ''Seemed like some racist nazi, probably attacked the guy because he was black, shame he got killed but one less racist in the world'' Yet everyone else is biased and stereotypical?

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Well you got to hand it to the state who charged him with a stupid ass Murder 2 charge..

Thats like charging a rapist who was caught raping, a disorderly conduct charge..

Those charges could never stick and it part of the white social system to protect the lighter of skin color against one who is darker.  This who court case was a dog and pony show, meant to placate the mass. 

I wonder how you people would view a white person killed who it was later revealed, said he had a weird nigger following him? Im sure you'd ignore it totally right? Yet everyone else is biased and stereotypical?
Find me a case like that EVER?

But we can find hundreds of other cases where white or white skinned killing minorities and getting away with it

There is such an epidemic of white on black crime in this country. This is truly the most pressing issue we face as a nation.
Zzzzzzzzz. The fact of the matter is that at the end of the day we have a typical "neighborhood watch" guy who was looking for a little trouble, a kid who was a bit of a thug by some accounts (though not doing anything at that time) and a disappointing situation where somebody got killed. However, nobody really knows what happened and what Treyvon and Zimmerman were thinking, what their intentions were, etc. except them. Zimmerman would never say he was looking for trouble with a kid in a hood even if he were, but if Treyvon were alive he would never say he got pissed some white guy was eyeing him and confronted him and turned the situation volatile. Nobody really knows what happened and complaining about the verdict doesn't do jack, didily, squat.

On a sidenote, most of the complaining you hear from, as sad as it is to say, is from the black community. Much of the same community that said OJ was innocent. I mean...c'mon. They have pride in their people and think Treyvon was gunned down in a way he shouldn't have been, but people complaining about the verdict are typically thinking with their heart, not their head.

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Why is there always some pliskin esque idiot that randomly pops up and coincidentally spews the same shit  every couple of months in VS

Of course everyone who actually deals with something based on evidence and facts instead of race related views & biased agenda's is a KKK member. Those who are actually using racist language and using race to define everything about a case that was little to do with race are just normal. So you get somebody accusing people of being like a KKK member while his view is blacks getting shot shouldn't be ok. What does it have to do with the person being black? But there you have the typical cluelessness that is why the left divide people with their consistent nonsense.

People comparing this case to Michael Vick killing dogs? WTF why? Oh Michael Vick is black and the guy who got shot is black? So that's a valid comparison all of a sudden? Really? Is this seriously how stupid people are? I mean lets just bring up every case where a black person went to jail and try and compare it? I mean it's not like any non black people have gone to jail for anything suspect or minor before right? Not like black people have ever been found not guilty when some thought they were guilty right?

Race shit is so dumb and people who feed it really need to adjust their mindset and see things from a real angle.

Right now you have thousands of blacks protesting and issuing threats, even celebrities and big well known people. And they're joined by some non black people caught up in this whole race nonsense where suddenly it's about a black guy being killed because he's black and a white guy getting off because he's white and this isn't right, lets quote MLK and act like this is a civil rights issue? Seriously can people not see how this has been twisted?

He was not shot because he was black, he was shot because he broke a guys nose and was smashing his head on the concrete repeatadly.

The guy was not arrested because he was white, or because the person he shot was black. He was not arrested because the injuries and witnesses seemed like a clear case of self defence, and the police know the law.

Chief Keef a black rapper a teenage black rapper, put as his twitter status ''lmao'' on hearing a rival teenager rapper got shot and killed. Chief Keef is promoted by 50 cent, endorsed by black celebrities, and fans of his thought it was funny he laughed at that.

Now many of those same people are outraged over this case? Now tell me why? Because they care deeply about people? They think it's terrible?

Or because the media have made it seem like a white man killed a black kid because he was black and the white police, decided he should get away with it. And this stoked up racial anger which caused them to have a strong view.

Too many people simply are incapable of seeing things for what they are. How many people have even seen the pic of Zimmerman with his nose broken? Yet everyone has seen the guys pic when he was 12 yrs old. Which one is more relevant to the case? A guy who got his nose broke in the actual incident that's going to court, or a picture of the victim 5 whole years before the incident even happenened.
Why did Zimmerman call the police on Martin, follow him in his car, arm himself (I don't know if he already had the gun in his car or took it with him to the car), and follow him on foot? Just give me an honest answer.

Nobody's saying Zimmerman wasn't looking for a little bit of trouble but the situation got violent and nobody knows exactly why. Got a guy who legitimately whooped up on Zimmerman's ass but got shot at the end of the fight, but when push comes to shove we don't know why the fight was started up in the first place. Zimmerman following, got confronted = fight? Zimmerman tries to take down the kid himself = fight? It's stupid to act like we're more knowledgeable on the subject than we are.

Also, this is far from a race thing. Media helped turn it into a race thing because a fight went down between a black guy and a non-black guy, but that isn't really what this case should be about. It's such a small point.

Why ask questions you know they'll never answer?
What do you think neighborhood watch is for? He saw somebody in the neighborhood..and he was watching them Lol. Somebody he deemed SUSPICIOUS!! Potentially he could be stopping a crime. Why did the victim have no injuries except the gunshot wound? Yet GZ had tons? Can you answer that?! What do you call it when you defend yourself from an attacker!!!??

Amazing how you forget that he didnt just stop at watching someone or else this thread wouldnt even exist but i guess the screename speaks for itself

Another mention of KKK. How mindless are you people? Black Panthers went to florida issuing threats purely on racial grounds, yet flys under the radar of the hypocritically inept leftists. Like i said readjust your mindset. This isn't about your little buzz words ' stereotypes' 'bigotry' etc etc.

It's more liberal fascism, if you don't agree with our view, we'll label you something derogatory. It's nonsense. How was anything based on a stereotype. His phone call was clear. There's a guy looking around in the rain, he looks suspicious. This is an area that had a lot of burglary's. Nothing out of the ordinary here. Yes the crimes were committed by black youths, and this guy happenend to be a black youth also, but this wasn't the basis in which he called. So where's the stereotype? Oh the stereotype is actually from you? You're the one creating the stereotype that doesn't exist to stereotype people? Hmmm.

How odd. Anyway rather than label people like KKK members, or insinuate the facts of life are against black people, try actually engaging your agenda driven brain to see things from another point of view? You might be surprised.

Despite the provenly false claim, Zimmerman actually singled this guy out because he was black or said fucking coons.. The only moment of racism i heard was when the victims friend revealed he had a ''creepy ass cracker'' following him.

I wonder how you people would view a white person killed who it was later revealed, said he had a weird nigger following him? Im sure you'd ignore it totally right? Probably we'd get typical leftist comments like ''Seemed like some racist nazi, probably attacked the guy because he was black, shame he got killed but one less racist in the world'' Yet everyone else is biased and stereotypical?
You keep on talking about you people, left liberal fascism, people having a problem with guns. Would it suprise you to know I am considered right by all my friends, have voted republican in every election since 2000, hate Barack Obama, am openly and vocally against affirmative action, have 2 legal handguns and am trying to decide whether to buy my first shotgun or rifle later this month, and am excited about getting my ccw? I'm Black and grew up in the projects in the Bronx, have never used any drugs or even smoked a cigarette or drank alcohol. I've never been arrested, never even received a speeding ticket. I hate Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Whatever stereotype you want to place on me doesn't fit. I loved Glenn Beck for the first 2 years with fox and watched him before that on HLN. I only stopped watching after he lost focus and became more about defending himself from liberal attackers than anything else. The only cable news outlet I will normally watch is Fox and I detest MSNBC and CNN.

I fully admit and agree that reverse racism is very real. So is garden variety racism. I just try to be honest and call each as I see it. The only thing that is clear to me is that Zimmerman pursued Martin because he was Black. I don't believe he had any other basis for suspecting Martin of anything. Even with that being said, I wouldn't care if all he had done was make the phone call. Instead he repeatedly escalated the situation on his own and with no reason. Why are you and others trying so hard to portray him as some vigilante american hero? He was wrong, and he killed an innocent minor as a direct result of his own actions that the police advised him not to take. Why defend him, if not for racial reasons? That doesn't mean that you hate black people like Spokker. Feeling like you have to protect Zimmerman in order to protect yourself from the liberal fascist left that has openly put white people (specifically republicans) under attack with claims that you're all racist is a racial motivation by definition.

I didn't say that you and everyone who agrees with you is a member of the KKK. I said that the KKK probably makes all the same arguments that you guys do. I wonder how it feels for those people who don't consider themselves racist to find themselves on the same side of a racial debate as people who are admittedly racist and to have it be for the same professed reasons. I know that whenever I find that my views on an issue are shared by the Black Panthers I reassess my values.

And I know from experience that the facts of life are against black people. This isn't an exclusive club. Those facts are also against a lot of other peoples and social classes in this country. And I'm also not afraid to say that almost without exception, every other group handles that stacked deck better that the black "community".

Still, the only agenda driving my brain is to honestly assess the truth and discuss this crap with other people to figure out the causes and ramifications of the things that happen.

What do you think neighborhood watch is for? He saw somebody in the neighborhood..and he was watching them Lol. Somebody he deemed SUSPICIOUS!! Potentially he could be stopping a crime. Why did the victim have no injuries except the gunshot wound? Yet GZ had tons? Can you answer that?! What do you call it when you defend yourself from an attacker!!!??
Every single neighborhood watch is supposed to be for watching and reporting, the end. Potentially, you could otherwise end up killing people who have commited no crime and weren't proven to be doing anything even remotely suspicious. The victim had no injuries except the gunshot wound because the actual perpetraor of the crime brought a gun. Don't you bring a gun so that you don't have to use your hands if you get into an altercation? I assume that either the recognition that his actions could cause an altercation or the intent to cause an altercation is what led Zimmer to DECIDE to arm himself prior to leaving his car. That premeditation is the only factually SUSPICIOUS behavior in this entire case. When do you really believe that the altercation started!!!?? It was when Zimmerman decided to follow Martin agressively. Not (as so many here try to conveniently pretend) when Martin presumably confronted Zimmerman in an effort to defend himself. What do you call it when Martin defended himself from his attacker?

Also, this is far from a race thing. Media helped turn it into a race thing because a fight went down between a black guy and a non-black guy, but that isn't really what this case should be about. It's such a small point.
So what should this case be about? The media didn't make Zimmerman suspicious of a black kid who was doing nothing wrong. He was walking and (reportedly) looking around.

Disheartening bullshit, i really feel bad for trevon's family but what can you do,young,respectful black people get villainize everyday for being black.


Disheartening bullshit, i really feel bad for trevon's family but what can you do,young,respectful black people get villainize everyday for being black.
This can be said for any race based on anything.

White people can say, they are treated like they're uncool, and racist,

Hispanics can say they're treated like they're all illegal immigrants.

It's just not accurate to whine over things that are rarely exclusive.

Everyone almost who wanted Zimmerman guilty mention black in the next sentence. And it's simply nothing to do with him being black. If the whole thing is about profilling, Then that's even another issue to me anyway. Since the reason he shot him isn't anything to do with the reason he possibly profilled him. And the self defense issue rested on that.

It really is tiresome hearing this kind of bullshit. There's a black president, majority of sports have majority black players. Most music TV channels is filled with majority black artists. There are numerous black officers, there's a dedicated TV channel just for black people. And yet the whole victim persecution complex still comes out? It's not applicable so don't use it.

Young black youths in hooded tops are suspected more of crime, because they're the ones comitting more crimes. That's a guess what? If suddenly spikey haired white people were comitting more crimes they'd be suspected of more see how it works?

This can be said for any race based on anything.

White people can say, they are treated like they're uncool, and racist,

Hispanics can say they're treated like they're all illegal immigrants.

It's just not accurate to whine over things that are rarely exclusive.

Everyone almost who wanted Zimmerman guilty mention black in the next sentence. And it's simply nothing to do with him being black. If the whole thing is about profilling, Then that's even another issue to me anyway. Since the reason he shot him isn't anything to do with the reason he possibly profilled him. And the self defense issue rested on that.

It really is tiresome hearing this kind of bullshit. There's a black president, majority of sports have majority black players. Most music TV channels is filled with majority black artists. There are numerous black officers, there's a dedicated TV channel just for black people. And yet the whole victim persecution complex still comes out? It's not applicable so don't use it.

Young black youths in hooded tops are suspected more of crime, because they're the ones comitting more crimes. That's a guess what? If suddenly spikey haired white people were comitting more crimes they'd be suspected of more see how it works?
Yeah because profiling is a totally nonracist thing people do. Give me a break, Trayvon Martin was stalked and pursued because he was black and anyone who thinks otherwise is kidding themselves. You're a fucking idiot and your whole post proves that.

It really is tiresome hearing this kind of bullshit. There's a black president, majority of sports have majority black players. Most music TV channels is filled with majority black artists. There are numerous black officers, there's a dedicated TV channel just for black people. And yet the whole victim persecution complex still comes out? It's not applicable so don't use it.

I see how the ignore button works,your not worth the time.There are blacks everywhere even on tv so racism doesn't exist lol too fucking funny.

This could've easily been an open and shut case simply for the fact that Zimmerman used a gun on unarmed Martin in plenty of other states, so I really blame the prosecution for failing in their job.  Somehow I'm not that surprised by the acquittal, especially because of the stupidity of a rather broad "Stand Your Ground" Law. Zimmerman isn't the only example of this, nor was that mother who fired warning shots (who tried to use it as a defense and was denied).  Maybe this case will be used as an example of how this law can be repealed or changed.  But will it be done pretty soon? I don't think so, considering we live in the same country where a man killed a prostitute because he wanted his money back after she denied him a service.

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Zimmerman waived his right to a stand your ground hearing. Stand your ground had nothing to do with this case. His defense team argued simple self-defense.
This could've easily been an open and shut case simply for the fact that Zimmerman used a gun on unarmed Martin in plenty of other states, so I really blame the prosecution for failing in their job. Somehow I'm not that surprised by the acquittal, especially because of the stupidity of a rather broad "Stand Your Ground" Law. Zimmerman isn't the only example of this, nor was that mother who fired warning shots (who tried to use it as a defense and was denied). Maybe this case will be used as an example of how this law can be repealed or changed. But will it be done pretty soon? I don't think so, considering we live in the same country where a man killed a prostitute because he wanted his money back after she denied him a service.
People keep quoting that lady who tried to protect herself from an abusive husband. I haven't read up on it yet, but from what I hear there is a lot more to that story than the headline. If you go by the headline then she is obviously innocent, but I am going to say there is more to it.

Regardless, every case is different because there are a million different circumstances and variables affecting the case. While precedents are useful and are used quite often, they are not "the lowest common denominator" of two cases.

Amazing how you forget that he didnt just stop at watching someone or else this thread wouldnt even exist but i guess the screename speaks for itself
It is amazing how you forget that you have no idea what occurred in between events.

Could Zimmerman have walked up and started attacking Martin? Sure

Could Martin have walked up and started attacking Zimmerman? Sure

Could Zimmerman have confronted Martin and been aggressive? Sure

Could Martin have walked up and confronted Zimmerman and been aggressive? Sure

Did the prosecution have any evidence that they could clearly present what happened? No.

That means acquittal. You don't start from "Zimmerman murdered Martin" and work your way back to "the evidence must prove he had no choice". The burden of proof is on the Prosecution and they could not prove it. What you may think is "obvious" is not sufficient evidence to convict a man to life in prison.

You can walk into a restaurant and as long as you murder every single person there, you should be able to walk away clean by claiming self defense against every man, woman, and child in there.

Cause you don't start from "this person walked into a restaurant and murdered every one there". The burden of proof is on the prosecution and they won't be able to prove it.

Motive is what makes a crime a crime. It's what distinguishes an accident from murder. That's the problem with the stand your ground law. Your motive is now unassailable without overwhelming evidence.

If I were those gangbangers that got into a shootout, shot that bystander, and tried to use stand your ground and failed, I'd be appealing today, right now.

And the worst part is now Zimmerman is going to go on the Tea Party NRA Stormfront victory tour. I for one can't wait to read his book. His dad's was such a treat.

But the defence said Trayvon Martin punched their client, slammed his head into the pavement and reached for Mr Zimmerman's gun.

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You can walk into a restaurant and as long as you murder every single person there, you should be able to walk away clean by claiming self defense against every man, woman, and child in there.

Cause you don't start from "this person walked into a restaurant and murdered every one there". The burden of proof is on the prosecution and they won't be able to prove it.

Motive is what makes a crime a crime. It's what distinguishes an accident from murder. That's the problem with the stand your ground law. Your motive is now unassailable without overwhelming evidence.

If I were those gangbangers that got into a shootout, shot that bystander, and tried to use stand your ground and failed, I'd be appealing today, right now.
Strawman. Each case is different, you don't take the lowest common denominator and try to pretend everything else remains constant.

And what are you going to assume was "obviously" Zimmermans motive?

Strawman. Each case is different, you don't take the lowest common denominator and try to pretend everything else remains constant.

And what are you going to assume was "obviously" Zimmermans motive?
Knoell, you don't even know what a strawman is.

Nobody knows because he didn't testify. That's the problem, tiger. If stand your ground laws were available at the time, Charles Manson could have used them successfully on the first couple murders (right up until he started drawing on the walls). Seriously. If 2 people say they were attacked and stood their ground, how could you say they didn't?

What evidence supersedes your stated intent to "beyond a doubt"? Witnesses. Cameras. Nothing else. Ergo, kill the witnesses. The jurors were told that the state must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman did not shoot in self defense.

If you are a kid alone and a person approaches you, the only "correct" action is run. Anything else and your death at his hands could be self defense. Right?

Because stand your ground laws don't apply to dead black kids with no gun.

Oh, and because obviously I hate GZ because I'm liberal and blah blah blah, I find this to be most compelling:

My problem is how we got here. Stupid ass laws meant to suck a thousand NRA cocks is how we got here. In this case Stand Your Ground defense wasn't for Zimmerman. It was for Trayvon. A person minding their own business and someone else coming up on em. But, you know, he dead, so fuck it.

The fundamental danger of an acquittal is not more riots, it is more George ZImmermans.”

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Knoell, you don't even know what a strawman is.

Nobody knows because he didn't testify. That's the problem, tiger. If stand your ground laws were available at the time, Charles Manson could have used them successfully on the first couple murders. Seriously. If 2 people say they were attacked and stood their ground, how could you say they didn't?

What evidence supersedes your stated intent to "beyond a doubt"? Witnesses. Cameras. Nothing else. Ergo, kill the witnesses.
To "attack a straw man" is to create the illusion of having refuted a proposition by replacing it with a superficially similar yet unequivalent proposition (the "straw man"), and to refute it, without ever having actually refuted the original position.

Actually you fit the definition of it perfectly with your restaurant theory.

He doesn't have to testify, "tiger". We all already know his side of the story, and the jury was played a series of interviews with Zimmerman telling parts of his story.

Tell me, taking stand your ground out of the equation, how would the authorities properly get a conviction on someone who invited a friend to their house and shot them? Obviously the perpetrator is going to say the person was up to no good. How would the police possibly figure out exactly what happened? With only one side of the story, it seems impossible right? :roll:

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If you are a kid alone and a person approaches you, the only "correct" action is run. Anything else and your death at his hands could be self defense. Right?

Let's flip this around as long as we are going with hypothetical scenarios. Say you see someone scoping out your neighbors house. They keep circling around it, and they see that you are watching them. They come up to you and get in your face that it isn't any of your business what they are doing. Things are escalating quickly, should you turn around and run away? should you be worried about going to jail for protecting yourself? or should you be free to do what you need to do to protect yourself?

I know your answer will be "go in your house and wait for the police to get there". To me that is unacceptable, but different strokes for different folks.

You will also say "The guy will claim self defense after he kills me and get away!" Well at least I caused a bit of hell for him if I lost.

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Oh, and because obviously I hate GZ because I'm liberal and blah blah blah, I find this to be most compelling:
ugh not a fan of this new quoting and posting system.

Anyways, are you being sarcastic or do you really find that link compelling? Because my post (#1924) basically summarized it, but you seem to be arguing with me.

I am seeing rumors that Obama is pressing civil rights charges but I cant find a verifiable source. Maybe its just the NAACP pushing for it so far.

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“Free at last, Free at last, Thank God almighty George Zimmerman is free at last.”

-egofed, from his "I have a Dream....that ignorant people will base their views on facts and evidence instead of emotion" speech.

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I think I'll take my leave from this thread. As this thread has ran it's course and is getting stagnant. The people and the Martins has had the person responsible for the death of their child arrested and tried in our justice system. He was found not guilty based on evidence, witness's account, and law of FL. The point of keeping this thread going is well pointless.
Why isn't there this much outrage for chicago black on black murders? I mean we got a bunch of wikipedia laywers here who have been arguing all night for trayvon but not a mention for any black kids murdered in Chicago. What 12 last weekend?

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Why isn't there this much outrage for chicago black on black murders? I mean we got a bunch of wikipedia laywers here who have been arguing all night for trayvon but not a mention for any black kids murdered in Chicago. What 12 last weekend?
You already know the answer to this question. Many of us have already voiced our opinion on inner city violence. It gets no media attention and is a symptom of our culture's disdain for the poor (especially poor minorities). Feel free to start a thread on that but please do not assume that because we have a strong opinion about a nationally telivised shooting it means we don't care about inner city violence.

Edit: I should add that your criticism is valid with regard to the press and television media (and probably your Facebook feed). There really is no coverage of that kind of violence there. Then again, a lot of Americans practically considered Trayvon a gang banger so they probably don't care about kids getting shot in the hood.

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Welp. This isn't totally unexpected and I called it when they hauled his ass in for charges. I wonder how long it is until this disgusting fuck of a person sells the gun on gunbroker to some other even more disgusting fuck of a person. Hell, he'll probably end up doing speaking gigs for the NRA and at gun shows too. Funny thing is that Zimmerman is so paranoid at this point such a coward that he thinks every black person in the US is gunning for him when absolutely nothing is going to happen to him.

Why is there always some pliskin esque idiot that randomly pops up and coincidentally spews the same shit every couple of months in VS
That's because Pliskin always comes back with an alt after laying low for a little bit. Personally, I think granturismo is back with an alt.
What do you guys think of the verdict in the John White case (black man killed a white kid)? What about the subsquent commutation?
Quick reading of that case it appears the black man tried to play the race card. And there was no need to shoot anyone he could have locked the doors and waited for the police, these people were NOT attacking him They were drunk and rowdy. Instead he shot him then tried to use race excuses bringing up the deep south in 1940's as a reason? Pretty pathetic really. Quite a stupid comparison but going by your earlier comments not surprising you'd attempt to make it.

Tell me how a guy getting his head smashed on concrete and using a gun is comparable to a guy in his home? It's a pretty simple scenario, lock the doors call the cops, if they break in then you can possibly shoot if you feel you have to. Going outside and shooting someone in the face? Should have got 30 years


He cited trial testimony that indicated that Mr. White fanned the gun menacingly at each teenager and that Daniel did not lunge, but rather defiantly slapped the gun away, with Mr. White retraining it on him, then shooting him point-blank in the face.

But Mr. White said the shooting happened accidentally after he began turning to retreat and Daniel lunged at the gun. He testified that he told his wife to call 911.

On Saturday jurors asked for a rereading of the trial testimony of Mr. White, his wife, Sonia, and Aaron.''

Was not licensed to have the gun either. Try reading things thoroughly before you make attempted comparisons to feed into your warped view that an invisible force is giving black people a raw deal.

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This made me LOL:

"George Zimmerman's family worrying about him being the target of vigilantism is probably the most ironic thing I've ever read."
Quick reading of that case it appears the black man tried to play the race card. And there was no need to shoot anyone he could have locked the doors and waited for the police, these people were NOT attacking him They were drunk and rowdy. Instead he shot him then tried to use race excuses bringing up the deep south in 1940's as a reason? Pretty pathetic really. Quite a stupid comparison but going by your earlier comments not surprising you'd attempt to make it.

Tell me how a guy getting his head smashed on concrete and using a gun is comparable to a guy in his home? It's a pretty simple scenario, lock the doors call the cops, if they break in then you can possibly shoot if you feel you have to. Going outside and shooting someone in the face? Should have got 30 years


He cited trial testimony that indicated that Mr. White fanned the gun menacingly at each teenager and that Daniel did not lunge, but rather defiantly slapped the gun away, with Mr. White retraining it on him, then shooting him point-blank in the face.

But Mr. White said the shooting happened accidentally after he began turning to retreat and Daniel lunged at the gun. He testified that he told his wife to call 911.

On Saturday jurors asked for a rereading of the trial testimony of Mr. White, his wife, Sonia, and Aaron.''

Was not licensed to have the gun either. Try reading things thoroughly before you make attempted comparisons to feed into your warped view that an invisible force is giving black people a raw deal.
Honestly I read the case when it happened and I knew how you would react to it.

Personally I think he's guilty of manslaughter too. I just wanted to see the hypocrisy come straight out of your posts.

Funny thing is that Zimmerman is so paranoid at this point such a coward that he thinks every black person in the US is gunning for him when absolutely nothing is going to happen to him.
But twitter threats!

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What do you guys think of the verdict in the John White case (black man killed a white kid)? What about the subsquent comutation?
why shouldnt he go to prison. he should of got more then

kids were yelling at his hand.

kids never put a hand on him

he goes out side and shoots the kid

this is noting even like the other case....

and like i said if you want to bring up cases

black women shoots and kills white man and never charged

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Quick reading of that case it appears the black man tried to play the race card. And there was no need to shoot anyone he could have locked the doors and waited for the police, these people were NOT attacking him They were drunk and rowdy. Instead he shot him then tried to use race excuses bringing up the deep south in 1940's as a reason? Pretty pathetic really. Quite a stupid comparison but going by your earlier comments not surprising you'd attempt to make it.

Tell me how a guy getting his head smashed on concrete and using a gun is comparable to a guy in his home? It's a pretty simple scenario, lock the doors call the cops, if they break in then you can possibly shoot if you feel you have to. Going outside and shooting someone in the face? Should have got 30 years


He cited trial testimony that indicated that Mr. White fanned the gun menacingly at each teenager and that Daniel did not lunge, but rather defiantly slapped the gun away, with Mr. White retraining it on him, then shooting him point-blank in the face.

But Mr. White said the shooting happened accidentally after he began turning to retreat and Daniel lunged at the gun. He testified that he told his wife to call 911.

On Saturday jurors asked for a rereading of the trial testimony of Mr. White, his wife, Sonia, and Aaron.''

Was not licensed to have the gun either. Try reading things thoroughly before you make attempted comparisons to feed into your warped view that an invisible force is giving black people a raw deal.
Thats right cause he shot a WHITE GUY and when a black men shoots at white that is a CRIME ( in racist America )

Maybe if we gave blacks guns early on, they wouldn't have been lynched, beaten or killed, or firebombed.. Or assualted but the white social-complex for so long

Why isn't there this much outrage for chicago black on black murders? I mean we got a bunch of wikipedia laywers here who have been arguing all night for trayvon but not a mention for any black kids murdered in Chicago. What 12 last weekend?
8 shot overnight.,0,4764624.story

Overall, 2 dead, 10 wounded since Friday night.
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It is amazing how you forget that you have no idea what occurred in between events.

Could Zimmerman have walked up and started attacking Martin? Sure

Could Martin have walked up and started attacking Zimmerman? Sure

Could Zimmerman have confronted Martin and been aggressive? Sure

Could Martin have walked up and confronted Zimmerman and been aggressive? Sure

Did the prosecution have any evidence that they could clearly present what happened? No.

That means acquittal. You don't start from "Zimmerman murdered Martin" and work your way back to "the evidence must prove he had no choice". The burden of proof is on the Prosecution and they could not prove it. What you may think is "obvious" is not sufficient evidence to convict a man to life in prison.

i dont give a shit wtf happened between events because that wasn't the point i was trying to make you dumb ass, holy shit.

You know what did happen? Zimmerman's fat ass didn't fucking stay in his goddamn car or to not pursue and await the cops like a neighborhood watchman is supposed to do instead he decided to be frank castle. Do you need this shit spelled out for you?

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i dont give a shit wtf happened between events because that wasn't the point i was trying to make you dumb ass, holy shit.

You know what did happen? Zimmerman's fat ass didn't fucking stay in his goddamn car and not pursue and await the cops like a neighborhood watchman is supposed to do instead he decided to be frank castle. Do you need this shit spelled out for you?

Nice.. advocate for the bystander effect.

See criminal activity? Stay in your car.

It doesn't excuse your piss poor vocabulary (shit,ass,shit,ass,fucking,shit) but please tell me you're typing from a phone or tablet.

bread's done