Black Woman is tortured in W. VA mobile home

Jimbo Slice

29 (100%)
Details emerge in W.Va. torture case By JOHN RABY and TOM BREEN, Associated Press Writers
44 minutes ago

BIG CREEK, W.Va. - For at least a week, authorities say, a young black woman was held captive in a mobile home, forced to eat animal waste, stabbed, choked and repeatedly sexually abused — all while being peppered with a racial slur.

It wasn't until deputies acting on an anonymous tip drove to a ramshackle trailer deep in West Virginia's rural hills that she was found. Limping toward the door with her arms outstretched, she uttered, "Help me," the Logan County sheriff's office said.

Six people, all white, including a mother and son and a mother and daughter, have been arrested and could face federal hate crime charges in the suspected attack on 20-year-old Megan Williams, who remained hospitalized Tuesday with injuries that included four stab wounds in the leg, and black and blue eyes. Her right arm was in a cast.

"I'm better," Williams told The Associated Press in a voice barely above a whisper.

"I don't understand a human being doing another human being the way they did my daughter," Carmen Williams said Tuesday from the Charleston Area Medical Center. "I didn't know there were people like that out here."

The AP generally does not identify suspected victims of sexual assault, but Williams and her mother agreed to release her name.

A prosecutor said police are investigating the possibility that the victim was lured to the house and attacked by a man she had met online, but Carmen Williams insisted that wasn't the case. "This wasn't from the Internet," she said.

Authorities were still looking for two people they believe drove the woman to the house where she was abused, said Logan County Chief Deputy V.K. Dingess. Deputies also interviewed Williams on Tuesday morning. An FBI spokesman in Pittsburgh, Bill Crowley, confirmed that the agency is looking into possible civil rights violations.

The case is "something that would have come out of a horror movie," Logan County Sheriff W.E. Hunter said.

The home is in a forlorn part of Logan County about 50 miles southwest of Charleston, where the scattered homes are marked by "No Trespassing" signs. An old shed linked to a mobile home by an extension cord is what authorities say became a hellish prison for Williams.

Deputies found her when they drove to the home on Saturday after receiving an anonymous tip from someone who witnessed the abuse, officials said.

The woman was forced to eat rat and dog feces and drink from a toilet, according to the criminal complaint filed in magistrate court based on what the suspects told deputies. She also had been choked with a cord, it alleges. Deputies say the woman was also doused with hot water while being sexually assaulted.

One of those arrested, Karen Burton, is accused of cutting the woman's ankle with a knife. She used the N-word in telling the woman she was victimized because she is black, according to the criminal complaint.

Carmen Williams said doctors told her daughter she may be well enough to leave the hospital within a few days, although a nurse said the young woman's condition was listed as "under evaluation."

"I just want my daughter to be well and recover," Carmen Williams said. "I know the Lord can do anything."

The six suspects were arrested Saturday and Sunday. Frankie Brewster, the 49-year-old woman who owns the home where the suspected attacks occurred, is charged with kidnapping, sexual assault, malicious wounding and giving false information during a felony investigation.

Her son, Bobby R. Brewster, 24, also of Big Creek, is charged with kidnapping, sexual assault, malicious wounding and assault during the commission of a felony.

Frankie Brewster was released from prison in September 2000 after serving five years for voluntary manslaughter and wanton endangerment in the death of an 84-year-old woman, according to court records.

Burton, 46, of Chapmanville, is charged with malicious wounding, battery and assault during the commission of a felony.

Her daughter Alisha Burton, 23, of Chapmanville, and George A. Messer, 27, of Chapmanville, are charged with assault during the commission of a felony and battery.

Danny J. Combs, 20, of Harts, is charged with sexual assault and malicious wounding.

All six remained in custody Tuesday in lieu of $100,000 bail each, and all have asked for court-appointed attorneys.


Tom Breen reported from Charleston, W.Va.

Damn people are sick. I always think that America is getting more and more tolerant, and then things like this set us back a few years.
Wow, thats so horrible. Its hard to believe that people like that still exsist in the Untied States.
I can't believe shit like this still goes on in 2007.

Today, I witnessed a White Loss Prevention drone harass a black guy, making him empty his pockets, in store. He then said,"Me have to be extra careful, because today in the anniversary of 9-11." The guy was pretty calm. I talked to the LP guy, suggesting he show more respect, and he said, "everyone has their own opinion". What as asshole, and in California, which I taught was progressive.
[quote name='DesertEagleXIX']I can't believe shit like this still goes on in 2007.

Today, I witnessed a White Loss Prevention drone harass a black guy, making him empty his pockets, in store. He then said,"Me have to be extra careful, because today in the anniversary of 9-11." The guy was pretty calm. I talked to the LP guy, suggesting he show more respect, and he said, "everyone has their own opinion". What as asshole, and in California, which I taught was progressive.[/quote]

White loss prevention? Its a cailfornia thing right? (I hope)
That's terrible.

I hope they slam them all in court and force them all to spend their lives in jail. I don't think that woman can ever recover mentally from that. I know I wouldn't.
[quote name='jimfoley16']and then things like this set us back a few years.[/QUOTE]

Uh, that's a really ridiculous thing to say. There will never be a time without hate crimes, short of planet-wide mind control that quells violent impulses.

Anyone who is really surprised by events such as this one are just ignorant, or don't want to face, the nature of what humans are capable of.
the shit i can't stand is that everyone is focusing on the white/black thing. i wonder if anyone would have posted if this would have been a white girl instead of a black girl. of course everyone will say they would, but the society we are raised in only recognizes race crimes as white on black. black on white crimes are just considered crimes, not hate crimes.

the title of this should read "woman" instead of black woman. and it would still be a horrible tragedy.

i am certain that if we swapped the black woman with white woman and the family to black instead of white then the op would be called racist, as im sure i'll get flamed for.

either way, racism is racism, white on black, black on white, and crime or mistreatment solely based on race. racism is not when i white guy fights a black guy and the white guy wins it's all of a sudden a hate crime and when the black guy wins it's called self defense.

stop the bs and be proud of who you are and respect those who are different.

let the flaming begin.
[quote name='ganonslayer']the shit i can't stand is that everyone is focusing on the white/black thing. i wonder if anyone would have posted if this would have been a white girl instead of a black girl. of course everyone will say they would, but the society we are raised in only recognizes race crimes as white on black. black on white crimes are just considered crimes, not hate crimes.

the title of this should read "woman" instead of black woman. and it would still be a horrible tragedy.

i am certain that if we swapped the black woman with white woman and the family to black instead of white then the op would be called racist, as im sure i'll get flamed for.

either way, racism is racism, white on black, black on white, and crime or mistreatment solely based on race. racism is not when i white guy fights a black guy and the white guy wins it's all of a sudden a hate crime and when the black guy wins it's called self defense.

stop the bs and be proud of who you are and respect those who are different.

let the flaming begin.[/QUOTE]

The reason it is being called a hate crime is because one the girls told the black girl that they are doing this to her because she is black.
ok, but racial slurs were part of her abuse and seeing the area, it's obvious that it was a racist attack. It's also getting looked at that way because of how AP published it. Almost like the whole JENA 6 trial
That sounds horrible though, like something that would happen in house of 1,000 corpses.
-And people say the death penalty and sterilisation is unjustified. That is some seriously sick stuff. Horror movie indeed.
I wonder how many other people they did this too.
Thanks for killing the thread ganonslayer with your canned response when you obviously didn't even read the article.
[quote name='ganonslayer']the shit i can't stand is that everyone is focusing on the white/black thing. i wonder if anyone would have posted if this would have been a white girl instead of a black girl. of course everyone will say they would, but the society we are raised in only recognizes race crimes as white on black. black on white crimes are just considered crimes, not hate crimes.[/QUOTE]
Indeed, I notice this in the media as well.

To draw a parallel that really pisses me off to no extent: Back when I used to ride the city buses here in town, I'd always have a half-hour or so wait at the stupid transfer station downtown. From time to time, I was harassed by typically high-school aged African-American individuals, who, aside from the usual "geek" cracks, weren't afraid to toss combinations of profanity and slurs of all sorts at me, usually from a distance, while passing by, followed by bouts of snickering, all perfectly audible by anyone sitting nearby. No one would ever say a word.

But I'll be damned, if I was to (COMPLETELY HYPOTHETICALLY, BECAUSE I WOULD NEVER ACTUALLY DO THIS BECAUSE IT IS NOT COOL AT ALL) shout something along the lines of "fuck off, niggers," good lord, I'd be either carried, thrown, or beaten right the fuck out of that terminal, probably by the on-guard police officer (who, by my recollection, was an African-American individual himself, for what that's worth).
[quote name='Will']Nobody called it a fucking hate crime when the black cop killed his white pregnant wife/gf....[/QUOTE]

because it was his wife.... he obviously didn't kill her because she was white.. i'm pretty sure he noticed she was white before they got married.

The difference is his motive wasn't based on race
shit makes me sick, its like from a bad horror movie. That people can do something like that to an innocent person is horrendous. The only fair punishment would be to force them to go to an all black prison and lose the key. I can only imagine the emotional scars this young woman will carry with her for the rest of her life. You have to wonder about humans when you hear shit like this occur, it seems having superior intellect to the rest of the animals leads to making ever increasingly bad choices.
ganonslayer, Will, please don't threadcrap by trying to shove your own commentary down our throats.

You're wrong for even focusing on the fact that it's a " hate crime " and not the fact that she had been hurt.
[quote name='Will']Nobody called it a fucking hate crime when the black cop killed his white pregnant wife/gf....[/QUOTE]

you're an idiot, here's a tip for posting now on, type it out, say it in your head 3 times, say it out loud 3 times. If it still continues to sound dumb turn off your computer and save everyone else from your asinine posts.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']But I'll be damned, if I was to (COMPLETELY HYPOTHETICALLY, BECAUSE I WOULD NEVER ACTUALLY DO THIS BECAUSE IT IS NOT COOL AT ALL) shout something along the lines of "fuck off, niggers," good lord, I'd be either carried, thrown, or beaten right the fuck out of that terminal, probably by the on-guard police officer (who, by my recollection, was an African-American individual himself, for what that's worth).[/QUOTE]

Never tell a ninja to fuck off, they'll kill you 10 times before you hit the ground.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Indeed, I notice this in the media as well.

To draw a parallel that really pisses me off to no extent: Back when I used to ride the city buses here in town, I'd always have a half-hour or so wait at the stupid transfer station downtown. From time to time, I was harassed by typically high-school aged African-American individuals, who, aside from the usual "geek" cracks, weren't afraid to toss combinations of profanity and slurs of all sorts at me, usually from a distance, while passing by, followed by bouts of snickering, all perfectly audible by anyone sitting nearby.

But I'll be damned, if I was to (COMPLETELY HYPOTHETICALLY, BECAUSE I WOULD NEVER ACTUALLY DO THIS BECAUSE IT IS NOT COOL AT ALL) shout something along the lines of "fuck off, niggers," good lord, I'd be either carried, thrown, or beaten right the fuck out of that terminal, probably by the on-guard police officer (who, by my recollection, was an African-American individual himself, for what that's worth).[/quote]
Don't threadcrap. But I can agree with you. Race has nothing to do with it, though . Ignorant people treat anyone who is different that way. Yes, Black on White racism isn't exactly notated in the media as white on black racism but that's only becuase whites feel like they owe a debt for the crimes that were committed over 200 years ago by their ancestors. Of course, none of that matters becuase we all know any type of racism is wrong. Not matter if it's Asian on Hispanic or w/e,

*waits for mykevermin's input *
[quote name='Jkmetal']Wow, thats so horrible. Its hard to believe that people like that still exsist in the Untied States.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='DesertEagleXIX']I can't believe shit like this still goes on in 2007.[/QUOTE]

Racism ain't just Archie Bunker and Don Imus - as Coffee Edge points out, not only is it highly unlikely that this kind of overt act will ever go away, keep in mind that covert racism goes on every day, all around us, in our very lives.

[quote name='ganonslayer']of course everyone will say they would, but the society we are raised in only recognizes race crimes as white on black.[/QUOTE]

I guess you just want to have an opinion, regardless of how misinformed you may be. I will also guess that you've never looked over the FBI criteria for classifying a crime as a "hate crime."
[quote name='Cracka']Backwoods people are messed up. When you hear that banjo playin you better run like hell[/QUOTE]

Wow. Three things about the visual and content of your post piss me off.

First off, your username: Cracka? I wonder, would "spic" or "nigger" or "chink" fly as a username here? Those terms aren't really much more offensive than cracker, I'd say. They're all bad.

Second, your avatar. So, Cracker Barrel is an "Old Country Store for Cracka Ass Crackaz." Wow. If my avatar said: "Nike: Overpriced shoes, for easily-influenced-by-patronizing-marketing-and-paid-plugs-in-popular-rap-music ass nigger youths, who on occasion kill each other for them" do you think anyone might raise a stink? I think I'd get some complaints.

A case could definitely be made calling either of these elements a violation of the CAG rule prohibiting that anyone:
post, email, transmit or otherwise make available Content that you know to be false or that is (...) racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;

Third, and certainly the most offensive, the text of your post itself. Let's change a few choice words, and pretend that the following post was made in a hypothetical thread conveying a story about, say, a white kid beating beaten up and mugged by an inner-city gang:
[quote name='Cracka']Black people are messed up. When you hear that gangsta rap music, or rather, when you hear nothing but the bass from rap music playing at deafening and illegal volumes because they think it sounds really cool, you better run like hell[/QUOTE]

If someone posted that, shit, dude, they'd be e-lynched, run off the boards, and subjected to long rants about how fucked up their racist post is. And true, it would be really completely fucked up to say something like that, of course. But what you posted is every bit as fucked up, and I'm really surprised that I'm the first one to make an objection. If someone posted the hypothetical post above, damn, people would be on it immediately, and chances are, the entire next page of the thread would be nothing but people severely chastising the poster.

You know it to be true.
I hope people see this as more than just racism. (This is some serial killer shit, too.)

You'd better equip the loved ones (females and youngsters) with tools on how to avoid being captured.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Wow. Three things about the visual and content of your post piss me off.

First off, your username: Cracka? I wonder, would "spic" or "nigger" or "chink" fly as a username here? Those terms aren't really much more offensive than cracker, I'd say. They're all bad.

Second, your avatar. So, Cracker Barrel is an "Old Country Store for Cracka Ass Crackaz." Wow. If my avatar said: "Nike: Overpriced shoes, for easily-influenced-by-patronizing-marketing-and-paid-plugs-in-popular-rap-music ass nigger youths, who on occasion kill each other for them" do you think anyone might raise a stink? I think I'd get some complaints.

A case could definitely be made calling either of these elements a violation of the CAG rule prohibiting that anyone:

Third, and certainly the most offensive, the text of your post itself. Let's change a few choice words, and pretend that the following post was made in a hypothetical thread conveying a story about, say, a white kid beating beaten up and mugged by an inner-city gang:

If someone posted that, shit, dude, they'd be e-lynched, run off the boards, and subjected to long rants about how fucked up their racist post is.

You know it to be true.[/QUOTE]

you're right, when you change everything I said to something completely different it does sound kinda racist, good point!
[quote name='Cracka']you're right, when you change everything I said to something completely different it does sound kinda racist, good point![/QUOTE]
Okay, I don't have to be as extreme. Here, I'll make some far less extreme edits, leaving them much more comparable to the original material.

The name and avatar are extraneous, I'll admit, but for the complete effect, let's add them in anyways. Let's pretend the following quote is a post is from user "Nigga," who's avatar is a picture of a bottle of Colt 45 that has the caption "Old malt liquor for nigga ass niggaz":

[quote name='Nigga']Inner-city people are messed up. When you hear that rap music, you better run like hell[/quote]

I only changed "Cracka" to "Nigga," "Cracker Barrel" to "Colt 45" "country store" to "malt liquor," "backwoods" to "inner-city," and "banjo playing" to "rap music." Those aren't extreme, unreasonable changes. They're comparable noun replacements, nothing more.

Your post was extremely, insanely, really fucked up, dude.

If anyone posted the above example in any thread, completely ignoring whatever their name and avatar is, they'd be torn to shreds. But here, no, chances are, someone will actually run to your defense, and find some way of telling me that I'm the jackass here, because people are fucking stupid.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Anyone who is really surprised by events such as this one are just ignorant, or don't want to face, the nature of what humans are capable of.[/QUOTE]
You've got to be fucking kidding me. It's time for your meds, Angst Boy.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Okay, I don't have to be as extreme. Here, I'll make some far less extreme edits, leaving them much more comparable to the original material.

The name and avatar are extraneous, I'll admit, but for the complete effect, let's add them in anyways. Let's pretend this post is from user "Nigga," who's avatar is a picture of a bottle of Colt 45 that has the caption "Old malt liquor for nigga ass niggaz:

I only changed "Cracka" to "Nigga," "country store" to "malt liquor," "backwoods" to "inner-city," and "banjo playing" to "rap music." Those aren't extreme, unreasonable changes. They're comparable noun replacements, nothing more.

Your post was extremely, insanely, really fucked up, dude.

If anyone posted the above example in any thread, completely ignoring whatever their name and avatar is, they'd be torn to shreds. But here, no, chances are, someone will actually run to your defense, and find some way of telling me that I'm the jackass here.[/QUOTE]

First off it's clear that your dying to be right about something and therefore trying to find something to argue about.

Second, the fact that you keep relating nike shoes to black people is racist in itself.

Third, the word "cracka" will never be as offensive as the word "nigga", for the fact that the latter is backed with years of hatred.

Fourth, the comment I made about backwoods people and bajo playing was referring to the movie Deliverance, and was in no way racist. You obviously didn't catch the reference.

Fifth, the relation you're trying to make between Colt 45 and cracker barrel isnt even close to the same. The name of the actual store is the Cracker Barrel, Cracker is actually in the title. If the drink was called N---er 45 then you're argument might hold a little more water.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']You've got to be fucking kidding me. It's time for your meds, Angst Boy.[/QUOTE]
Haha, I've got to hear more of this. Please, continue.

What the fuck did you think I was saying? Do you think I was sitting there, brushing my dark black hair out of my face with my black-painted-fingernails hands, with The Cure blaring in the background, drearily thinking "Oh, the world, oh it is a cruel and dark place, and these foolish light-dwellers, oh, they think that is isn't. I will show them what a sad and malicious world it is." Sorry, jackoff, but that's a 180-degree from how anyone would describe me. Angsty kids are fucking dumb.

I was saying that only naive and sheltered people are shocked and stunned every time they hear about a violent hate crime. You don't have to be "Angst Boy" who's forgotten to take his meds that day to acknowledge that there will always be humans who will hate other humans for any reason imaginable, and that some of those people will take their hated into the realm of violence. And when you're living in a world of over 6 billion people, it's going to happen seemingly very frequently. Thousands of times a day, around the world, I'm sure.

No, I'm not "fucking kidding" you: Hate crimes will exist for as long as humanity. What is there to "fucking kid" about?

Kirin Lemon, you are a presumptuous asshat, and all I have to say it, well, kindly go fuck yourself with a rake.
It's stories like these that make me wish poisoning the water supply wasn't so looked down upon.

Buy your water now, just in case :cool:

Actually on topic, this really is horrible. Sadly, we're never going to be rid of people like this. The best we can do is practice what we preech, show as many people as we meet that (at least many of us) won't tolerate such behavior, and hope that others see (and agree) with our point of view and pass it along to those they come in contact with.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Okay, I don't have to be as extreme. Here, I'll make some far less extreme edits, leaving them much more comparable to the original material.

The name and avatar are extraneous, I'll admit, but for the complete effect, let's add them in anyways. Let's pretend the following quote is a post is from user "Nigga," who's avatar is a picture of a bottle of Colt 45 that has the caption "Old malt liquor for nigga ass niggaz":

I only changed "Cracka" to "Nigga," "Cracker Barrel" to "Colt 45" "country store" to "malt liquor," "backwoods" to "inner-city," and "banjo playing" to "rap music." Those aren't extreme, unreasonable changes. They're comparable noun replacements, nothing more.

Your post was extremely, insanely, really fucked up, dude.

If anyone posted the above example in any thread, completely ignoring whatever their name and avatar is, they'd be torn to shreds. But here, no, chances are, someone will actually run to your defense, and find some way of telling me that I'm the jackass here, because people are fucking stupid.[/QUOTE]
Calm down.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Wow. Three things about the visual and content of your post piss me off.

First off, your username: Cracka? I wonder, would "spic" or "nigger" or "chink" fly as a username here? Those terms aren't really much more offensive than cracker, I'd say. They're all bad.

Second, your avatar. So, Cracker Barrel is an "Old Country Store for Cracka Ass Crackaz." Wow. If my avatar said: "Nike: Overpriced shoes, for easily-influenced-by-patronizing-marketing-and-paid-plugs-in-popular-rap-music ass nigger youths, who on occasion kill each other for them" do you think anyone might raise a stink? I think I'd get some complaints.

A case could definitely be made calling either of these elements a violation of the CAG rule prohibiting that anyone:

Third, and certainly the most offensive, the text of your post itself. Let's change a few choice words, and pretend that the following post was made in a hypothetical thread conveying a story about, say, a white kid beating beaten up and mugged by an inner-city gang:

If someone posted that, shit, dude, they'd be e-lynched, run off the boards, and subjected to long rants about how fucked up their racist post is. And true, it would be really completely fucked up to say something like that, of course. But what you posted is every bit as fucked up, and I'm really surprised that I'm the first one to make an objection. If someone posted the hypothetical post above, damn, people would be on it immediately, and chances are, the entire next page of the thread would be nothing but people severely chastising the poster.

You know it to be true.[/QUOTE]

Nigger, please.
[quote name='Cracka']First off it's clear that your dying to be right about something and therefore trying to find something to argue about.[/quote]
If I feel I'm right, yeah, I'll defend it.

[quote name='Cracka']Second, the fact that you keep relating nike shoes to black people is racist in itself.[/quote]
I thought I had made it clear that I was using Nike as an example because it is popularly perceived as being marketed toward African-American individuals, often in really smarmy, patronizing ways. Are you going to deny that perception, about which god-knows how many critical articles and reports have been written? Are you also going to tell me that Ensure's marketing isn't aimed at over-the-hill folk? I was referencing their marketing practices and perceptions of these practices, not making making a statement about my beliefs about the brand or it's market. I guess that went over your head.

[quote name='Cracka']Third, the word "cracka" will never be as offensive as the word "nigga", for the fact that the latter is backed with years of hatred.[/quote]
Uhhhhhh....riiiiiight. "Cracka" is actually just a cuddly term of endearment, backed by years of lighthearted ribbing. Silly me, how could I forget?

[quote name='Cracka']Fourth, the comment I made about backwoods people and bajo playing was referring to the movie Deliverance, and was in no way racist. You obviously didn't catch the reference.[/quote]
Yes, I got the reference. Does that make what you were saying a joke? So, it's okay to say something completely offensive and stereotypical, as long as you were making a joking reference to a movie?

Interesting ethics you have there. So, if I made a racist joke about African-Americans, but could relate it to Boyz n the Hood, that'd be okay? Huh.

No, dude. The reason you said it, was because it's often considered far less offensive (often, not even offensive at all) to make jokes about white people, or various specific groups of white ("backwoods people," as you say, in this case), and is usually allowed to slide, because appearanly, offensive jokes about whites don't count. And I tell ya what, Carlos Mencia and Dave Chapelle take advantage of the lax attitude on jokes about whites, and they laugh all the way to the bank.

[quote name='Cracka']Fifth, the relation you're trying to make between Colt 45 and cracker barrel isnt even close to the same. The name of the actual store is the Cracker Barrel, Cracker is actually in the title. If the drink was called N---er 45 then you're argument might hold a little more water.[/QUOTE]
The "joke" about Cracker barrel is based every bit as much on that particular restaurant's reputation as catering towards "country folk," as it is on the name of the restaurant being Cracker Barrel." Certainly, it isn't based on the name alone. Because if it was, and you were claiming that it was okay, because you think it's nothing more than a pun, well then, you shouldn't find this to be too offensive:

Again, your avatar is a racially-based joke, not a mere pun. So, yeah, that's really not very cool.

[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Angst Boy with a hair trigger, apparently.[/QUOTE]
I guess you couldn't come up with a reason about why me not being particularly shocked by every single terrible hate crime I hear about, simply because I acknowledge that thousands of horrible hate crimes happen every day all around the world, makes me "Angst Boy," so you had to take the easy way out by further insulting me?

I never said that hate crimes aren't sad and terrible, and that I think people shouldn't be offended by them in general. What I think is silly, is making such a fuss about individual hate crime, and the whole standard, generic routine of "oh, those sick fuckers should just be killed/sent to prison forever, et cetera" "I want to poison their water supply," blah blah. That's what I think is silly.

So, yeah, you're obviously just a chicken-shit sissy who won't owe up to being wrong about your assumptions of me. Die, plz.
[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']I vote lock thread, ban coffeeedge.[/QUOTE]
The bad man made me cry and suggested I go do something unpleasant with a rake!
To a degree, I concur with CoffeeEdge here. You see, I am from Logan County, not but maybe 10-15 minutes from the crime scene. My mother, a paralegal for a local worker's compensation law firm, actually knew some of these people. It's a sickening crime and I'm not taking away from it in the slightest. All I'm saying is that people find it terrible to attack other races (and I agree, it is sickening) but some have no trouble at all attacking southerners and Appalachian Folk. Some (not all) people see us as nothing more than inbred backwoods folk (and obviously this story does nothing but to perpetuate the stereotype).

That's another point, the media has probably the single-most powerful ability to form the nation's outlook on a certain race, gender, or even in this case, region. Tell me, anytime you hear of WV on the news, what do you hear? It will most likely have to do with a mining incident or something awful like this. There is rarely a positive mention of the state. I don't think crunchb3rry or cracka said their original comments with malice, but that's a fine example of the way we can be treated due in large part to the media.

I'm a smart kid. Not a genius, but I can hold my own. You know what sickens me? When I move from West Virginia to get a job, I'm going to have change my accent for the chance that I will be labeled as incompetent or dumb because of my dialect and accent. You could say I'm overblowing this, but sadly it's the truth, and in all honesty you're part of the problem.

I'm by no means a perfect kid and I know I've judged people in the past, so don't think I'm trying take a "holier than thou" approach. I just feel Appalachian Folk are dealt a raw deal, and the worst part? Nobody cares.
Look you can sit here all night long and post as many off-the-wall analogies as you want, my time would be better spent banging my head against the wall than arguing with you.
[quote name='loserkid']I just feel Appalachian Folk are dealt a raw deal, and the worst part? Nobody cares.[/QUOTE]
Indeed. Like I said, already, I'm being made the bad guy, because I took offense at this regionally-based (joking or not) statement. Racial hate crime, everybody says "hang those crackers," but when people say shit like that, when the shoe is on the other foot, no one dares make a peep that they take offense at it.

God bless America. :(
[quote name='Cracka']Look you can sit here all night long and post as many off-the-wall analogies as you want, my time would be better spent banging my head against the wall than arguing with you.[/QUOTE]
No, actually, you just can't find a way of making an offensive joke about a stereotype of Southern/Backwoods/Appalachian/whatever people okay when you're confronted about it, and you're taking the easy way out.

[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']I vote lock thread, ban coffeeedge.[/QUOTE]
Why? Would you vote to ban becuzimbrown if he stood up for himself over someone insulting his race/ethnic group/regional group/whatever?

[quote name='Kirin Lemon']The bad man made me cry and suggested I go do something unpleasant with a rake![/QUOTE]
Give up, I see? Eh, you were too easy.
bread's done