[quote name='weaselbelly']You can do either--whatever you want.. I just know that there are 11 Blockbusters in my area and that I may have driven to every one of them just to find out that none of them have any. By calling, yes, I run the risk that the video store clerk on duty has a full wallet handy to clear out their stock before I get there, but for the $15 worth of gas it would take to drive to 11 stores, I'm enough of a CAG that I'll take the risk.
Also, asking for a title of a game will not lead you to this deal. If you ask them for a game title, they will tell you if they have a
regular copy of that title in stock (not a "prepackaged previously owned game without cover art"), which would be at the regular POG (Previously Owned Game) cost. The "Prepacks" are not searchable in the computer inventory by game title. You either need to see it in person or ask for the earlier listed part numbers (or others, if there are more). I guess as a third option you could have them search for the product name "x360-prepack" and see what comes up..that way if there are other part numbers we aren't aware of, it would find them. This also may be possible with the other systems, such as "ps3-prepack".. hmmmmm...
PapaSmerf has a really good point that the employee you're talking to may not know that the product is on the floor. In fact, the product may not even be out on the floor, so you wouldn't know it either. It may be in unopened freight next to the counter, underneath a display table, or in the back room. If you go there and look for it, you may not find it. Asking them to stat the number will at least tell you if it exists. If you don't want to call ahead, don't. Just go in person and ask them to stat the numbers. If they don't carry them, look around the store anyway, as there might be other product just like it that has a different part number. (Then post that number on here so I can call my local Blockbuster and ask if they have that one too!)
Also, as far as "your call alerts them to a good deal they were not aware of and you are told there are none for sale," like I said, you do run that risk. However, 1) you're dealing with an employee who is a liar, so who knows what problems you might run into anyway when you get to the store and go through with the transaction, and 2) 9 times out of 10 an average Blockbuster employee is not going to stat the item and read the title "X360-Prepack POG w/o Cover Art" and even know what that item is. Even if they do decipher it, unless they have seen this situation before, that title is not going to tell them that this is a bargain they should jump on and hoard over. Franchise stores may have deals similar to this more often, but this Prepack label is from Blockbuster's corporate processing and (unless it is a Blockbuster discount test market) is much more rare. When I called in last week, I tried to be discreet about it and not alert any employees to the deal. It helps that customers usually don't call in asking to stat a part number, so even though he didn't ask, I'm sure he assumed I was an employee at a store somewhere, not a CAG. This
especially wasn't a problem because the employee said only one store carried the item and it wasn't his store. This means he wasn't in person to view/buy the product if he wanted to. I drove to the store and I didn't see the cases at first so I asked an employee at this store to stat the number for me. He did and said there were 65 of them in the store, and even with 65 being available we still had to search them out for a couple minutes. Even then, I searched through the 65 of them for several minutes to see if there were exceptionally good deals.
You shouldn't have a problem. If they're out in the open, most employees probably have already seen them because this isn't a situation of a price drop--they were received at this price point. If they're not out in the open you aren't going to find them anyway. Whatever the case, I hope you do, and thanks to PapaSmerf and so many other people's posts that are helping to clarify the how to get the deals in the forums. Although we have different thoughts about some of this, I really appreciate that discussing it is bringing out more details and ideas and hopefully all of it is making it easier for readers. Drive or Call, I hope you can find some deals.[/QUOTE]
thanks for the tip
. I will drive out to the blockbusters I called as they claim they dont have it in stock