Blockbuster Filing Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

Finally? I'm surprised they lasted this long. Haven't set foot in a BB store in probably 10 years.

Wonder if they're ready to throw in the towel yet or are just planning another company restructure.
[quote name='skiizim']Wasn't there already something about this about a month or so ago.[/QUOTE]

Kind of. It was rumors and plans. Today they will actually be doing it. Soon we may hear news about lots of closings.
[quote name='J7.']Kind of. It was rumors and plans. Today they will actually be doing it. Soon we may hear news about lots of closings.[/QUOTE]

Or like Blockbuster seems to prefer, no news and random closings all over the US with no central way of finding out what stores are closing. Blockbuster would probably do better with these closing liquidations if they actually took the time to inform their customer base of store closings.
[quote name='Squarehard']Good riddance.[/QUOTE]

When Circuit City died, a bunch of CAGs danced on its grave. When Hollywood Video went kaput, bunch of CAGs said big deal. Now that Blockbuster is on its last ropes, the inevitable "Good riddance" begins.

At what point will CAGs realize fewer stores don't make a better environment for consumers? So you don't like shopping at BBV, fine. Maybe some sales associate ticked you off three years ago and your grudge will be sated by him losing his job, fine.

But this is bad news. I found a bunch of good used games for $5 and $7.50 over the past few years. I hope they don't go away.
[quote name='salty tbone']When Circuit City died, a bunch of CAGs danced on its grave. When Hollywood Video went kaput, bunch of CAGs said big deal. Now that Blockbuster is on its last ropes, the inevitable "Good riddance" begins.

At what point will CAGs realize fewer stores don't make a better environment for consumers? So you don't like shopping at BBV, fine. Maybe some sales associate ticked you off three years ago and your grudge will be sated by him losing his job, fine.

But this is bad news. I found a bunch of good used games for $5 and $7.50 over the past few years. I hope they don't go away.[/QUOTE]

You might be right, but I HATED CompUSA with a passion! They had terrible customer serivce. I only went there if I knew EXACTLY what I wanted and did not need an associate's help finding it. Blockbuster did provide me with good times back when renting games (primarily Sega Genesis games) was reasonable. But I have no love for CompUSA's death.
[quote name='kburns10']You might be right, but I HATED CompUSA with a passion! They had terrible customer serivce. I only went there if I knew EXACTLY what I wanted and did not need an associate's help finding it. Blockbuster did provide me with good times back when renting games (primarily Sega Genesis games) was reasonable. But I have no love for CompUSA's death.[/QUOTE]

See, that's my problem with all my Blockbusters around me, and I have 3 all within 5 miles. None of them have ever given me anything, and I was never ever able to find any clearance games at any of the Blockbusters.

I also hated CompUSA, but then again who didn't. Only time I liked it was when they had clearances on stuff before they all closed. I was sort of sad when CC finally went under because I actually did find stuff there, and though it wasn't the best retail place around, it certainly wasn't the worst. And Hollywood Video definitely gave me a good amount of finds as well as far as what I found when they were still open in my area.

Definitely to me, Blockbuster has never actually given me anything, and I knew a lot of people that worked in different stores as well, and the company just treats all their employees like dirt, so I have absolutely no respect for the company, and I reiterate my "Good riddance."
Blockbuster isn't all that bad, they are just a dinosaur that refuses to innovate and compete with companies like netflix. Blockbuster here has complete used video games at lower prices than Gamestop and in better condition.

CC was a disaster, poor customer service and you often had to wait for an employee to come to the register to ring you up, even though there were plenty of employees standing there talking. The store layout was horrid making it impossible to find anything you needed. There was basically never any customers in that store, ever. Plus they fired tons of their employees then offered to rehire them at lower pay rates... which as we have seen is obviously a very bad thing to do. I think we can all hate CC for this reason.

CompUSA was more of the same, they were just overpriced altogether.

Hollywood Video/Gamecrazy was another disaster, now this is the company I really hate with a passion and I am glad to see them gone. They are the only company that ever asked me to work for them when I was only shopping there, creating an extremely embarrassing shopping trip for me, and this was a store I never walked into before. They nearly shoved an application form in my face... were they REALLY that desperate for workers that they had to go around and ask random customers to work there?? Their employees were brainwashed to the max and did nothing but spiel gamecrazy stuff and push and push you to sign up for the MVP card.
[quote name='salty tbone']When Circuit City died, a bunch of CAGs danced on its grave. When Hollywood Video went kaput, bunch of CAGs said big deal. Now that Blockbuster is on its last ropes, the inevitable "Good riddance" begins.

At what point will CAGs realize fewer stores don't make a better environment for consumers? So you don't like shopping at BBV, fine. Maybe some sales associate ticked you off three years ago and your grudge will be sated by him losing his job, fine.

But this is bad news. I found a bunch of good used games for $5 and $7.50 over the past few years. I hope they don't go away.[/QUOTE] And at the end of the day you are just another consumer.
[quote name='TiKi2']And at the end of the day you are just another consumer.[/QUOTE]

It's exactly because I am a consumer that I want my Blockbuster to stick around. If my possessions are going to own me, I want to buy them for as cheap as possible.

But yeah, Mr. Durden, I'm just a consumer and big evil corporations own us, blah, blah, blah ...
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I don't like blockbusters, always preferred hollywood. Glad to see 'em go. 9$ for 5 days for a game is just a HUGE rip off. PLUS now that they might be gone redbox and netflix won't have to wait to get movies because of that stupid exclusivity deal they had as a last ditch effort not to close.
I'm not going to miss them that much since I rarely buy used games, and never traded in games to their stores but I feel bad for anyone losing a job. I agree about the game rental prices, who is going to pay $9 to rent a game? My local supermarket has a Blockbuster kiosk and that is worse, they don't have game rentals anymore but they had a small selection last year and they were $4.99 for 1 night!

Circuit City and CompUSA were much bigger loses for me. CC had the awesome clearance deals and I always found cheap games over the years. Same with CompUSA, when the clearances were YMMV and depended on the store my local store was amazing, PSP games for $7.xx - $12.xx when all PSP games elsewhere were still $39.99 - $49.99 (this was mid 2005) for example. Even towards the end when it wasn't YMMV, the deals were still very good.
The Blockbuster near me (Las Cruces, NM) claims to be doing wonderful business despite be in the same shopping complex as a Wal-Mart with a Redbox.
[quote name='Doomstink']Or like Blockbuster seems to prefer, no news and random closings all over the US with no central way of finding out what stores are closing. Blockbuster would probably do better with these closing liquidations if they actually took the time to inform their customer base of store closings.[/QUOTE]

I'm hoping now that the company is basically shit they will announce mass closings and finally change their model. Before I think they were afraid that if they mentioned closings people would stop going to other BBV's altogether.
This company destroyed mom and pop rental stores 10+ years ago. Based on name recognition alone they could have squashed Netflix like a bug when they were first starting out. If only they had the foresight to see online rentals. Now Netflix stock is trading for $160 a share (up from $50 in January). If anyone invested in them, they tripled their money.
[quote name='Kendro']This company destroyed mom and pop rental stores 10+ years ago. Based on name recognition alone they could have squashed Netflix like a bug when they were first starting out. If only they had the foresight to see online rentals. Now Netflix stock is trading for $160 a share (up from $50 in January). If anyone invested in them, they tripled their money.[/QUOTE]

They had their foresight. The first 1-2 years should have been foresight enough. Instead they waited another 3 more years before they decided to even do something about it, and now they're in this hole. Huzzah!
Idk what to think, if BB closes in our town we won't have a rental place. Since Movie gallery is gone with the wind(lol get it)

Then again, I don't rent movies anyway, or very rarely.
[quote name='Kendro']This company destroyed mom and pop rental stores 10+ years ago. [/QUOTE]

Funny, that's not the case here. We have 4 movie rental places in my town (including BBV), all of which have been open for a long time.
I live in a community that's full of young professionals and our BBV closed down around the same time as Circuit City. Anecdotal evidence, but I see long queue's at the Redbox machine and a lot of people dropping Netflix and GameFly envelopes in our mailboxes, so I would say that BBV only has themselves to blame for their demise.
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